medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
Treatment time
60 min
Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
not required
Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
not required
Radiofrequency neck and décolleté Málaga
From: €80

Table of contents Radiofrequency Neck and Décolleté

Discover the treatments of vanguard en rejuvenation with the Aesophy Clinic, Specialist in radiofrequency for neck and décolleté. Our innovative approach combines advanced technology y personalized techniques to revitalize your skin, giving you results natural y duraderos.

La radiofrequency is a method non-invasive that stimulates the production of collagen, improving the elasticity y firmness of the skin in delicate areas such as the cuello and neckline. In Aesophy Clinic, we offer you an experience of comprehensive care, adapted to your specific needs, so you can enjoy skin radiant y Juvenile. Visit us and learn more about our treatments radiofrequency.

What is radiofrequency?

La radiofrequency It is a non-surgical cosmetic technique that uses energy in the form of radio waves to heat the lower layers of the skin. This heat stimulates the production of collagen and improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin, thus achieving a younger appearance. Using the power of radio frequency, this treatment can effectively reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging in the neck and chest area. The device used to administer the energy is held lightly against the desired area, delivering the waves to the skin with little discomfort.

A safe and reliable option, radiofrequency treatment is a great choice for those looking to improve their skin without the need for surgery. This non-invasive alternative requires no incisions or anesthesia, making it a popular option among those who prefer natural solutions. Although the procedure is usually well tolerated and there is no recovery time, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional to ensure that this treatment is right for you and your goals.

giving way to beauty, radiofrequency is an excellent option for those who want to restore their skin's youthful glow without the need for surgery. This non-invasive approach involves the use of radiofrequency waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity. The handheld device used to deliver the energy is held lightly against the target area, resulting in minimal discomfort and no downtime.

radiofrequency neck and neckline treatment Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Advantages of radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency treatment for the neck and décolleté offers several advantages, making it a popular option for those looking to improve the appearance of these areas of the body. Some of the main advantages include:

  1. Non-invasive: Unlike surgeries, radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment. It requires no cuts, incisions, or recovery time, making it attractive to those who want to avoid the risks and downtime associated with surgical procedures.

  2. Collagen Stimulation: Radiofrequency stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, improving its firmness and elasticity. This can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a more youthful and smooth appearance.

  3. It improves skin texture: In addition to its firming effects, radiofrequency can improve the overall texture of the skin, making it smoother and more even.

  4. Lasting Effects: Although results vary, many patients experience long-lasting effects, especially with regular maintenance sessions.

  5. Safe for All Skin Types: Radiofrequency is generally safe for all skin types and tones, making it accessible to a wide range of patients.

  6. Quick and Convenient: Treatments are relatively quick (usually less than an hour) and can be performed in an outpatient setting, meaning patients can return to their daily activities immediately afterwards.

  7. Customizable: Radiofrequency treatments can be customized to the patient's specific needs and goals, allowing the practitioner to adjust the intensity and focus of the treatment.

  8. Improves blood circulation: The heat generated can improve circulation in the treated area, which can contribute to healthier, more radiant skin.

  9. Double Chin Reduction: In some cases, radiofrequency can help reduce the appearance of a double chin by tightening the skin in the area.

  10. Comfortable Treatment: Most patients find the treatment to be quite comfortable, with a warm sensation that is generally well tolerated.

It is important to remember that results may vary and that contraindications and recommendations from professionals must be taken into account to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Types of radiofrequency treatment

There are several forms of radiofrequency therapy that adapt to the needs and objectives of each person. Monopolar RF, which uses a single electrode to deliver heat into the dermis, is a popular option for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. On the other hand, bipolar radiofrequency, which uses two electrodes to target a specific area, is often used to revitalize the face and refine the texture and complexion. Another option is fractional radiofrequency, which uses a grid-like pattern to induce collagen creation through the formation of microlesions. This technique is effective in fading acne marks and improving the surface of the skin.

Radiofrequency microneedling It is a combined procedure that combines radiofrequency energy and microneedling. This treatment involves using tiny needles to produce microscopic channels in the epidermis, allowing radiofrequency energy to penetrate deeper. This strategy is successful in treating wrinkles, scars, and discoloration. Another type of treatment radiofrequency is ultrasonic radiofrequency, which uses ultrasound technology to transmit heat energy to the inner layers of the skin. This treatment is often used for body contouring and to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Each type of treatment radiofrequency It has its own advantages and considerations. It is essential to consult with a certified professional to decide which therapy best meets each person's needs and expectations. Factors such as complexion, desired results, and downtime should be considered when selecting a type of radiofrequency treatment. Ultimately, the goal of any radiofrequency treatment is to activate collagen production, refine skin texture and rejuvenate the neck and décolleté area.

