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Surgery to Change the Breast Implant Clínica Aesophy Málaga

Surgery to Change the Breast Implant Malaga

Surgery to Change the Breast Implant
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Surgery to Change the Breast Implant
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Surgery to Change the Breast Implant
From: €5.000

Table of contents Surgery to Change the Breast Implant

En Aesophy Clinic, we specialize in breast implant replacement surgery, a procedure designed for women looking to renew or improve the results of a breast augmentation surgery previous.

We understand that aesthetic needs and desires can change over time, as can the conditions of breast implants. Therefore, we offer personalized solutions to ensure that each patient achieves their aesthetic goals with the greatest safety and satisfaction.

Our highly qualified plastic surgeons uses the most advanced and safe techniques in breast implant replacement surgery. Whether you are looking to upgrade your implants for cosmetic reasons, such as changing size or shape, or for medical reasons, such as capsular contracture or aging implants, in Aesophy Clinic You'll find top-quality care that focuses on your safety, comfort, and optimal results.

We understand that the decision to undergo breast implant replacement surgery is a significant one. That's why we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care, from the initial consultation to postoperative follow-up, ensuring that you are informed and comfortable every step of the process. With Aesophy Clinic, You can trust that you will receive the expert, personalized care you deserve to achieve the desired appearance with the highest standards of safety and excellence in plastic surgery.

Breast Implant Exchange Surgery: Your Path to Renewed Beauty and Confidence

Have you had a breast augmentation in the past but feel it's time for a change? Whether due to changes in your personal preferences or the need to replace old implants, breast implant replacement surgery may be the solution you are looking for. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this procedure, from the reasons to consider it to the process and benefits it offers. If you're ready to take a step toward renewed beauty and confidence, read on.

Best surgeon Surgery to Change the Breast Implant Malaga Aesophy clinic

Reasons to Consider Breast Implant Replacement Surgery

Before delving into the details of the surgery to change the breast implant, it is important to understand the reasons why people consider this procedure. Some of the most common motivations include:

Changes in aesthetic preferences: Over time, your aesthetic preferences may change. You may want a different size, shape, or type of implant than the one you initially had.

Old implants: Breast implants are not permanent and may eventually require replacement due to natural wear and tear.

Complications: In some cases, complications can arise with implants, such as capsular contracture (hardening of the capsule surrounding the implant), which may require revision surgery.

Changes in anatomy: Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss or aging can affect the shape and size of the breasts, which may require adjustments to the implants.

Other reasons why the breast prosthesis or implant should be changed

There are different reasons why it may be necessary to change your breast prosthesis. Some of the most frequent causes are:

– The antiquity of silicone prostheses
poor cosmetic result.
– Change in breast volume
– Capsular contractures
– Sagging of the breast. The need for a mastopexy.
-Implant rupture.

At least 60% of people who have undergone breast prosthesis implantation will need to go through a change of these throughout their lives.

Benefits of Surgery to Change the Breast Implant

Breast implant replacement surgery offers several important benefits:

Personalization: You can customize the size, shape and type of implant according to your current aesthetic preferences and goals.

Appearance improvement: The procedure can improve the appearance of your breasts, giving you a more natural and harmonious appearance.

Complication fixes: If you have experienced complications with previous implants, breast implant replacement surgery can correct them.

Restoration of trust: Many people experience a significant increase in self-confidence after surgery as they feel more confident with their appearance.

Surgery Process to Change the Breast Implant

Now that we understand the reasons and benefits of this procedure, let's see what the surgery process to change the breast implant consists of:

1. Initial consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in breast implant replacement surgery. At this consultation, you will discuss your aesthetic goals and the surgeon will evaluate your medical history and the condition of your current implants.

2. Procedure planning: The surgeon will work with you to plan the size, shape, and type of implants you want. Incisions and implant placement will also be discussed.

3. Surgical procedure: The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and can last several hours, depending on the complexity of the case. During surgery, the old implants are removed and the new ones are placed according to prior planning.

4. Recovery: After surgery, you will have a recovery period that will include time to rest and follow your surgeon's recommendations for postoperative care.

