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Table of contents Intimate Surgery

Female Intimate Surgery or vaginal rejuvenation surgery

Have you ever felt that your concerns about your intimate appearance have prevented you from fully enjoying your life? The female intimate surgery treatments, It is a delicate but important topic that can make a big difference in the lives of many women. In this article, you'll dive into the world of female intimate surgery, from what it is and how it works to who the ideal candidates are and what to expect before, during and after the procedure. You are about to discover how this surgery can help you regain the confidence and comfort you deserve in your daily life.

What is Female Intimate Surgery

Female intimate surgery, also known as vaginal rejuvenation surgery, is a surgical procedure that can help improve the appearance and function of the female genitalia.

If you are considering female intimate surgery, it is important that you understand the details of the procedure, the possible benefits, and the associated risks. In the Aesophy aesthetic clinic, we have doctors and plastic surgeons specialized in female intimate surgery in Malaga.

Our team is highly trained and experienced in this type of procedure, which allows us to offer our patients exceptional and satisfactory results, so in this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about female intimate surgery.

En Aesophy Clinic We have doctors and plastic surgeons specialized in female intimate surgery in Malaga.

Types of female intimate surgery

La female intimate surgery treatments, is a general term that refers to a group of surgical procedures performed on the female genitalia. These procedures can be used to improve the appearance and function of the female genitalia, as well as to relieve pain and discomfort associated with certain medical problems. Here is a description of the most common types of female intimate surgery:

  • labia minora reduction

Labia minora reduction, also known as nymphoplasty, is a procedure in which excess tissue is removed from the labia minora to reduce its size. This procedure is generally performed to improve the appearance of the female genitalia or to relieve discomfort or pain associated with prominent labia minora.

  • Vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a term used to describe a variety of procedures used to improve the function and appearance of the vagina. These procedures may include reduction in the size of the vagina, correction of vaginal laxity, and vaginal reconstruction.

  • hymen reconstruction

Hymen reconstruction is a procedure in which the hymen is reconstructed to restore the look and feel of virginity. This procedure is usually done for cultural or religious reasons.

  • Treatment of urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common problem in women, especially after childbirth. Female intimate surgery procedures, such as urethral sling and collagen injection, can help alleviate urinary incontinence and improve patients' quality of life.

female intimate surgery Aesophy Málaga Clinic

Revision of previous intimate surgery

Revision of previous intimate surgery involves correcting any problems or dissatisfaction that may have arisen after previous intimate surgery. This type of procedure is done to improve the results of the previous surgery and to correct any problems that may have arisen after the original surgery.

other more common female surgeries

  • Labia minora labiaplasty

With the passage of time, the labia minora can lose their shape and size, resulting in physical and aesthetic discomfort, so any woman who has hypertrophy of the labia minora is a good candidate for intimate surgery.

  • Labiaplasty in labia majora

Aging or weight loss can cause the youthful appearance of the labia majora to be lost, so what is sought with this type of surgery is to improve their appearance. In an intervention in order to obtain a more aesthetic result.

  • Decline of the mount of Venus

The mount of Venus can accumulate fat for genetic reasons, due to pregnancies and caesarean sections, changes in body weight, or menopause, among others, so it is an intimate surgery that can be performed with liposculpture and thus be able to eliminate that unsightly bulge that appears.

  • clitoral reduction

When the clitoris and clitoral hood protrude, much of the sensation may be lost. Thanks to a treatment CO2 laser it is possible to reduce it and improve sensitivity.

  • Vaginoplastia

Vaginoplasty or vagina surgery: It is possible that the vagina can become weak and widen due to different circumstances. Vaginoplasty is an intervention that strength to the muscles of the vagina and helps to recover the pleasure in sexual relations.

It is important to speak with an experienced plastic surgeon to determine what type of female intimate surgery is right for your specific needs and goals. Every patient is different and will have different needs and goals, and an experienced plastic surgeon can help you determine the best treatment plan for you.

