medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Double chin liposuction Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Double Chin Liposuction Malaga

Double Chin Liposuction
intv time
1 and 2 hours
Double Chin Liposuction
Local anesthesia with sedation
Double Chin Liposuction
2 and 4 weeks
Double Chin Liposuction
Some weeks
Double Chin Liposuction
Double Chin Liposuction
From: €1500

Table of Contents Double Chin Liposuction

Double chin surgery at Clínica Aesophy: eliminates excess fat and shows off a more stylized neck

What is double chin surgery?

the surgery of double chin liposuction, also known as double chin liposuction, is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess subcutaneous fat in the neck area. This procedure can be performed alone or in combination with other facial aesthetic procedures, such as a facelift or cheekbone augmentation.

Who are the ideal candidates for double chin surgery?

The ideal candidates for surgery double chin liposuction These are people who have excess subcutaneous fat in the neck area, which gives them a sagging or aged appearance. The surgery of double chin liposuction It may also be a good option for people who have lost significant weight and developed a residual double chin.

How is double chin surgery performed?

the surgery of double chin liposuction It is performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the submental area, through which he inserts a cannula with which he aspirates the excess fat. In some cases, the surgeon may also make an incision at the bottom of the chin to tighten the skin and muscle.

How long does double chin surgery last?

The duration of the surgery double chin liposuction It depends on the amount of fat that has to be removed. In general, the surgery usually lasts between 1 and 2 hours.

What are the results of double chin surgery?

The results of surgery double chin liposuction They are very satisfactory. The surgery eliminates excess fat and defines the mandibular border, giving the face a younger and healthier appearance. The results of surgery are permanent, as long as the person maintains a healthy weight.

Double chin liposuction surgery Málaga Aesophy Clinic

What are the risks of double chin surgery?

The risks of surgery double chin liposuction They are minimal. The most common risks are infection, bleeding and bruising. In very rare cases, an allergic reaction to the anesthesia or paralysis of the facial nerve may occur.

Double chin surgery at Aesophy Clinic

En Aesophy Clinic, we are specialists in facial cosmetic surgery. We offer a wide range of treatments to improve the appearance of the face, including surgery double chin liposuction.

Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience in performing plastic surgery. double chin liposuction. We use the most advanced techniques to guarantee the best results.

En Aesophy Clinic, we offer affordable prices for double chin surgery. In addition, we offer customized financing so that our patients can access our treatments without problems.

If you are thinking about having double chin surgery, do not hesitate to contact Clínica Aesophy. We will advise you in a personalized way and help you choose the treatment that best suits your needs. You can consult our photo gallery of before and after double chin liposuction interventions.

Book your appointment with specialist surgeons Double chin Liposuction Surgery

Double Chin Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

What is double chin liposuction?

Double chin liposuction, also known as submental liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat from the region under the chin and lower part of the face, commonly referred to as the "double chin.". This procedure helps improve the contour of the jaw and neck, offering a more defined and youthful profile. Here I detail more about the procedure:

  1. Objective of the Procedure: The main objective is to reduce the accumulation of fat in the jowl area, which is often resistant to diet and exercise. This can significantly improve the appearance of the patient's neck and profile, providing a slimmer, more contoured look.

  2. Liposuction Technique: During the procedure, small incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears. Through these incisions, a thin cannula is inserted to aspirate the accumulated fat. The surgeon uses this cannula to carefully sculpt the area and precisely remove fat.

  3. Anesthesia: Double chin liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or under general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient's preferences.

  4. Recovery: Recovery is usually relatively quick, with some patients returning to normal activities within a few days. It is common to experience some swelling and bruising in the treated area, but these side effects usually subside within one to two weeks.

  5. Result: Results may be noticeable shortly after the procedure, but the final appearance is usually seen after the swelling has completely subsided, which may take several weeks.

  6. Ideal Candidates: The best candidates for this procedure are those who have a significant amount of fat in the jowl area, but otherwise have skin with good elasticity.

