medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Microneedling Malaga
Treatment time
60 min
Microneedling Malaga
not required
Microneedling Malaga
Microneedling Malaga
Microneedling Malaga
not required
Microneedling Malaga
From: €80

Table of Contents Microneedling

What is microneedling?

El microneedling is a revolutionary skin care treatment that has gained immense popularity in recent years. This non-invasive procedure involves the use of tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the surface of the skin. These microinjuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, which leads to the production of collagen and elastin. This, in turn, improves the texture, tone and overall appearance of the skin.

Benefits of microneedling

Microneedling provides a whole series of advantages to those seeking to improve the appearance of their skin. One of the main advantages is its ability to promote collagen production. This protein, naturally present in the skin, is responsible for keeping it elastic and firm. As we age, collagen production decreases, causing wrinkles and fine lines to form. He microneedling It helps reverse this phenomenon by making small punctures in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing response. This subsequently stimulates collagen production, resulting in smoother, firmer and younger-looking skin. In addition to its benefits for skin rejuvenation, microneedling It is also useful to reduce the visibility of scars and hyperpigmentation. Whether caused by acne, surgery, or injury, scars can be a source of insecurity for many people. To the increase collagen production and blood flow to the affected area, microneedling It can break up scar tissue and stimulate the growth of new healthy skin cells. This can lead to a noticeable improvement in the texture and color of scars, making them less detectable over time. Besides, the microneedling It is effective in enhancing the effectiveness of topical skin care products. The tiny channels created by microneedles allow deeper penetration of serums, creams and other skin care formulations into the lower layers of the skin. Consequently, the active ingredients of these products can achieve their objective more effectively, maximizing their benefits. Whether you use products to treat specific skin concerns, such as wrinkles or hyperpigmentation, or simply strive to maintain a healthy complexion, including microneedling in your skin care routine can enhance the potency of your favorite products. Finally, micropuncture stands out for its versatility. This treatment can be performed on various parts of the body, such as the face, neck, décolleté, and even the scalp. Whether you want to reduce the visibility of fine lines around the eyes, refine the texture of your neck, or stimulate hair growth on your scalp, the microneedling can be tailored to your individual needs. Its adaptability makes it a popular choice among those seeking overall skin improvement, regardless of their age or skin type.

Does microneedling reduce wrinkles?

La microneedling has become a popular choice among those looking for a non-invasive option to reduce wrinkles. But does it really work? The answer is yes, thanks to its unique approach. Tiny needles create microscopic wounds in the skin, prompting it to produce collagen and elastin, two proteins that keep the skin taut and elastic. This activates the body's natural healing mechanism, helping to reduce the visibility of wrinkles and expression lines. Another advantage of microneedling is that it can be used to treat specific areas. If you have wrinkles around your eyes, forehead or mouth, this treatment can treat each of these areas. Plus, because it doesn't use harsh chemicals or invasive procedures, it's a safe and effective way to reduce the look of wrinkles. It is important to note that microneedling is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on the severity of wrinkles and individual response to treatment, several sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired results. In addition to the treatment itself, it is vital to maintain a proper skin care routine and protect it from UV rays to maintain results. In short, micropuncture is a viable option for reduce wrinkles, but it requires patience and dedication to obtain the best results. MIcroneedling wrinkles skin rejuvenation Clínica Aesophy

How does microneedling reduce wrinkles?

