medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Cheiloplasty lip surgery Aesophy Clinic in Malaga

Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery

Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
Treatment time
30 to 60 minutes
Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
Local anesthesia
Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
2 to 7 days
Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
not required
Cheiloplasty or lip surgery
from: Consult

Table of contents Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery

Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery at Aesophy Clinic: Rediscover your Perfect Smile

If you have ever wanted to have more defined, sensual or balanced lips, the Cheiloplasty: lip surgery, may be the solution you are looking for. In Aesophy Clinic, We understand the importance of harmonious and attractive lips in facial appearance, and we are here to help you achieve the perfect smile you have always dreamed of.

Relevant keywords: Cheiloplasty, lip surgery, lip enhancement, lip contour, sensual lips.

What is Cheiloplasty?

La Cheiloplasty It is a surgical procedure that focuses on improving the appearance of the lips. Whether you want increase your volume, define your contour or correct asymmetries, lip surgery can provide amazing and natural results.

Cheiloplasty lip surgery Clínica Aesophy Málaga

The Benefits of Cheiloplasty at Aesophy Clinic

1. Lip Volume Increase

If you feel that your lips are thin or lack volume, the Cheiloplasty It can help you get fuller and more sensual lips. Our highly trained surgeons use advanced techniques to ensure a natural, balanced look.

2. Definition of the Lip Contour

La Cheiloplasty It can help you define the contour of your lips, highlighting their shape and natural beauty. This can significantly improve the appearance of your lips and enhance your smile.

3. Correction of Asymmetries

If you notice that your lips are asymmetrical or uneven, lip surgery can correct these imperfections, achieving a more symmetrical and harmonious appearance.

4. Lasting Results

Unlike temporary fillers, the results of Cheiloplasty They are usually long-lasting, meaning you can enjoy a significant improvement in your lips for a long period of time.

5. Safe Procedure

En Aesophy Clinic, your safety is our top priority. Our surgeons are highly trained and use the most advanced techniques to ensure a safe and comfortable procedure.

Your Perfect Smile Starts at Aesophy Clinic

In short, Cheiloplasty en Aesophy Clinic It is the perfect solution for those who want to improve the appearance of their lips and achieve a perfect and sensual smile. Our lip surgery experts are here to help you achieve your beauty goals safely and effectively.

If you are ready to rediscover your perfect smile, we invite you to contact Aesophy Clinic and schedule a personalized consultation with our Cheiloplasty specialists. We will help you enhance your natural beauty and achieve the smile you have always wanted. Don't wait any longer to transform your lips into a masterpiece of beauty at Clínica Aesophy!

Cheiloplasty lip surgery Málaga Aesophy clinic

Specialists in Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery Málaga

Frequently asked questions Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery

What exactly does Cheiloplasty or lip surgery consist of?

Cheiloplasty, also known as lip surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the lips and lip contour. At Clínica Aesophy, Cheiloplasty is performed in a personalized manner to address the specific needs of each patient, but generally includes the following aspects:

  1. Lip Volume Increase: For those who desire fuller and more sensual lips, specific fillers or implants are used to increase lip volume in a natural and harmonious way.

  2. Definition of the Lip Contour: Cheiloplasty is also performed to define and highlight the contour of the lips. This can help improve the shape and beauty of the mouth, achieving a more attractive appearance.

  3. Correction of Asymmetries: If the lips have asymmetries or inequalities in their shape, Cheiloplasty can correct them to obtain a more symmetrical and balanced appearance.

  4. Natural and Lasting Results: At Clínica Aesophy, we strive to achieve results that look natural and last over time. We work collaboratively with our patients to understand their aesthetic goals and customize the procedure accordingly.

  5. Safe and Supervised Procedure: Safety is our main concern. Our highly qualified and experienced surgeons use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to perform Cheiloplasty safely and effectively.

In short, Cheiloplasty en Aesophy Clinic It is an effective solution to improve the appearance of the lips and achieve a more attractive and balanced smile. If you would like more information about this procedure or are interested in scheduling a consultation to discuss your specific needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you achieve your beauty goals and provide you with a perfect smile.

