medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

intv time
1 to 2 hours
Local or Sedation
One week
Several months
not required
From: €2.000

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what it would be like to have a more defined profile or a more proportioned chin? What would it be like if that dream could come true? Welcome to the world of mentoplasty, a procedure that is transforming lives in Malaga.

What is Mentoplasty?

La mentoplasty, also known as chin reshaping surgery, is a surgical procedure that alters the shape of the chin to achieve a more harmonious facial balance. It may involve reducing the size of a prominent chin or augmenting a receding chin.

Best Mentoplasty Clinic Malaga Aesophy Clinic

Mentoplasty use cases

La mentoplasty or chin surgery is a quick and simple surgical intervention with which it is possible to modify the shape or size of the chin. Its main objective is to ensure that the facial features are proportionate as a whole. The intervention depends on the type of arrangement required:

  • one chin back, in this case it is necessary to advance the chin.
  • A protruding chin, it is too far forward and must be moved backwards.
  • Too high a chin, giving an effect of too short a face, the chin must be lowered.
  • A chin that is too low, giving here an effect of a face that is too long, where it will be necessary to lift the chin.
  • an asymmetrical chin that will have to be refocused.

Benefits of mentoplasty

La mentoplasty It can offer a series of benefits, both physical and emotional:

  • face balance: A chin that is too big or too small can unbalance the proportions of your face. Mentoplasty can help achieve a more balanced and harmonious appearance.
  • Improved self-confidence: Dissatisfaction with the appearance of your chin can affect your self-esteem. By modifying the shape or size of your chin to match your aesthetic ideal, you may feel more confident in yourself.
  • more attractive profile: Mentoplasty can improve the definition of your profile, which can result in a more attractive appearance.
  • Correction of genetic abnormalities or injuries: If you have a congenital malformation of the chin or an injury that has affected its shape or size, mentoplasty can correct these problems and restore the normal appearance of your chin.

To give more strength to the face: It is achieved by defining or increasing the chin.

To soften the features: for them, it will be necessary to reduce the chin.

To correct facial asymmetries: In this case, both the reduction and the increase may be needed.

Alterations Indicated for a mentoplasty

Before performing a mentoplasty, a good diagnosis of the patient must be made and whether or not they are a candidate for this surgery. Individuals susceptible to mentoplasty are associated with aesthetic alterations of the chin due to deformities due to congenital or acquired defects, or simply due to aging.

The alteration in the shape of the chin is usually associated with three conditions that are indicated for mentoplasty:

  • a)   micrognathiaor underdevelopment of the jaw, which may be congenital or secondary to developmental problems characterized by a small (hypoplastic) and retruded jaw, with the presence of a dental malocclusion.
  • b)  microgenesisIt is a very common alteration and is distinguished by insufficient growth of the anterior mandibular portion (mental symphysis), giving rise to a retrusion without dental malocclusion. This condition can occur in an anteroposterior, vertical or mixed direction.
  • c)   retrognathiaor mandibular retrusion, which is characterized by having an apparently normal size and there is no dental malocclusion.1 10

In addition to the aforementioned alterations, there are other indications such as: aging, since over the years the anterior and vertical projection of the chin is lost, the soft tissues atrophy and the elasticity of the skin and subcutaneous tissue decreases, giving the appearance of an unpleasant "witch's chin" characterized by a very deep submental fold and sagging of the premental tissue.

Pre-operative mentoplasty

have a good diet

It is important that a patient before undergoing plastic surgery is well nourished. Anemia or lack of certain vitamins in the body can affect healing and that means a problem in recovery.

Una iron-rich diet with meat, fruits, and vegetables is ideal for this. However, you must remember that starting to eat healthy 2 days before your operation will not help you much. It is best to do it at least two months prior to the date of the intervention.

No Smoking

This recommendation works both for the preoperative period and for the postoperative period of chin surgery. This habit is harmful since nicotine worsens blood circulation.

It can also affect the amount of oxygen in the blood, as around 4000 toxins irritate the lungs. Taking these two factors into account, it is easy to deduce that it affects tissue healing. If you are an active smoker, it is best to quit for at least 30 days before the operation.

Best mentoplasty surgeon Malaga Aesophy clinic

Do not use blood thinners

Many medications are derivatives of aspirin, including aspirin. These vary coagulation and considerably increase the risk of bruising after the operation.

Other medications, such as vasodilators, can increase bleeding, so you have to be very careful.