Microneedling has become a very popular cosmetic procedure, offering people the opportunity to reduce wrinkles.s. But how exactly does it work? The answer lies in the collagen induction process. The device's tiny needles penetrate the skin, creating micro-injuries that stimulate the body to heal, producing collagen and elastin. These two proteins are essential for maintaining the flexibility and firmness of the skin, and by stimulating their production, microneedling can effectively plump the skin, smooth wrinkles y improve skin texture. A key advantage of microneedling is its ability to generate collagen. This protein is a crucial part of the skin's structure, providing support and robustness. Unfortunately, collagen production naturally decreases with age, causing wrinkles and sagging. He microneedling helps counteract this pattern by creating controlled microlesions and prompting the body to generate more collagen. Thus, it can effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, giving a more youthful appearance. Besides, the microneedling It also acts by remodeling the skin. The needles create microinjuries, initiating a healing response that involves the generation of new skin cells. These cells replace damaged cells, resulting in a smoother, healthier appearance. Additionally, microneedling can also improve the absorption of topical skin care products, allowing their active ingredients to penetrate deeper and improve their effectiveness. This can help reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. It is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of this procedure for reduce wrinkles may vary. Various factors, such as the intensity of wrinkles, the individual's skin type and the number of treatments received, influence the result. While some individuals may see visible improvements after a single session, others may require numerous treatments to achieve the desired results. Additionally, following the post-treatment instructions provided by your healthcare professional is essential to optimize results and reduce the possibility of side effects. In short, microneedling is a promising solution for those who want reduce wrinkles y get a younger look.

What is the microneedling procedure to reduce wrinkles?

El microneedling It is a non-invasive treatment used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. A numbing cream is applied to the treated area before a hand-held device with tiny needles is used to create microchannels in the skin. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps improve the appearance of wrinkles over time. The depth of the needles can be adjusted based on individual needs and the severity of wrinkles, and the device moves in a systematic pattern to ensure even coverage. Following the treatment, a soothing serum or moisturizing cream is applied to assist in the healing process. Patients may experience some redness and mild swelling immediately after treatment, but these side effects usually subside within a few days. For those looking rejuvenate your skin and achieve a younger looking, microneedling may offer a promising solution. The procedure is highly customizable and can be performed on various areas of the face and body, such as the forehead, cheeks, and neck. Depending on the desired result, several sessions may be recommended. It is important to consult a qualified professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual needs. When properly administered by a qualified professional, microneedling is a safe procedure. However, it is essential to follow aftercare instructions for proper healing and to reduce the risk of complications.

What are the risks associated with microneedling to reduce wrinkles?

El microneedling It is a cosmetic technique widely used for reduce wrinkles and refine skin texture. Despite its popularity, it is imperative to be aware of the potential problems associated with this procedure. First of all, skin irritation and redness is a common side effect that can appear immediately after the process; However, these symptoms usually disappear within a few days. It is worth mentioning that people with skin conditions such as active acne or eczema may experience more intense reactions. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist or skin care expert before undergoing microneedling to discuss any risks based on the personal condition of your skin. Additionally, there is a small chance of infection when performing this technique. Since the method involves making tiny incisions in the skin, bacteria or other microorganisms can be introduced. To minimize this risk, it is essential to ensure that the equipment used is sterile and that the professional applies appropriate hygiene protocols. In addition, it is essential to follow the post-treatment instructions given by the professional to avoid infections and promote recovery. Another potential risk of microneedling is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This occurs when the dermis produces too much melanin due to injuries caused by the procedure. It may result in dark spots or patches in the treated area. This danger is more common among people with darker skin tones. To reduce the likelihood of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, skin care professionals may suggest pre-treating the skin with lightening agents or adjusting the intensity of treatment with microneedling. It is important that you speak with your skin care professional and learn the steps that can be taken to minimize it. Finally, scars are a risk associated with microneedling if the treatment is not done correctly or the skin does not heal properly. The likelihood of this occurring is low when the process is performed by a qualified and experienced professional. However, it is still necessary to follow the correct instructions after treatment and avoid scratching or picking at the treated area to minimize the risk of scarring. If you have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars, it is essential that you discuss this with your skin care expert before undergoing treatment. microneedling to assess potential risk and determine the most appropriate approach.

Are there alternatives to microneedling to reduce wrinkles?

Are there substitutes for microneedling to reduce wrinkles? This is a common question for those who reflect on this cosmetic process. Although he microneedling It is famous for its productivity in reducing wrinkles, there are alternative treatments. Laser resurfacing is one of them. This procedure uses a laser to remove the outer layer of skin, stimulating collagen production and reducing the presence of wrinkles. Alternatively, injectable fillers can be used to reinforce wrinkles and restore volume to the face. These alternatives can be explored if you are looking for options other than microneedling. Chemical peels are another substitute for microneedling for wrinkle reduction. This procedure involves applying a solution to the skin that causes the outer layer to separate, revealing smoother, younger-looking skin underneath. This treatment is capable of reducing the appearance of wrinkles, although it may require several sessions to obtain optimal results. Additionally, you can get topical creams and serums that promise to reduce wrinkles. These products usually contain components such as retinol or hyaluronic acid, which can improve skin texture and reduce signs of aging. Although these alternatives are not as intrusive as microneedling, they can produce notable results.

