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Liposuction Malaga Aesophy Clinic

Liposuction Malaga

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Table of contents Liposuction

Liposuction or Lipectomy 

Aesophy Clinic: Pioneers in Advanced and Personalized Liposuction

En Aesophy Clinic, we pride ourselves on being leaders in providing liposuction of Vanguard. Our clinic, recognized for its excellence in the field of plastic surgery, offers an innovative and highly personalized approach to liposuction. We distinguish ourselves by using the most advanced and safe techniques, guaranteeing results that not only meet, but exceed the expectations of our patients. Our team of experts, made up of some of the most qualified cosmetic surgeons and experienced, is dedicated to providing exceptional care every step of the process. In Aesophy Clinic, we understand that each patient is unique, and therefore, our treatment treatments liposuction They are meticulously customized to fit individual needs and goals. Opt for the liposuction en Aesophy Clinic It means choosing a path toward confidence and personal satisfaction. We are committed not only to clinical excellence, but also to the continued support and care of our patients. If you are looking for a safe, effective and personalized aesthetic transformation, Aesophy Clinic It is your ideal destination. Come and experience the difference in a clinic that redefines the standards of beauty and wellness.

liposuction surgery

Suction-assisted lipectomy surgery is performed using a hollow metal surgical instrument called a “cannula” that is inserted through an incision or small incisions in the skin and passed back and forth across the area of ​​the fat deposit. The cannula is attached to a vacuum source, which provides the suction necessary to remove fatty tissue. In some situations, a special cannula that emits ultrasonic energy can be used to liquefy fatty deposits. This technique is known as “ultrasound-assisted lipectomy.” Depending on your needs, your doctor may recommend suction-assisted lipectomy alone or in combination with ultrasound-assisted lipectomy. There are various techniques that plastic surgeons use for liposuction and aftercare. of surgery. Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The tumescent liposuction technique involves injecting fluid containing a dilute local anesthetic and epinephrine into areas of fatty deposits. This technique can reduce discomfort at the time of surgery, blood loss and bruising after surgery.

Benefits of liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures because it offers the possibility of removing fat and cellulite safely and effectively, and because it can be easily combined with other cosmetic surgery techniques. Some of the main benefits of liposuction are better health associated with fat loss, improved appearance, and reduction in the appearance of cellulite. liposuction surgery Malaga Aesophy clinic

Liposuction Indications

The best candidates for liposuction are people of relatively normal weight who have excess fat in particular areas of the body. Firm, elastic skin will result in a better final contour after liposuction. Skin that has lost tone due to stretch marks, weight loss or natural aging will not reshape itself to new contours and may require additional surgical techniques to remove and firm its excess.

Pre-operative liposuction

It is recommended that the plastic surgeon give you a series of pre-surgical instructions about the foods you should eat, as well as avoid alcoholic beverages and some drugs. It is important that you do not expose yourself to the sun before or after surgery, as this causes inflammation and accumulation of pigment in the scar.

Post-operative liposuction

– During the 24 and 48 hours after the intervention, it is advisable to remain at home at rest. – The return to work and social life will be done after three or four days. – The postoperative period as a whole is easily tolerated, since the discomfort caused by the intervention is not significant and subsides quickly. – However, in the weeks after the intervention, the treated area suffers some inflammation, which is gradually reduced, to disappear after the third month. – During the first 4 weeks, a girdle or elastic bandage is placed over the treated area in order to control swelling and to help the skin adapt to the new contour. – The scars from liposuction are minimal and are strategically placed so that they are hidden.

For whom is a liposuction intervention indicated?

For whom is a liposuction intervention indicated? People with fat deposits in certain areas of the body are the best candidates for this procedure. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or overweight, it is not a substitute for regular exercise and a good diet. It's also not an effective treatment for cellulite, the dimpled skin that often appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks.

Consultation And First Visit For A Liposuction Intervention

Consultation and first visit for a liposuction intervention In the first visit the doctor will ask you: Why do you want to have liposuction surgery and what do you hope to obtain? Medical conditions, allergies to medications and medical treatments, previous aesthetic treatments (surgeries, especially if there is previous liposuction, infiltrations, etc.) In addition to taking a complete medical history, he will also explain the possible results of liposuction and the potential risks or complications. With the help of a mirror, you will jointly evaluate the areas of lipodystrophy that bother you and that may be susceptible to liposuction, as well as the natural areas of the body that are adhered in depth and that must be respected to maintain the natural lines of your body. Likewise, he will explain the different existing liposuction techniques, their applications, advantages and disadvantages, and which is the most appropriate in your particular case.

Preparation Intervention Liposuction Surgery

Before liposuction we will ask you for a series of tests that will include laboratory tests, ECG and sometimes a chest x-ray. It is important to stop smoking or reduce consumption a lot. Avoid taking aspirin-type anti-inflammatory drugs and derivatives because they can increase bleeding. Liposuction intervention Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Risks of Liposuction Intervention

Risks of Liposuction Surgery Your personal and/or plastic surgeon will explain in detail the risks associated with liposuction surgery. They will give you the informed consent forms where the risks and possible complications are explained in detail. It is important that you fully read and understand the informed consent booklets that we will provide you with before signing them.