Cheiloplasty, or lip surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that offers a variety of benefits and solutions to improve the appearance of the lips. Some of the most common reasons why people choose to undergo Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy include:

  1. Lip Volume Increase: Many patients desire fuller, more sensual lips. Cheiloplasty allows you to increase the volume of the lips in a natural and harmonious way.

  2. Definition of the Lip Contour: Lip surgery can improve the shape and definition of the lips, providing a more attractive and symmetrical appearance.

  3. Correction of Asymmetries: Some people have asymmetrical or uneven lips. Cheiloplasty can correct these imperfections to achieve a more balanced appearance.

  4. Lip Rejuvenation: As we age, it is common for lips to lose volume and definition. Cheiloplasty can rejuvenate the lips, providing a more youthful appearance.

  5. Self-esteem improvement: Lip surgery can increase self-esteem and self-confidence by improving facial appearance.

  6. Facial Harmony: Cheiloplasty can contribute to overall facial harmony, balancing the lips with other facial features.

  7. Lasting Results: The results of Cheiloplasty are usually long-lasting, allowing patients to enjoy long-term improvement in the appearance of their lips.

  8. Security and Medical Supervision: At Clínica Aesophy, Cheiloplasty is performed safely and under the supervision of highly qualified surgeons, giving patients peace of mind.

Each individual is unique, and our Cheiloplasty experts at Clínica Aesophy work closely with patients to understand their specific goals and customize the procedure to their individual needs. If you are considering Cheiloplasty, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your reasons and how we can help you achieve your beauty goals safely and effectively.

The Cheiloplasty procedure, or lip surgery, is performed by our expert surgeons at Clínica Aesophy following a careful and meticulous process. Below, we explain how this procedure is carried out:

1. Initial Consultation:

  • The process begins with an initial consultation with one of our plastic surgeons specialized in Cheiloplasty. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your lips, discuss your aesthetic goals, and answer any of your questions.

2. Personalized Planning:

  • After understanding your needs and goals, your surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan that fits your unique facial features and aesthetic desires.

3. Anesthesia:

  • The Cheiloplasty procedure is generally performed under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the process. In some cases, intravenous sedation may be chosen.

4. Incisions and Techniques:

  • Incisions for Cheiloplasty are made strategically in discrete areas of the lips, usually at the natural edges or corners. The surgeon will use specific techniques to achieve the desired results, such as increasing volume, defining contour, or correcting asymmetries.

5. Filling or Implant Treatment:

  • Depending on your treatment plan, high-quality dermal fillers or specific implants may be used to increase volume and improve the shape of your lips.

6. Closure of Incisions:

  • Once the desired aesthetic improvement has been completed, the surgeon closes the incisions with fine, precise sutures.

7. Recovery and Monitoring:

  • After Cheiloplasty, you will be provided with detailed post-operative instructions. Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days, although some temporary swelling and bruising may be experienced. Our medical team will provide you with follow-up and care to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery.

At Clínica Aesophy, our priority is to perform Cheiloplasty safely and effectively, providing natural and satisfactory results. If you are considering this procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experts to discuss your specific needs and goals. We are here to help you achieve the perfect smile you want.

Recovery after Lip Surgery, such as Cheiloplasty, varies from person to person and depends largely on the extent of the procedure, the individual pain threshold and the technique used. However, in general, recovery after a Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy is characterized by being relatively comfortable and with mild discomfort compared to other more invasive procedures. Here is a description of what to expect during recovery:

1. Minor Discomfort and Discomfort: After surgery, it is common to feel some discomfort and mild discomfort in the lips. This may include swelling, tenderness and possibly a feeling of tightness in the treated area. These discomforts are usually manageable and can be controlled with pain relievers prescribed by your surgeon.

2. Temporary Swelling and Bruising: There may be swelling and bruising around the lips for the first few days after the procedure. These side effects are usually temporary and will decrease over time.

3. Postoperative Care: It is important to follow the postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy. This may include using cold compresses to reduce swelling, avoiding hot foods and drinks for the first few days, and following a gentle diet.