5. Results: As the incisions and tissues heal, you will be able to enjoy the final results of the surgery, which will show an improvement in the appearance and shape of your breasts.

The Choice of Breast Implants to Change

One of the most exciting aspects of breast implant replacement surgery is the ability to choose new implants that fit your personal preferences. Some of the decisions you will need to make include:

Size: Do you want larger implants, smaller ones, or maintain a similar size?

Form: You can choose between round or anatomical implants, depending on the look you want to achieve.

Implant type: You can opt for saline or silicone implants, each with their own advantages and considerations.

Our plastic surgeon will guide you in making these decisions, ensuring that they fit your goals and anatomy.

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Breast Implant Replacement Surgery?

Breast implant replacement surgery may be right for you if:

You have previous breast implants and want a change in their appearance or condition.
You are in good general health and have no medical conditions that could increase the risk of the procedure.
You have realistic expectations about the results of the treatment.

Book Your Consultation Now

If you are considering breast implant replacement surgery or simply want more information, we invite you to book a consultation with our plastic surgery specialists. We are here to answer all your questions, discuss your options, and design a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs.


Breast implant change price

Get in contact with us

To book your consultation or find out more about the prices of our surgery treatments to change the breast implant, you can contact us

Don't wait any longer to take the step towards renewed beauty and confidence. Breast implant replacement surgery can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and feel more confident and satisfied with your appearance. We are here to accompany you throughout the entire process!

If you want more information, do not hesitate to contact the best plastic surgeons who are experts in changing prostheses.

Frequently Asked Questions Changing the Breast Implant

What is Surgery to Change Breast Implants?

Breast implant replacement surgery, also known as breast implant revision, is a surgical procedure performed to replace or modify previous breast implants. This type of surgery is common among women who have previously undergone breast augmentation, but are now seeking or need to change their implants for various reasons. Key aspects of this surgery include:

Reasons for Surgery

  1. Aesthetic Change: Change the size, shape or type of implant to improve aesthetic appearance.
  2. Complications: Resolve complications such as capsular contracture (hardening around the implant), implant rupture, or implant displacement.
  3. Implant Aging: Replace old implants that have exceeded their recommended useful life.
  4. Changes in the Body: Adjust implants to changes in the body due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss or gain, or aging.

The procedure

  • Pre-surgical Evaluation: Includes a physical examination and possibly imaging studies to evaluate the current status of the implants and the health of the breast tissue.
  • Surgical technique: The surgeon can use the same incision from the original surgery or make a new one. Old implants are removed and replaced with new ones, adjusting the breast tissue and skin as necessary.
  • Implant Type: Different types of implants can be chosen (saline or silicone, round or anatomical) according to the patient's preferences and needs.

Recovery and Results

  • Recovery time: Similar to the original augmentation mammoplasty, with a period of rest and limitation of intense physical activities.
  • Result: They seek to improve the aesthetic appearance of the breasts, resolve complications, and provide comfort and satisfaction to the patient.

Risks and Considerations

  • Surgical Risks: They include the typical risks of any surgery, such as infection, bleeding or reactions to anesthesia, as well as specific risks related to breast implants.
  • Realistic Expectations: It is crucial that patients have realistic expectations about the results and understand the possible risks and benefits.

Surgery to change breast implants must be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon with experience in this type of procedures. The choice to undergo this surgery should be based on careful evaluation and detailed discussion with the surgeon about personal goals and expectations.

Considering a breast implant change is a personal decision and may depend on several factors. Below are some situations and signs that could indicate the need or desire to change breast implants:

1. Desired Aesthetic Changes

  • Personal preferences: If you want to change the size, shape or type of your implants to improve your aesthetic appearance.
  • Changes in the Body: Alterations in your body due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss or gain can affect how your implants look and feel.

2. Medical Complications

  • Capsular contracture: It is the hardening of scar tissue around the implant, which can cause pain and deformity.
  • Implant Rupture or Leakage: Especially in silicone implants, a rupture can go unnoticed (silent rupture), so periodic check-ups are recommended.
  • Displacement or Malposition: If the implant moves from its original position, it may require correction.
  • Rippling: Visible or palpable wrinkling of the implants, especially in women with little breast tissue.

