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Inverted Nipple Surgery Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Inverted Nipple Surgery Malaga

Inverted Nipple Surgery
intv time
1 hour to 2 hours
Inverted Nipple Surgery
General anesthesia
Inverted Nipple Surgery
1 weeks
Inverted Nipple Surgery
1 months
Inverted Nipple Surgery
1 night
Inverted Nipple Surgery
from: €3.990

Table of contents Inverted Nipple Surgery

Do you feel insecurity or discomfort due to your inverted nipples? Don't worry, you are about to discover an effective solution that can help you regain your confidence and feel more comfortable in your own body.

On our website we will guide you through everything you need to know about inverted nipple treatment. Get ready to discover the benefits, the treatment process and how to book an appointment to take the first step towards your nipple transformation. Keep reading and discover how this aesthetic treatment can help you feel confident and proud of your body.

What are inverted nipples and what causes this condition?

Inverted nipples are those that are pushed in instead of protruding from the areola. This condition can be congenital or acquired due to different factors, such as hormonal changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or scarring in the nipple area.

Best surgeon for inverted nipple surgery in Malaga, Aesophy clinic

Inverted nipple

It is said that a nipple is inverted when it does not protrude, it does not come out. This
hidden, buried in the areola. May be permanently retracted or come out in
occasions, pushed by the areolar muscle when contracting.

It is a much more frequent malformation than we imagine (around
8-10% of women suffer from it) and it can be both congenital and acquired in the
We can distinguish between two types: the umbilicals and those who never leave their burial or the
properly invaginated that after handling or cold can come out of hiding.

In the vast majority of cases there is no problem of infections, tumors or any
other alteration and usually occurs in both breasts.
In any case, if a nipple starts to invaginate (and it wasn't) and/or there is discharge from
the nipple, especially bloody, you should seek advice from a specialist
right away

The benefits of inverted nipple treatment

Inverted nipple treatment can offer a number of significant benefits in improving a person's appearance and confidence. Here we highlight some of them:

  • Improved aesthetic appearance: Inverted nipple treatment can help achieve more protruding and symmetrical nipples, improving the overall appearance of the breast.
  • Greater comfort and confidence: Many people experience physical and emotional discomfort due to inverted nipples. By correcting this condition, it is possible to feel more comfortable in different situations and gain confidence in intimacy and clothing.
  • Benefits in breastfeeding: In some cases, treatment of inverted nipples can improve the ability to breastfeed by making it easier for the baby to suck.

Types of treatment for inverted nipples

There are different approaches to treating inverted nipples, and the one best suited for you will depend on the severity of the condition and your specific goals. Next, we will mention some of the most common treatments:

  • Stretching and pulling techniques: These methods are usually used for mild to moderate inverted nipples. They consist of exercises and traction techniques that are performed on a regular basis to help the nipples protrude.
  • Filler injections: In more severe cases of inverted nipples, a technique that involves injecting fillers into the base of the nipple can be used to achieve the desired protrusion.
  • corrective surgery: For more serious cases or when other treatments have not been successful, corrective surgery may be an option. A small incision is made and the tissue causing the inversion is released, allowing the nipple to project out naturally.

Inverted Nipple Surgery clinic best opinions Málaga Aesophy

The Inverted Nipple Treatment Process

The treatment process for inverted nipples can vary depending on the approach used. The general process is described below:

  • initial evaluation: Before beginning any treatment, it is important that you undergo an initial evaluation with a specialist in aesthetic treatments. During this consultation, the professional will assess the severity of the condition and determine the best treatment approach for you.
  • Treatment planning: Once the most appropriate type of treatment has been determined, the specialist will explain the procedure in detail and answer all your questions and concerns.
  • Carrying out the treatment: Depending on the approach chosen, the treatment will be carried out on an outpatient basis in our clinic. The specialist will carry out the procedure following the established protocols and ensuring your comfort and safety.
  • Aftercare: After treatment, you may need to follow certain aftercare, such as keeping the area clean and dry, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and wearing compression garments as directed by your specialist.
  • Tracking: You may need follow-up visits to assess the progress of treatment and make adjustments if necessary.

Book an appointment for inverted nipple surgery in Malaga

If you are interested in correcting inverted nipples and regaining your confidence, I encourage you to book an appointment with a specialist in aesthetic treatments. It is essential to choose a reliable and recognized center that has experienced professionals in this type of procedure.

Do your research online, read our patient reviews and testimonials that support the quality of our specialists and results. Contact us to book a consultation.