Postoperative Care of a Female Intimate Surgery

After female intimate surgery, it is important that you follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations to ensure proper recovery and satisfactory results. Postoperative care may include the use of ice packs, avoidance of strenuous physical activities, wearing compression garments, and taking pain medications.

It is also important to avoid sexual intercourse during the recovery period and to eat a healthy, balanced diet to speed recovery.

Female intimate surgery clinic Málaga Aesophy

Experiences of female intimate surgery patients in Malaga

Maria Alcantara: I love the Aesophy clinic! His team of plastic surgeons specialized in female intimate surgery is exceptional. I felt very comfortable throughout the entire process and am very satisfied with the results. I would definitely recommend them to any woman interested in female intimate surgery.

esther del rio: I received excellent care at the Aesophy clinic. The plastic surgeons explained the entire female intimate surgery process in detail and provided me with excellent care before and after surgery. The results exceeded my expectations. Thank you Aesophy!

Dolores del Castillo: I was very careful when choosing a plastic surgeon for my female intimate surgery, and I couldn't be happier that I chose the Aesophy clinic. Their team of plastic surgeons is highly trained and experienced, and they gave me a lot of confidence at all times. The results were amazing and I feel so much more comfortable in my body now. Highly recommend!

Intimate surgery price female

En Aesophy Clinic, recognized for its excellence in the field of female intimate surgery, we understand the importance of offering quality treatments at affordable and transparent prices. Our commitment is to provide our patients with personalized and professional care, ensuring that they receive the best experience possible.

The price of female intimate surgery in our clinic varies depending on the type and complexity of the procedure.. For example, treatments such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, hymen reconstruction, or the mons pubis liposuction, have costs that depend on factors specific to each patient. To provide an accurate quote, we conduct a detailed assessment of your needs and goals during an initial consultation.

Our prices reflect not only the high qualification and experience of our specialists in female intimate surgery, but also the use of cutting-edge technology and materials of the highest quality. Additionally, we are committed to complete cost transparency, ensuring that all patients fully understand the pricing breakdown before making a decision.

We invite you to contact Aesophy Clinic to schedule a consultation, where we can discuss your specific needs and provide you with a detailed quote. Our goal is to offer you not only exceptional results, but also the peace of mind of being in the hands of the best professionals in the area of ​​female intimate surgery.

Book Appointment for Intimate Surgery female

female intimate surgery may be an option to improve the appearance and function of the female genitalia and increase self-esteem and self-confidence. At the Aesophy clinic, we have highly trained doctors and plastic surgeons to perform any type of female intimate surgery and offer excellent pre and postoperative care.

If you are considering female intimate surgery, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists. We are committed to providing the best results and the best care to each of our patients.

Contact us today to start your journey to an improved sex life and confidence!

Specialists in Female Intimate Surgery in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Intimate Surgery

What is female intimate surgery?

La female intimate surgery treatments,, Also known as female genital cosmetic surgery, is a set of surgical procedures designed to improve the appearance and function of the female genitalia. These procedures can address a variety of aesthetic or functional concerns and may include:

  1. Labiaplasty: Surgery to modify the size or shape of the labia minora or majora. This procedure is frequently requested by women who feel discomfort due to the size or shape of their lips, or who are seeking an aesthetic improvement.

  2. Vaginoplastia: Procedure intended to rejuvenate or tighten the vaginal muscles. This procedure is often sought after childbirth or as part of the aging process.

  3. Hymen Reconstruction: Also known as hymenoplasty, it is a surgery that restores the hymenal membrane. It can be searched for cultural, religious or personal reasons.

  4. Mount of Venus Liposuction: Procedure to eliminate excess fat in the mons pubis area to improve the contour and appearance of the pelvic area.

La female intimate surgery treatments, It doesn't just focus on aesthetics; It can also improve functional problems such as discomfort during physical activities or intimate clothing, and contribute positively to a woman's confidence and emotional well-being. As with any surgical procedure, it is crucial that it be performed by a surgeon qualified and experienced in female intimate surgery.

