medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Cheek implant Aesophy Málaga clinic

Cheekbone implant

Cheekbone implant
Treatment time
60 minutes
Cheekbone implant
Local and light sedation
Cheekbone implant
1 week
Cheekbone implant
Cheekbone implant
not required
Cheekbone implant
from: consult

Table of contents Cheek augmentation

Do you want to show off a younger and more attractive face? Do you feel like your cheekbones are sunken or flattened? If so, cheekbone augmentation with implants may be the perfect solution for you.

Of course! Here is the optimized text for Aesophy Clinic, which highlights Cheekbone Implants as one of its specialties:

Discover the Beauty in your Cheekbones with Aesophy Clinic

At Clínica Aesophy, we understand that beauty and confidence go hand in hand. That is why we offer you an exceptional solution to enhance your facial features and highlight the elegance of your face: the Cheekbone Implants. If you are looking for a harmonious and natural facial transformation, you are in the right place.

Cheek augmentation with implants at Clínica Aesophy: rejuvenate your face and improve your confidence

Cheek augmentation with implants is a surgical procedure that consists of placing silicone or PEEK implants in the cheekbone area.. These implants provide an increase in volume and definition, which helps create a more balanced and attractive face.

At Clínica Aesophy, we are specialists in aesthetic surgery and we have a team of highly qualified plastic surgeons. Our implants are of the highest quality and we use advanced surgical techniques to guarantee the best results.

Best Cheekbone Implant Clinic Málaga Aesophy clinic

Benefits of cheekbone augmentation:

  • Rejuvenate your face: Cheek implants can help restore volume lost due to aging, which can give the face a younger, fresher appearance.
  • Improve the harmony of your face: Well-defined cheekbones help create a more harmonious facial structure, which can improve the overall appearance of the face.
  • Increase your confidence: A more attractive face can help you feel more confident and confident in yourself.

Who is a candidate for cheekbone augmentation?

Cheek augmentation is a procedure suitable for people of all ages who wish to improve the appearance of their cheekbones. However, it is important for patients to be aware of the risks and benefits of the procedure before making a decision.

Cheek augmentation surgery at Aesophy Clinic:

At Clínica Aesophy, cheekbone augmentation is performed under local anesthesia and sedation. The procedure usually lasts between one and two hours.

Once the patient is anesthetized, the surgeon makes an incision in the mouth or cheek. Through this incision, the implant is inserted into the cheekbone area.

Once the implant is in place, the incision is closed with stitches.

Recovery cheekbone implant:

Recovery from cheekbone augmentation is usually quick and easy. Patients are usually able to return home the same day as surgery.

Patients may experience some swelling and bruising during the first few days after surgery. However, these symptoms usually disappear on their own within a few weeks.

Cheek implant for men Aesophy Clinic

Cheek implant results:

The results of cheekbone augmentation are long-lasting. Implants can last a lifetime, but can be removed if necessary.

Why Choose Cheek Implants at Aesophy Clinic?

At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to offering our patients the best possible results. We have a team of highly qualified plastic surgeons who use advanced surgical techniques to guarantee the best results.

Additionally, we offer our patients a calm and welcoming environment so that they feel safe and comfortable throughout the entire process.

If you are thinking about undergoing cheekbone augmentation, do not hesitate to consult with our team. We will be happy to help you make the right decision for you.

1. Medical Experience and Excellence: Our team of highly qualified plastic surgeons has years of experience performing Cheek Implant procedures. Their skill and knowledge ensure exceptional and natural results.

2. Unique Customization: At Clínica Aesophy, we understand that each face is unique. Therefore, we customize each Cheek Implant procedure to adapt it to your unique facial characteristics and achieve the harmony and proportion you desire.

3. Cutting-edge Technology: We use the most advanced technology in the field of plastic surgery to guarantee precise and satisfactory results. Our cutting-edge techniques allow us to offer you a safe and comfortable surgical process.

4. Safety and Care: Your well-being is our priority. At Aesophy Clinic, we provide you with a safe and comfortable environment for your Cheek Implants procedure. We make sure you feel in expert hands at all times.

5. Lasting Results: Cheek Implants at Aesophy Clinic not only enhance your beauty, but also offer you long-lasting results that will make you feel confident and beautiful for a long time.

6. Personalized Attention: From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, our team is committed to providing you with personalized, caring care every step of the way.

If you are ready to highlight your natural beauty and achieve a facial appearance that makes you feel more confident and radiant, Cheekbone Implants at Clínica Aesophy are the perfect choice. Don't let anything stop you from looking the best version of yourself.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a beautiful new you with Cheek Implants at Aesophy Clinic. Our experience and dedication will accompany you all the way to your dream facial transformation. We will wait for you!

