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Neck lift Malaga
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90 min
Neck lift Malaga
Neck lift Malaga
2 to 3 days.
Neck lift Malaga
Neck lift Malaga
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Neck lift Malaga
From: €3.500

Table of Contents

En Aesophy Clinic, we understand that elegance, youth and confidence begin with a harmonious and defined cervical contour. Therefore, we are proud to offer our services neck lift, an advanced, personalized aesthetic solution for those who wish to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of their neck and jaw.

Our highly qualified and certified plastic surgeons uses the most innovative techniques to deliver results natural and durable, ensuring that each patient receives a treatment that respects their individuality and aesthetic goals.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are not only dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty, but also providing a comprehensive care experience which guarantees your comfort and safety at every step of the process.

What is the Neck Lift?

El Neck Lift, also known as cervical plasty, is a surgical procedure that seeks to correct sagging and laxity of the skin in the neck. During the procedure, excess skin and fat are removed, and underlying muscles are tightened for a more defined, youthful contour.

Neck lift Malaga

El neck lift It is a cosmetic procedure performed to improve the appearance of the neck and jaw. It is also known as "cervical facial lifting»Or«neck and face lift«.

During the procedure, small incisions are made around the ears and on the scalp to access the underlying muscles and tissues of the neck and face. These tissues are then stretched and repositioned to reduce sagging and improve jawline and neck definition.

A neck lift is a surgical procedure and should be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.. As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, so it is important to discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor before making a decision about whether it is right for you.

Cervical lift benefits

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the neck and jaw by removing excess skin and fat. Some of the benefits of a neck lift include:

  1. Wrinkle and sagging reduction: A neck lift can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin of the neck and jawline. It can also reduce flaccidity and excess skin.
  2. Neck contour enhancement: A neck lift can improve the contour of the neck, providing a more defined and toned appearance.
  3. Facial rejuvenation: A neck lift can complement other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as a facelift, to achieve a fresher, more youthful appearance to the face.
  4. Lasting results: Neck lift results are long-lasting, and in many cases, can last for decades.
  5. Improvement of self-esteem: The neck lift can help improve self-esteem and self-confidence by providing a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Neck Lift Procedure and Recovery

The Neck Lift procedure is performed through strategic incisions, generally located behind the ears and in some cases also under the chin.

Through these incisions, the surgeon accesses the underlying tissues to remove excess skin and fat and tighten muscles.

Recovery after a Neck Lift varies with each individual, but in general, some swelling and bruising can be expected in the treated area.

Our surgeons will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions for optimal recovery, including incision care and activity and medication recommendations.

Who is the ideal candidate for a Neck Lift?

An ideal candidate for a neck liftor you are a person who has lax and sagging skin in the neck and jaw area, which can lead to the appearance of double chins and horizontal wrinkles on the neck.

This procedure is most common in people age 40 and older, but it may also be suitable for younger people with signs of aging in the neck.

It is important that the candidate is in good general health and does not have serious medical problems that may increase the risk of complications during surgery. It is also important that you have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure and that you understand the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery.

The ideal candidate for a neck lift should discuss their concerns and goals with a board-certified plastic surgeon, who will be able to assess their situation and determine if the procedure is appropriate for them.

Neck Lift Complications

Although the Neck Lift is a safe procedure, it is important to be aware of some precautions and possible side effects.

You may experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the neck and jaw area after the procedure. However, these effects are usually temporary and can be managed with proper post-operative care.

It is essential to follow the recommendations of your plastic surgeon and to follow closely during the recovery process. This will ensure proper healing and optimize treatment results.

Is the Neck Lift right for you?

If you are considering a Neck Lift, it is important to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure. During the consultation, the specialist will assess your neck, discuss your cosmetic goals, and provide you with detailed treatment information.

The Neck Lift may be suitable for people who wish to correct sagging and lax skin on the neck, improve the facial profile and obtain a more youthful appearance. However, each case is unique, and it is essential to receive an individualized evaluation to determine if this treatment is the most appropriate for you.

Best neck lift plastic surgeon in Malaga

Our way of understanding cosmetic surgery begins with the patient's health and ends with the best aesthetic and clinical results, thinking in the long term.

With the guarantee of quality and medical rigor of Aesphy Excellence Clinic, one of the best clinics in our country, where the best team of plastic surgeons has been with you for more than 20 years working exclusively.

We always look for the most advanced treatments that ensure the best results and the least invasive techniques that result in a faster functional recovery and a more comfortable treatment for the patient.

Book appointment for Neck Lift

Now that you have all the information about the Neck Lift, you are one step closer to achieving a firm and rejuvenated neck. Remember that this treatment can correct flaccidity, eliminate wrinkles and improve the contour of your face.

If you are ready to transform your appearance and enjoy a more youthful neck, I invite you to book a consultation with a plastic surgeon specialized in Neck Lift.

They will assess your individual needs and guide you through the process, providing you with a safe and satisfying experience.

Do not wait any longer to get the neck you want. Click the link below to book your consultation and find out how a Neck Lift can transform your appearance.