During the consultation, you will be able to discuss your specific concerns and goals with the specialist, who will evaluate your case and provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

Inverted nipple operation price

As for the price of treatment, it can vary depending on various factors, such as the severity of the condition and the type of treatment used. I suggest you contact Our aesthetic clinic for accurate information on costs and available financing options.

Don't wait any longer to feel confident and proud of your body! Book your appointment today and take the first step toward inverted nipple correction. Your well-being and confidence are important, and cosmetic treatment can help you achieve the look you want.

Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a full and self-confident life. Book your appointment now and discover how inverted nipple treatment can change your life!

Inverted Nipple Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

What is inverted nipple surgery?

Inverted nipple surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to correct nipples that are retracted or inverted into the breast instead of protruding normally. This condition can be congenital (present from birth) or acquired due to factors such as infections, injuries or breast diseases.

Objectives of Surgery:

  • Correct Nipple Inversion: The main goal is to make the nipples protrude normally.
  • Improve Aesthetics: For many people, this surgery can improve the aesthetic appearance of the nipples and, by extension, their self-image and confidence.
  • Functionality: In some cases, surgery can improve functionality, such as making breastfeeding easier in women with inverted nipples.

Surgical techniques:

  • The specific technique used depends on the degree of nipple inversion and other individual factors.
  • Surgery usually involves making small incisions in or around the nipple to release the fibers that retract the nipple.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to cut some of the milk ducts to achieve effective correction, which may affect the ability to breastfeed in the future.

Recovery and Postoperative Care:

  • Recovery from inverted nipple surgery is usually relatively quick and with minimal discomfort.
  • Pain relievers may be prescribed to manage any pain in the days following surgery.
  • Patients are usually able to return to their daily activities shortly after the procedure, although they may need to avoid strenuous physical exercise for a short period.

Risks and Considerations:

  • As with any surgery, there are risks of infection, bleeding, and reactions to anesthesia.
  • There may be an alteration in the sensitivity of the nipple or areolar area.
  • In some cases, inverted nipples may return to their original state after surgery.

It is important that people interested in this procedure consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss their expectations, concerns, and to obtain detailed information about the benefits and risks associated with inverted nipple surgery.

Ideal candidates for inverted nipple surgery are those who:

  1. They have inverted nipples: People with retracted or inverted nipples looking for a permanent solution. Nipple inversion can be grade I (mild), grade II (moderate), or grade III (severe).

  2. They are in good general health.: Healthy candidates without medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.

  3. Have Realistic Expectations: It is important to understand what surgery can and cannot achieve. Candidates should have a clear understanding of the possible outcomes and limitations of the procedure.

  4. Do not plan to breastfeed in the future: Since surgery may involve cutting milk ducts, it may affect the ability to breastfeed. Therefore, women who plan to have children and wish to breastfeed may need to reconsider or postpone surgery.

  5. They do not have active breast diseases: Candidates without active breast problems, such as infections or tumors, that could complicate the procedure.

  6. They do not smoke or are willing to quit: Smoking can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications. It is recommended to stop smoking before and after surgery.

  7. They have Psychological Stability: It is important that patients are emotionally stable and have a good understanding of the reasons for undergoing surgery.

It is vital that anyone considering this procedure consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate the patient's specific condition, discuss treatment options, and help determine if inverted nipple surgery is the most appropriate option based on the patient's personal needs and goals.

Inverted nipple surgery is a relatively simple procedure, but it requires precision and care. Although techniques may vary slightly depending on the severity of the nipple inversion and the surgeon's preferences, the general process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Preoperative Consultation: Before surgery, the patient meets with the surgeon to discuss expectations, possible outcomes, and risks of the procedure.

  2. Anesthesia: The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, which means the area around the nipple will be numb, but the patient will be awake. In some cases, sedation or general anesthesia may be used.

  3. Incision: The surgeon makes small incisions at the base of the nipple or areola, depending on the specific technique being used.

  4. Fiber and Duct Release: Using fine surgical instruments, the surgeon carefully releases the fibers and milk ducts that are holding the nipple inward. In some procedures, some milk ducts are cut to allow the nipple to protrude outward.

  5. Fixing in Correct Position: Once released, the nipple is placed in its new projected position. Temporary or permanent sutures may be used under the skin to hold the nipple in place while it heals.

  6. Incision Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures. In some cases, dissolvable sutures can be used that do not require removal.