Cheekbone implant price Málaga Clínica Aesophy

Contact our doctors specialized in cheek augmentation in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Cheek augmentation

What are Cheekbone Implants?

Cheek Implants are a facial plastic surgery intervention designed to enhance and improve the appearance of the cheekbones. These implants are designed to increase the volume and projection of the cheekbone area, which in turn can improve the facial profile and provide a more youthful and harmonious appearance.

Cheek implants are commonly used to address a number of aesthetic concerns, including:

  1. Flat or poorly defined cheekbones: For those who have poorly defined cheekbones or a lack of projection in this area, cheek implants can provide greater definition and a more structured appearance to the midface.

  2. Facial Asymmetry: Cheek implants can be used to correct facial asymmetries, helping to balance and harmonize the cheekbones and the face in general.

  3. Facial Aging: With aging, loss of volume in the cheekbones can result in a more aged and tired appearance. Cheek implants can restore lost volume and provide a rejuvenated look.

  4. Improved Facial Profile: For those who want to improve their facial profile and achieve a more balanced and attractive appearance, cheek implants can be an effective option.

Cheek implants are usually made of biocompatible materials such as solid silicone or porous polyethylene. These implants are surgically placed through small incisions in the skin and are adjusted to the patient's facial anatomy according to their specific aesthetic goals.

It is important to note that cheek implants are a personalized and safe option to improve facial appearance. Before undergoing this surgery, it is essential to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon who can evaluate your individual needs and provide you with personalized recommendations to achieve your desired results.

The ideal candidates for Cheek Implants are those who have certain characteristics and aesthetic concerns that may benefit from this surgery. While evaluation and selection of candidates should always be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, the following are some of the factors that are often considered when determining who are suitable candidates:

  1. Poorly defined or flat cheekbones: Ideal candidates often have poorly defined or flat cheekbones that they wish to enhance to achieve a more structured and balanced appearance in the mid-face.

  2. Good health: It is essential that candidates enjoy good general health. They must be free of medical conditions that could increase the risk during surgery or recovery.

  3. Realism in Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery. An experienced plastic surgeon can provide a proper understanding of what can be achieved with cheek implants and what results to expect.

  4. Facial Aging: Those who experience signs of facial aging, such as loss of volume in the cheekbones, may be ideal candidates for this surgery, as implants can help restore youthful appearance.

  5. Facial Asymmetry: Candidates who have facial asymmetry, especially in the cheekbone area, can benefit from the correction and harmonization that cheek implants provide.

  6. Good Mental and Emotional Health: Cosmetic surgery is an important personal decision, and candidates must be emotionally prepared for the procedure. Mental and emotional health is a factor to consider.

  7. Commitment to Recovery: Candidates must be willing to follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions and commit to the recovery period necessary to obtain the best results.

It is essential that anyone interested in Cheek Implants undergo a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the patient's facial anatomy, discuss their aesthetic goals, and provide personalized recommendations. This evaluation will determine if Cheek Implants are the appropriate and safe option for the patient in question.

There are several types of Cheek Implants available, each designed to address different aesthetic needs and preferences. The most common types of cheek implants include:

  1. Solid Silicone Implants: These are the most common cheek implants and are made of solid silicone, a biocompatible material. They come in various shapes and sizes to suit patient preferences and can be customized to specific aesthetic goals. Solid silicone implants are permanent and provide long-lasting definition to the cheekbones.

  2. Porous Polyethylene Implants: These implants are made of a porous material that allows the body's natural tissues to grow through them. This can help the implant blend more naturally into your face and prevent it from moving or shifting over time.

  3. Custom Implants: Some plastic surgeons offer custom cheek implants that are created specifically for each patient using 3D printing technology. These implants adapt to each individual's unique facial anatomy and can provide highly personalized results.

  4. Autologous Fat Grafts: Instead of using implants, some patients opt for autologous fat transfer. This procedure involves liposuction of fat from a part of the patient's body and subsequent grafting to the cheekbones. The results can be natural and long-lasting.

  5. Hyaluronic Acid Implants: Although less common than other types of implants, some surgeons offer temporary hyaluronic acid implants. These implants are temporary and provide a temporary increase in cheek volume. The advantage is that if the patient is not satisfied with the results, the hyaluronic acid can be dissolved.

The choice of the type of cheek implant will depend on the specific aesthetic needs and objectives of each patient, as well as the recommendation of the plastic surgeon. It is essential to discuss the available options and the pros and cons of each type of implant during a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon before making an informed decision. The surgeon will evaluate the patient's facial anatomy and provide personalized recommendations to achieve the desired results safely and effectively.