«Click here to book your consultation and take the first step towards a firm and rejuvenated neck. Don't wait any longer to enhance your natural beauty and regain confidence in your appearance!»

Surgeons Specialists in Neck Lift Treatments in Málaga

Frequently Asked Questions Neck Lift

What is a neck lift?

Un neck lift, also known as cervicoplasty o cervical rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure focused on improve the appearance of the neck and lower jaw. This procedure is popular among people looking to correct signs of aging in the neck region, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, vertical bands, and fat accumulation.

During a neck lift, the Plastic Surgeon makes incisions, usually around the ears and under the chin, to access underlying tissues. Excess skin is then tightened and removed, and in some cases, the underlying fatty tissue and muscles are restructured or removed. This process helps create a more defined, youthful contour on the jaw and neck.

It is important to consider that, like any surgical procedure, a neck lift involves certain risks and requires postoperative recovery. Patients should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss their expectations, options, and possible risks before deciding to undergo this type of surgery.

The ideal candidates for a neck lift They are generally individuals who present visible signs of aging in the neck region and under the jaw, but who still have some elasticity in the skin. Some specific characteristics of ideal candidates include:

  1. Age and Skin Condition: Although there is no specific age, candidates are usually middle-aged or older adults, who have sagging skin and wrinkles on the neck. Skin with some remaining elasticity responds better to the procedure.

  2. General health: Candidates must be in good general health, with no serious chronic illnesses that could complicate surgery or recovery. They must be free of medical conditions that prevent healing or increase the risk of complications.

  3. Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit: Smoking can negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications. Smokers are advised to quit before surgery.

  4. Realistic Expectations: It is crucial that candidates have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. A neck lift can significantly improve the appearance of the neck, but it will not stop the aging process.

  5. Stable Weight: Ideally, candidates should be of relatively stable weight, as significant weight fluctuations after surgery can affect results.

  6. Personal motivation: Candidates must want the procedure for themselves and not because of external pressure.

  7. Understanding the Risks and Commitment to Postoperative Care: Candidates must understand the risks associated with surgery and be committed to following postoperative care instructions for the best results.

It is essential that anyone considering a neck lift consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will assess the candidate's suitability for the procedure and provide detailed information about what the surgery entails, including possible risks and benefits.

El neck lift, also known as cervical rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the neck and lower jaw. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Preoperative Consultation: Before surgery, the patient has a consultation with the surgeon to discuss goals, expectations, and possible risks. The patient's general health is evaluated and preoperative tests may be performed.

  2. Anesthesia: The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, although in some cases local anesthesia with sedation can be used.

  3. incisions: The surgeon makes incisions, usually behind the ears and possibly under the chin, to access the underlying tissues of the neck.

  4. Tissue Repositioning and Removal: Muscle tissue is repositioned and excess skin and fat is removed to improve the contour of the neck and jawline. In some cases, liposuction may be performed to remove extra fat.

  5. Incision Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, which may be dissolvable or require subsequent extraction.

  6. Recovery: After surgery, the treated area will be bandaged and drains may be placed to remove excess fluids. Patients generally return home the same day as surgery.

  7. Postoperative care: Patients should follow the surgeon's instructions for wound care, activity, and follow-up. Bruising and swelling may occur, and patients usually need one to two weeks to recover before returning to normal activities.

  8. Result: The final results may take several months to fully manifest, once the swelling has subsided.

It is important to remember that each procedure and each patient are unique. Exact techniques and results may vary. It is always recommended to seek a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss specific options and expectations.

Recovery time after a neck lift varies from patient to patient, but generally follows this schedule:

  1. Immediately after surgery: Patients often experience swelling and bruising, which peaks in the first few days and then begins to subside. It is common to feel some pain and discomfort, which can be controlled with medication.

  2. First week: During the first week, it is crucial to follow all postoperative instructions to ensure proper recovery. Patients should keep their head elevated and avoid sudden movements or strenuous activities. The sutures may be removed or dissolved during this week, depending on the type used.

  3. Two weeks: Most patients begin to feel much better and are able to return to light daily activities. However, they should still avoid exercise and activities that involve physical exertion.

  4. Four weeks: By four weeks, patients are usually able to return to most of their normal activities, including light exercise. Most of the swelling and bruising should be gone, although slight swelling may persist.

  5. Six weeks to three months: At this point, most patients feel fully recovered and can see the final results of the procedure. The residual swelling continues to decrease.

  6. Six months to one year: Final results are usually more evident after six months to a year, when healing is complete and swelling has completely disappeared.

It is important to remember that these are estimated recovery times and may vary depending on the person and the specific surgical technique used. The surgeon will provide detailed post-operative care instructions and monitor the recovery process. Additionally, it is essential to have realistic expectations and understand that the healing process is gradual.

A neck lift, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and possible complications. It is important to note that most people do not experience all of these risks, but it is essential to be informed before making a decision. Some of the risks associated with a neck lift include:

  1. Bruise: Accumulation of blood under the skin that may require additional surgery to drain.

  2. Infection: Although rare, any surgery presents the risk of infection, which may require treatment with antibiotics and, in rare cases, additional surgery.