4. Gradual Recovery: Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days after Lip Surgery. However, you may need to avoid intense activities and strenuous exercise for a longer period of time as directed by your surgeon.

5. Medical Follow-up: Your surgeon will follow up to make sure you are recovering properly and to evaluate the results of the surgery. If you have any concerns or experience unusual symptoms, it is important to contact the medical team at Clínica Aesophy.

In summary, although it is possible to experience some discomfort and swelling after Lip Surgery, recovery is generally manageable and discomfort is usually short-lived. Clínica Aesophy focuses on providing the most comfortable recovery experience possible for our patients and providing the necessary care and support throughout the entire process.

The duration of the recovery process after a Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy may vary from one patient to another, as it depends on several factors, including the extent of the procedure, the technique used and the individual's recovery capacity. However, in general, we can provide an estimate of the typical timelines patients can expect during their recovery:

1. First Days (Immediately after surgery):

  • During the first few days after Cheiloplasty, it is common to experience swelling and bruising around the lips. You may feel tenderness and a sensation of tightness in the treated area. During this period, it is important to rest and follow the postoperative care instructions provided by your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy.

2. First Week:

  • Swelling and bruising tend to be most noticeable during the first week. Most patients can return to their normal daily activities within the first few days to the first week after surgery, although you may want to avoid strenuous physical activities and very hot foods for an additional time.

3. Two Weeks:

  • After about two weeks, the swelling and bruising usually decrease significantly. At this point, many patients feel comfortable enough to return to their normal routine without significant restrictions.

4. Later Months:

  • As time passes, the results of Cheiloplasty continue to improve and stabilize. Remaining swelling is usually minimal at this point.

5. Medical Follow-up:

  • Your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy will schedule follow-up visits to evaluate your recovery and the results of the procedure. These visits are opportunities to address any questions or concerns you may have.

In summary, most patients can expect the Cheiloplasty recovery process to last several weeks, with most of the swelling and bruising subsiding significantly in the first two weeks. It is important to remember that recovery can vary from person to person, and following your surgeon's instructions is essential for a successful recovery and optimal results at Clínica Aesophy.

Cheiloplasty is a safe and effective cosmetic surgery procedure in the hands of expert surgeons at Clínica Aesophy. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks and potential complications that patients should understand before undergoing surgery. Below are some of the risks and complications associated with Cheiloplasty:

1. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection after surgery. Patients should follow the postoperative care instructions provided by their surgeon at Clínica Aesophy to reduce this risk.

2. Bruising and Swelling: It is normal to experience some amount of bruising and swelling after Cheiloplasty. These side effects are usually temporary, but may be uncomfortable for the first few days or weeks.

3. Scars: Scar formation is a potential concern in any surgical procedure. However, the surgeons at Clínica Aesophy use precise techniques to minimize the visibility of scars as much as possible.

4. Asymmetry: Despite careful planning and precise execution of the procedure, there is a possibility that the lips will not be completely symmetrical. Your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy will work to minimize this possibility and, in the event of asymmetry, additional adjustments can be made if necessary.

5. Reactions to Anesthesia: Some patients may experience reactions to the anesthesia used during surgery. This is discussed in detail during the preoperative consultation.

6. Dissatisfaction with Results: Although most patients are satisfied with the results of Cheiloplasty, there is a possibility that the results may not completely meet individual expectations.

Importantly, choosing an experienced surgeon and open communication about your goals and concerns are crucial factors in minimizing risks and complications. At Clínica Aesophy, our surgeons are highly trained and committed to the safety and satisfaction of our patients. Before undergoing Cheiloplasty, you will be provided with detailed information about the specific risks and complications related to your case and all of your questions will be answered so that you can make an informed decision about the procedure.

After undergoing Lip Surgery, such as Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy, it is essential to follow adequate aftercare to guarantee a successful recovery and optimal results. Here we provide you with a guide to the necessary aftercare:

1. Rest and Avoid Strenuous Activities:

  • During the first days after surgery, it is essential to rest and avoid strenuous physical activities. This will help reduce swelling and facilitate recovery.

2. Oral Hygiene:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene, but be careful when brushing your teeth and lips to avoid rubbing or pressure on the treated area. You can use mild mouthwash as directed by your surgeon.

