medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Facial Lifting Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Facial Lifting

Facelift Malaga
Treatment time
1 hour. 30 minutes
Facelift Malaga
Facelift Malaga
2 - 5 days
Facelift Malaga
Facelift Malaga
not required
Facelift Malaga
from: €4.000 - €6.000

Table of Contents

En Aesophy Clinic, we transform your dream of a rejuvenated face into reality with our outstanding service. face lift.

As leaders in the field of plastic surgery, we pride ourselves on offering customized facelift procedures, designed to reflect your natural beauty and reduce the visible signs of aging. Our team of expert, certified and highly qualified surgeons uses advanced techniques to achieve harmonious and natural results.

En Aesophy Clinic, we understand that each face is unique; Therefore, each procedure facelift What we do is meticulously tailored to the individual needs and goals of our patients. Come and experience excellence in facial rejuvenation, where safety, personalized care and patient satisfaction are our top priority.

Facelift Malaga

La facelift Surgery, Also known as rhytidectomy, it is a surgical procedure that helps improve the appearance of the face and neck. This is a facial rejuvenation procedure that can reduce sagging skin, wrinkles and expression lines.

the surgery of facelift It involves the removal of excess skin and tension of the underlying facial muscles to achieve a more youthful and fresh look. It is important that patients are adequately informed about the risks and benefits of surgery before making a decision. In any case, it is advisable to go to a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

What does the facial lifting intervention consist of?

La facelift intervention It is a surgical procedure that seeks to improve the visible signs of aging on the face and neck, such as sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles and folds, and loss of volume. During the procedure, an incision is made at the hairline and around the ears, the skin is pulled upward, and excess skin is removed. The underlying muscles and tissues can also be adjusted to achieve a more youthful appearance.

El facelift It can be combined with other procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and rhinoplasty (nose surgery) to further improve results.

Duration of the facelift intervention

The duration of an intervention facelift it can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the surgery, as well as the technique used. On average, it can last between 2 and 5 hours. However, it is important to note that each case is unique and the exact duration of the surgery will be determined during the medical evaluation and preoperative planning.

Facelift Duration

El facelift effect it can vary depending on several factors, such as the technique used, the age and quality of the patient's skin, as well as their lifestyle and aftercare. In general, the results of a facelift are expected to last 5 to 10 years. However, it is important to remember that the aging process continues and the results of a facelift are not permanent. Additional procedures may be required in the future to maintain the results.

How is the recovery in a facelift intervention?

La recovery after facelift surgery It varies by patient and the extent of the surgery, but in general some swelling, bruising, and discomfort can be expected in the first few days. Most patients can return to work and normal activities after one to two weeks, although they may need to avoid strenuous activities for several more weeks. It is important to follow your plastic surgeon's post-operative care instructions and attend follow-up visits to make sure your recovery is progressing properly.

What is the difference between Facelift and Minilifting?

It is a difference in the extent of the intervention. In incipient cases of facial sagging, that is, patients over 40 or 50 years old, Minilifting is the technique of choice.

The takeoff is conservative and the recovery is very fast. It is done in approximately half of the cases. From the age of 60, facial lifting is usually indicated.

It is not uncommon to have 2 Lifts throughout your life: first a Miniflift and then a standard Lift.

How are the results?

The results are very natural. There are no stigmas of having been operated on. But for this to be the case, 3 points must be taken into account:

  1. The direction of the stretch vectors should be more vertical than horizontal, more up than to the sides.
  2. The incisions, that is to say where you enter to perform the intervention, must be hidden inside and behind the ear so that they are perfectly concealed.
  3. And third, but not least, the face must be analyzed three-dimensionally, to add or remove volume where necessary. For example, it is typical to remove fat from the neck and add in what are called the middle third, malar and suborbicular areas.

Facelift Before and After

general information about the procedure and the results that can be expected.

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure used to lift and tighten facial skin. The goal is to improve the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines.

Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations. During the procedure, discreet incisions will be made in the skin to access the underlying muscles and tissues. These tissues will then be tightened and excess skin removed. The incisions will be closed with sutures and bandages will be applied to help reduce swelling and bruising.

After the procedure, a carefully designed recovery plan must be followed. This may include resting, applying cold compresses to reduce swelling, and avoiding activities that may stretch facial skin. The results of a face lift can last several years, depending on skin care and maintenance.

In general, a face lift is expected to improve the appearance of facial skin and provide a more youthful and fresh appearance. However, results may vary depending on each person's individual characteristics and the specific goals of the procedure.

plastic surgeons specializing in Facial Lifting in Malaga

Frequently Asked Questions Face Lift

What is a facelift?

El facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the face and neck. This procedure addresses several changes related to aging, including loss of skin tone, sagging, and deep wrinkles. The main objectives of the face lift are:

  1. Remove Excess Skin: Over time, facial skin loses elasticity and may begin to sag. The face lift removes this excess skin, providing a smoother and younger appearance.

  2. Smooth Wrinkles: Deep wrinkles and expression lines are softened, improving the overall texture of facial skin.

  3. Improve Sagging Skin: The procedure helps tighten and firm loose skin, especially on the jaw and neck, reducing the appearance of "double chin" or "jowls" (sagging under the jaw).

  4. Reposition Facial Tissues: In addition to treating the skin, a face lift often involves realigning the underlying tissues of the face to improve facial contours.

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and can vary in extent and complexity, depending on the patient's specific needs and desired goals. Although a facelift can offer significant results in terms of facial rejuvenation, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand that it does not stop the aging process. Choosing an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon is crucial to ensure safety and satisfaction with the results.

The best candidates for a facelift are those people who meet several important criteria, both in terms of their physical condition and their expectations. These include:

  1. Visible Signs of Aging: Ideally, candidates for a facelift are those who show signs of aging on the face and neck. This can include sagging skin, deep wrinkles, expression lines, loss of muscle tone, and a tired or sad appearance.

  2. Skin Elasticity: Despite the presence of signs of aging, it is important that they still have good skin elasticity. This allows the skin to recover well after surgery and adapt to the new facial contour.

  3. Good General Health: Candidates must be in good general health. Serious medical conditions, especially those that may affect healing or increase the risk of surgery, may disqualify an individual for the procedure.

  4. Non-smoking: Smoking can negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications. It is preferred that candidates be non-smoking or willing to quit smoking before and after surgery.

  5. Realistic Expectations: It is crucial that candidates have realistic expectations about the results of the facelift. Surgery can rejuvenate the face and improve signs of aging, but it does not stop the aging process and will not change the person's fundamental appearance.

  6. Personal Motivations: Candidates should seek the procedure for personal reasons, not because of external pressure or unrealistic expectations.

  7. Understanding Risks and Commitments: Candidates must understand the risks involved in any surgical procedure, as well as the commitment to the recovery process and post-operative care.

A complete evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to determine if an individual is a good candidate for a facelift. During this consultation, the surgeon will examine the skin, discuss expectations and goals, and review medical history to ensure the procedure is safe and effective for the patient.

Un facelift It is a detailed surgical procedure that generally involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation and Anesthesia: Before starting, the patient receives anesthesia, which can be general or intravenous sedation, to ensure comfort during surgery.

  2. Making Incisions: Incisions for a face lift are made carefully to be as discreet as possible. They are usually done along the hairline (to hide scars within the hair) and around the ears. They may extend to the scalp, depending on the extent of the lift.

  3. Tissue Repositioning: Once the incisions are made, the surgeon works to reposition and tighten the underlying tissues. This may include tightening the muscle and connective tissue layer to improve facial contours and reduce sagging.

  4. Removal of Excess Skin: After adjusting the tissues, the surgeon removes any excess skin. This helps create a smoother, more youthful appearance.

  5. Incision Closure: Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives. Suturing techniques and closure plan are carefully selected to minimize scar visibility.

  6. Recovery: After surgery, bandages are applied around the face to minimize swelling and bruising. Detailed instructions for postoperative care are provided, and follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor recovery.

The facelift can vary in terms of scope and technique, depending on the patient's specific goals and the surgeon's evaluation. Techniques may include a full facelift, a mini-facelift, or more focused procedures. It is important to have a detailed discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best approach for individual needs and expectations.

There are several types of facelift surgery, each designed to address different areas of the face and meet specific aesthetic needs. The most common types include:

  1. Complete Face Lift (Rhytidectomy): This is the most complete procedure. Addresses sagging in the lower half of the face, including the jaw and neck. It is ideal for patients with a significant degree of sagging and deep wrinkles.

  2. Neck Lift: It specifically targets the skin and muscles of the neck. It is ideal for correcting loose skin on the neck and jowls.

  3. Cheek Lift (Mid-face Lift): This procedure lifts sagging cheeks, improves cheek fullness, and smoothes deep lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds).

  4. Mini-facelift: It is less invasive than a full facelift and targets wrinkles and sagging of the lower face and jaw. It offers faster recovery and is suitable for patients with moderate signs of aging.

  5. Temporary or Eyebrow Lifting: Although it is technically a different surgery, it is often considered part of the facelift spectrum. Elevates the position of the eyebrows and smoothes forehead wrinkles.

  6. Endoscopic Lifting: Uses endoscopic technology to perform the lift with smaller incisions. It is suitable for patients with moderate signs of aging and offers a faster recovery.