Botton line, there are several possibilities of radiofrequency treatment to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté. These therapies offer a non-invasive and effective solution to improve the appearance of the skin in these areas. Whether monopolar, bipolar, fractional RF, microneedling, or ultrasonic, each approach has its own advantages and considerations. It is essential to consult with a professional to find out which is the best treatment option for the needs and expectations of each person. With the right radiofrequency treatment, it is possible to achieve a more youthful and revitalized appearance in the neck and décolleté area.

How to prepare for radiofrequency treatment

Before undergoing radiofrequency treatment to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté, it is essential to arrange a consultation with an experienced professional. During this evaluation, the professional will assess the condition of your skin and establish if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They can also give you specific instructions on how to prepare for treatment, such as avoiding certain medications or skin care products that could interfere with the process. In addition, it is vital to follow any provider-prescribed pre-treatment skin care regimen, including meticulous cleansing of the skin and refraining from overexposure to the sun. By following these preparation steps, you will ensure that you are prepared to undergo radiofrequency treatment and obtain the most favorable result.

Before the radiofrequency treatment session, it is necessary to know what to expect. The doctor will explain the procedure in detail, explaining the duration and the possible anguish you may feel. He may also present you with a consent form for you to read and sign. It is important that you ask any questions you have at this stage to confirm that you are fully informed and comfortable with the treatment procedure. In some cases, a topical anesthetic or numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure. The practitioner will then use a handheld device to deliver controlled radiofrequency energy to the target areas of your neck and décolleté. In general, the treatment lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the area treated. After the treatment, the professional will give you instructions for aftercare, which may include applying a soothing cream or refraining from certain activities for a certain time. By understanding and following these guidelines, you will be able to improve the results of your radiofrequency treatment and ensure a smooth recovery process.

What to expect after treatment

After radiofrequency treatment to tone the neck and décolleté, certain results can be expected in terms of aftercare. It is not uncommon to experience some redness and slight swelling in the affected area due to the heat generated during the process; this should dissipate in a few days. In addition, you may notice tightness or firmness in the skin, a sign that the treatment is effective. To ensure optimal healing, patients should keep the area clean and hydrated, as well as follow any aftercare instructions given by their healthcare professional. In addition, it is essential to protect the delicate skin with sunscreen and avoid direct exposure to the sun.

It is important to note that the results of radiofrequency treatment are not instantaneous. Realistic expectations should be kept in mind, as it often takes several weeks for the full effects to be visible. During this time, it may be necessary to carry out several treatments spaced a few weeks apart. To ensure satisfactory results, it is recommended to maintain a healthy skin care regimen and be patient. If these measures are followed, people can expect smoother, younger-looking skin around the neck and décolleté area.

How to take care of the skin after treatment

To ensure you get the most out of your radiofrequency treatment, proper aftercare is essential. Start by keeping the treated area clean and hydrated. Opt for a non-abrasive cleanser and use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to prevent dryness or flaking. Also, protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays by protecting the area with a high SPF sunscreen.
To further enhance the healing and rejuvenation process, incorporate soothing and nourishing skin care products into your routine. Look for products that contain hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture and improve elasticity, or antioxidants like vitamin C to reduce inflammation and free radical damage. For a smoother, brighter complexion, use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week, being careful not to over-exfoliate.
Last but not least, don't forget to be patient and consistent with your aftercare regimen. Results may take time to appear, and consistency is key to achieving long-lasting effects. Also, follow any additional instructions or recommendations from your skincare professional, such as follow-up RF sessions or specialized serums, to further optimize results. With diligent care and maintenance, you can enjoy a younger, more revitalized appearance.

Side effects of radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency treatment is, in general, a safe and non-invasive procedure; however, the possible risks and side effects must be taken into account. Responses to this procedure can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience complications. Before deciding to undergo treatment, it is important that people consult a qualified healthcare professional and discuss any concerns.

Common short-term reactions to radiofrequency treatment may include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort in the treated area; They usually dissipate in a few days. Rarely, more serious effects may occur, such as blistering, burning, or skin discoloration. It is also possible to experience increased sensitivity to touch, heat, or cold in the treated area.

Certain medical or skin conditions may make someone unsuitable for radiofrequency treatment. It is important that individuals inform their physician of any relevant medical history or skin conditions prior to undergoing the procedure. Also, people with pacemakers or other electronic implants should avoid this treatment, as it can interfere with these devices.

Following the aftercare instructions provided by the healthcare professional can help minimize the chances of any adverse reactions. It is also essential to protect the skin from excessive sun exposure. For these reasons, it is important that people are fully aware of the potential risks and side effects before deciding to undergo radiofrequency treatment.