Recovery From Liposuction Intervention

Once the procedure has been completed you must wear a compression garment for a minimum period of 1 month. This strip helps control inflammation and facilitates the adherence of the skin around the new contour. In specific cases in which the liposuction has been extensive or the skin has excessive laxity, your surgeon may recommend the use of a second phase girdle for 1 more month. We will give you specific instructions that may include: How to care for your skin and incisions. Medicines to apply or take by mouth to aid healing and reduce the chance of infection. Sometimes, for a good result, secondary procedures may be necessary to reduce excess skin.

Book your appointment with specialist surgeons Liposuction Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions Liposuction

La liposuction It is a type of surgery that is used to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the stomachhipsthighsbuttocksarms or  cuello. Liposuction also shapes these areas; this process is called modeling .

La liposuction It is not considered a general weight loss method or an alternative to weight loss. People who are overweight can lose more weight by Diets y exercise or through other types of surgery than liposuction. Liposuction may work for you if you have a lot of body fat in specific areas, but your body weight is stable.

La liposuction It's also called lipoplasty y body shaping . The liposuction It is a surgical technique that involves removing fat cells from the skin using a cannula and a machine. It is performed to model the silhouette, improve the figure and reinject part of the extracted fat, and requires anesthesiaconfectionery y postoperative care . Liposuction can also be used to reduce tissue.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is performed in an operating room and under local, epidural or general anesthesia, depending on the case.. It consists of the introduction of a special cannula or syringe connected to a vacuum machine that aspirates the fat from the treated area. 

The specific technique used for liposuction It depends on the objectives of the treatment and the area of ​​the body to be treated. In general, liposuction is performed to shape the silhouette, improve the figure and reinject part of the extracted fat. After the operation, a pressure bandage or elastic garment is used.

It's important to know that Liposuction is not effective against cellulite dimples (orange peel) or other differences in the skin surface. Liposuction also does not eliminate stretch marks

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is performed in an operating room and under local, epidural or general anesthesia, depending on the case.. It consists of the introduction of a special cannula or syringe connected to a vacuum machine that aspirates the fat from the treated area. 

The specific technique used for liposuction It depends on the objectives of the treatment and the area of ​​the body to be treated. In general, liposuction is performed to shape the silhouette, improve the figure and reinject part of the extracted fat. After the operation, a pressure bandage or elastic garment is used.

It's important to know that Liposuction is not effective against cellulite dimples (orange peel) or other differences in the skin surface. Liposuction also does not eliminate stretch marks

The ideal candidates for liposuction They are generally individuals who meet several important criteria:

  1. Weight Stable and Reasonably Close to Your Ideal Weight: Liposuction is not a weight loss technique. It is most effective for people who already have a stable weight and are looking to eliminate specific fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise.

  2. Elastic and Firm Skin: The skin's ability to retract after the procedure is crucial for good results. Liposuction may not be recommended for people with significantly sagging or aging skin, as the skin may not conform to the new body contour.

  3. Good General Health: As with any surgery, candidates must be in good health. This means not having medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery, such as serious heart problems, bleeding disorders, or a weakened immune system.

  4. Realistic Expectations: It is important for patients to have a clear understanding of what liposuction can and cannot do. Liposuction is effective at improving body contour, but not necessarily at completely changing a person's appearance.

  5. Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit Smoking: Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay healing. Therefore, it is recommended that patients stop smoking before surgery.

  6. Age: There is no specific ideal age, but younger patients tend to have better skin elasticity, which may contribute to better results.

  7. Personal motivation: The decision to undergo liposuction should be a personal one and not due to pressure from others.

It is essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to evaluate whether one is a good candidate for liposuction, as each individual is unique and may have specific considerations.

Recovery time after liposuction can vary from person to person, depending on several factors such as the extent of the procedure, the patient's general health, and the area of ​​the body treated. Below are some general aspects of the recovery process:

  1. Initial Recovery (First Week): During the first few days after surgery, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Most patients can return to work and perform light daily activities within a few days to a week, depending on the extent of the procedure.

  2. Use of Compression Garments: It is recommended to wear compression garments for several weeks after the procedure. These help reduce swelling and support the healing process.

  3. Reduction in Swelling and Bruising (2-4 Weeks): Although swelling and bruising begin to subside after the first few weeks, it may take several months to completely resolve.

  4. Physical activity: More intense physical activities, such as exercise, are usually resumed after 2 to 4 weeks, but it is always important to follow the surgeon's specific recommendations.

  5. Final Results (Various Months): Although you may notice an immediate difference after surgery, the final results may take several months to fully manifest once all swelling has disappeared.

  6. Aftercare: Following your surgeon's instructions for post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery and for the best possible results.

  7. Follow-up Visits: Follow-up visits with the surgeon are important to monitor recovery and address any concerns.

It is important to note that everyone recovers at a different rate, and some may find their recovery is faster or slower than described. Consulting with your plastic surgeon for personalized guidance is always the best option.