Post operative mentoplasty

After surgery, the patient will experience discomfort, ecchymosis, and inflammation on the chin and in the underlying jaw region that will last a few days after the intervention, and precise instructions must be followed to reduce discomfort and facilitate the healing process:9

In addition to complying with the postoperative medication with antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, mouthwashes, etc., it is recommended not to remove the adhesive fabrics during the first 7 days, as well as to consume a soft diet and take food supplement shakes to obtain the required nutrients. For a speedy recovery, apply ice packs or cold compresses to the area. The patient should perform temperature control to rule out the existence of an infection.

Generally, it is recommended to wait 2 to 3 weeks to start doing physical exercises and it is advisable to wait around 1 month before exposing yourself to the sun, as this prolongs the inflammation process, hindering good healing.

Opinions Mentoplasty

Here are some of the opinions of our patients

  • Ana, 32 years old, Malaga: «I always felt insecure for having a very prominent chin. I decided to undergo a reduction mentoplasty and I couldn't be happier with the results. Now when I look in the mirror, I see a balanced face and I am full of confidence. I recommend mentoplasty to anyone with similar problems."
  • Louis, 27 years old, Málaga: «I always had a receding chin that made me feel uncomfortable, especially in photos. After undergoing an augmentation mentoplasty, my profile has dramatically improved and I feel much more confident. The recovery was easier than I expected and the results exceeded my expectations.»
  • Carmen, 45 years old, Málaga: «After an accident, my chin was deformed and this greatly affected my self-esteem. I opted for mentoplasty and the difference is incredible. My face has regained its balance and I feel much happier. The surgeons in Aesophy Clinic they did a fantastic job.”

Mentoplasty in Malaga

In Malaga, we have experienced plastic surgeons who have performed numerous mentoplasties with excellent results.

They will guide you through every step of the process, from the initial consultation to recovery, to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

Now, are you ready to discover how mentoplasty can help you get the facial profile you've always wanted?

To find out, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons in Aesophy Clinic.

During this consultation, they will be able to evaluate your facial anatomy, discuss your cosmetic goals, and determine if mentoplasty is right for you.

To whom Aesophy, we are proud to have some of the best plastic surgeons in Malaga. Our team is dedicated to helping you feel confident and happy with your appearance.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a sharper profile and renewed confidence? Click on the button below to book your consultation and discover the cost of mentoplasty in Malaga.

Best mentoplasty surgeons in Malaga

Our way of understanding cosmetic surgery begins with the patient's health and ends with the best aesthetic and clinical results, thinking in the long term.

With the guarantee of quality and medical rigor of Aesophy Excellence Clinic, one of the best clinics in our country, where the best team of plastic surgeons has been with you for more than 20 years working exclusively.

We always look for the most advanced treatments that ensure the best results and the least invasive techniques that result in a faster functional recovery and a more comfortable treatment for the patient.

Contact our expert mentoplasty surgeons in Malaga

FAQs Mentoplasty Malaga

Mentoplasty surgery, also known as chin augmentation or reduction surgery, is an aesthetic procedure that seeks to modify the shape and size of the chin to improve facial harmony. Here I detail the key aspects of this surgery:
  1. Intervention Time:
    • The duration of mentoplasty surgery is usually approximately 1 to 2 hours. This time may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and if it is combined with other facial surgeries.
  2. Anesthesia:
    • Mentoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia, although in some less invasive cases local anesthesia with sedation may be used.
  3. Recovery:
    • Recovery time varies, but patients typically return to normal activities in about a week.
    • There may be swelling and bruising, which usually subsides in the first two weeks.
    • It is advisable to avoid intense physical activities for at least a month after surgery.
  4. Result:
    • Although immediate changes are noticeable, the final results of mentoplasty may take several months to be fully seen once the swelling has completely disappeared.
    • The results are usually permanent, unless there are significant changes in the patient's weight.
  5. Hospitalisation:
    • Typically, mentoplasty is an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can return home the same day as surgery.
    • In more complex cases or if combined with other procedures, a short hospital stay may be required.
  6. Price:
    • The cost of a mentoplasty can vary widely depending on geographic location, the experience of the surgeon, and the complexity of the procedure.
    • It is important to keep in mind that additional costs must be added to this price, such as anesthesia, surgical facilities, medical examinations, and postoperative follow-up.
It is crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to obtain a personalized evaluation and fully understand the details, risks, and expectations of the mentoplasty procedure. Additionally, choosing a surgeon with experience and a good reputation in facial surgeries is key to obtaining the best results.
Mentoplasty, or chin reshaping surgery, is a procedure performed to improve the appearance of the chin. There are two main types of mentoplasty: augmentation mentoplasty, which generally involves the use of implants, and reduction mentoplasty, which involves modifying the chin bone. The process for each varies slightly:

Augmentation Mentoplasty

  1. Anesthesia: The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia, which can be general or local with sedation, depending on the case.
  2. Incision: The surgeon makes an incision, which may be located inside the mouth (in the groove between the lower gum and lip) or under the chin. The choice depends on several factors, including the surgeon's preference and the type of implant.
  3. Implant Placement: A space is created for the implant in front of the chin bone. The implant, which is designed to mimic the appearance of a natural chin, is then inserted and positioned. Implants can be made of various materials, such as silicone or biocompatible materials.
  4. Incision Closure: Once the implant is properly placed, the surgeon closes the incision with sutures. If the incision was made inside the mouth, there will be no visible scars.

Reduction Mentoplasty

  1. Anesthesia: As in augmentation mentoplasty, general or local anesthesia with sedation is administered.
  2. Incision: The incision is usually made inside the mouth to access the chin bone.
  3. Bone Remodeling: The surgeon alters the shape of the chin bone, usually removing part of the bone to reduce its size or change its shape. This is done using special saws and other surgical tools.
  4. Incision Closure: The incision is closed with sutures, and as in augmentation mentoplasty, the scar is hidden inside the mouth.

Postoperative and Recovery

  • Recovery time: Patients can usually go home the same day as the procedure. Recovery time varies, but most people can return to normal activities within a week, with care.
  • Postoperative care: May include pain medications, antibiotics to prevent infection, and specific oral hygiene and diet recommendations.
  • Side effects: Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the operated area. These effects are temporary.
It is essential that a qualified plastic surgeon perform mentoplasty, as the surgeon's experience and skill are crucial to obtain optimal results and minimize risks. Additionally, one should have realistic expectations and understand that the final results may take several months to fully manifest.

Recovery after a mentoplasty, which is surgery to reshape or improve the size of the chin, varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the procedure. Generally, the basic guidelines for recovery are the following:

  1. Initial Recovery Time: The first days after surgery are crucial. During this time, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Generally, it is recommended to take at least a week off from work and other regular activities.

  2. Reduction of Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising begin to decrease noticeably after the first week. However, it may take several weeks for them to disappear completely.

  3. Postoperative care: Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions is essential for optimal recovery. This includes taking care of the operated area, avoiding strenuous physical activities, and following recommendations on when to return to your normal routine.

  4. Full recovery: Complete recovery, where the patient can see final results and return to all their usual activities, including exercise, can take between 4 to 6 weeks. In some cases, full recovery can take up to several months.

  5. Medical monitoring: Follow-up visits with the surgeon are important to ensure that recovery is proceeding properly and to treat any potential complications early.

It is important to remember that each person is different, and these times may vary. Additionally, recovery may be affected by individual factors such as age, general health, and the specific type of mentoplasty performed. It is essential to follow your surgeon's specific instructions and contact him or her with any concerns during the recovery process.

Mentoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and possible complications. It is important to note that although these risks exist, a qualified and experienced surgeon will work to minimize them. Some of the risks associated with mentoplasty include:

  1. Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision site. This is usually managed with good hygiene and, in some cases, antibiotics.

  2. Hematoma or bleeding: Bleeding may occur under the skin, which may require additional intervention to drain it.

  3. Reactions to Anesthesia: Some patients may have adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during surgery.

  4. Asymmetry or Unsatisfactory Results: In some cases, the result of mentoplasty may not be as expected, resulting in asymmetry or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the chin.

  5. Nerve Damage: There is a small risk of damage to the nerves that control sensation or movement of the lips and chin, which could result in numbness or changes in sensation.

  6. Problems with Implants: If implants are used in mentoplasty, complications may arise such as implant displacement, body rejection, or the need for replacement or adjustment in the future.

  7. Scars: Although incisions are generally made in inconspicuous locations, there is a risk of visible or abnormal scarring.

  8. Extended Recovery Time: Some patients may experience a longer than expected recovery time, with swelling and bruising persisting for several weeks.

