medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Eyebrow lift Malaga Aesophy Clinic

Brow Lift Malaga

Brow Lift Malaga
Treatment time
1 hour. 30 minutes
Brow Lift Malaga
Brow Lift Malaga
2 - 5 days
Brow Lift Malaga
Brow Lift Malaga
not required
Brow Lift Malaga
from: €1350

Table of contents Brow Lift

Do you feel that your drooping eyebrows make you look tired or aged? If you are looking for an effective solution to lift and rejuvenate your eyebrows, you have come to the right place. In the Aesophy Clinic, we specialize in rejuvenating and beautifying your look through our advanced procedure of eyebrow lift. This treatment, led by experts in cosmetic surgery, is designed to lift and redefine the shape of your eyebrows, giving you a more youthful and rested appearance. We use the most innovative and safe techniques to guarantee natural and long-lasting results. He eyebrow lift In our clinic it not only improves facial symmetry, but also contributes to greater confidence and well-being in our patients. Come to Aesophy Clinic and discover how we can transform your look with professionalism and care. Get ready to discover how you can achieve a fresher, more youthful look.

Brow lift Malaga

El eyebrow lift It is an aesthetic surgical procedure that is performed to lift and tighten the skin of the forehead and eyebrows, in order to correct sagging and wrinkles in this area and give a younger and fresher appearance. It can be performed by a plastic surgeon and there are different techniques for its performance, including endoscopic, coronal, and temporal.

What is eyebrow lifting?

El eyebrow lift It is a surgical or non-surgical procedure performed to lift the eyebrows and improve the appearance of the forehead and eyes. In a surgical brow lift, incisions are made in the scalp and the tissue under the skin is adjusted to lift the eyebrows. In a non-surgical brow lift, injection treatments, such as neuromodulators, are used to lift the eyebrows without surgery. Eyebrow Lifting Clinic Malaga Aesophy

How long does a brow lift last?

The duration of a eyebrow lift It varies depending on the type of procedure performed. A endoscopic brow lift It may take around 1 to 2 hours, while a eyebrow lift Traditional can take 2 to 3 hours. It is important to remember that exact times may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the individual needs of the patient.

How is a brow lift done?

El eyebrow lift, also known as a brow lift, can be performed using different techniques. The most common technique is endoscopic surgery, in which several small incisions are made in the scalp and an endoscope is used to lift the forehead and eyebrows. Other options include open surgery, in which a larger incision is made in the scalp, and non-surgical treatments, such as injecting neuromodulators or using thread lifts to lift the eyebrows. It is important to speak with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to determine the best option for each individual case.

Brow Lift Procedure and Recovery

The procedure of Eyebrow lift It can be done in different ways, depending on the individual needs of each patient. It can be performed using traditional surgical techniques or through less invasive methods, such as the use of tension threads or neuromodulators. During the surgical procedure, strategic incisions are made to access the underlying tissues and reposition the eyebrows. In the case of non-surgical treatments, specific techniques are used to lift and tighten eyebrows without incisions. Recovery after Eyebrow Lifts varies depending on the type of procedure performed. In general, mild swelling and discomfort may be experienced, but these disappear within a short time. Your doctor will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions and how to care for and maintain your eyebrows for optimal recovery.

Some advantages of a brow lift may include:

  1. more youthful appearance: Brow lift can lift drooping brows and tighten the skin around the eyes, which can make the face look younger.
  2. Improves the appearance of the eyes: A brow lift can improve the appearance of the eyes by opening them up and making them look larger and more alert.
  3. Reduces wrinkles: By tightening the skin around the eyes, a brow lift can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  4. Higher self esteem: By improving the overall appearance of the face, many people report feeling more confident and happy with their appearance after a brow lift.
It is important to keep in mind that, as with any surgical procedure such as eyebrow lifting, it also carries risks and possible complications. In Aesophy Excellence Clinic we always recommend speaking with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss whether it is suitable for your aesthetic needs and goals.

Is the Brow Lift right for you?

If you are considering the Eyebrow lift, it is important to schedule a consultation with a professional specialized in facial aesthetics. Aesophy Clinic. During this consultation, our specialist will evaluate your eyebrows, discuss your aesthetic goals, and provide you with detailed treatment information. He Eyebrow lift It may be suitable for people who want to correct drooping eyebrows, smooth forehead wrinkles, and obtain a rejuvenated appearance in the eye area. However, each case is unique, and it is essential to receive an individualized evaluation to determine if this treatment is the most suitable for you.