3. Gentle Diet:

  • During the first days, it is advisable to follow a soft diet that does not require vigorous chewing. Avoid very hot foods and drinks to prevent discomfort.

4. Application of Cold Compresses:

  • Applying cold compresses to your lips for the first few days can help reduce swelling. Be sure to protect your skin with a soft cloth to avoid direct contact of the ice with your skin.

5. Prescription Medications:

  • Take any medications prescribed by your surgeon as directed. This may include pain relievers to control pain and antibiotics to prevent infection.

6. Avoid Smoking and Consuming Alcohol:

  • Refrain from smoking and alcohol during the recovery period, as these habits can negatively affect healing and recovery.

7. Avoid Sun Exposure:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area for at least the first few weeks after surgery to prevent discoloration and irritation.

8. Medical Follow-up:

  • Schedule and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy. This will allow the doctor to evaluate your progress and make adjustments if necessary.

9. Patience and Scar Care:

  • Be patient with the recovery process and continue to care for your scars as directed by your surgeon. The healing process can take time, and it is essential to keep the treated areas clean and protected from the sun.

10. Open Communication: – If you experience any unusual symptoms, severe discomfort or concerns during recovery, notify your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy immediately. Open communication is key to addressing any issues in a timely manner.

By following this aftercare, you will be able to have a more comfortable and effective recovery after your Lip Surgery at Clínica Aesophy and achieve the desired results safely.

The duration of Cheiloplasty results can vary from patient to patient and depends on several factors, including the technique used, the type of filler or implant used, and individual genetics. However, in general, the results of Cheiloplasty can be expected to be long-lasting. Below we provide you with a general estimate of how long your results will last:

1. Dermal Fillers: If dermal fillers are used for Cheiloplasty, the results usually last between 6 months and 1 year. After this period, you may want to schedule touch-up sessions to maintain the desired volume and shape of your lips.

2. Lip Implants: If lip implants are used, the results may be longer lasting and may be maintained for several years or longer. However, over time, you may want to consider a replacement or adjustment, as implants can undergo natural changes over time.

3. Postoperative Care: Proper post-operative care can help prolong the duration of your results. Maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding excessive exposure to the sun and following the instructions of your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy are key factors to maintain the appearance of your lips.

4. Individual Genetics: Each person's genetics also play a role in how long the results last. Some people may experience faster absorption of dermal fillers, while others may maintain results for longer.

It is important to note that Cheiloplasty offers natural and satisfactory results that can last a significant period. However, to maintain the desired appearance, you may need to consider maintenance treatments or periodic touch-ups, especially if dermal fillers were used. Your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy can discuss a long-term care plan with you to ensure that you continue to enjoy your improved lips on a long-term basis.

The need for a touch-up or maintenance after Cheiloplasty surgery at Clínica Aesophy may depend on several factors, including the technique used, the type of filler or implant, individual genetics, and the patient's aesthetic goals. Here we provide you with general information about touch-up or maintenance:

1. Dermal Fillers: If dermal fillers were used for Cheiloplasty, the results are likely to be temporary, typically lasting 6 months to 1 year. Therefore, it is common for patients to consider touch-ups to maintain the desired lip volume and shape.

2. Lip Implants: If lip implants were used, the results are usually longer lasting than dermal fillers and can be maintained for several years or longer. However, over time, you may want to consider replacing or adjusting the implants, as they may undergo natural changes.

3. Individual Genetics: Each person's genetics influence the rate of absorption of fillers and how implants can change over time. Some people may require touch-ups or maintenance sooner than others.

4. Aesthetic Objectives: The decision to undergo a touch-up or aftercare also depends on your personal aesthetic goals. Some patients may be satisfied with the initial results and choose not to have touch-ups, while others may desire additional adjustments to achieve the desired look.

It is important to maintain open communication with your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy after Cheiloplasty. Your surgeon will evaluate your results, discuss your expectations, and offer personalized recommendations on whether touch-ups or maintenance are necessary or beneficial. If you decide to opt for touch-ups, these can be done safely and effectively to keep your lips looking improved over time.