Book your appointment with microneedling specialists in Malaga

It is essential that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you are looking for alternatives to microneedling to reduce wrinkles. They can evaluate your particular needs and suggest the most appropriate treatment options for you. Keep in mind that, although there are alternatives, microneedling has proven to be a very effective treatment for reducing wrinkles. It works by stimulating collagen production and encouraging skin renewal, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin. Ultimately, choosing which treatment to pursue will depend on your individual goals and preferences. Although microneedling is a popular and effective treatment for reducing wrinkles, there are substitutes. Laser resurfacing, injectable fillers, chemical peels, and topical creams are all viable options to consider. It is essential that you consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your specific needs. Whether you choose the microneedling As one of the alternatives, the goal remains the same: reduce wrinkles and obtain a younger appearance.

Price microneedling in Malaga

El microneedling It is a very effective and popular procedure to reduce wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of the skin. It offers numerous benefits, such as increasing collagen production, improving skin texture, and reducing signs of aging. Although there may be some risks associated with the procedure, these can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced professional. Additionally, there are alternative treatments for those who are not suitable candidates for the Microneedling. In general, the Microneedling It is a promising solution for those who want to achieve smoother and younger skin.

Doctors specializing in Microneedling treatments in Malaga

Microneedling FAQ

What is Microneedling and how does it work?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure used to treat various skin conditions by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This treatment works as follows:

  1. Basic Process: Microneedling involves the use of a specialized device (often a roller or pen) equipped with many small, fine needles. These needles create tiny, controlled micro-injuries on the surface of the skin.

  2. Healing Stimulation: Microinjuries caused by needles initiate a natural healing process in the skin. As part of this healing process, the body increases the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for healthy and youthful skin.

  3. Results: Increased collagen and elastin production can improve skin texture and firmness, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, enlarged pores, and can improve the evenness of skin tone.

  4. Versatile Applications: Microneedling is used to treat various skin problems, not only on the face, but also on other areas of the body. It is effective in reducing scars, stretch marks and signs of aging.

  5. Safe Procedure: When done correctly by a trained professional, microneedling is safe for most skin types. However, it may not be suitable for people with certain skin conditions or those who heal poorly.

  6. Recovery time: Although the procedure is minimally invasive, there may be some redness or tenderness of the skin immediately after the treatment, similar to a mild sunburn. However, recovery time is generally short.

  7. Post-Treatment Care: It is important to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by the professional, which may include avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen, as well as certain skin products.

Microneedling is a popular option for those looking to improve the quality of their skin without more invasive procedures or long recovery periods. As always, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional to determine if it is the right treatment for your specific needs and to ensure it is performed safely and effectively.

Microneedling is generally considered a low to moderate discomfort procedure, but the pain experience may vary from person to person. Some factors that influence pain perception during microneedling include the individual's pain threshold, the length of the needles used, and the area of ​​the body treated.

Here are some points to consider:

  1. Sensation During Treatment: Many people describe the sensation of microneedling as a slight discomfort, stinging or tingling sensation. It is not usually described as painful.

  2. Use of Topical Anesthetics: To reduce any discomfort, a topical anesthetic is often applied to the treatment area before the procedure is performed. This numbs the skin and makes the process more comfortable.

  3. Post-Treatment Sensitivity: After treatment, it is common to experience redness and a sensation similar to that of a mild sunburn in the treated area. This sensitivity usually decreases within a couple of days.

  4. Sensitive Areas: Some areas of the skin may be more sensitive than others. For example, areas with thinner skin, such as around the eyes, may be more sensitive to treatment.

  5. Professional Technique: The experience and technique of the professional performing the treatment can also influence comfort during the procedure.

