medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Facial Aesthetic Surgery Aesophy Málaga Clinic

Facial Aesthetic Surgery Malaga

Table of contents Facial Aesthetic Surgery

The Secret of Facial Aesthetic Surgeries: Your Guide to a Renewed Face

Have you heard about facial aesthetic surgery that is revolutionizing the world of beauty? The treatment celebrities are keeping a secret? Yes, that same one. Stay with us, and at the end of this article, we will reveal that coveted secret to you.

Facial Aesthetic Surgery

The face is our letter of introduction to the world. It reflects our emotions, stories and sometimes our insecurities. Facial aesthetic surgery seeks to improve and revitalize those areas of the face that you want to renew, whether to correct imperfections, reverse signs of aging or simply enhance your natural beauty.

Aesthetic surgery clinic Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Popular Facial Cosmetic Surgery Treatments and What They Can Do for You

Rhinoplasty: Reshape and redefine the nasal structure.
Blepharoplasty: Eliminates bags and excess skin from the eyelids.
Face Lift: Firms and rejuvenates the skin of the face and neck.
Facial Implants: Adds volume and definition to cheekbones, chin and other areas.
Dermal Fillers: Minimizes wrinkles and expression lines.

Facial Aesthetic Surgeries – Benefits, Risks and Myths Debunked


  • Face rejuvenation.
  • Greater symmetry and proportion.
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem.


  • Postoperative complications.
  • Scars
  • Undesirable results.

Myths Debunked:

  • Myth: Facial surgeries will make you look “plastic.” Reality: With a skilled surgeon, the results can be subtle and natural.

Preparations and Postoperative Care

Before surgery, it is crucial to:

  • Perform medical examinations.
  • Discuss expectations with your surgeon.
  • Avoid medications that increase the risk of bleeding.

After surgery:

  • Rest and follow the doctor's instructions.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet.

Innovations in Facial Aesthetic Surgeries

In the last decade, facial aesthetic surgery has experienced surprising advances. New technologies and techniques have allowed for less invasive procedures, with shorter recovery times and more natural results. Some of the most notable innovations include:

laser therapy: Used to treat skin imperfections, scars, and fine wrinkles.

How to Choose the Right Surgeon

The choice of surgeon is possibly the most crucial factor in your aesthetic journey. Here are some recommendations:

Certifications and Education: Make sure he has the proper credentials and is certified in cosmetic surgery.
Before and after gallery: A good surgeon will be proud to show off his work.
Communication: They should listen to your concerns and be able to answer all your questions.

The Role of Genetics in Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Your genetics play a role in how your face ages. Some people may be predisposed to developing bags under their eyes, while others may have more pronounced expression lines. Understanding your genetics can help you make informed decisions about the procedures that will be most beneficial for you.

Facial aesthetic surgery Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Emotional and Psychological Considerations of Facial Aesthetic Surgeries

It is vital to recognize that facial cosmetic surgery can have an emotional and psychological impact:

Expectations vs. Fact: Although a surgeon can work wonders, it is essential to maintain realistic expectations.
Recovery: You may not see final results immediately. Patience is key.

The Secret of Celebrities Revealed

The time has come. The secret that celebrities don't want you to know is customization. There is no “one size fits all” in facial aesthetic surgery. What works for one person might not be right for another. The most impressive results come from procedures designed specifically for each individual, taking into account their unique traits.

Book your Appointment for Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Facial cosmetic surgery is an exciting journey towards self-improvement and confidence. But like any journey, you need proper preparation, realistic expectations, and an expert you can trust. And while techniques and procedures are crucial, the real magic lies in adapting those procedures to tu face and your objectives.

You are one step away from unlocking your beauty potential. Do you want to know more about how we can design a perfect aesthetic plan for you? Click here and book a consultation. Also, discover the exclusive prices we have for you! Your face is your legacy; Let us be part of your story.

Frequently Asked Questions Facial Aesthetic Surgery

What is Facial Aesthetic Surgery?
Facial cosmetic surgery is a set of surgical procedures designed to improve or modify the appearance of the face. This branch of plastic surgery focuses on enhancing facial beauty and correcting imbalances or signs of aging to achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance. Here are some of the most important aspects of facial cosmetic surgery:

Types of Facial Aesthetic Surgeries

  1. Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery): Modifies the shape, size or proportions of the nose.
  2. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): Removes excess skin and bags from the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. Face Lift (Rhytidectomy): Removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and remodels the skin of the face and neck.
  4. Ear Surgery (Otoplasty): Change the shape, position or size of the ears.
  5. Facial Implants: Improves the contour and proportions of the face, such as chin or cheekbone implants.
  6. Eyebrow lift: Lifts drooping eyebrows, improving the appearance of the eyes and forehead.