  7. Postoperative Recovery: Immediately after surgery, a bandage will be applied to the treated area. The patient will receive detailed instructions on how to care for the operated area, including cleaning and pain management.

  8. Tracking: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor healing and discuss any concerns or questions the patient may have.

The goal of surgery is to achieve a normally projecting nipple and improve the overall aesthetics of the breast. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations and understand that, although surgery is usually effective, there may be variations in results and nipple sensitivity after the procedure. Additionally, the ability to breastfeed in the future may be affected depending on the extent of the surgery.

Recovery time after inverted nipple surgery varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure, but here I give you a general idea:

  1. Immediately after surgery: There may be some swelling and discomfort. Most patients can go home the same day as surgery.

  2. First week: During the first week, it is common to experience some pain and tenderness in the treated area. The doctor may prescribe pain relievers to relieve any discomfort. It is recommended to avoid lifting heavy objects and strenuous exercise.

  3. Incision Care: You will need to keep the incisions clean and dry. The surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to care for the operated area.

  4. Return to Normal Activities: Most patients can return to normal activities, such as work and social life, within a few days to a week after surgery, as long as they do not require physical exertion.

  5. Physical Exercise: It is advised to avoid strenuous physical activities and exercise for at least 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Your doctor will let you know when it is safe to resume these types of activities.

  6. Evolution of Results: Swelling and bruising will gradually decrease in the weeks following surgery, and the final results will become more evident.

  7. Long Term Care: Scars may take several months to mature and fade. It is important to follow your surgeon's recommendations for long-term care to optimize healing results.

  8. Follow-up Visits: You will need to attend follow-up visits as directed by your surgeon to ensure proper recovery and to address any concerns.

It is essential to follow your plastic surgeon's postoperative instructions to ensure a safe and effective recovery. Additionally, each person is unique, and some may recover faster or slower. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery, don't hesitate to contact your doctor.

Yes, as with any surgical procedure, inverted nipple surgery carries certain risks and possible complications, although it is generally considered safe. It is important that patients are well informed about these risks before deciding to have surgery. Some of the associated risks and complications include:

  1. Reaction to Anesthesia: There may be adverse reactions to local or general anesthesia, depending on what is used.

  2. Infection: Although rare, there is the possibility of infection at the surgical site, which may require treatment with antibiotics.

  3. Bleeding and Bruising: Some patients may experience bleeding or bruising around the operated area.

  4. Alterations in Sensitivity: Surgery may cause temporary or permanent changes in the sensitivity of the nipple and areola.

  5. Cicatrization: As with any surgery, there will be some form of scarring. The severity varies from person to person.

  6. Unsatisfactory Results or Asymmetry: There is a risk that the results will not meet the patient's expectations, or that there will be asymmetry in the appearance of the nipples.

  7. Breastfeeding difficulties: If the milk ducts are cut during surgery, it may affect the ability to breastfeed in the future.

  8. Nipple Inversion Recurrence: There is a possibility that the nipples will re-invert, depending on the technique used and individual factors.

  9. Need for Additional Surgeries: Some patients may require additional procedures to correct or improve the results of the initial surgery.

  10. Seromas or Fluid Accumulation: In some cases, there may be fluid buildup at the surgical site that requires drainage.

It is important to discuss all of these risks with your surgeon before undergoing surgery. A qualified plastic surgeon will be able to evaluate your individual situation, explain the specific risks and how they are managed, and help you make an informed decision. Additionally, following the surgeon's preoperative and postoperative instructions can help minimize the risks of complications.

La inverted nipple surgery can affect the ability to breastfeed, depending on the surgical technique used and the degree of nipple inversion. During surgery, in some cases, it is necessary cut milk ducts to correct nipple inversion. This interruption of the ducts can affect the ability to breastfeed in the future, since these ducts are the ones that transport milk from the mammary glands to the nipple. However, there are surgical techniques designed to preserve milk ducts as much as possible. These techniques may be an option for women who want to maintain the possibility of breastfeeding in the future. Still, there is no guarantee that breastfeeding will be completely viable after surgery, as minimal damage to ducts.

For inverted nipple surgery, it is generally used Anesthesia local. This means that the area around the nipple is numbed, but the patient remains awake and conscious during the procedure. Local anesthesia is typically preferred due to the lower complexity and shorter duration of the procedure.