  6. Individual Variability: As with any cosmetic treatment, the pain experience can vary considerably between individuals. Some people find the procedure relatively painless, while others may experience more discomfort.

It is important to discuss any concerns about pain or comfort with the professional performing the treatment. They can provide more information about what you can expect and how they can help minimize any discomfort.

Microneedling is a versatile technique that can treat a variety of skin problems. Here are some of the most common conditions that may benefit from this treatment:

  1. Wrinkles and Fine Lines: By stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, microneedling can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in smoother, more youthful skin.

  2. Acne Scars: It is effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars, especially those that are superficial such as atrophic scars.

  3. Skin Texture: It can improve the overall texture of the skin, making it smoother and more even.

  4. Uneven Skin Tone and Age Spots: The treatment can help even out skin tone, reducing the appearance of pigmentation spots, age spots and minor discolorations.

  5. Dilated Pores: It can help reduce the size of enlarged pores, especially in the nose and cheek area.

  6. Stretch marks: Although more challenging to treat, microneedling can improve the appearance of stretch marks, especially when combined with other treatments.

  7. Surgical and Trauma Scars: It can be used to improve the appearance of surgical scars and scars resulting from injuries.

  8. Skin Sagging: Some patients experience improvements in skin firmness and elasticity, which can help reduce mild sagging.

  9. Rosacea: In some cases, microneedling can help improve the appearance of rosacea and associated redness, although caution should be exercised.

  10. Aging Prevention: It is also used as a preventive treatment to keep the skin firm and elastic.

It is important to note that microneedling may not be suitable for all skin types or conditions and, in some cases, may require a combination with other treatments for optimal results. It is always recommended to consult with a dermatologist or qualified aesthetic professional to evaluate whether microneedling is suitable for your specific needs and discuss any potential risks or side effects.

The time needed to see results from microneedling can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific skin condition being treated, the intensity of the treatment, and each person's individual response. Here are some key points about how long it may take to see results:

  1. Initial Results: Some people may notice an improvement in skin radiance and texture almost immediately after treatment. However, these initial changes are usually subtle.

  2. Collagen Development: Since microneedling stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin, the most significant results are usually visible after several weeks or even months. This is because collagen synthesis is a gradual process.

  3. Number of Sessions Needed: Multiple microneedling sessions are often required to achieve the best results. Sessions are usually spaced between 4 to 6 weeks. The number of sessions needed will depend on the specific treatment objectives and skin condition.

  4. Type of Skin Problem: Some skin conditions may show faster improvements than others. For example, improvement in overall skin texture and radiance may be seen faster than significant reduction in deep scars or wrinkles.

  5. Post-Treatment Care: Proper skin care after treatment, such as avoiding sun exposure and keeping skin hydrated, can influence how quickly and effectively your results occur.

  6. Individual Variations: Each person responds differently to treatment. Factors such as age, lifestyle, and overall skin health can affect how quickly results are seen.

It is important to have realistic expectations and understand that microneedling is a process that may require patience and consistency. Results may be progressive and improve over time and with additional treatments. To obtain a more accurate and personalized estimate, it is best to consult with a professional specialized in this type of treatment.

The number of microneedling treatments needed to achieve optimal results varies depending on several factors, including the type and severity of the skin condition being treated, the specific goals of the treatment, and the skin's individual response to the procedure. Here are some general points to consider:

  1. Skin Conditions: For mild skin problems, such as improving overall skin texture or brightening, 1 to 3 sessions may be sufficient. On the other hand, for more severe conditions such as deep acne scars, stretch marks or marked wrinkles, between 3 to 6 sessions or more may be required.

  2. Frequency of Sessions: Microneedling sessions are usually spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. This interval allows the skin to recover and begin the collagen regeneration process.

  3. Progressive Results: Microneedling stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, so the results can be progressive. Some patients may begin to see improvements after the first session, but optimal results are usually seen after several sessions.

  4. Maintenance: After completing the initial course of treatments, some people opt for maintenance sessions every few months to maintain results.