The duration of Cheek Implant surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the type of implant used, and the experience of the plastic surgeon.. In general, cheek implant surgery usually takes about one to two hours.

Here are some factors that may influence the length of surgery:

  1. Implant Type: The choice of the type of implant and its placement can affect the duration of the surgery. Some implants may require more time for customization or adjustment.

  2. Combination with Other Procedures: If the patient decides to combine cheek implant surgery with other cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty, the surgery as a whole will take longer.

  3. Surgeon Technique: The experience and skill of the plastic surgeon can also influence the speed of the surgery. More experienced surgeons tend to perform procedures more efficiently.

  4. Individual Considerations: Each patient's unique facial anatomy and specific aesthetic goals may require additional adjustments and customizations that may extend the duration of surgery.

It is important to remember that the duration of surgery should not be the only factor to consider when choosing to undergo Cheek Implants. Safety and precision are essential, and the plastic surgeon will take the time necessary to achieve satisfactory and safe aesthetic results. During the preoperative consultation, the plastic surgeon will provide a more accurate estimate of the expected duration of the surgery based on the individual evaluation of the patient and the proposed treatment plan.

The recovery process after Cheek Implants is a crucial period to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications. Here are the general aspects of the recovery process:

  1. Immediately After Surgery: After surgery, the patient is likely to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the cheekbone area. These effects are normal and temporary. Ice can be applied to the area to reduce swelling and discomfort.

  2. Bandage and Postoperative Care: A bandage or pressure bandage may be placed on the cheekbone area to help keep the implants in place and reduce swelling. It is important to follow the plastic surgeon's instructions on caring for the incisions and dressing.

  3. Rest and Avoid Physical Activities: It is recommended to rest and avoid intense physical activities during the first weeks after surgery. Rest is essential to allow the body to recover properly.

  4. Pain Control: The surgeon may prescribe medications for pain and discomfort. It is important to take these medications as directed to effectively control pain.

  5. Soft Feeding: During the first days after surgery, a soft, liquid diet may be recommended to avoid any tension in the cheekbone area. Over time, you can return to a normal diet.

  6. Oral hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to prevent infections. Specific instructions for oral care during recovery may be provided.

  7. Medical monitoring: The patient should schedule follow-up appointments with the plastic surgeon so that he or she can evaluate the progress of the recovery and make any necessary adjustments. During these appointments, sutures may be removed if they were used in surgery.

  8. Normal Activities: As recovery progresses and the surgeon clears it, the patient can begin to return to normal activities, such as work and exercise. The duration of this phase varies depending on the patient and the speed of recovery.

  9. Swelling and Final Results: The swelling may persist for several weeks, but will gradually subside over time. The final results of cheek implants will be seen once the swelling has completely disappeared, which may take several months.

It is essential to follow the postoperative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery and satisfactory aesthetic results. Any concerns or complications should be reported to the surgeon immediately for appropriate guidance. Recovery may vary from patient to patient, but adherence to medical guidelines is essential to achieve the best possible results.

Cheek Implants usually leave minimal scarring and, in most cases, these scars are not significantly visible. This is because the incisions are made in strategic areas to minimize any visible marks.

Typical incision locations for cheek implant placement are as follows:

  1. Inside the mouth: A common option is to make the incisions on the inside of the mouth, along the upper gum line. This location allows direct access to the cheekbone area without leaving visible scars on the facial skin.

  2. Natural Skin Folds: In some cases, incisions may be made in the natural folds of the skin near the cheekbone area. These incisions are also discreet and blend well with facial anatomy.

  3. Minimal Incisions: Plastic surgeons are trained to make precise, minimal incisions that heal well and are inconspicuous. Advanced surgical techniques are used to achieve aesthetic results without noticeable scarring.

It is important to note that, although scars are usually minimal and inconspicuous, healing is an individual process and can vary from one patient to another. Genetics, the skin's ability to heal, and aftercare all play a role in how scars develop and fade. In general, following postoperative skin care recommendations and scheduling follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon will help ensure adequate healing and optimal cosmetic results.