Ideal candidates for female intimate surgery are women seeking to improve the aesthetic appearance or resolve functional issues with their female genitalia. Below are some of the criteria that may make a woman a good candidate for these procedures:

  1. Aesthetic Dissatisfaction: Women who are unhappy with the appearance of their genitals, such as enlarged labia minora, asymmetry, or changes due to aging or childbirth.

  2. Physical Discomfort: Those who experience discomfort or pain during daily activities, exercise, sexual relations or when wearing certain clothing due to the structure of their genitals.

  3. Functional Problems: Women who have functional problems, such as vaginal laxity after childbirth, which can affect both their physical function and emotional well-being.

  4. Post-Trauma Reconstruction or Surgery: Women who need genital reconstruction due to injuries, female genital mutilation, or previous surgeries.

  5. Cultural or Personal Reasons: Those who desire hymen reconstruction for personal, cultural or religious reasons.

  6. Good General Health: It is important to be in good general health and not have medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.

  7. Realistic Expectations: Having realistic expectations about the results of the procedure is crucial. Surgery can significantly improve appearance and comfort, but it is important to understand what can and cannot be achieved through surgery.

  8. Commitment to Recovery: Be willing to follow post-operative recovery instructions and understand that the healing process takes time.

As with any surgical procedure, the decision to undergo female intimate surgery must be carefully considered. A consultation with a plastic or gynecological surgeon specialized in these procedures can provide women with detailed information about the options available and help them make an informed decision.

Female intimate surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks, but also offers multiple benefits. It is important to weigh both when considering this surgery.


  1. Aesthetic Improvement: Many women experience an increase in confidence and self-esteem as they become more comfortable with the appearance of their genitals.

  2. Reduction of Physical Discomfort: It can relieve pain or discomfort during exercise, sexual intercourse, or when wearing certain clothing, especially in cases of enlarged labia minora.

  3. Functional Improvement: Procedures such as vaginoplasty can improve sexual function and sensation by tightening vaginal muscles.

  4. Solution to Health Problems: Helps resolve health problems, such as recurrent infections or irritations caused by the structure of the genitals.

  5. Restoration After Trauma: Offers reconstructive solutions after injuries, previous surgeries or female genital mutilation.


  1. Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection, although it is relatively low.

  2. Hemorrhage: There may be a risk of bleeding during or after surgery.

  3. Scars or Changes in Sensation: Scars or changes in sensitivity in the operated area may occur.

  4. Postoperative Pain: Some women experience pain during the healing process.

  5. Dissatisfaction with Results: There is a risk that the results will not meet the patient's expectations.

  6. Surgical Complications: Risks associated with anesthesia, as well as possible complications specific to the type of procedure performed.

  7. Recovery time: May require a period of time without sexual activity and limitations in other activities while healing.

It is essential that these procedures are performed by a surgeon specialized in female intimate surgery to minimize risks and maximize positive results. Additionally, a detailed consultation before surgery is crucial to understanding the possible results and ensuring that expectations are realistic and achievable.

The recovery process from female intimate surgery varies depending on the specific type of procedure performed, but here are some general guidelines:

  1. Recovery time: Generally, you can expect a recovery period of several weeks. During the first few days, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort.
  2. Pain management: Postoperative pain is usually manageable with pain medications prescribed by your surgeon.
  3. Hygiene and Wound Care: Maintaining good hygiene is crucial. You may be instructed how to clean the operated area and prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection.
  4. Physical activity: It is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activities, including exercise and lifting heavy objects, during the first weeks after surgery.
  5. Sexual Abstinence: It is advised to avoid sexual intercourse for a period, which is generally 4 to 6 weeks, to allow for proper healing.
  6. Appropriate clothing: Wear loose, comfortable underwear to avoid irritation in the operated area.
  7. Be careful with urination and defecation: You may need to be gentle when cleaning after using the bathroom to avoid irritating sutures or wounds.
  8. Follow-up Visits: It is important to attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your healing progress.
  9. Final results: Final results may take several months to be fully visible, once the swelling has subsided and the wounds have completely healed.
  10. Emotional Attention: In addition to physical care, consider emotional support, as recovery from intimate surgery can have an emotional impact.