  3. Reactions to anesthesia: Some people may have adverse reactions to anesthesia, which can vary in severity.

  4. Scars: Although scars are generally well hidden and tend to fade over time, the quality of scars varies from person to person.

  5. Changes in skin sensitivity: There may be a feeling of numbness or changes in sensation in the operated area, which is usually temporary but may be permanent in rare cases.

  6. Asymmetry: There may be slight asymmetry in the contour or shape of the neck or jawline.

  7. Wound healing problems: Some patients may experience slow or complicated healing, especially those who smoke or have certain medical conditions.

  8. Damage to underlying structures: Although rare, it is possible to damage nerves or muscles during surgery.

  9. Need for revision surgery: In some cases, an additional procedure may be necessary to achieve the desired results or to correct complications.

  10. Changes in results over time: The effects of a neck lift can change over time due to natural aging and factors such as sun exposure, diet and general lifestyle.

It is crucial to choose a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon, openly discuss risks and expectations, and follow all pre- and post-operative instructions to minimize risks and ensure the best recovery and results possible.


The duration of the results of a neck lift can vary significantly from one person to another, due to factors such as the surgical technique used, the quality of the patient's skin, and their lifestyle. However, generally speaking, you can expect the following:

  1. Durability of Results: A neck lift typically offers results that can last between 10 and 15 years. This duration depends on several factors, including skin elasticity, genetics, and post-procedure care.

  2. Continuous Aging: It is important to remember that a neck lift does not stop the aging process. Over time, the skin and facial tissues will continue to age naturally.

  3. Lifestyle Factors: Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, diet and exercise can influence the longevity of the results. Sun protection and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain results longer.

  4. Quality of Surgery: The surgeon's technique and the quality of the surgery also play an important role. Choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon can contribute to longer-lasting, more natural results.

  5. Postoperative Skin Care: Following skin care recommendations after surgery can help extend results. This includes adequate hydration, use of recommended products, and avoidance of skin-damaging factors.

  6. Future Revisions: Some people opt for revision procedures or complementary treatments in the years following a neck lift to maintain or improve results.

Choose The right surgeon for a neck lift is a crucial decision to ensure optimal results and a safe experience.. At Clínica Aesophy, we understand the importance of this choice and we are proud to have a team of the best plastic surgeons, specialized in neck lifting. When considering a procedure at our clinic, we recommend keeping the following aspects in mind to ensure you are making the best decision:

  1. Certification and Specialization: At Aesophy, our surgeons are certified and have extensive experience in neck lift procedures. This specialization is a key indicator of your skill and knowledge in this specific area.

  2. Reputation and Opinions: Our specialists have excellent reviews and a solid reputation based on successful and consistent results. We value feedback from our patients and strive to maintain high standards of satisfaction.

  3. Personalized Consultation: We offer detailed, personalized consultations to discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. This is a crucial step in establishing open and honest communication between patient and surgeon.

  4. Focus on Safety and Postoperative Care: Safety is our top priority. Our procedures are performed in a safe, advanced clinical environment, and we provide a comprehensive post-operative care plan to ensure a smooth and efficient recovery.

  5. Technology and Advanced Techniques: We use the latest technologies and surgical techniques to ensure natural results and minimize recovery time. Our surgeons are constantly updating themselves on the latest trends and methods in the field of plastic surgery.

When choosing Aesophy Clinic for you neck lift, you can be sure that you are in the hands of highly qualified professionals dedicated to offering you the best possible results. We are committed to providing you with an experience that not only improves your appearance, but also increases your confidence and well-being.

After a neck lift, it is crucial to follow a series of postoperative care to ensure optimal recovery and the best possible results. Here I present an essential care guide:

  1. Rest and Elevation of the Head: During the first 48 hours, it is important to rest and keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. It is recommended to sleep in a semi-inclined position.

  2. Incision Care: Keep incisions clean and dry. Follow your surgeon's specific instructions on how to care for sutures and bandages.

  3. Pharmaceutical products: Take prescribed medications, including antibiotics and pain relievers, as directed to control pain and prevent infection.

  4. Avoid Physical Effort: Avoid strenuous activities, heavy exercise, and any movement that puts stress on the treated areas for at least two weeks or as recommended by your doctor.

  5. Avoid sun exposure: Protect your skin from the sun. Sun exposure can worsen scars and prolong swelling.

  6. Diet and Hydration: Maintain a healthy diet and drink enough water to promote healing.

  7. No Smoking: Avoid smoking before and after surgery, as smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of complications.

  8. Skin care: Follow a gentle skin care routine to keep skin hydrated and facilitate healing. Avoid irritating or abrasive products.

  9. Attend Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so your surgeon can monitor your progress and make sure you are healing properly.

  10. Patience with Results: Please note that swelling and bruising are normal and final results may take several months to fully manifest.

By following these guidelines and the specific instructions of your surgeon, you can significantly contribute to a quick and effective recovery, and obtain the better results from your neck lift.

Book a specialized Neck Lift clinic appointment in Malaga

Best Neck Lift Clinic 

Aesophy Clinic

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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