The Cheekbone Implants They are a safe and effective procedure in the hands of experienced plastic surgeons. However, like any surgery, there are associated risks and potential complications that are important to be aware of. Here are some of the potential risks and complications:
  1. Infection: There is a risk of infection at the site of the incisions or around the implants. The use of sterile techniques during surgery and proper care of the incisions are essential to minimize this risk.
  2. Hematoma: Hematoma (accumulation of blood) may occur in the cheekbone area after surgery. This may require additional drainage and treatment.
  3. Facial Asymmetry: Despite the surgeon's efforts to achieve symmetrical results, facial asymmetries may occur in some cases. This may require additional adjustments or revision surgery.
  4. Implant Displacement: In rare cases, implants may shift from their initial position. This may require additional surgery to reposition the implants.
  5. Pain or Discomfort: Some patients may experience pain or discomfort in the cheekbone area during recovery. This is usually controlled with pain medications.
  6. Abnormal Healing: Although the incisions are designed to minimize visible scarring, in some cases, healing may be abnormal and result in more noticeable scarring.
  7. Reactions to Anesthesia: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of adverse reactions to anesthesia, although these are rare.
  8. Unsatisfactory Results: Despite careful planning and realistic expectations, some patients may not be completely satisfied with the aesthetic results of cheek implants. In these cases, revision surgery or implant removal may be options.
It is important to note that the majority of patients experience an uncomplicated recovery and obtain satisfactory aesthetic results with Cheek Implants. The key to minimizing risks is to undergo the procedure with an experienced plastic surgeon and carefully follow all postoperative recommendations provided. Additionally, during the preoperative consultation, the surgeon will discuss risks and expectations to ensure the patient makes an informed decision about the procedure.

The complete results of the Cheekbone Implants They are generally not immediately visible after surgery due to the swelling and inflammation that occurs during the recovery process. Swelling is normal and may take time to completely subside. Here is a general timeline to keep in mind:

  1. Immediately After Surgery: Immediately after surgery, the cheekbone area will likely be swollen and appear fuller than desired. Final results are not visible at this point.
  2. First weeks: During the first few weeks after surgery, swelling and bruising will gradually decrease. Patients will notice an improvement in facial appearance, but the results will not yet be definitive.
  3. Later Months: Most significant swelling will go down in the first few months after surgery. However, there may still be slight residual swelling for several additional months.
  4. Final results: The final results of Cheek Implants will be seen once the swelling has completely disappeared, which may take several months. In some cases, it may take up to six months or more for the swelling to completely dissipate and the implants to settle into their final position.
  5. Healing of the Incisions: Incision scars will also continue to improve over time. As the months go by, the scars will become less visible and gradually fade.

It is important to be patient during the recovery process and understand that initial swelling does not reflect the final results. Patients should follow postoperative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon and attend follow-up appointments to evaluate recovery progress.

During follow-up appointments, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the condition of the implants and provide guidance on ongoing care. Ultimately, the wait will be worth it when patients can enjoy more defined and balanced aesthetic results in their facial profile.

The complete results of the Cheekbone Implants They are generally not immediately visible after surgery due to the swelling and inflammation that occurs during the recovery process. Swelling is normal and may take time to completely subside. Here is a general timeline to keep in mind:

  1. Immediately After Surgery: Immediately after surgery, the cheekbone area will likely be swollen and appear fuller than desired. Final results are not visible at this point.
  2. First weeks: During the first few weeks after surgery, swelling and bruising will gradually decrease. Patients will notice an improvement in facial appearance, but the results will not yet be definitive.
  3. Later Months: Most significant swelling will go down in the first few months after surgery. However, there may still be slight residual swelling for several additional months.
  4. Final results: The final results of Cheek Implants will be seen once the swelling has completely disappeared, which may take several months. In some cases, it may take up to six months or more for the swelling to completely dissipate and the implants to settle into their final position.
  5. Healing of the Incisions: Incision scars will also continue to improve over time. As the months go by, the scars will become less visible and gradually fade.

It is important to be patient during the recovery process and understand that initial swelling does not reflect the final results. Patients should follow postoperative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon and attend follow-up appointments to evaluate recovery progress.

During follow-up appointments, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the condition of the implants and provide guidance on ongoing care. Ultimately, the wait will be worth it when patients can enjoy more defined and balanced aesthetic results in their facial profile.

En Aesophy Clinic, we understand the importance of choosing a trusted location for your procedure. Cheekbone Implants. Our clinic prides itself on offering high-quality, personalized medical care to help you achieve your aesthetic goals safely and effectively.

Our team of chighly qualified plastic surgeons specialized in facial rejuvenation procedures and aesthetic surgery is at your disposal to provide you with a comprehensive consultation. We are committed to providing natural and harmonious results that enhance your facial beauty in a significative way.

En Aesophy Clinic, we strive to provide a warm and welcoming environment, where your needs and concerns are our top priority. We have cutting-edge technology and follow best medical practices to ensure your safety and satisfaction every step of the process.

If you are looking for a clinic specialized in Cheekbone Implants near you, we invite you to contact us and schedule an initial consultation. Our team will be happy to discuss your aesthetic goals, answer your questions, and provide you with the exceptional care you deserve. Trust Clínica Aesophy for your journey towards a rejuvenated and balanced facial appearance.

Book Appointment Contact Cheekbone Augmentation Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Cheekbone Implantation Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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