  7. Skin Lifting: Focuses only on removing excess skin, without addressing the underlying muscles. It is less invasive but also offers less dramatic results.

Each type of facelift has its own indications, advantages and limitations. The choice of a specific procedure will depend on the patient's aesthetic goals, facial anatomy, and degree of aging. It is crucial to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the type of facelift most appropriate for each individual case.

A typical facelift can last between 2 to 5 hours, depending on the extent of the procedure, although this can depend on several factors:

  1. Type of Face Lift: The duration of the surgery depends on the type of facelift performed. A mini-facelift, which is less invasive, may take less time than a full facelift, which is more comprehensive.

  2. Combined Techniques: If the face lift is performed in combination with other procedures, such as a neck lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), or even a brow lift, this can prolong the duration of the surgery.

  3. Individual Complexity: The patient's facial structure and specific goals of the surgery can also influence the duration. Some patients may require more extensive work to achieve the desired results.

  4. Surgeon's Experience: The skill and experience of the surgeon can influence the efficiency of the procedure, although quality and safety will always take precedence over speed.

It is important to keep in mind that, beyond the duration of the surgery, the quality and safety of the procedure are the most important aspects. An experienced surgeon will take the time necessary to ensure the best possible results and minimize risks. Additionally, the duration of surgery does not include pre-preparation time or the immediate post-operative recovery period, which are also important parts of the surgical process.


The recovery time after a facelift It varies from person to person, but here's a general timeline of what to expect:

  1. First week: During the first few postoperative days, it is common to experience swelling and bruising. Patients often have bandages on their face and drains may be needed to remove excess fluids. Activities should be minimal and rest is crucial.

  2. Second week: At the end of the first week or during the second week, the bandages and, if present, the drains, are usually removed. The swelling and bruising continue to go down. Some patients feel comfortable resuming light activities and possibly working from home.

  3. 2 to 3 weeks: Most patients can return to normal activities, including work, as long as they are not too strenuous. However, it is still recommended to avoid strenuous exercise or any activity that may increase blood pressure.

  4. One Month and Beyond: Most of the swelling will have decreased significantly, although mild swelling may persist for several months. The scars will begin to mature and lighten, but this is a gradual process that may continue for a year or more.

  5. Full recovery: Complete recovery and stabilization of results may take several months. During this time, it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions and attend all follow-up appointments.

It is essential to keep in mind that each person recovers at their own pace and it is important to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and effective recovery. Additionally, patience is key, as the final results may take some time to be fully visible.

Yes, as with any surgical procedure, the facelift leaves scars. However, plastic surgeons use specialized techniques to minimize their visibility:

  1. Strategic location: Incisions are made in places where they can be easily hidden, such as along the hairline, behind the ears, or in natural folds of the skin. This helps make scars less noticeable.

  2. Careful Suturing Techniques: Modern suturing and wound closure techniques can improve the appearance of scars, making them finer and less noticeable.

  3. Natural Healing Process: Over time, scars tend to fade and become less visible. This process can take several months to a year or more.

  4. Postoperative care: Carefully following your surgeon's postoperative instructions, such as keeping incisions clean and protected from the sun, is crucial for good healing.

  5. Treatments for Scars: There are additional treatments, such as laser therapies or topical products, that can help improve the appearance of scars after they have healed.

It is important to discuss scar concerns with your surgeon before surgery. They can provide an idea of ​​what to expect and how to manage scars for the best possible results. Most patients find that the benefits of a facelift in terms of facial rejuvenation outweigh the concern about scars.

El facelift, like any surgery, carries certain risks and possible complications. It is important that patients are aware of these risks to make an informed decision. Common risks include:

  1. Infection: Although rare thanks to sterile techniques and post-operative care, there is a risk of infection at the site of the incisions.

  2. Bruising: Bruising or blood accumulation under the skin is possible, which in some cases may require additional intervention to be drained.

  3. Irregular Healing: Healing can vary and in some cases, scars may be more noticeable than expected or heal unevenly.

  4. Changes in Skin Sensitivity: Some patients experience numbness or changes in skin sensitivity in the operated areas, which is usually temporary, but in rare cases may be more prolonged or permanent.

  5. Risks Associated with Anesthesia: There are always certain risks associated with anesthesia, including allergic reactions or respiratory complications.

  6. Facial Asymmetry: Although surgeons strive for symmetry, there may be slight differences in the appearance of both sides of the face.

  7. Skin Necrosis: In very rare cases, there may be a loss of skin tissue due to a disruption in blood flow, although this is extremely rare.

  8. Unsatisfactory Results: Some patients may be dissatisfied with the results, either due to unrealistic expectations or variations in wound healing.

  9. Need for Revisions or Additional Surgeries: In some cases, additional procedures may be necessary to correct or improve the results of the original lift.