Radiofrequency eliminate sagging neck and neckline Aesophy Clinic

Price of radiofrequency treatment of neck and décolleté

In the Aesophy Clinic, we offer the revolutionary radiofrequency treatment for neck and décolleté at affordable prices, starting from just 80€. This innovative treatment, known for its effectiveness in rejuvenating and revitalizing the skin, is now at your fingertips. Experience the transformation in your skin, gaining a younger and more radiant appearance without compromising your budget.

Our experts in Aesophy Clinic They use the most advanced technology to guarantee impressive results, with a safe, comfortable and economical process. The affordable price of the treatment allows you to enjoy the benefits of radiofrequency, improving the firmness and texture of your skin, without financial worries. Visit us today and take the first step towards more beautiful and healthy skin with our radiofrequency treatment for neck and décolleté from 80€!

When considering the treatment of radiofrequency to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté, it is essential to know the possible risks and factors associated with the procedure. Radiofrequency is generally considered safe and effective, but there are some particular considerations to take into account. The main risk is the possibility of skin burns or pain during treatment, which may vary depending on individual sensitivity.

It is essential to choose a qualified and experienced professional who can accurately assess your skin type and adjust treatment settings as necessary. Additionally, it is vital that you discuss any pre-existing conditions or medications you are taking, as they may affect the suitability and possible side effects of the treatment. In conclusion, knowing the risks and considerations associated with radiofrequency treatment is essential to making an informed decision and ensuring the best possible results for neck and décolleté rejuvenation.

When undergoing treatment radiofrequency, it is essential to take into account the possible downtime and recovery period. The procedure is generally non-invasive and requires minimal or no downtime, although some people may experience temporary redness, swelling, or slight discomfort in the treated area. It is essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your healthcare professional to reduce any potential side effects and facilitate optimal healing. Additionally, it is essential to have reasonable expectations about the results of treatment.

La radiofrequency It can improve the appearance of the neck and décolleté by tightening the skin and reducing signs of aging, but it may not completely eradicate all problems or provide permanent results. Therefore, it is essential that you maintain open and honest communication with your healthcare professional to ensure that you are clear about the possible risks, restrictions and expected results of radiofrequency treatment for neck and décolleté rejuvenation.


In conclusion, radiofrequency treatment is a very effective and non-invasive method to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté. Thanks to its ability to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin, radiofrequency offers numerous benefits to those seeking a younger appearance. Whether it is reducing the appearance of wrinkles or improving skin texture, radiofrequency treatment has proven to be a valuable tool in the field of cosmetic procedures. However, it is important to take into account the possible risks and costs associated with this treatment, as well as the necessary precautions and aftercare. By understanding these factors and consulting with a qualified professional, people can make informed decisions about whether radiofrequency treatment is right for them.

Contact our doctors specialized in neck rejuvenation treatments with radiofrequency

Frequently asked questions radiofrequency neck and neckline

What is neck and décolleté radiofrequency and how does it work?

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive technique used in aesthetic and rejuvenation treatments. It works by emitting radiofrequency waves that generate heat in the deepest layers of the skin. This heat stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two key components for skin firmness and elasticity.

When radiofrequency is applied to the neck and décolleté, areas that often show early signs of aging, the treatment seeks to achieve several effects:

  1. Collagen and Elastin Stimulation: The heat generated by radiofrequency stimulates skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin. This helps improve the structure and elasticity of the skin, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  2. Improved Skin Texture: The treatment can help smooth the skin's texture, making it more even and youthful.

  3. Lifting effect: Radiofrequency can provide a temporary lifting effect by tightening the skin, which is particularly beneficial in the neck and décolleté area, where the skin may lose firmness over time.

  4. Safety and Comfort: As a non-invasive procedure, radiofrequency is generally safe and requires no recovery time, making it attractive to those looking for alternatives to surgeries.

It is important to keep in mind that results may vary depending on the individual and it is advisable to perform these treatments in specialized clinics and under the supervision of qualified professionals. In addition, it may be necessary to perform several sessions to achieve the desired results and maintain them with periodic treatments.

Radiofrequency treatment for the neck and décolleté is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional. This technique, being non-invasive, has a relatively low risk profile and is a popular option for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin without undergoing surgical procedures.

However, as with any aesthetic treatment, there are certain considerations and possible side effects that should be taken into account:

  1. Patient Selection: Not everyone is an ideal candidate for radiofrequency. For example, people with certain health conditions, such as severe skin disorders or cardiac pacemakers, may not be suitable for this treatment.

  2. Minor Side Effects: Some patients may experience redness, swelling, or a feeling of warmth in the treated area. These effects are usually temporary and disappear shortly after treatment.

  3. Variable Results: Results may vary depending on skin type, age and other individual factors. Not all patients achieve the same results, and some may need more sessions than others.

  4. Professional Skill: The experience and skill of the professional performing the treatment is crucial. A qualified specialist will know how to correctly adjust the intensity of the radiofrequency and apply the technique safely.