Objectives of Facial Aesthetic Surgery

  • Improve Facial Harmony: Create a balance between different facial features.
  • Rejuvenation: Reduce visible signs of aging.
  • Correction of Imperfections: Correct congenital or acquired irregularities, such as nasal deformities or damage caused by injuries.
  • Self-esteem improvement: Increase self-confidence and satisfaction with one's own image.

Important considerations

  • Realistic Expectations: It is essential to have realistic expectations about the results that can be achieved.
  • Individualized Evaluation: Each procedure is customized to the patient's specific needs and goals.
  • Risks and Recovery: Like any surgery, it carries certain risks and requires a recovery period.

Surgeon's Choice

  • Qualification and Experience: It must be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon with experience in facial aesthetic surgery.
Facial cosmetic surgery can have a significant impact on a person's appearance and self-confidence. It is crucial to discuss your goals and expectations with an experienced plastic surgeon to determine the best approach and ensure results that naturally enhance your unique beauty.

Facial cosmetic surgery encompasses a variety of procedures designed to improve the appearance of the face. These procedures can range from minimally invasive techniques to more complex surgeries. Some of the most common procedures in facial cosmetic surgery include:

1. Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

  • Objective: Redefine the shape, size or proportions of the nose to improve facial harmony.
  • Procedure: May include changing the nasal tip, bridge, or nostrils.

2. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  • Objective: Remove excess skin, fat and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids to rejuvenate the appearance of the area around the eyes.
  • Procedure: Helps reduce the appearance of tired or puffy eyes.

3. Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

  • Objective: Remove excess skin and tighten underlying tissues to reduce wrinkles and improve facial contours.
  • Procedure: You can focus on the lower part of the face and neck.

4. Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

  • Objective: Change the shape, position or size of the ears.
  • Procedure: It is commonly performed to correct "detached" ears.

5. Eyebrow and Forehead Lift

  • Objective: Raise eyebrows and eliminate lines and wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Procedure: May include endoscopic techniques to minimize scarring.

6. Facial Implants

  • Objective: Improve the contours and proportion of the face.
  • Procedure: Implants commonly used in the chin, cheeks and jaw.

8. Dermabrasion and Laser Resurfacing

  • Objective: Improve the texture and quality of facial skin.
  • Procedure: Removal of the upper layers of the skin to reduce scars, spots or wrinkles.

Each of these procedures requires a detailed evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon to ensure they are appropriate for the patient's specific needs and goals. The choice of procedure will depend on several factors, including age, skin condition, facial characteristics and personal expectations. Safety and obtaining natural and harmonious results are always the priority in any facial aesthetic surgery procedure.

A good candidate for facial cosmetic surgery is a person seeking to improve specific aspects of their facial appearance through surgical procedures. To determine whether someone is a suitable candidate, several factors are considered, including:

General health

  • Good Physical Health: Ideal candidates should be in good general health, with no serious medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.
  • Stable Mental Health: A positive mindset and realistic expectations are important to the success of any cosmetic procedure.

Aesthetic Goals

  • Realistic Expectations: It is essential to have a clear and realistic understanding of what surgery can and cannot achieve.
  • Personal Motivations: The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery should be personal and not based on external pressure or unrealistic expectations.

Skin Condition

  • Skin Quality: Some procedures work better on certain skin types or conditions. For example, the elasticity of the skin and the amount of sun damage can influence the results.


  • Appropriate Age Range: There is no “perfect” age for facial cosmetic surgery, but needs and types of procedures may vary depending on the patient's stage of life.

Understanding the Risks

  • Knowledge of Risks and Complications: Understanding the potential risks, recovery time, and commitment required for post-operative care is crucial.


  • Non-smoking: Smoking can negatively affect the healing process and the results of surgery. It is recommended to stop smoking before and after surgery.
  • Commitment to a Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps improve results and speed recovery.

Professional Evaluation

  • Consult with a Plastic Surgeon: A detailed evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon is necessary to determine suitability for facial cosmetic surgery.

In summary, a good candidate for facial cosmetic surgery is someone who is in good health, has realistic expectations, understands the risks and commitments involved, and is seeking aesthetic improvements for personal reasons. It is important that this decision be informed and carefully considered in consultation with an experienced professional.

Facial cosmetic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and possible complications. Although these risks are generally low when the surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, it is important that patients are well informed before making a decision. Risks may include:

General Risks of Surgery

  1. Reactions to Anesthesia: Complications due to anesthesia, although rare, can include allergic reactions and breathing problems.
  2. Bleeding and Bruising: There is a risk of bleeding during or after surgery, which could lead to bruising.
  3. Infection: Although preventive measures are taken, there is a risk of infection at the surgical site.
  4. Cicatrization: Scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, although the surgical technique seeks to minimize their visibility.