3. Implant Aging

  • Implant Lifespan: Although modern breast implants are designed to last many years, they are not considered lifelong devices. The general recommendation is to consider revising implants after 10 to 15 years.
  • Preventive Caution: Some women choose to change their implants after a certain time as a preventative measure.

4. General Health and Medical Considerations

  • Health Changes: New medical conditions or changes in your health may require a reevaluation of your implants.
  • Medical recommendations: Following the advice of your doctor or plastic surgeon, especially if problems have been detected during a routine checkup.

5. Improvements in Implant Technology

  • New Options Available: With advances in implant technology, you may want to upgrade to a newer option that offers additional benefits.

Important considerations

  • Professional Consultation: Before making a decision, it is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your options, expectations and possible risks.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding what can be achieved with implant replacement and having realistic expectations is crucial to satisfaction with the results.

Changing breast implants is a personal decision that should be made after carefully considering your health, aesthetic goals, and quality of life. A detailed conversation with an experienced professional can provide the guidance needed to make the best decision.

Breast implant replacement procedure is a surgery performed to remove old breast implants and replace them with new ones. This process may vary depending on each patient's individual needs, but here is an overview of how it is typically done:

Preoperative Consultation

  • Medical Evaluation: The surgeon will evaluate your general health, examine your current implants, and discuss your goals and expectations.
  • Procedure Planning: The type of new implants (size, shape, material) is decided and the surgical technique to be used is planned.

Procedure Day

  • Anesthesia: The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia.
  • incisions: The surgeon may use the same incisions made in your previous breast augmentation surgery or make new incisions. Common incision locations include under the breast (inframammary fold), around the nipple (periareolar), or in the armpit.

Removal of Old Implants

  • Implant Removal: Old breast implants are carefully removed.
  • Fabric Review: The surgeon will examine the breast tissue and capsule (scar tissue around the implant) for any signs of complications.

Insertion of New Implants

  • Preparation for New Implants: Depending on the need, an adjustment can be made to the breast tissue, such as the removal or modification of the scar capsule.
  • Placement of New Implants: The new implants are inserted. This may be behind the breast tissue (subglandular) or behind the pectoral muscle (submuscular).

Incision Closure

  • Suture: The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.
  • Bandages: Bandages are applied to assist with healing and support the new implants.


  • Postoperative Observation: You will be kept under observation for a few hours after surgery.
  • Care instructions: You will receive detailed instructions for home care, including information about medications, incision care, and activity restrictions.
  • Recovery time: It can vary, but many patients can return to normal activities within one to two weeks.


  • Follow-up Appointments: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your recovery and evaluate results.

It is important to note that the breast implant replacement procedure must be performed by a certified and experienced plastic surgeon. The choice to undergo this procedure should be based on a detailed discussion of the risks, benefits, and realistic expectations of the outcome.

Breast implant replacement surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks. Although these risks are generally low and the procedure is considered safe, it is important to be informed about possible complications. Risks include:

General Risks of Surgery

  1. Reactions to Anesthesia: Some people may have adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during surgery.
  2. Infection: There is a risk of infection at the surgical site, although this can usually be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Bleeding and Hematoma: Bleeding may occur during or after surgery, which could lead to hematoma formation.
  4. seroma: Accumulation of fluid around the implant.
  5. Cicatrization: Scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, although their appearance may vary between individuals.

Specific Risks of Breast Implant Replacement

  1. Capsular contracture: Hardening of scar tissue around the implant, which can cause pain and deformity.
  2. Problems with the Implant: This includes risks such as implant rupture or deflation, especially in silicone gel implants.
  3. Changes in Breast Sensation: There may be a temporary or permanent change in the sensitivity of the breasts or nipples.
  4. Asymmetry: Differences in breast size or shape after surgery.
  5. Need for Additional Surgeries: In some cases, additional procedures may be necessary to correct complications or achieve the desired result.

Important considerations

  • General health: Risks may be higher in people with certain pre-existing health conditions or in smokers.
  • Surgeon's Experience: Choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon can help minimize risks.
  • Realistic Expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss your goals and concerns with your surgeon before surgery.