Double chin liposuction is a popular option for those looking to improve their profile and reduce the appearance of a "double chin." As with any surgical procedure, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss expectations, possible risks, and expected results.

The ideal candidates for double chin liposuction, as you mentioned, are those who have specific characteristics. These include:

  1. Excess Fat in the Double Chin Area: Individuals who have concentrated fat deposits in the submental region (under the chin) that are difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise.

  2. Skin Elasticity: Skin with good elasticity is crucial for this procedure. The skin must be able to contract and adapt to the new contour after fat removal. This ensures a more natural and uniform aesthetic result.

  3. Good General Health: Healthy candidates without serious medical conditions that could affect surgery or recovery. This includes not having bleeding disorders, uncontrolled heart disease, or uncontrolled diabetes.

  4. Realistic Expectations: It is important for candidates to understand what jowl liposuction can and cannot do. They should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.

  5. Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Ideal candidates are non-smokers or willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure.

  6. Stable Weight: Ideally, candidates should be of relatively stable weight. Large fluctuations in weight after the procedure can affect the results.

  7. Age: There is no specific ideal age, but younger candidates tend to have better skin elasticity.

Each person is unique, and suitability for double chin liposuction should be evaluated in a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will perform a complete evaluation, discuss the patient's aesthetic goals, and determine if this procedure is best suited for her needs and expectations.

Double chin liposuction is a cosmetic procedure performed to remove excess fat from under the chin and around the neck, thus improving the contour of the jaw and profile. Here is how this procedure is carried out:

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: Before the procedure, the surgeon will perform a complete evaluation to determine if the patient is a good candidate for double chin liposuction. This will include a physical examination, a review of medical history, and a discussion of treatment expectations and goals.

  2. Preparation for Surgery: Instructions are given on how to prepare for surgery, which may include guidelines on diet, medication, and other specific recommendations.

  3. Anesthesia: Double chin liposuction is generally performed under local anesthesia with sedation or under general anesthesia, depending on the case and the preferences of the patient and surgeon.

  4. Incisions and Fat Extraction: Small incisions are made, typically under the chin or behind the ears. Through these incisions, a thin cannula, which is a specialized tube, is inserted to aspirate fat. The surgeon uses the cannula to carefully break down and suction the fat from the jowl area.

  5. Contoured: During the procedure, the surgeon sculpts the area to improve the profile and contour of the neck and submental area.

  6. Incision Closure: Once fat removal is completed, the incisions are closed with sutures.

  7. Recovery: After the procedure, some swelling and bruising can be expected in the treated area. Postoperative instructions will include how to care for the surgery area, medications to take, and when normal activities can resume.

  8. Tracking: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor recovery and evaluate the results of the procedure.

Double chin liposuction is a relatively quick procedure with a shorter recovery time compared to other liposuction procedures. However, like any surgery, it carries risks and requires careful consideration and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Double chin liposuction, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and possible complications. Although it is generally safe when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, it is important to be aware of these risks:

  1. Hematoma and bleeding: As with any surgery, there is a risk of bleeding during or after the procedure. In some cases, a hematoma, which is a collection of blood under the skin, may form.

  2. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection at the incision site or treated areas.

  3. Reactions to Anesthesia: Some patients may have adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during surgery.

  4. Skin Irregularities: After liposuction, skin irregularities may appear, such as lumps, indentations, or wrinkles. This may be due to uneven fat removal or changes in skin elasticity.

  5. Changes in Sensation: There may be a temporary or, rarely, permanent change in skin sensitivity in the treated area.

  6. Asymmetry: There is a risk that the results may not be completely symmetrical, which may require additional procedures to correct.

  7. seroma: Fluid buildup in the area where liposuction was performed can occur, although it is less common in double chin liposuction than in other areas of the body.

  8. Scars: Although the incisions for double chin liposuction are small, they can leave scars. Typically, these scars are minimal and placed discreetly.

  9. Unsatisfactory Results: In some cases, the results may not meet the patient's expectations, which could require additional procedures.