Yes, you can definitely customize the shape and volume of your lips in a Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy. Cheiloplasty is a highly personalized procedure that adapts to the individual aesthetic needs and desires of each patient. Here's how you can customize the look of your lips:

1. Initial Consultation:

  • The process begins with an initial consultation with one of our plastic surgeons at Clínica Aesophy. During this consultation, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic goals and express your preferences regarding the shape and volume of your lips.

2. Personalized Treatment Plan:

  • Based on your goals and desires, your surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan specifically for you. This plan will consider your current lip shape, your facial features, and your expectations.

3. Choice of Fillers or Implants:

  • Depending on your aesthetic goals, your surgeon will discuss with you whether it is appropriate to use high-quality dermal fillers or specific implants to achieve your desired shape and volume.

4. Definition of Shape and Volume:

  • In collaboration with your surgeon, you will be able to define the exact shape and volume you want for your lips. Specific adjustments can be made to achieve a result that suits your face and highlights your natural beauty.

5. Natural and Harmonious Results:

  • The objective of Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy is to achieve results that look natural and harmonious with your facial features. The surgeon will use precise techniques and experience to make sure your lips look attractive and balanced.

6. Open Communication:

  • It is essential to maintain open and honest communication with your surgeon so that your expectations are understood and any necessary adjustments can be made during the process.

In summary, Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy gives you the opportunity to customize the shape and volume of your lips according to your aesthetic desires. Our highly qualified surgeons work closely with you to achieve results that enhance your natural beauty and give you a look that makes you feel confident and satisfied.

Cheiloplasty and dermal fillers are two popular options to improve the appearance of the lips, but they differ in several key aspects at Clínica Aesophy. Below are the main differences between these two approaches:

1. Type of Procedure:

  • Cheiloplasty: Cheiloplasty is a lip surgery that involves modifying the shape and volume of the lips through incisions and, in some cases, the insertion of lip implants.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are non-surgical injections applied directly to the lips to increase volume and improve appearance. They do not require surgery or incisions.

2. Duration of Results:

  • Cheiloplasty: The results of Cheiloplasty tend to be longer lasting and can be maintained for several years or longer, depending on the technique used.
  • Dermal Fillers: The results of dermal fillers are temporary and generally last 6 months to 1 year. Regular touch-up sessions are required to maintain results.

3. Invasiveness and Recovery Time:

  • Cheiloplasty: Cheiloplasty is a surgical procedure that requires recovery time and may cause initial swelling and discomfort. Patients may need several days to fully recover.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are non-invasive procedures that generally do not require significant recovery time. Patients can return to normal activities immediately, although they may experience temporary swelling.

4. Personalization of Results:

  • Cheiloplasty: Cheiloplasty allows for complete customization of lip shape and volume and can address deeper structural issues.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers offer less invasive customization and allow for more subtle adjustments to lip shape and volume.

5. Anesthesia:

  • Cheiloplasty: Cheiloplasty is generally performed under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation, depending on the preference of the patient and surgeon.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are usually applied under local or topical anesthesia to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

The choice between Cheiloplasty and dermal fillers will depend on your aesthetic goals, personal preferences and the recommendation of your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy. It is important to discuss your needs and expectations with a medical professional to determine the best option to achieve your desired results.

Lip Surgery, or Cheiloplasty, is an aesthetic improvement procedure that can benefit many people who wish to change the shape, volume or appearance of their lips. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate. Below are typical candidates who may consider Cheiloplasty at Clínica Aesophy:

1. People with Thin or Asymmetrical Lips: Ideal candidates are usually those with naturally thin or asymmetrical lips who wish to increase volume and improve the shape of their lips for a more balanced and harmonious appearance.

2. Individuals with Signs of Aging on the Lips: Cheiloplasty may also be suitable for people who show signs of aging on the lips, such as loss of volume and the formation of vertical wrinkles (smoker's lines).

3. Patients Who Desire an Aesthetic Improvement in Their Lips: Those who wish to improve the appearance of their lips for aesthetic reasons or to increase self-esteem are suitable candidates for Cheiloplasty.