Book an appointment for Brow Lift

Now that you know all the details about the Eyebrow lift, you are one step closer to achieving a rejuvenated and expressive look. Remember that this treatment can effectively lift your eyebrows, soften wrinkles and rejuvenate your appearance. If you are ready to transform your eyebrows and show off a younger, more attractive look, I invite you to book a consultation with a professional specialized in Eyebrow Lifting. They will assess your individual needs and guide you through the process, providing you with a safe and satisfying experience. specialist surgeon eyebrow lift Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Brow Lift Prices

Don't wait any longer to get the look you want. Click the link below to book your consultation and discover how a Brow Lift can transform your appearance. «Click here to book your consultation and take the first step towards a rejuvenated look with Brow Lifting. Don't wait any longer to enhance your natural beauty and show off a younger and more expressive look!

Contact the best plastic surgeons for Brow Lift in Malaga

Frequently Asked Questions Eyebrow Lift

What is a surgical brow lift?

Surgical brow lift is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating the frontal region of the face.. It is performed under anesthesia and can vary in technique depending on the patient's specific needs.

The main objective is lift and reposition eyebrows which, over time, can droop or descend due to the loss of skin elasticity and factors such as gravity.

During the procedure, small incisions are made, usually hidden in the hairline or natural folds of the skin, to minimize the visibility of scars. Through these incisions, the surgeon adjusts and firms the underlying tissues, removing excess skin and altering the position of the eyebrows.

This setting not only raises eyebrows, but also smoothes wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, providing a more youthful and rested appearance.

El eyebrow lift Surgical is different from non-surgical procedures, such as neuromodulators, which can also lift the eyebrows but less invasively and with more temporary results.

The choice between a surgical lift and non-surgical options will depend on several factors, including the age of the patient, the quality of the skin, and the degree of eyebrow drooping.

After surgery, there may be some swelling and bruising, but these side effects usually go away within a few weeks.

The results of a surgical brow lift are generally long-lasting, although the natural aging process can eventually affect the firmness and position of the eyebrows over time.

El surgical brow lift It is a detailed procedure that is carried out in several stages:

  1. Consultation and Planning: Before surgery, the patient meets with the surgeon to discuss their goals, concerns, and available options. The surgeon will examine the forehead and eyebrow area to determine the best technique.

  2. Anesthesia: The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery and the patient's preferences.

  3. Making Incisions: Depending on the technique selected, incisions can be made:

    • along the hairline: This allows access to the tissues of the forehead and eyebrows without disturbing the hairline.
    • Inside the scalp: In some cases, incisions behind the hairline are preferred so that they are completely hidden.
    • endoscopic: A minimally invasive technique that uses small incisions and a camera to guide the surgeon.
  4. Fabric Adjustment: The surgeon carefully manipulates and adjusts the tissues beneath the skin to elevate the eyebrows to a more desired position. They can also remove excess skin and tissue to smooth forehead wrinkles.

  5. Incision Closure: Once the adjustment is completed, the incisions are closed with sutures or surgical clips. This also helps minimize scarring.

  6. Recovery: After surgery, bandages are applied and specific instructions for postoperative care are given. There may be swelling and bruising, but these usually go away in the following weeks.

  7. Tracking: Follow-up visits are important to monitor the healing process and evaluate the results of the procedure.

The choice of the specific technique depends on several factors, including the patient's anatomy, the amount of elevation needed, and the preferences of both the patient and the surgeon. The goal is always to achieve a natural and harmonious look that fits the patient's individual characteristics.

Generally, the procedure lasts between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the technique used and whether it is combined with other procedures.

Generally, the procedure lasts between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the technique used and whether it is combined with other procedures.

Yes, the surgical brow lift It can leave scars, but these are generally discreet and well managed for several reasons:

  1. Location of Incisions: Incisions are made strategically in areas where scars may be less visible. For example, making incisions along the hairline or inside the scalp helps hide scars in less obvious places.

  2. Advanced Surgical Techniques: Plastic surgeons use techniques that minimize scarring. For example, in endoscopic brow lift, much smaller incisions are used, resulting in less noticeable scars.

  3. Natural Healing Process: Over time, scars tend to fade and become less noticeable. The degree of visibility of scars also depends on individual factors such as genetics, skin type, and the body's healing ability.

  4. Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's postoperative instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure and not smoking, can significantly improve the healing process and appearance of scars.

  5. Treatments for Scars: If scars are a concern, there are several treatments that can help improve their appearance, such as laser therapies, microdermabrasion, and certain creams and ointments.

In general, while scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, in the case of a brow lift, they are usually manageable and discreet, especially when the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon.

Yes, the surgical brow lift It can leave scars, but these are generally discreet and well managed for several reasons:

  1. Location of Incisions: Incisions are made strategically in areas where scars may be less visible. For example, making incisions along the hairline or inside the scalp helps hide scars in less obvious places.