  10. Long Term Risks: As with any surgery, long-term complications can arise, although this is rare.

It is crucial to discuss these risks with a board-certified plastic surgeon before deciding to undergo double chin liposuction. An experienced surgeon can not only minimize these risks but also explain how they would be managed should they arise. Additionally, carefully following your surgeon's pre- and post-operative instructions can help reduce the likelihood of complications and ensure a smoother, more successful recovery.

Recovery time after jowl liposuction varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure, but is generally shorter compared to other forms of liposuction. Here is a general timeline for recovery:

  1. Immediately after the procedure: After surgery, it is common to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. Pain medications may be prescribed to manage any discomfort.

  2. First days: During the first days, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activities. Many patients may experience a feeling of tightness or numbness in the jowl area.

  3. A week later: Most patients can return to work and normal daily activities within a week, although this may vary. Follow-up appointments are usually scheduled around this time to evaluate the healing process.

  4. Reduction of Swelling and Bruising: Although the swelling and bruising begins to subside in the first week, it may take several weeks to completely disappear.

  5. Physical activities: It is recommended to avoid intense exercise and other strenuous physical activities for at least 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.

  6. Final results: The final results may take several months to be fully visible as the swelling gradually subsides and the skin adjusts to the new contours.

  7. Postoperative care: Following the surgeon's postoperative instructions, including incision care, is essential for optimal recovery and to minimize the risk of complications.

Everyone recovers at a different rate and it is important to keep in mind that these are general estimates. Recovery may be faster or slower depending on individual factors such as general health, age, and the extent of the procedure. It is always advisable to follow the specific recommendations of your plastic surgeon to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

The price of double chin liposuction can vary significantly depending on several factors such as the geographical location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the complexity of the procedure, and the services included in the price.

In the specific case of Aesophy Clinic, the price of double chin liposuction starts at €1500.

It is important to consider that the final price could vary depending on:

  1. Personalized Evaluation: Each patient has unique needs and goals, and the treatment plan is customized accordingly.

  2. Techniques Used: Different liposuction techniques can have different costs.

  3. Anesthesia and Surgical Facilities: Costs associated with anesthesia and use of surgical facilities may influence the total price.

  4. Surgeon's Experience: At the Aesophy clinic we have the most experienced surgeons specialized in this type of intervention.

  5. Postoperative care: Even after the procedure, there may be additional costs related to follow-up and recovery.

  6. Geographic location: The location of the clinic can significantly affect the cost of the procedure.

It is important that patients interested in undergoing double chin liposuction at Clínica Aesophy consult directly with the clinic to obtain an accurate and detailed quote that includes all aspects of the procedure. Additionally, during the initial consultation, any questions regarding costs, financing options, and specific details of the treatment can be addressed.

The results of double chin liposuction, in terms of the removal of fat cells, are generally permanent. During the procedure, fat cells are physically removed from the area under the chin, and these cells are not regenerated. However, there are several factors to take into account regarding the permanence of the results:

  1. Weight Maintenance: Although the removed fat cells do not return, the remaining fat cells in the body can increase in size if there is significant weight gain. Therefore, maintaining a stable weight is crucial to preserving the results of double chin liposuction.

  2. Aging: Over time, it is natural for the skin to lose some of its elasticity and firmness. These age-related changes can affect the contour and appearance of the neck and jaw, even if the removed fat does not return.

  3. Lifestyle and Genetic Factors: Factors such as diet, exercise and genetics also play a role in the long-term appearance of the treated area.

  4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, especially those that occur during events such as pregnancy, menopause, or due to certain medical conditions, can influence the overall distribution of fat in the body.

While double chin liposuction offers results that can be considered permanent in terms of fat cell reduction, it is important for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take into account the natural factors of aging to enjoy long-term results. Additionally, it is crucial to follow your surgeon's postoperative recommendations to ensure the best recovery and maintenance of results.

There are several non-surgical and minimally invasive alternatives to double chin liposuction, which may be options for people looking to reduce fat in this area without undergoing surgery. Some of these alternatives include:

  1. Deoxycholic Acid Injections: This is a non-surgical treatment that uses injections of deoxycholic acid, a substance that helps break down and absorb fat. This treatment is specifically approved for the treatment of submental fat and may be a good option for those seeking a non-surgical approach.