Recovery and Postoperative Care

  • Postoperative Follow-up: Follow-up appointments are important to monitor recovery and treat any complications early.
  • Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's postoperative care instructions is crucial to minimize the risk of complications and ensure the best possible results.

It is essential to discuss these risks with your surgeon before deciding to undergo breast implant replacement surgery. A complete understanding of the benefits and risks will help you make an informed decision.

Recovery time after breast implant replacement surgery varies depending on the person and the complexity of the procedure. However, here is a general guide on what to expect during the recovery period:

Immediately after surgery

  • Initial Postoperative Period: After surgery, you will spend a short period of observation. Many patients can go home the same day, as long as there are no complications.

First week

  • Rest and Recovery: Rest and avoid physical exertion are recommended during the first days.
  • Pain and Discomfort: You may experience pain, swelling, and bruising, which is usually managed with pain medications prescribed or recommended by your surgeon.
  • Bandages and Support: You will have bandages and possibly a surgical bra to support your breasts while they heal.

First 2-3 Weeks

  • Reduction of Pain and Swelling: Pain and swelling should begin to decrease significantly.
  • Return to Light Activities: You can begin to resume light activities and work, as long as they do not require physical effort.

4-6 weeks

  • Normal Activities: Most patients can return to most of their normal activities, including some light exercise.
  • Ongoing Incision Care: It is important to continue caring for your incisions to facilitate healing and minimize scarring.

Beyond 6 Weeks

  • Exercise and Regular Activities: You can gradually return to your usual exercise routines, following your surgeon's recommendations.
  • Evaluation of results: As the swelling decreases, you will be able to begin to see the final results of the surgery.

Factors That Can Affect Recovery

  • Age and General Health: Recovery may be faster in younger patients and in good general health.
  • Complexity of the Procedure: More complex surgeries, such as those requiring correction of complications, may have longer recovery times.
  • Postoperative care: Carefully following your surgeon's postoperative instructions is crucial for a successful recovery.

Postoperative Follow-up

  • Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure recovery is progressing appropriately.

It is important to keep in mind that each person is unique and recovery may vary. It is always best to follow your surgeon's specific instructions and communicate any concerns or irregularities you may experience during your recovery.

Yes, it is possible to combine other procedures with breast implant replacement, and this practice is quite common in plastic surgery. Combining procedures can be an efficient way to address multiple aesthetic concerns in a single surgical session, which can mean consolidated recovery time and a more complete transformation. Some of the procedures that are often combined with implant replacement include:

1. Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

  • Objective: Lift and reshape sagging breasts, which can happen due to aging, pregnancy or weight changes.
  • Combination with Implant Exchange: Old implants are often replaced during a breast lift to improve the shape, size, and position of the breasts.

2. Breast Reduction

  • Objective: Reducing the size of large breasts, which is often done to relieve physical problems such as back pain or to achieve a more proportional appearance.
  • Combination with Implant Exchange: In some cases, implants can be changed to smaller or different-shaped ones during a breast reduction.

3. Liposuction

  • Objective: Eliminate fat deposits from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips or thighs.
  • Combination with Implant Exchange: Liposuction can be performed in areas that are not in harmony with the new shape of the breasts, to create a more balanced body contour.

4. Abdominoplasty (Abdomen Surgery)

  • Objective: Remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and restore weakened or separated muscles.
  • Combination with Implant Exchange: Known as a “Mommy Makeover,” this approach combines breast implant replacement with a tummy tuck to address changes in the body after pregnancy or significant weight loss.

Important considerations

  • Medical Evaluation: You should be carefully evaluated by a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a suitable candidate for multiple procedures.
  • Risks and Benefits: Combining surgeries can increase time under anesthesia and potentially increase the risk of complications, although it may also have benefits in terms of cosmetic results and recovery.
  • Recovery: Recovery may be longer or more complex when combining procedures, and it is crucial to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions.

Combining breast implant replacement with other procedures can be an effective strategy to achieve your aesthetic goals. However, the decision to combine surgeries should be based on careful consideration of your goals, overall health, and your surgeon's recommendations.