In some cases, especially if inverted nipple surgery is performed in conjunction with another more extensive procedure, such as breast augmentation or reduction surgery, the use of intravenous sedation o general anesthesia. With intravenous sedation, the patient is in a state of deep relaxation but can still respond to instructions. With general anesthesia, the patient is completely unconscious during surgery.

The choice of type of anesthesia depends on several factors, including the patient's general health, personal preferences, the extent of the procedure, and the advice of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Your doctor will discuss anesthesia options with you and recommend the best option based on your specific case.

The healing process and post-operative care after inverted nipple surgery are crucial to ensuring a successful recovery and optimal results. Here I detail the important aspects:

Healing Process

  1. Initial phase: During the first few days, it is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. There may be bandages or dressings over the incisions.

  2. First weeks: Swelling and bruising begin to subside. It is important to avoid any activity that could put pressure or friction on the operated area.

  3. Scars: Scars will go through several phases, from red and raised to eventually pale and flat. This process can take several months.

Postoperative care

  1. Pharmaceutical products: Follow your doctor's orders regarding pain relievers and antibiotics to manage pain and prevent infections.

  2. Incision Care: Keep incisions clean and dry. Follow your surgeon's specific instructions about cleaning and caring for wounds.

  3. Avoid Intense Physical Activities: During the first weeks, avoid lifting weights and exercises that may stress the operated area.

  4. Wearing Appropriate Clothing: Avoid tight clothing that can irritate the nipples. Some doctors recommend wearing soft, wire-free bras.

  5. Medical monitoring: Attend all follow-up appointments so your surgeon can evaluate your progress.

  6. Observe Changes: If you notice redness, increased pain, swelling or discharge, contact your doctor, as these could be signs of infection or complications.

  7. Sunscreen: Protects scars from the sun to prevent them from darkening. Use sunscreen if the area will be exposed.

  8. Massages: In some cases, the doctor may recommend gentle massages of the area to improve the flexibility and appearance of the scars.

General recommendations

  • Patience: Healing is a process that takes time. Final results may not be fully visible until several months after surgery.
  • Healthy life style: Maintain a balanced diet and do not smoke, as smoking can negatively affect the healing process.

Remember that each person is unique, and your surgeon will give you specific instructions based on your particular situation and the type of procedure performed. Following these instructions carefully is essential for successful recovery and satisfactory results.

The final results of inverted nipple surgery can usually be seen once the swelling and bruising has subsided and the area has had enough time to fully heal. Here is a rough timeline of what you can expect:

  1. Immediately after surgery: You will see an immediate change in the position of your nipples, although the area will be swollen and possibly bruised.

  2. First weeks: During the first few postoperative weeks, swelling and bruising will begin to subside. However, it is not yet time to evaluate the final results.

  3. 1-3 Months: As time passes, the swelling continues to reduce and the scars begin to mature and lighten. At this point, you'll have a better idea of ​​what the final result will look like, although there may still be minor changes in the coming months.

  4. 6 Months to 1 Year: This is considered to be the period in which the final results can be seen. Most of the swelling has disappeared and the scars have lightened and softened significantly.

  5. More than 1 Year: In some cases, it may take up to a year or more for the scars to fully mature and the final results to stabilize.

It is important to remember that the healing process varies from person to person and can be influenced by several factors, such as the surgical technique used, individual response to surgery, and compliance with postoperative instructions. Maintain regular communication with your surgeon and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected.

The final results of inverted nipple surgery can usually be seen once the swelling and bruising has subsided and the area has had enough time to fully heal. Here is a rough timeline of what you can expect:

  1. Immediately after surgery: You will see an immediate change in the position of your nipples, although the area will be swollen and possibly bruised.

  2. First weeks: During the first few postoperative weeks, swelling and bruising will begin to subside. However, it is not yet time to evaluate the final results.

  3. 1-3 Months: As time passes, the swelling continues to reduce and the scars begin to mature and lighten. At this point, you'll have a better idea of ​​what the final result will look like, although there may still be minor changes in the coming months.

  4. 6 Months to 1 Year: This is considered to be the period in which the final results can be seen. Most of the swelling has disappeared and the scars have lightened and softened significantly.

  5. More than 1 Year: In some cases, it may take up to a year or more for the scars to fully mature and the final results to stabilize.

It is important to remember that the healing process varies from person to person and can be influenced by several factors, such as the surgical technique used, individual response to surgery, and compliance with postoperative instructions. Maintain regular communication with your surgeon and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected.

Contact Book appointment Inverted Nipple Surgery Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Inverted Nipple Surgery Malaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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