  2. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): CoolSculpting is a treatment that uses controlled cold to freeze and eliminate fat cells. It is a non-invasive procedure that can reduce fat in the jowl area.

  3. Laser and Radiofrequency Therapies: These treatments use laser or radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy fat cells. They often also promote collagen production, which can help tighten skin.

  4. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): This treatment uses ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells under the skin without surgery.

  5. Mesotherapy: It consists of injecting substances that dissolve fat in the submental area. However, its effectiveness and safety may vary and it is important that it be performed by a qualified professional.

  6. Tension Thread Therapy: Although it does not eliminate fat, tightening threads can help lift and tighten the skin, thus improving the contour of the jaw and the appearance of the double chin.

It is important to note that while these methods may offer improvements, the results may not be as dramatic or immediate as those of liposuction. Additionally, some of these treatments may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

Before deciding on any procedure, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the available options, possible results and risks, and determine the most appropriate treatment for your individual needs and expectations.

Properly preparing for double chin liposuction can help ensure a safer procedure and a more efficient recovery. Here are some general steps and recommendations for preparation:

  1. Medical consultation: Before surgery, you will have a consultation with your surgeon. During this appointment, it is important to discuss your expectations, any medical conditions you have, and any medications you are taking.

  2. Health Assessment: You may need a complete medical evaluation, including blood tests and, in some cases, heart tests, to make sure you are in good condition for surgery.

  3. Pharmaceutical products: Inform your surgeon about any medications you are taking, as some may need to be adjusted or stopped before surgery. This includes blood-thinning medications, supplements, and anti-inflammatory medications.

  4. Give up smoking: Smoking can negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications. It is recommended to stop smoking several weeks before and after surgery.

  5. Preoperative Instructions: Follow all instructions given by your surgeon before surgery. This may include guidelines on fasting (not eating or drinking) before the procedure.

  6. Preparation for Surgery Day: Arrange for someone to accompany you and drive you home after surgery, since you will not be able to drive. Also prepare your home for the postoperative period, with a comfortable place to rest and recover.

  7. Clothing and Personal Items: Wear comfortable, easy-to-remove clothing on the day of surgery. Avoid wearing jewelry or valuable items.

  8. Postoperative care: Make sure you understand and have all necessary post-operative care supplies, such as ice, clean compresses, and any prescribed medications.

  9. Rest and Recovery: Plan to take time off from work and other activities to allow for proper recovery.

  10. Realistic Expectations: Although it is important to have a clear idea of ​​what you hope to achieve with surgery, it is also crucial to maintain realistic expectations about the results.

Remember that each surgeon may have specific protocols, so it is essential to follow the particular recommendations and advice of your plastic surgeon.

If you are looking for the best clinic for double chin liposuction near you, Aesophy Clinic It stands out as an unmatched choice. At the heart of our philosophy is a dedication to providing exceptional aesthetic results combined with meticulous, personalized care for each of our patients. Our clinic is widely recognized for its excellence in procedures double chin liposuction, thanks to a team of highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons.

En Aesophy Clinic, we not only focus on the precise and advanced technique necessary for the double chin liposuction, but we also prioritize your comfort and safety. From your initial consultation to your post-operative recovery, our team is dedicated to ensuring your experience is as smooth and satisfying as possible.

We understand that each patient has unique needs and goals. Therefore, during your initial consultation, we conduct a thorough evaluation to understand your expectations and provide a personalized treatment plan. We use cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to ensure natural and harmonious results that enhance your profile and improve your confidence.

Choose Aesophy Clinic for you double chin liposuction It means choosing a trusted partner on your journey towards a better version of yourself. With our convenient location, recognized experts, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in patient care, we are the go-to clinic for those seeking high-quality results in double chin liposuction. Come and discover how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals in a welcoming and professional environment.

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Book Appointment Best plastic surgeons Double chin liposuction specialists in Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Double Chin Liposuction Malaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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