It is crucial to have a detailed discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon about these and other potential risks before deciding to have surgery. Understanding the risks and having realistic expectations is essential to the decision-making process.

The results of a facelift They are usually long-lasting, but it is important to note that they are not permanent. The longevity of the results depends on several factors:

  1. Duration of Results: The effects of a facelift can last for many years. The exact duration varies from person to person, but many patients enjoy the benefits for 10 years or more.

  2. Continuous Aging: Although a facelift can significantly rejuvenate your appearance, it does not stop the natural aging process. Over time, the skin will continue to lose elasticity and new lines and wrinkles may appear.

  3. Individual Factors: Genetics, skin quality, and lifestyle factors, such as diet, smoking, sun exposure, and general skin care, all play a role in how long results last.

  4. Postoperative Skin Care: Maintaining a skin care routine, protecting yourself from the sun, and living a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the results of the procedure.

  5. Portraits or Additional Procedures: Some people opt for additional procedures or portraits in the future to maintain or improve initial results.

In short, although a facelift offers long-term results, it is not a permanent solution to aging. A detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon can provide a better understanding of what to expect in terms of duration and maintenance of results.

Yes, it is common and often beneficial to combine a facelift with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a more complete and harmonious aesthetic improvement. The combination of procedures can offer more comprehensive rejuvenation and more satisfactory results. Some popular combinations include:

  1. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): This procedure focuses on correcting drooping eyelids and eliminating bags under the eyes. Combining a facelift with blepharoplasty can significantly rejuvenate the overall appearance of the eyes and face.
  2. Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery): Rhinoplasty can reshape, reduce or alter the nose to improve its appearance and proportion in relation to the rest of the face. Performing it together with a facelift can balance facial features.
  3. Filler Injections and Neuromodulators: These non-surgical treatments can complement the effects of a face lift by filling in fine lines, wrinkles, or restoring lost facial volume.
  4. Eyebrow lift: Lifts drooping eyebrows and improves forehead lines. Combining it with a facelift can provide more uniform rejuvenation across the entire face.
  5. Neck Lift: If there is significant sagging of the neck or the formation of a "double chin", a neck lift can be performed in conjunction with a face lift for a more complete improvement.
  6. Dermabrasion or Laser Treatments: These treatments can improve skin texture, treat uneven pigmentation and scars, complementing the effects of face lifting.

It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the best options based on individual goals and aesthetic needs. The surgeon can evaluate facial structure, skin quality, and other factors to recommend the most effective combination of procedures.

Choosing the right surgeon for a facelift It is a crucial step to ensure safety and satisfaction with the results of the procedure. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Board Certification of Plastic Surgery: Make sure the surgeon is certified by a recognized board in plastic surgery. This indicates that the surgeon has completed the training and examinations necessary to obtain this qualification.

  2. Specialization and Experience in Facial Lifting: Look for a surgeon who has extensive experience in face lifts. You can ask about the number of such procedures he has performed and his experience in cases similar to yours.

  3. Review Before and After Portfolio: Review before and after photos of other face lifts performed by the surgeon. This will give you an idea of ​​their skill and the type of results you can expect.

  4. Reputation and Reviews: Investigate the reputation of the surgeon. You can look for online reviews, patient testimonials, and ask questions on discussion forums.

  5. Initial Consultation: Schedule a consultation with the surgeon. This is an opportunity to evaluate their professionalism, ask questions, discuss your expectations, and understand their approach to your facelift.

  6. Comfort and Communication: It is important to feel comfortable with your surgeon and his team. Clear and open communication is essential.

  7. Facilities and Personnel: Make sure the surgery will be performed at an accredited facility and that the support staff is experienced and professional.

  8. Credentials and Training: Review the surgeon's education, including where he or she was educated and trained, and whether he or she has had additional training specific to facial procedures.

  9. Consider Second Opinions: There is nothing wrong with seeking second opinions. This can give you a broader perspective and help you make an informed decision.

  10. Cost and Financing Options: Although cost should not be the only determining factor, it is important to discuss costs and financing options to ensure the procedure is within your means.

Remember, choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon is essential to the success of your facelift.

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Are you thinking about undergoing Facial Lifting Surgery? Do you want to take advantage of your trip or vacation in Spain to look younger and say goodbye to your sagging and wrinkle problems? In Aesophy Clinic, we offer you a Facial Lifting Surgery intervention safe and effective, with best plastic surgeons for facelift in Spain and with full guarantee at a very competitive price. 

aesophy clinic offers you a better option of undergoing a surgery Facial Lifting Surgery in Spain, better than in Türkiye.

Book a specialized Facial Lifting clinic appointment in Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Facial Lifting Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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