Specific Risks of Facial Aesthetic Surgery

  1. Asymmetry: Inequality in the symmetry and contours of the face.
  2. Changes in Skin Feel: Temporary or permanent alterations in skin sensitivity.
  3. Unsatisfactory Results: Including the need for additional surgeries to adjust or improve results.
  4. Healing Problems: Particularly in patients who smoke or those with certain medical conditions, healing may be slower or more complicated.
  5. Skin Necrosis: Rare, but more likely in extensive procedures and in smokers.

Additional considerations

  • Recovery time: The need for recovery time, during which swelling, bruising and discomfort may occur.
  • Realistic Expectations: Importance of having realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.
  • Personalized Evaluation: Need for a complete medical evaluation to discuss individual risks and health conditions.

Surgeon's Choice

  • Experience and Qualification: Choosing an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon is crucial to minimize risks and ensure the best possible results.

It is vital that anyone considering facial cosmetic surgery discuss these risks and any specific concerns with their surgeon during the initial consultation. Understanding all aspects of the procedure, including potential risks and benefits, is essential to making an informed and confident decision.

Recovery time from facial cosmetic surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed and the individual characteristics of the patient. Here is a general guide on what to expect during the recovery process:

Immediate Post-Surgery Recovery

  • First 24 to 48 Hours: During this time, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Pain relievers may be prescribed to manage pain.

First week

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising peak and then begin to subside.
  • Postoperative care: Following the surgeon's instructions for incision care and pain management is crucial.
  • Limited Activities: It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities and possibly take time off from work.

Second week

  • Visible Improvement: Most patients notice a significant improvement in bruising and swelling.
  • Return to Light Activities: You can begin to resume some normal daily activities and possibly return to work.

Third and Fourth Week

  • Improvement Continues: The swelling continues to decrease and the results begin to be more visible.
  • Increase in Activities: Most activities can be resumed, but strenuous exercise should still be avoided.

Six Weeks Ahead

  • Cicatrization: The incisions must be well healed.
  • regular exercise: You can return to your normal exercise routine.
  • Final results: Although the final results may take several months to fully appear, you should have a good idea of ​​what the final result will look like.

Factors Influencing Recovery

  • Type of Procedure: More extensive procedures like a facelift require a longer recovery time than smaller procedures like a blepharoplasty.
  • Individual Health: General health, age and lifestyle habits, such as smoking, can influence the speed of recovery.
  • Postoperative care: Following the surgeon's instructions for postoperative care is essential for a successful recovery.

Follow-up Consultations

  • Visits to the Surgeon: Follow-up appointments are important to monitor recovery and address any concerns.

Everyone experiences the recovery process differently, and it is essential to discuss your expectations and any specific concerns with your plastic surgeon. A clear understanding of the recovery process will help you prepare for surgery and the postoperative period.

Properly preparing for facial cosmetic surgery is crucial to ensuring a successful procedure and optimal recovery. Here are some steps and tips to prepare:

Initial Consultation

  • Discuss your Expectations and Goals: Have a detailed conversation with your surgeon about what you hope to achieve with the surgery.
  • Medical check: Provides a complete medical history, including any medications, supplements, or pre-existing health conditions.
  • Understand the Procedure and Risks: Make sure you understand all aspects of the procedure, including the risks and recovery process.

Before the surgery

  • Give up smoking: Smoking can significantly affect healing and the outcome of surgery. It is recommended to stop smoking several weeks before and after the procedure.
  • Avoid Certain Medications and Supplements: Some medications and supplements, such as aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and vitamin E, can increase the risk of bleeding. Your surgeon will advise you on which ones to avoid.
  • Arrange Transportation and Postoperative Care: Make sure you have someone to drive you home after surgery and, if necessary, assist you during the first few days of recovery.
  • Prepare your Home for Recovery: Have ready easy-to-prepare foods, pillows to elevate your head, and any medications you need.

Day Before Surgery

  • Fasting Instructions: Follow instructions about fasting before surgery, generally not eating or drinking after midnight.
  • Prepare a Hospital Bag: Includes comfortable clothing, important documents and personal items.

Surgery Day

  • Comfortable clothes: Wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off and do not need to go over your head.
  • No Makeup or Jewelry: Go to surgery without makeup, jewelry or hair accessories.


  • Follow the Surgeon's Instructions: Strictly adhere to your surgeon's instructions regarding wound care, medications, and permitted activities.

Psychological evaluation

  • Positive mentality: Maintain a positive attitude and realistic expectations about the results of the surgery.

