medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Lip Lift Lip Lift Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Lip Lift - Lip Lift Malaga

Lip Lift - Lip Lift
intv time
1 hour. 30 minutes
Lip Lift - Lip Lift
Lip Lift - Lip Lift
1 Week
Lip Lift - Lip Lift
When the inflammation goes away
Lip Lift - Lip Lift
not required
Lip Lift - Lip Lift
from: €1.350

Table of contents Lip Lift - Lip Lift

The Lip Lift or Lip Lifting is an innovative and increasingly requested cosmetic procedure, designed to improve the aesthetics of the lips and the perioral area. This treatment focuses on rejuvenate y enhance the lip area, offering a younger and more attractive appearance.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are proud to present the Liplift, a cutting-edge procedure designed to rejuvenate and beautify your smile. Our technique Lip Lift offers a long-lasting and elegant aesthetic solution for those looking to enhance the natural beauty of their lips. This treatment, performed by our highly qualified specialists, is the perfect option for those who want notable, natural results.

At Clínica Aesophy, we combine surgical precision with an artistic approach to ensure that each Liplift reflect harmony and beauty, aligned with your desires and unique characteristics.

Lip lift Lip lift Málaga Aesophy clinic

What is Lip Lift?

El Liplift It is a surgical technique that shortens the space between the nose and the upper lip, lifting the lip to expose more of the pink area and give it a more defined and youthful shape. This treatment is ideal for people looking for a more permanent solution compared to temporary fillings.

Benefits of Lip Lift

  • Improves Lip Proportion: Adjusts the proportion between the upper and lower lip.
  • Facial Rejuvenation: Offers a more youthful appearance by reducing the distance between the nose and upper lip.
  • Lasting Results: Unlike fillers, the Lip Lift offers results that can be permanent.

Who are Candidates for a Lip Lift?

El Lip Lift It is ideal for:

  • People with a long space between the nose and upper lip.
  • Those who want a permanent increase in the definition of their lips.
  • Individuals looking for an alternative to lip fillers.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

The recovery of Liplift It is generally rapid, with most patients returning to normal activities within a week. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions to ensure optimal healing and satisfactory results.

Why Choose Lip Lift?

Choose Lip Lift It means opting for a significant and lasting aesthetic change, which not only improves the appearance of the lips but can also positively influence self-esteem and confidence.

Contact the best plastic surgeons for Lip Lift in Malaga

Lip Lift FAQ

What is a Lip Lift or Lip Lift?

A "Lip Lift" or "Lifting" is a surgical cosmetic procedure designed to lift and improve the shape of the upper lips. This treatment is increasingly popular among people seeking a younger, more attractive appearance for their lips. Below I describe in detail what this procedure entails:

What is a Lip Lift?

  1. Objective of the Procedure: The main objective of the Lip Lift is to shorten the space between the base of the nose and the upper edge of the lip (the philtrum). This results in more prominent and defined upper lips, and can improve your smile.
  2. Surgical techniques: There are several techniques to perform a Lip Lift. The most common involves making a small incision just under the nose. This technique is known as "Subnasal Lip Lift" or "Bullhorn Lip Lift" due to the shape of the incision, which is reminiscent of the horns of a bull.
  3. Aesthetic Results: The Lip Lift can increase the amount of visible pink in the upper lip, enhance the Cupid's bow and create a more youthful appearance. It can also help balance facial proportions.
  4. Procedure Duration: Generally, a Lip Lift is an outpatient procedure that lasts about an hour.
  5. Recovery: Recovery can vary, but typically patients can return to normal activities within a week. Swelling and bruising are common after surgery and usually decrease in the following weeks.
  6. Risks and Considerations: As with any surgical procedure, there are associated risks, such as infection, scarring, and asymmetries. It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss possible outcomes and risks with a qualified surgeon.

Candidates for a Lip Lift

  • People with a Long Filtrum: Ideal for those who have a long space between their nose and upper lip.
  • Facial Aging: As we age, lips tend to lose volume and the distance between the nose and upper lip can lengthen.
  • Search for Permanent Results: Unlike fillers, which require regular maintenance, a Lip Lift offers longer-lasting results.


The Lip Lift is an option for those looking for a more permanent solution to improve the aesthetics of their lips, especially to correct facial proportions and achieve a more youthful appearance. However, it is crucial to choose an experienced plastic surgeon and thoroughly discuss your goals and expectations before deciding on this procedure.

A Lip Lift or Lip Lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the upper lip. Although there are different techniques, the process generally includes the following steps:

Prior Consultation

Before surgery, a consultation is held with the plastic surgeon. During this phase, aesthetic goals are discussed, the patient's facial anatomy is evaluated, and the most appropriate technique is determined. It is also the time for the patient to ask questions and express their expectations.