The durability of breast implants has improved significantly with advances in technology and the quality of the materials used. However, it is important to understand that breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. The useful life of new implants may vary depending on several factors:

Average Duration

  • Generally: Breast implants usually last between 10 and 20 years. However, some may need to be replaced sooner, and others may last longer.

Factors Affecting Longevity

  1. Implant Type: Silicone implants and saline implants may have different long-term complication rates.
  2. Manufacturer and Model: Differences in the manufacturing and design of implants can affect their durability.
  3. Care and maintenance: Regular monitoring and proper care can help prolong the life of your implants.
  4. Body Changes: Significant changes in weight, pregnancy and aging can affect the appearance and integrity of implants.
  5. Physical activity: Intense physical activities or contact sports can increase the risk of damage to implants.

Signs of Need for Replacement

  • Breakdown or Deflation: In the event of rupture or deflation, especially in saline implants, it is clear that a replacement will be needed.
  • Capsular contracture: Hardening around the implant due to scar tissue formation.
  • Changes in Shape or Feel: Noticeable changes in the shape, size, or feel of the breasts may indicate the need for revision.

Reviews and Checkups

  • Regular Checkups: Regular check-ups, including physical examinations and, if necessary, imaging studies, are recommended to evaluate the condition of the implants.
  • Self-examination: Patients should also perform regular self-examinations and be alert to any changes or discomfort.

Replacement Decision

  • Based on Medical Necessity or Personal Preference: Some women choose to replace their implants due to desired aesthetic changes or health concerns, even if the implants are still functional.

In summary, although modern breast implants are durable and safe, it is important to maintain regular follow-up with your surgeon and be alert to any changes or concerns. The decision to replace implants should be based on both medical considerations and personal preferences.

Choosing the size and type of new breast implants is an important decision that should be made with care and consideration. Here are some guidelines and factors to consider to help you in this process:

1. Professional Evaluation

  • Consult with a Plastic Surgeon: A qualified plastic surgeon can evaluate your anatomy, existing breast tissue, and body structure to recommend the best implants for you.
  • Discussion of Expectations and Objectives: Talk openly about your expectations and what you hope to achieve with the new implants.

2. Size Considerations

  • Body Proportion: Choose a size that complements your body structure and proportions. The implants should be proportional to your height, weight, shoulder and hip width.
  • Personal preferences: Consider whether you prefer a more natural look or a more noticeable change.
  • Lifestyle: Think about your lifestyle, sports activities and type of clothes you usually wear.

3. Types of Implants

  • Salina Implants vs. Silicone: Saline implants are filled with saline solution after being inserted, allowing for adjustments in size. The silicone ones are pre-filled and many patients think that they feel more natural.
  • Cohesive Implants (“Gummy Bear”): These silicone implants have a firmer consistency and maintain their shape even if the implant shell breaks.
  • Shape and Profile: Implants come in various shapes (round or anatomical) and profiles (low, moderate, high) that affect the projection and contour of the breast.

4. Size Test

  • Trial Prosthesis: Many surgeons offer trial prostheses that you can place in your bra to get an idea of ​​how you will look in different sizes.
  • 3D simulation: Some clinics offer 3D simulations to visualize what different types and sizes of implants might look like in your body.

5. Additional Considerations

  • Future Changes: Keep in mind that your breasts may change over time due to aging, weight changes, pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Risks and Complications: Understand the possible risks and complications associated with different types and sizes of implants.

Choosing the right implants is a personal process and should align with your aesthetic goals, anatomy, and lifestyle. Open communication with your surgeon is essential to making the best decision for you.

Breast implant surgery, including implant exchange, is a common concern regarding breast cancer screening. At Clínica Aesophy, we understand the importance of this issue and ensure that our patients are well informed about how implants can affect breast cancer screening.

Impact on Breast Cancer Detection

  • Mammograms: Breast implants can make it difficult to see certain areas of breast tissue on standard mammograms. However, mammography technicians are trained to perform additional techniques, such as implant displacement views, to examine as much breast tissue as possible.
  • Self-examination and Clinical Examination: Implants should not prevent you from performing breast self-examinations or your doctor from performing clinical breast exams, although it is important to be familiar with the feel of your implants to detect any unusual changes.