Proper preparation can help minimize risks and facilitate a faster, more comfortable recovery. It is essential to maintain open and continuous communication with your surgeon at all stages of the process.

The duration of results from facial cosmetic surgery varies depending on the specific type of procedure performed and individual patient factors. Here's an overview of what you can expect in terms of longevity for some common facial procedures:

Face Lift and Neck Lift

  • Duration: The results of a face lift or neck lift can last 5 to 10 years or more. The skin will continue to age naturally, but the procedure can "reset" the aging clock.


  • Duration: The changes made in a rhinoplasty are usually permanent. However, the nose may continue to change slightly with aging.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  • Duration: The results of a blepharoplasty can last 10 to 15 years. In some cases, the results may be permanent.

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

  • Duration: The results are usually permanent, since the structure of the ear cartilage is modified.

Facial Implants

  • Duration: Facial implants, such as cheek or chin implants, typically provide permanent results unless they are removed or replaced.

Maintenance and Reviews

  • Additional Procedures: Some patients opt for additional procedures or touch-ups in the future to maintain or improve results.

It is important to have realistic expectations and understand that no procedure can completely stop the natural aging process. Facial cosmetic surgery can significantly improve the appearance and rejuvenate the face, but it is crucial to take care of the skin and maintain a healthy lifestyle to maximize the long-term benefits. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon can provide a better understanding of what you can specifically expect with your procedure.

Facial cosmetic surgery, like any surgical procedure, can leave scars. However, the visibility and extent of the scars vary depending on the type of surgery and the technique used, as well as the location of the incisions. Here I explain more about this aspect:

Location and Size of Incisions

  • Strategic location: Plastic surgeons typically place incisions in inconspicuous locations, such as natural folds of the skin or behind the hair, where scars may be less visible.
  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: Procedures such as neuromodulator injections and dermal fillers do not leave permanent scars. On the other hand, surgeries such as rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty can leave small, well-hidden scars.

Factors Influencing Healing

  • Genetics: Some people are more prone to forming prominent scars or keloids.
  • Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's instructions about caring for your incisions can improve healing.
  • Surgical techniques: The use of advanced techniques can minimize the size of incisions and, therefore, scars.

Scar Management

  • Scar Products: Silicone creams and gels are available that can help reduce the visibility of scars.
  • Subsequent Treatments: Procedures such as laser therapy and microdermabrasion can improve the appearance of scars.

Healing Time

  • Evolution of Scars: Scars typically mature and fade over a period of 12 to 18 months.
  • Final appearance: Although scars do not disappear completely, they generally become less noticeable over time.

Consultation with the Surgeon

  • Preoperative Discussion: It is important to discuss your concerns about scars with your surgeon before surgery.

In summary, although facial cosmetic surgery can leave scars, plastic surgeons use techniques to minimize their visibility and place them in less obvious areas. With proper care and time, scars are usually inconspicuous and do not significantly affect the aesthetic results of the procedure.

Aesophy Clinic: Excellence in Facial Aesthetic Surgery

welcome to the Aesophy Clinic, a reference center in Facial Aesthetic Surgery. Our clinic, recognized as one of the best in facial aesthetic surgery, stands out for its commitment to excellence, innovation and outstanding results.

Facial Aesthetic Surgery Treatments at Aesophy Clinic

En Aesophy Clinic, we offer a wide range of facial cosmetic surgery procedures, customized to meet the unique needs of each patient.

Available Procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty: Aesthetic remodeling of the nose.
  • Blepharoplasty: Eyelid correction for a rejuvenated look.
  • Facial Lifting: Advanced techniques for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.
  • Otoplasty: Aesthetic correction of the ears.
  • Facial Implants and Fillers: To enhance and define facial features.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic?

Experience and Professionalism
  • We have the Best Facial Aesthetic Surgery Surgeon, recognized for his experience, skill and artistic approach to cosmetic surgery.
cutting-edge technology
  • We use the most advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure optimal and safe results.
Personalized Attention
  • En Aesophy Clinic, we understand that each patient is unique. We offer detailed consultations to understand your goals and design a tailored treatment plan.
Commitment to Quality and Safety
  • Our team is dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality and safety in all of our procedures. Facial Aesthetic Surgery.
Reviews and Opinions
  • We are one of the clinics with the best opinions in facial aesthetic surgery, with a long list of satisfied patients that guarantee our commitment to excellence.

Schedule your Consultation at Aesophy Clinic

If you are considering a procedure Facial Aesthetic Surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Aesophy Clinic. Meet the best facial cosmetic surgery surgeon and discover how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the greatest safety and care.

Contact Book Appointment Facial Aesthetic Surgery Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Facial Aesthetic Surgery Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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