Lip Lift Technique

A common technique is the subnasal Lip Lift, also known as a bullhorn Lip Lift, due to the shape of the incision. This procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia (and in some cases sedation) is administered to ensure the patient's comfort during surgery.
  2. Making the Incision: The surgeon makes an incision just below the nose, following the natural shape of the nasal base. The shape and size of the incision may vary depending on the specific technique and the patient's goals.
  3. Removal of Excess Skin: A small amount of skin and tissue is removed from the area under the nose. This shortens the distance between the nose and the upper lip, raising the lip and increasing the exposure of lipstick.
  4. Suture: The wound is closed with fine sutures to minimize scarring. These sutures are usually removed after a week.
  5. Recovery: After the procedure, swelling and bruising may be experienced. Specific instructions are provided for postoperative care, which may include applying ice, elevating the head, and avoiding certain activities.

Recovery and Results

Complete recovery may take several weeks, although most patients can return to normal activities in about a week. Final results are usually visible once the swelling has subsided and the incisions have healed, which can take several weeks to months.

Important considerations

  • Realistic Expectations: It is vital to have realistic expectations about the results.
  • Surgeon's Choice: Must be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in facial procedures.
  • Risks and Complications: As with any surgery, there are risks of infection, abnormal scarring, asymmetries, and changes in sensation.

In summary, the Lip Lift is a surgical procedure that requires skill and precision. Choosing a qualified surgeon and open communication about goals and expectations are essential for a successful outcome.

The ideal candidates for a Lip Lift, or Lip Lift, are people who want to aesthetically improve the appearance of their lips and perioral area, and who meet certain criteria. Here are the most suitable profiles for this procedure:

  1. People with a Long Filtrum: Individuals who have a noticeably long distance between the base of the nose and the upper lip. A Lip Lift can shorten this distance, improving facial proportions.

  2. Aging of the Peribucal Area: With age, the skin loses elasticity and the upper lip tends to lengthen and lose volume. Older people seeking a more youthful appearance can benefit from this procedure.

  3. Desire for Greater Exposure of Red Lipstick: Candidates who wish to increase the visibility of the red in their upper lips, which can give a fuller, more youthful appearance.

  4. People with Mild Lip Asymmetries: Those who have minor lip asymmetries may find improvement through this procedure.

  5. People Dissatisfied with Lip Fillers: Individuals who have tried lip fillers but are not satisfied with the results or are looking for a more permanent solution.

  6. Good General Health: Candidates who are in good health, do not have serious chronic diseases and have good healing.

  7. Non-smoking: Smoking can negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications in any surgery.

  8. Realistic Expectations: It is essential that candidates have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure and understand its limitations.

  9. Commitment to the Recovery Process: Candidates must be willing and able to follow post-operative care instructions to ensure successful recovery and optimal results.

Before deciding on a Lip Lift, it is essential that those interested consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate your suitability for the procedure, discuss the risks and benefits, and help set realistic expectations.

Recovery from a Lip Lift or Lip Lift varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure, but it generally follows this timeline:

Immediately after Surgery

  • First 24 Hours: It is normal to experience swelling and some discomfort. Rest and avoiding excessive facial movements is recommended.

First week

  • Days 1-3: Swelling and bruising peak and then begin to subside. There may be some feeling of tightness or discomfort.
  • Day 5-7: Sutures are usually removed unless they are absorbable. Patients can often return to non-strenuous activities.

Second week

  • Days 8-14: Most of the swelling and bruising should have decreased significantly. The scar will still be healing and may be red or raised.

Months 1-3

  • During this time: The scar continues to mature and soften. Most patients feel comfortable socially and can appreciate the final results, although complete healing may take longer.

6 Months and More

  • Final Results and Complete Healing: The scar should be well healed, becoming less visible. The final results are now completely apparent.

Tips for Optimal Recovery

  • Avoid Efforts and Rigorous Exercise: It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • Scar Care: Following the surgeon's instructions for scar care is crucial to minimize its visibility.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect the scar from the sun to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Important considerations

  • Individual Variability: Everyone recovers at a different rate, and some may experience a faster or slower recovery.
  • Postoperative Follow-up: It is important to attend all follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the recovery process.

It is essential to follow the surgeon's specific recommendations to ensure a safe and effective recovery. Additionally, having realistic expectations and being patient during the healing process is essential for a positive and satisfying Lip Lift experience.

Lip Lift, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and possible complications. It is essential that patients are well informed about these risks before deciding to have surgery. Some of the risks associated with Lip Lift include:

  1. Infection: Although rare, as with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision site.

  2. Cicatrization: There may be a visible scar in the area under the nose. Although attempts are made to minimize and hide the scar, its final appearance may vary depending on the individual's healing capacity.

  3. Asymmetry: There is a risk of asymmetrical results, especially if there are variations in healing or surgical technique.

  4. Alterations in Sensitivity: A temporary or, in rare cases, permanent loss of sensation in the operated area may occur.

  5. Hematoma or Bruises: It is common to experience bruising or bruising after surgery, which usually resolves within the first few weeks.

  6. Unsatisfactory Results: Some patients may be dissatisfied with the appearance of their lips after the procedure. This may include not achieving the desired lift, changes in lip shape that do not meet expectations, or a more visible scar than expected.