It is essential to follow your surgeon's specific instructions for your particular situation, as postoperative care may vary depending on the procedure and individual circumstances.

The durability of female intimate surgery results depends on the specific type of procedure performed, as well as individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and body changes (such as pregnancy and aging). Below are some general considerations for the most common procedures:

  1. Labiaplasty: The results of a labiaplasty, which reshapes the labia minora or majora, are usually permanent. However, factors such as aging, hormonal changes, and childbirth can influence the appearance of your genitals over time.

  2. Vaginoplastia: The effects of a vaginoplasty, designed to tighten vaginal muscles, can be long-lasting, but they are not immune to the effects of aging or the impact of future pregnancies and births. Maintaining good muscle tone through exercises such as Kegels can help prolong results.

  3. Reconstruction of the Hymen (Hymenoplasty): This procedure has a temporary effect, as the reconstructed hymen will break with sexual penetration or even certain physical activities.

  4. Mount of Venus Liposuction: The results can be permanent as long as a stable weight is maintained. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of the area.

It is important to keep in mind that each procedure and each patient are unique. Results may vary and it is essential to discuss expectations and long-term maintenance with your surgeon before undergoing any procedure. Additionally, following a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a consistent weight can help prolong the results of surgery.

Choosing the right surgeon for female intimate surgery is a crucial step in ensuring successful and safe results. En Aesophy Clinic, recognized as the best female intimate surgery clinic near you, we offer some key guidelines to help you make this important decision:

  1. Check Qualifications: Make sure the surgeon is properly qualified and certified in female intimate surgery. Look for certifications from recognized medical boards.

  2. Experience and Specialization: Prioritizes specialists in female intimate surgery. A surgeon with specific experience in these procedures will have greater knowledge and skill in the most advanced and safe techniques.

  3. Clinic Reputation: Consider the reputation of the clinic. Clínica Aesophy stands out for its excellence and is highly valued among the best for female intimate surgery.

  4. Initial Consultation: During the consultation, evaluate how the surgeon answers your questions, whether he or she provides you with clear information, and whether he or she makes you feel comfortable and safe.

  5. Before and after: Ask to see before and after photos of previous patients to get a realistic idea of ​​the results the surgeon can offer.

  6. Patient Opinions: Look for opinions and testimonials from other patients to better understand their experience and satisfaction with the surgeon and the clinic.

  7. Personal Comfort: It is essential that you feel comfortable with your surgeon and the medical team. Trust and open communication are essential to a successful surgical process.

  8. Transparency in Costs and Procedures: The surgeon and clinic should be transparent about costs, procedure details, and recovery information.

At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to providing superior quality care in female intimate surgery, ensuring that each patient receives personalized, ethical and professional treatment. Our team of specialists in female intimate surgery is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your experience is as comfortable and satisfying as possible.

The price of female intimate surgery can vary significantly depending on the specific type of procedure, the complexity of the case. However, it is important to take into account several factors:

  1. Price Variation: It is always advisable to obtain a direct quote from the clinic to have an accurate idea of ​​the cost.

  2. Pre and Postoperative Consultations: Make sure the cost includes all necessary consultations before and after surgery.

  3. Postoperative care: Check if the cost includes any post-operative care or medication needed during the recovery process.

  4. Quality and Safety: Although cost is an important factor, it is also crucial to consider the quality of care and the safety of the procedure. Opting for a reputable surgeon and clinic can have a significant impact on your results and overall experience.

  5. Possible Additional Costs: Ask about any additional costs that may arise, such as medical tests, anesthesia, or whether additional procedures are needed.

For obtain accurate and detailed information about the price of female intimate surgery, it is best to consult directly with the clinic or surgeon who will perform the procedure. In the Aesophy Clinic You will be able to receive a personalized quote that reflects the specificities of your case and the particular needs of the procedure.

Book an Intimate Surgery Clinic Appointment in Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Intimate Surgery Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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