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El hair graft It is an indicated procedure, usually when there is loss or thinning of the hair, although it can also be used in other cases. When a person has an injury or scar on the scalp, it is usually difficult to hide, since the hair follicle is damaged, new hair will not grow and that imperfection will be visible. But hair surgery has come a long way in recent years and for this reason, specialized doctors can now perform transplants with satisfactory results. The hair transplant It is a medical procedure that has established itself strongly as one of the  the best  treatments to solve alopecia. In this article we want to resolve all possible doubts about the hair transplant on scars. As we know, the Androgenetic alopecia is the main cause of baldness in people of both sexes. Nevertheless, there are numerous causes of baldnessScars, for example, generate areas without hair of different shapes and sizes, and can be the product of blows, surgeries or diseases, among others. It is worth noting that the type of scar that we most frequently observe in our consultations are those caused by hair graft surgeries with the FUSS or FUT technique known as the STRIP technique.  If the origin of the scar is due to an accident, surgery or radiotherapy in the past, you can opt for the hair transplant without any problem. As long as the scar is fully healed.

What is the hair transplantation in scars?

Typically, follicular units to be implanted are obtained from the areas of the head that have not been affected by alopecia and the extraction is evenly distributed. Of course, the FUSS technique (of the strip or STRIP) leaves a scar in the neck area, which in the future may upset the patient and generate the need to want to cover it with a new transplant. In Aesophy Clinic as specialists in hair transplantation with the FUE method. This technique is characterized by extracting the follicular units one by one, previously selected by the doctor, and then transplant them into hairless areas affected by alopecia, may be these or not, caused by scars.

Can you do a hair transplant on a scar?

Currently, hair transplantation is a magnificent solution to hide scalp scars, which have an unpleasant aesthetic effect and can be the result of both an accident and surgery. Performing a hair graft on a scar is a solution that is used more than we can imagine, as it is the most effective repair procedure. Technology is one of our best allies in these cases, because it makes it easier for us to precisely position the hair behind, on, or in front of the scar itself. Before determining whether it is possible to carry out a hair transplant in that area, it is necessary to perform a series of tests. With them we will seek to rule out pathologies in the body, check the state of health of the patients and determine whether or not that person is an ideal candidate for the intervention. Hair transplantation in a scar It will be carried out using the same procedure, regardless of whether the affected area is the beard, eyebrows, mustache or head. We will use the FUE technique, which will allow us to choose the hair follicles one by one in order to select the most appropriate ones in each case. The hair micrograft techniques They allow our patients to recover hair in those areas where they have the mark of a burn, surgery or accident. The motivation for wanting to hide a scar is for a purely aesthetic reason and the procedure is based on obtaining hair from a donor area of ​​the patient himself. In other words, a redistribution of the patient's hair is performed.

How is the procedure of microimplantation of hair in scars?

Each patient has some personal characteristics and circumstances, therefore, we are medical professionals who must analyze each specific case. We will assess the type of scar, we will check the scar tissue, the hair donor area and we will determine what is most appropriate for each patient. The procedure is quite simple. Surgeons extract the hair from the donor areas to later implant it in the required areas, with which we can offer magnificent results. What should prevail in this type of intervention is the naturalness in the result to hide the scars In hair surgery on scars it is very important achieve high graft density on the injured area, since the underlying skin presents chronic fibrotic changes that reduce graft survival to estimated rates of 50-70%. Consequently, this lower survival of the follicles must be compensated by a high concentration of the same on the alopecic areas. The technique that we usually use is called FUE. For many years we use the FUSS technique, today discontinued. As in the case of alopecia, local anesthesia is used. Hair surgery is ambulatory, so the days after it, patients must follow minimum care and simple instructions.

Will hair grow over the scar?

Grafted hair takes time between 6 and 8 months to growTherefore, patience must be the greatest of virtues in patients who decide to have a micrograft of this type. In favor of the success of the procedure, it must be said that since hormonal changes (such as those that occur with hair loss) do not come into play, it will not be lost easily. Nevertheless, Sometimes it is necessary to carry out more than one session until the grafted hair reaches the density necessary to cover the scar.

Hair transplantation in scars. Is it possible?

El hair transplant It is a medical procedure that has established itself strongly as one of the  the best  treatments to solve alopecia. In this article we want to resolve all possible doubts about the hair transplant on scars. As we know, the Androgenetic alopecia is the main cause of baldness in people of both sexes. Nevertheless, there are numerous causes of baldnessScars, for example, generate areas without hair of different shapes and sizes, and can be the product of blows, surgeries or diseases, among others. It is worth noting that the type of scar that we most frequently observe in our consultations are those caused by hair graft surgeries with the FUSS or FUT technique known as the STRIP technique.  If the origin of the scar is due to an accident, surgery or radiotherapy in the past, you can opt for the hair transplant without any problem. As long as the scar is fully healed.

What is the hair transplantation in scars?

Typically, follicular units to be implanted are obtained from the areas of the head that have not been affected by alopecia and the extraction is evenly distributed. Of course, the FUSS technique (of the strip or STRIP) leaves a scar in the neck area, which in the future may upset the patient and generate the need to want to cover it with a new transplant. In Freitas Clinic as specialists in hair transplantation with the FUE method. This technique is characterized by extracting the follicular units one by one, previously selected by the doctor, and then transplant them into hairless areas affected by alopecia, may be these or not, caused by scars.

Scar hair transplant process in the head area

The hair surgeon extracts the hair from the donor areas and then implants them in the desired areas so that we can achieve amazing results. What should prevail in this type of intervention is the naturalness of the results to hide the scar.
In the barectomy on the scar it is very important to achieve a high density of implants on the affected area, since the underlying skin presents chronic fibrous changes that reduce graft survival between 50 and 70%. Therefore, this low survival of the follicles must be compensated by the high concentration of these follicles in the areas of hair loss.