  7. Need for Revision Surgery: In some cases, additional surgeries may be necessary to correct or improve the results of the original Lip Lift.

  8. Healing Problems: Complications in the healing process can affect the final result and appearance of the scar.

  9. Reactions to Anesthesia: As with any procedure involving anesthesia, there is a risk of adverse reactions to the medications used.

  10. Changes in Facial Expression: The Lip Lift can alter the dynamics of facial expression, especially in the movements of the upper lip.

It is crucial that these risks be discussed in detail with a qualified plastic surgeon before deciding on the procedure. The surgeon can provide more specific information based on the technique to be used and the patient's individual characteristics. Additionally, choosing a surgeon with experience and skill in Lip Lifts can help minimize these risks and ensure the best possible results.

Yes, the results of a Lip Lift are usually permanent. This surgical procedure is designed to lastingly reduce the distance between the base of the nose and the upper lip, thereby improving facial proportions and the aesthetic profile of the lips.

Aspects to Consider about Permanence:

  1. Permanent Reduction of Filter Space: By surgically removing a portion of skin and tissue under the nose, permanent shortening of the philtrum is achieved.
  2. Long-term effects: Unlike temporary dermal fillers, the Lip Lift does not require regular maintenance. Once the area heals, the results are stable.
  3. Natural Aging: Even though the procedure is permanent, the lips and surrounding skin will still be subject to the natural aging process. Over time, changes in the elasticity and volume of the lips may occur.
  4. Future Skin Changes: Factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle and weight changes can influence the appearance of the lips and perioral area in the long term.
  5. Immediate Results and Scar Maturation: Although the changes are immediately visible, the final results and complete maturation of the scar may take several months.


  • Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon: It is important to have a detailed consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to fully understand the expected results and permanent nature of the procedure.
  • Expectation Management: Patients should have realistic expectations and understand how aging and other factors can affect long-term results.

In summary, the Lip Lift offers a permanent solution to modify the aesthetics of the upper lip, but it is important to keep in mind that the effects of aging and other external factors will continue to play a role in the overall appearance of the lips over time.

Yes, the Lip Lift can be effectively combined with other aesthetic procedures to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation or to address multiple aesthetic concerns in a single surgical session. Combining procedures can be advantageous both in terms of aesthetic results and in reducing overall recovery time compared to performing multiple separate procedures. Some common combinations include:

  1. Dermal Fillers: They can be used to add volume and improve the shape of the lips. Although the Lip Lift lifts and defines the upper lip, fillers can add additional volume to both lips.

  2. Neuromodulators: Can be used to soften expression lines around the mouth and in other areas of the face, such as the forehead and around the eyes.

  3. Rhinoplasty: Some patients choose to combine a Lip Lift with a rhinoplasty to improve facial harmony and the balance between the nose and lips.

  4. Face Lift or Neck Lift: For more complete rejuvenation, the Lip Lift can be combined with a face or neck lift to address sagging and aging in other areas of the face and neck.

  5. Skin Resurfacing Procedures: Like laser or dermabrasion, which improve the texture and quality of the skin, reducing fine lines and age spots.

  6. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): For those who also want to address eyelid problems such as sagging or bags.

  7. Cheek or Chin Implants: To improve overall facial structure and contour.

Important considerations:

  • Individual Evaluation: It is crucial that a qualified plastic surgeon evaluate the patient to determine the appropriateness of combining procedures, based on factors such as general health, skin quality, and specific aesthetic goals.
  • Surgical Planning: Combining procedures requires careful planning to ensure that results are harmonious and to minimize risks.
  • Recovery: Although combining procedures may be more efficient, it may also entail a longer or more complex recovery period compared to a single procedure.

In summary, combining a Lip Lift with other cosmetic procedures can be an excellent option to achieve a more complete facial improvement, as long as it is performed under the supervision of an experienced surgeon and with careful planning.

The cost of a Lip Lift can vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of the procedure, and associated costs (such as operating room and anesthesia). At Clínica Aesophy, Lip Lift treatment starts at €1.350, which offers a reference for that specific establishment.

Choose the Best Aesthetic Clinic for Your Lip Lift Treatment: Excellence and Trust in Aesophy Clinic

When dealing with enhance the beauty of your lips with Lip Lift treatment, choosing the best clinic is crucial.

En Aesophy Clinic, We stand out as leaders in facial aesthetic procedures, providing exceptional results in Liplift. Our team of experts, led by board-certified plastic surgeons and facial aesthetic specialists, combines cutting-edge surgical technique with a personalized approach for each patient. We pride ourselves on our ability to create a natural, rejuvenated and harmonious appearance, always respecting the individuality and wishes of our clients.

La fullfilment of security requirements, Trust y satisfaction They are the pillars of our work in Aesophy Clinic, where each procedure Liplift It is carried out under the highest quality standards.

Come experience excellence in aesthetic care and transform your smile in an environment of luxury and professionalism. Aesophy Clinic It's not just a choice, it's your partner on the path to renewed beauty and confidence.

Contact Book appointment Lip Lift Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Lip Lift Málaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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