4. People in Good General Health: Ideal candidates should be in good general health and have no medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications during surgery or recovery.

5. Individuals with Realistic Expectations: It is important that candidates have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. Cheiloplasty can improve the appearance of the lips, but it will not completely transform the facial structure.

6. Non-Smokers or Willingness to Quit Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect the healing and results of Cheiloplasty. Candidates must be willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure if they are smokers.

7. Open Communication with the Surgeon: Open and honest communication with the surgeon at Clínica Aesophy is essential. Candidates should be able to discuss their goals and concerns so the surgeon can create a personalized treatment plan.

It is important to remember that the decision to undergo Cheiloplasty should be based on personal needs and desire for aesthetic improvement. If you are considering Lip Surgery at Clínica Aesophy, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation with one of our highly qualified plastic surgeons to evaluate your eligibility and discuss your specific aesthetic goals.

The time you should wait before applying makeup to your lips again after Cheiloplasty surgery at Clínica Aesophy may vary depending on your surgeon's recommendation and the progress of your recovery. A general guide is provided here:

1. First Days: During the first few days after surgery, it is important to allow the lips to recover without interference. Therefore, you may need to avoid lip makeup during this period.

2. Swelling and Bruising: If you experience significant swelling and bruising on your lips after Cheiloplasty, it is advisable to wait until these effects subside before applying lip makeup. This can take several days to a week or more, depending on your individual recovery process.

3. Consult with your Surgeon: The best way to determine when it is safe to put makeup on your lips again is to consult your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy. Your surgeon will evaluate the progress of your recovery and give you specific guidance on when it is appropriate to reintroduce lip makeup.

4. Scar Care: If you have incisions or scars on your lips as a result of Cheiloplasty, it is essential to take proper care of them. Your surgeon will provide you with specific guidelines on how to care for scars and when you can begin applying makeup products to that area.

5. Safe Makeup: When you're ready to reapply your lips, be sure to use high-quality, safe makeup products that won't irritate or compromise surgery recovery.

In summary, recovery after Cheiloplasty varies from person to person, and the time to return to lip makeup will depend on your individual recovery process. It is essential to follow the recommendations of your surgeon at Clínica Aesophy and be patient to allow a complete recovery before reintroducing lip makeup. The safety and health of your lips should be the top priority during this period.

In Cheiloplasty performed at Clínica Aesophy, two types of anesthesia are mainly used, depending on the patient's preferences, the extent of the procedure and the medical evaluation.. These types of anesthesia are:

1. Local Anesthesia:

  • Local anesthesia is a common option for Cheiloplasty. With this technique, the surgeon applies a local anesthetic to the lip area and its surroundings. This numbs the area and prevents you from feeling pain during the procedure.
  • Local anesthesia allows the patient to be awake and conscious during surgery, which can be beneficial for communication between the patient and the surgeon to adjust the shape and volume of the lips according to the patient's preferences.
  • In addition to local anesthesia, mild intravenous sedatives may be used to help the patient relax during the procedure.

2. Intravenous (IV) Sedation or General Anesthesia:

  • In some cases, especially when Cheiloplasty is combined with other procedures or when the patient prefers not to be conscious during surgery, intravenous (IV) sedation or general anesthesia may be used.
  • With IV sedation, the patient receives medications through a vein to induce a state of deep drowsiness and relaxation. Although the patient is not completely asleep, she will not feel or remember the procedure.
  • General anesthesia means that the patient is completely asleep and unaware during surgery. This approach is used in more complex cases or when greater control of patient comfort is necessary.

The choice between local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will depend on several factors, including the patient's preferences, the extent of the Cheiloplasty, and the medical evaluation performed by the surgeon and anesthesiologist. During the preoperative consultation at Clínica Aesophy, the most appropriate type of anesthesia for your specific case will be discussed and all your questions about the procedure and anesthesia will be answered.

Where can I find the best clinic for my Cheiloplasty procedure near me?

Book an appointment at Aesthetic Clinic Specialized in Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery

Clinic Nº1 Cheiloplasty or Lip Surgery Málaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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