  5. Professional Evaluation: A specialist can evaluate your skin and your goals to recommend a personalized treatment plan. This initial assessment is important to set realistic expectations and plan the appropriate number of sessions.

  6. Individual Response: Each person responds differently to treatment. Age, skin type, lifestyle and genetics are factors that can influence the number of treatments needed.

It is important to remember that patience and consistency are key in microneedling treatment, and that following the professional's recommendations and appropriate post-treatment care is essential to obtain the best results.

Yes, as with any cosmetic procedure, microneedling can have side effects, although they are generally mild and temporary. Here are some of the most common side effects associated with microneedling:

  1. Redness and Irritation: It is normal to experience redness, irritation and a feeling of warmth, similar to a mild sunburn, immediately after treatment. This usually subsides within the first 24 to 48 hours.

  2. Swelling: There may be slight swelling in the treated area, which also usually subsides within a couple of days.

  3. Bruises: In some cases, especially in areas with thinner skin, bruising may occur. These usually disappear within a few days.

  4. Dryness and Peeling of the Skin: Some people experience dryness and peeling skin a few days after treatment as the skin begins its renewal process.

  5. Sun Sensitivity: Skin may become more sensitive to the sun immediately after treatment, so it is crucial to use sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure.

  6. Infection: Although rare, there is a small risk of infection, especially if proper skin care is not followed after treatment or if the procedure is not performed in a sterile environment.

  7. Allergic reactions: In very rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, especially if topical products are applied during or after treatment.

  8. Pigmentation Changes: Although rare, some people may experience hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) or hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin), especially those with darker skin tones.

It is important that microneedling is performed by a qualified and experienced professional to minimize the risks of side effects. Additionally, following the post-treatment care instructions provided by the professional is crucial for a safe and effective recovery. If you experience any unusual or worrying side effects, it is important to contact your healthcare professional.

A good candidate for microneedling is generally someone who is looking to improve the quality and appearance of their skin and has no contraindications to the treatment. Here are some criteria that can make someone a good candidate:

  1. People with Signs of Skin Aging: Those who wish to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and general loss of skin firmness and elasticity.

  2. Skin Conditions such as Acne Scars: Individuals seeking to improve the appearance of scars, especially superficial scars such as those left by acne.

  3. Desire to Improve Skin Texture and Tone: People with enlarged pores, uneven skin texture, or uneven skin tone may benefit from the treatment.

  4. Sun damaged skin: Those who have sun damage and want to improve the appearance of their skin.

  5. Interest in Minimally Invasive Treatments: Individuals who prefer a less invasive approach than surgeries and are willing to commit to multiple sessions to achieve the best results.

  6. Patients Who Understand and Accept the Process: It is important to have realistic expectations about results and be willing to follow post-treatment care instructions.

On the other hand, there are certain conditions and situations that may disqualify a person from microneedling, or at least require special evaluation and consideration:

  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It is generally not recommended during these periods.

  2. Active Skin Infections: People with active acne breakouts, cold sores, or other skin infections.

  3. Certain Skin Disorders: Such as psoriasis, eczema in the treatment area.

  4. History of Keloid Scarring or Hypertrophy: Those with a tendency to form abnormal scars.

  5. Recent Use of Medications or Treatments That Affect the Skin: Like retinoids.

An evaluation by a dermatologist or qualified professional is crucial to determine if microneedling is right for you, considering your skin type, medical history, and aesthetic goals.

Experience the transformation of your skin with the treatment of Microneedling en Aesophy Clinic, conveniently located near you.

Our Microneedling treatment is the ideal solution for those looking to rejuvenate their skin, reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles and fine lines, and improve overall skin texture and tone.

En Aesophy Clinic, we use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art devices to guarantee effective and safe results. Our experts are dedicated to providing a personalized experience, adapting to your specific needs to ensure the best results.

Whether you're fighting signs of aging, acne scars, or simply want more radiant, healthy skin, our Microneedling It is the perfect option. Visit us in Aesophy Clinic and discover how we can help you achieve your beauty goals with our treatment of Microneedling, available now near you.

Book Appointment Microneedling Specialized Clinic in Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Microneedling Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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