Is it possible to perform a hair transplant on a scar?

In our hair clinic We continually receive inquiries as to whether is possible perform a hair transplant on a scar.  The answer to that question is that it is possible to do it and get natural results as long as the following factors are known:
  • Scar Thickness: Sometimes scars can be very thick and this affects the ability of hair to grow on the scar.
  • Scar thinness: Surprisingly, some scars are too thin for successful hair transplantation, there are scars that are too damaging to accept new hair follicles. We use a variety of techniques to enhance the growth and "absorption" of hair transplants, but some severe atrophic scars are difficult to transplant.
  • Blood supply to the scar: Sometimes, scarring can reduce blood flow to the areatherefore, the chances of successful absorption by the hair follicles are reduced. The use of minoxidil before and after hair surgery can improve blood flow to the affected area.
In general, our experience shows that the scar hair transplant it can be very successful and patients are really happy that their scars are less noticeable. It takes experience and a certain level of skill to cover scars with a hair transplant..

Best time to cover a scar with a hair graft

All scars have a time consuming regeneration process, if the scar is from an accident or surgery it should heal within the first week. You must wait until the scar is completely regenerated before proceeding with the hair graft to cover the scar. Only then can we guarantee the success of the scar hair transplant.
During the first month tissue regeneration begins. Cells transport oxygen and nutrients to affected tissues so they can regrow and regenerate in good health.. During this stage, the scars are pink or violet. From the first month to the yearscar tissue continues to regenerate. Little by little she whitens and begins to have a more inconspicuous appearance.
Scars entail a recovery process and regeneration quite slow. Because of that, To achieve better results, it is recommended to identify its stages and perform the hair transplant once it is fully regenerated.

How long does it take to grow hair transplanted into a scar?

Hair transplantation takes 6 to 8 months to grow, In some cases, more than one session may be necessary to gain more hair density with a hair implant.
Transplanted hair is not subject to hormonal changes that cause hair loss, so it won't fall out easily, more frankly: new hair lacks receptors for the DHT hormones or dihydrotestosterone.

When can hair surgery be done on a scar?

The scar regeneration process is not fast. It is the same as any other hair growth process in a hair graft. If the origin of this is an intervention or an accident, the wound will heal in approximately a week. After the first month, tissue regeneration will begin and the scar will experience a change in color, turning purple or pink. From the first month to the twelfth, the tissue will continue to regenerate. The scar will whiten and stop being so obvious. This is the main reason why it is advisable to wait until this process has finished before performing a micrograft, ensuring its success. Definitely, is it possible to perform a hair graft in a scar, but it will be necessary to evaluate each patient to determine if it can be carried out in their specific case or not. If you find yourself in this situation, contact us for a free initial consultation in which we will determine your circumstances and feasibility. Hair grafting is an indicated procedure, usually when there is loss or thinning of the hair, although it can also be used in other cases. When a person has an injury or scar on the scalp, it is usually difficult to hide, since the hair follicle is damaged, new hair will not grow and that imperfection will be visible. But hair surgery has come a long way in recent years and for this reason, specialized doctors can now perform transplants with satisfactory results.

Can you do a hair transplant on a scar?

Currently, hair transplantation is a magnificent solution to hide scalp scars, which have an unpleasant aesthetic effect and can be the result of both an accident and surgery. Performing a hair graft on a scar is a solution that is used more than we can imagine, as it is the most effective repair procedure. Technology is one of our best allies in these cases, because it makes it easier for us to precisely position the hair behind, on, or in front of the scar itself. Before determining whether it is possible to carry out a hair transplant in that area, it is necessary to perform a series of tests. With them we will seek to rule out pathologies in the body, check the state of health of the patients and determine whether or not that person is an ideal candidate for the intervention. Hair transplantation in a scar It will be carried out using the same procedure, regardless of whether the affected area is the beard, eyebrows, mustache or head. We will use the FUE technique, which will allow us to choose the hair follicles one by one in order to select the most appropriate ones in each case. The hair micrograft techniques They allow our patients to recover hair in those areas where they have the mark of a burn, surgery or accident. The motivation for wanting to hide a scar is for a purely aesthetic reason and the procedure is based on obtaining hair from a donor area of ​​the patient himself. In other words, a redistribution of the patient's hair is performed.

How is the procedure of microimplantation of hair in scars?

Each patient has some personal characteristics and circumstances, therefore, we are medical professionals who must analyze each specific case. We will assess the type of scar, we will check the scar tissue, the hair donor area and we will determine what is most appropriate for each patient. The procedure is quite simple. Surgeons extract the hair from the donor areas to later implant it in the required areas, with which we can offer magnificent results. What should prevail in this type of intervention is the naturalness in the result to hide the scars In hair surgery on scars it is very important achieve high graft density on the injured area, since the underlying skin presents chronic fibrotic changes that reduce graft survival to estimated rates of 50-70%. Consequently, this lower survival of the follicles must be compensated by a high concentration of the same on the alopecic areas. The technique that we usually use is called FUE For many years we use the FUSS technique, today discontinued. As in the case of alopecia, local anesthesia is used. Hair surgery is ambulatory, so the days after it, patients must follow minimum care and simple instructions.

Will hair grow over the scar?

Grafted hair takes time between 6 and 8 months to growTherefore, patience must be the greatest of virtues in patients who decide to have a micrograft of this type. In favor of the success of the procedure, it must be said that since hormonal changes (such as those that occur with hair loss) do not come into play, it will not be lost easily. Nevertheless, Sometimes it is necessary to carry out more than one session until the grafted hair reaches the density necessary to cover the scar.

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