  2. Advanced Surgical Techniques: Plastic surgeons use techniques that minimize scarring. For example, in endoscopic brow lift, much smaller incisions are used, resulting in less noticeable scars.

  3. Natural Healing Process: Over time, scars tend to fade and become less noticeable. The degree of visibility of scars also depends on individual factors such as genetics, skin type, and the body's healing ability.

  4. Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's postoperative instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure and not smoking, can significantly improve the healing process and appearance of scars.

  5. Treatments for Scars: If scars are a concern, there are several treatments that can help improve their appearance, such as laser therapies, microdermabrasion, and certain creams and ointments.

In general, while scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, in the case of a brow lift, they are usually manageable and discreet, especially when the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon.

Yes, the surgical brow lift It can leave scars, but these are generally discreet and well managed for several reasons:

  1. Location of Incisions: Incisions are made strategically in areas where scars may be less visible. For example, making incisions along the hairline or inside the scalp helps hide scars in less obvious places.

  2. Advanced Surgical Techniques: Plastic surgeons use techniques that minimize scarring. For example, in endoscopic brow lift, much smaller incisions are used, resulting in less noticeable scars.

  3. Natural Healing Process: Over time, scars tend to fade and become less noticeable. The degree of visibility of scars also depends on individual factors such as genetics, skin type, and the body's healing ability.

  4. Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's postoperative instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure and not smoking, can significantly improve the healing process and appearance of scars.

  5. Treatments for Scars: If scars are a concern, there are several treatments that can help improve their appearance, such as laser therapies, microdermabrasion, and certain creams and ointments.

In general, while scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, in the case of a brow lift, they are usually manageable and discreet, especially when the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon.

The results of a surgical brow lift They can be significantly long-lasting, but it is important to note that they are not permanent due to several factors:

  1. Duration of Results: Generally, the effects of a brow lift can last for several years. The exact duration varies between patients and depends on factors such as the quality of the skin, the surgical technique used and the individual characteristics of each person.

  2. Natural Aging: Despite the rejuvenating effects of a brow lift, the natural aging process continues. Over time, the skin may lose elasticity again and the eyebrows may begin to droop again. Factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle, and genetics play a role in how quickly this process occurs.

  3. Skin care: Maintaining a good skin care routine, including sun protection and proper nutrition, can help prolong the results of the procedure.

  4. Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and excessive sun exposure, can accelerate the aging process and affect the longevity of results.

  5. Portraits: In some cases, patients may choose to undergo portraiture or other cosmetic procedures to maintain or improve results over time.

It is important to have realistic expectations and understand that although a brow lift can offer significant improvements in appearance, it does not stop the aging process. Consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon can provide a better understanding of what to expect in terms of duration and maintenance of results.

Yes, it is quite common to combine the eyebrow lift with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a more complete and harmonious aesthetic improvement. Some of the most popular combinations include:

  1. Facial Lifting: Combining a brow lift with a face lift can provide a more comprehensive rejuvenation of the face. While a brow lift focuses on the upper part of the face, a face lift addresses the middle and lower part, improving sagging skin and wrinkles in these areas.

  2. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): Blepharoplasty can be especially beneficial if combined with a brow lift. This procedure removes excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids, which can complement brow lifts for a more open, rejuvenated look to the eyes.

  3. Neuromodulators: Neuromodulators are useful for addressing expression lines and wrinkles, especially on the forehead and around the eyes. Combining Neuromodulators with a brow lift can enhance the results, smoothing wrinkles while lifting the brows.

  4. Dermal Fillers: Fillers can be used to restore lost volume to certain areas of the face, such as the cheeks or lips, which can complement the effects of a brow lift.

  5. Laser or Resurfacing Treatments: These treatments can improve skin texture, treat pigmentation, and minimize scarring, which can be a good complement to brow lift results.

When considering multiple procedures, it is important to discuss with a qualified plastic surgeon to understand how each procedure may interact with the others and plan an approach that is safe and effective. The surgeon will evaluate the patient's skin condition, facial features, and aesthetic goals to recommend the best combination of treatments.

Discover the path to a rejuvenated look with the eyebrow lift in the Surgery clinic and aesthetic medicine Aesophy, your expert destination in advanced aesthetic treatments. Conveniently located near you, our clinic stands out for offering personalized brow lift procedures, performed by highly qualified cosmetic surgeons.

En Aesophy Clinic, we combine innovative techniques with a patient-centered approach to achieve natural and harmonious results. Our team of specialists is dedicated to understanding and meeting your aesthetic expectations, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. Visit Aesophy Clinic for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards a younger, revitalized appearance with our renowned eyebrow lift.

Contact Book eyebrow lifting appointment Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Eyebrow Lifting Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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