Communication with Health Professionals

  • Inform about Implants: Always tell your doctor and any radiology technician that you have breast implants before a mammogram or any other breast exam.
  • Breast Imaging Specialists: It is advisable to perform mammograms in centers that have experience in evaluating patients with breast implants.

Regular Reviews

  • Post-surgical Follow-up: At Clínica Aesophy, we provide exhaustive post-surgical follow-up and recommend maintaining periodic check-ups for the health of your breasts.
  • Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines: We advise following general guidelines for breast cancer screening, which include regular mammograms starting at a certain age or based on your individual risk factors.

Research and Advances

  • Continuing Studies: We continue to monitor research and advances in breast cancer screening in breast implant patients to ensure we provide the most up-to-date information and care.

At Clínica Aesophy, your health and safety are our top priorities. While breast implants may present additional challenges in breast cancer detection, with proper technique and clear communication with healthcare providers, these challenges can be managed effectively. We are committed to guiding you through every step of your journey, ensuring you are knowledgeable and comfortable with all aspects of your healthcare.

The ability to breastfeed after changing breast implants is a common concern for many women. At Clínica Aesophy, we understand the importance of this issue and provide detailed information so that our patients can make informed decisions. Here are the key points to consider:

Factors Influencing Breastfeeding

  1. Incision Location: Periareolar (around the nipple) incisions may affect the milk ducts and nerves more than inframammary (under the breast) or axillary (in the armpit) incisions.
  2. Implant Position: Implants placed under the muscle (submuscular) are less likely to interfere with the breast glands than those placed directly under the breast tissue (subglandular).
  3. Status of the Mammary Glands Before Surgery: If you already had difficulties breastfeeding before surgery, these difficulties may persist.

Important considerations

  • Consult with the Surgeon: Discuss your wishes to breastfeed in the future with your surgeon before surgery. This may influence the surgical technique used.
  • Variable Effects: Every woman responds differently to breast implant surgery, and not all women who can breastfeed before surgery will be able to do so afterward.
  • Recovery time: It is important to allow your body to fully recover from surgery before attempting to breastfeed.

After surgery

  • Observe Changes: After changing implants, pay attention to any changes in the sensitivity of your breasts or nipples, as this may be an indicator of possible complications with breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding Consultation: If you decide to breastfeed after changing your implants, consider seeing a lactation specialist for advice and support.

Implant Safety

  • Implants and Breast Milk: There is no evidence to suggest that silicone or saline implants pose a risk to breast milk or a breastfed baby.

At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to supporting our patients in all stages of their life, including motherhood. If you are considering changing your implants and have questions about breastfeeding, our team is here to provide you with all the information and support you need.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are proud to be recognized as one of the best cosmetic surgery clinics specialized breast implant changes. Our reputation is based on a consistent track record of excellent opinions of our patients and the outstanding experience of our best plastic surgeons.

Commitment to Excellence

  • Surgeons' Experience: Our team of plastic surgeons is made up of the best in the field, with extensive experience and training in cosmetic surgery for breast implant changes.
  • Advanced technology: We use the latest technology in cosmetic surgery to ensure precise and satisfactory results.

Personalized Attention

  • Detailed Consultation: Each patient receives personalized attention, starting with a detailed consultation to understand their needs and expectations.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: We design treatment plans that are specifically tailored to each patient's individual characteristics and wishes.

Focus on Safety and Care

  • High Safety Standards: Safety is our top priority. Our procedures are performed following the highest safety standards in cosmetic surgery.
  • Postoperative care: We offer exhaustive post-operative follow-up to ensure optimal recovery and long-lasting results.

Recognition and Positive Opinions

  • Outstanding Reputation: Aesophy Clinic is widely recognized for its excellent opinions and high patient satisfaction rates.
  • Patient References: Many of our new patients come through recommendations from those who have already experienced the quality and exceptional care at our clinic.

Choose Aesophy Clinic for you breast implant replacement cosmetic surgery means opting for a superior quality service, personalized attention and   best plastic surgeons means opting for a superior quality service, personalized attention and the best plastic surgeons in the countryside. We are here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with confidence and security.

Contact Book an appointment Change the Breast Implant Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Change the Breast Implant Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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