The results of liposuction can be quite long-lasting, as long as the patient maintains a stable weight after the procedure. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Removal of Fat Cells: Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated area. This means that if a constant weight is maintained, the results of the contour change should be relatively permanent.

  2. Postoperative Weight Gain: If a patient gains a significant amount of weight after liposuction, the remaining fat cells in the body may grow in size. Although the treated area generally does not accumulate as much fat as before the procedure, weight gain can affect the results, making the treated and untreated areas look disproportionate.

  3. Aging and Skin Changes: Over time, the skin loses elasticity due to natural aging. This may slightly alter the body contours achieved with liposuction.

  4. Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise, is crucial to preserving the results of liposuction.

  5. Hormonal Changes and Other Conditions: Hormonal changes or medical conditions that affect weight and fat distribution in the body can also influence long-term results.

  6. Individuality: Each person responds differently to the procedure, and results may vary. Some patients may require additional procedures to maintain or improve the results obtained.

In summary, although liposuction permanently removes certain fat cells, the results can be affected by factors such as weight gain, aging, and lifestyle changes. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy habits to preserve the effects of the procedure in the long term.

Liposuction and weight loss are two different processes that affect the body in different ways. Here are some key differences:

  1. Objective and Mechanism:

    • Weightloss: Weight loss is usually achieved through diet and exercise, and affects the entire body. When you lose weight, fat cells decrease in size throughout the body, but are not eliminated.
    • Liposuction: This is a surgical procedure that specifically removes fat cells from selected areas of the body. It is not a weight loss method, but rather a body contouring procedure that reshapes certain areas by permanently removing fat cells.
  2. Effects on Fat Cells:

    • Weightloss: When losing weight, fat cells shrink in size but remain in the body. If weight is gained again, these cells may increase in size.
    • Liposuction: Physically removes fat cells from specific areas. These cells do not regenerate, so, in theory, the reduction in the number of fat cells is permanent.
  3. Results and Fat Distribution:

    • Weightloss: Produces an overall reduction in body fat. You cannot target specific areas of the body for fat loss.
    • Liposuction: Allows a targeted reduction of fat. It can treat specific areas of the body where fat is resistant to diet and exercise.
  4. Effects on General Health:

    • Weightloss: It has significant benefits for overall health, especially if done in a healthy way. It can improve conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Liposuction: It mainly has an aesthetic effect and is not associated with the same health benefits that are achieved with weight loss.
  5. Process and Recovery:

    • Weightloss: It is a gradual process that involves changes in lifestyle and eating habits. There is no recovery time associated.
    • Liposuction: It is a surgical procedure with a specific recovery time. It involves the risks and postoperative period typical of surgery.

In short, liposuction is a body contouring method that removes specific fat cells, while weight loss is achieved through diet and exercise and affects the size of fat cells throughout the body. Liposuction is not a substitute for healthy weight loss and is not intended to be a treatment for obesity.

It is possible to have liposuction if you are overweight, but there are several important factors to consider.:

  1. Objectives of the Procedure: Liposuction is designed to remove localized fat deposits and improve body contour, not for general weight loss. If you are overweight, it is important to have realistic expectations about what liposuction can and cannot achieve.

  2. Risks and Security: Overweight patients may have a higher risk of complications during and after surgery. Problems such as poor healing, infections, and anesthesia-related complications are more common in overweight people.

  3. Optimal Results: The best candidates for liposuction are those who are close to their ideal weight and have specific areas of stubborn fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. In overweight people, the results may be less noticeable and may not meet the patient's expectations.

  4. Medical Evaluation: A complete evaluation by a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential. The surgeon will evaluate your general health, the areas of fat you wish to treat, and discuss the risks and benefits to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

  5. General Health Considerations: If you have medical conditions associated with being overweight, such as diabetes, hypertension or heart problems, these factors should be carefully evaluated before deciding to undergo liposuction.

  6. Integral plan: In some cases, surgeons may first recommend a weight loss plan before liposuction for more effective and safer results. It can also be an opportunity to adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

In conclusion, although it is technically possible to undergo liposuction when overweight, it is essential to consider the additional risks, realistic expectations, and the importance of a complete medical evaluation. The decision to proceed should be made in collaboration with a qualified plastic surgeon.

In search of Best-rated aesthetic clinics for liposuction interventions in Malaga, Clínica Aesophy stands out for its excellence and commitment to optimal results.

Recognized as the best aesthetic clinics in Malaga, Aesophy offers a unique combination of advanced technology, highly qualified professionals and a personalized approach to each patient.

Our reputation is based on the trust and satisfaction of our clients, who consider us a reference in the field of liposuction.

En Aesophy Clinic, we understand the importance of feeling good about yourself, and that is why we are dedicated to providing the best care and advice at every stage of the process.

If you are looking for a safe, comfortable and effective liposuction experience, Aesophy Clinic is your best option in Malaga. Come and discover why we are the clinic of choice for those seeking to transform their lives with the best aesthetic results.

Book Appointment Best Liposuction Plastic Surgeons specialists in Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Liposuction Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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