  5. Post-Treatment Care: Following the professional's recommendations after treatment is important to maximize results and minimize risks.

If you are considering radiofrequency treatment, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist or aesthetic professional to assess your suitability for the procedure and discuss your expectations and possible risks.

The time needed to see results from a radiofrequency treatment on the neck and décolleté can vary depending on several factors, including the initial condition of the skin, the age of the patient, and the frequency and consistency of the treatment. Here are some key points to consider:
  1. Progressive Results: The results of radiofrequency are usually progressive. As the treatment stimulates collagen production, the effects on the skin become more evident over time. Some patients may begin to notice improvements in skin texture and firmness after just a few sessions, but optimal results are usually seen after several months.
  2. Number of Sessions: Multiple sessions are usually required to achieve the best results. The exact number of sessions will vary depending on individual needs and treatment goals. A specialist can recommend a treatment plan that may include more frequent initial sessions followed by maintenance sessions.
  3. Long-term effects: Although some effects may be visible shortly after treatment, the most significant results usually appear after several weeks or months. This is because the production of collagen and elastin is a gradual process.
  4. Individuality of Results: Each person responds differently to treatment. Factors such as skin type, age, and lifestyle habits (such as diet, smoking, and sun exposure) can influence the speed and effectiveness of the results.
  5. Follow-up Consultations: It is important to have follow-up appointments with the treating professional to evaluate progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.
For a more accurate estimate of how long it may take to see results in your particular case, it is best to consult with a professional specialized in radiofrequency treatments.

The duration of the effects of radiofrequency on the neck and décolleté can vary significantly between individuals, depending on several factors. In general, the effects can last from several months to a year or more, but there are several things to keep in mind:

  1. Nature of Treatment: Radiofrequency stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, leading to a gradual improvement in skin firmness and texture. These effects are progressive and may continue to develop for several months after treatment.

  2. Number of Sessions: The duration of the effects also depends on the number and regularity of the sessions. An initial course of treatments followed by maintenance sessions can prolong results.

  3. Skin Condition and Age: The initial condition of the skin and the age of the patient are important factors. Younger, healthier skin may respond better and maintain results longer, while older or damaged skin may require more frequent maintenance sessions.

  4. Lifestyle: Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, diet, and general skin care can influence how long the effects last. A healthy lifestyle and proper skin care can help prolong results.

  5. Individual Variability: As with any cosmetic treatment, there is individual variability in response to treatment. Some people may experience long-lasting results, while others may need earlier booster sessions.

  6. Maintenance Sessions: Most professionals recommend periodic maintenance sessions to maintain the results obtained.

It is important to keep in mind that radiofrequency does not stop the aging process. Therefore, regular sessions may be necessary to maintain results over time. The best way to understand what to expect in your specific case is to consult with a qualified professional who can provide guidance based on your skin type and treatment goals.

Yes, there are several contraindications to using radiofrequency on the neck and décolleté, and it is important to be aware of them before considering this type of treatment. Here I detail some of the most common:

  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: The use of radiofrequency during pregnancy and breastfeeding is generally discouraged.

  2. Metal Implants or Pacemakers: People with metal implants near the treatment area or with pacemakers/cardiac defibrillators should not undergo radiofrequency treatments due to the risk of interference and heating from metals.

  3. Skin Diseases: Conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or active skin infections in the treatment area may be contraindications.

  4. Cancer: Patients with a history of cancer, especially skin cancer, should consult with their doctor before considering radiofrequency.

  5. Serious Cardiovascular Conditions: People with severe cardiovascular disease should avoid this treatment due to the potential associated risks.

  6. Collagen Disorders: Diseases that affect collagen production, such as lupus or scleroderma, may be contraindications.

  7. Keloid Scars: People with a tendency to form keloid scars may need to avoid this treatment.

  8. Recent Injections or Fillings: If treatments with injections or fillers have been performed in the area, it is important to wait the amount of time recommended by the professional before undergoing radiofrequency.

It is vital that anyone considering radiofrequency as a cosmetic treatment consult with a qualified healthcare professional or dermatologist to evaluate suitability, discuss potential risks and benefits, and consider any existing health conditions. Individualized evaluation is key to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Enhance your natural beauty with radiofrequency treatment on neck and décolleté en Aesophy Clinic, now close to you! Our advanced procedure non-invasive radiofrequency is perfect solution to revitalize the skin of your neck and neckline, giving you a more look youthful and radiant.

En Aesophy Clinic, we combine cutting-edge technology with personalized techniques to stimulate the production of collagen, improving the firmness and reducing the fine lines. Our experts are committed to providing you with exceptional care in a welcoming and professional environment. Don't wait any longer to discover the benefits of our radiofrequency treatment, your skin will thank you!

Book Appointment Specialized Radiofrequency Neck and Décolleté Clinic in Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Radiofrequency of Neck and Décolleté

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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