  9. Respiratory problems: Rarely, changes in the structure of the chin can affect the airway, although this is more common in surgeries involving the jaw.

It is essential that patients discuss these risks in detail with their surgeon before undergoing mentoplasty. A careful evaluation by the surgeon, along with a detailed history and physical examination, will help minimize the risks. Additionally, following all of your surgeon's pre- and post-operative instructions is crucial for a safe and successful recovery.

Mentoplasty, or chin surgery, is a procedure that can offer several aesthetic and functional benefits. These benefits depend on the individual needs and expectations of the patient, as well as the specific nature of the surgery performed. Some of the most notable benefits of mentoplasty include:

  1. Improved Facial Balance: Mentoplasty can improve facial harmony by balancing the proportions between the chin and other facial features, such as the nose and forehead.

  2. Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem: By improving the appearance of the chin and, therefore, the facial profile, many patients experience a significant increase in their confidence and self-esteem.

  3. Correction of Retrognathia or Prognathism: Surgery can correct problems with retrognathia (retracted chin) or prognathism (prominent chin), helping to improve both appearance and function.

  4. Profile Improvement: For those dissatisfied with their facial profile, mentoplasty can offer an effective solution, creating a more defined and attractive contour.

  5. Lasting Results: The effects of a mentoplasty are generally permanent, especially when implants are used.

  6. Complement to Other Facial Surgeries: It is often performed in combination with other surgeries, such as rhinoplasty, to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial result.

  7. Facial Rejuvenation: In some cases, mentoplasty can help rejuvenate the overall appearance of the face, especially in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

  8. Improved Mandibular Function: Although less common, in some cases, mentoplasty can help improve chewing function or relieve certain types of jaw discomfort.

  9. Customization for Individual Needs: The procedure can be extensively customized to meet the patient's specific needs, whether by adding an implant, bone reduction, or chin reconfiguration.

  10. Minimal Visible Scars: Incisions are usually made in discreet locations, such as under the chin or inside the mouth, minimizing the visibility of scars.

It is important to keep in mind that results vary from person to person, and it is essential to have realistic expectations. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial to understanding how mentoplasty can benefit a particular individual, taking into account his or her unique facial anatomy and personal goals.

The results of a mentoplasty, or chin surgery, are usually long-lasting and in many cases can be considered permanent. However, the durability of results may vary depending on the type of procedure performed and other individual factors. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Type of Procedure:

    • Chin Implants: If implants are used, the results are usually permanent, unless complications arise that require removal or replacement of the implant.
    • Bone Modification: In procedures where the chin bone is remodeled (such as bone advancement or reduction), the changes are generally permanent, since the bone structure is altered.
  2. Quality of Materials: The durability of implants depends in part on the quality of the materials used. Modern implants are designed to be durable and resist wear and tear over time.

  3. Soft Tissue Changes: As we age, the soft tissues of the face, including the skin and fat around the chin, can change, which could slightly affect the appearance of the chin over time.

  4. Lifestyle and General Health: Factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and general health can influence the long-term appearance of the chin after surgery.

  5. Postoperative care: Adequate postoperative care and following the surgeon's instructions can contribute to the durability of the results.

  6. Possible complications: Although rare, if complications arise such as implant displacement, an additional procedure may be necessary to correct or adjust the result.

It is important to have detailed consultations with a qualified plastic surgeon before undergoing mentoplasty to fully understand what to expect in terms of long-term results. Additionally, it is crucial to have realistic expectations and understand that, although results are generally long-lasting, they can be influenced by various individual factors and the natural aging process.

A good candidate for mentoplasty, or chin surgery, is someone looking to improve the appearance of their chin or facial profile. Plastic surgeons typically consider several factors to determine whether an individual is suitable for this procedure. These factors include:

  1. General Physical Health: Ideal candidates should be in good general health and have no medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.

  2. Mental Health and Realistic Expectations: It is important to have a realistic perspective on the results of surgery. Candidates must understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and have a healthy motivation to undergo surgery.

  3. Age and Facial Development: Candidates must have completed their facial growth. This usually occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood.

  4. Specific Chin Problems: Mentoplasty is suitable for people who want to correct problems such as a receding chin (retrognathia), a protruding chin (prognathism), chin asymmetry, or simply improve the balance and harmony of their facial features.

  5. Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect the healing process. Smokers are recommended to quit before surgery and during the recovery period.

  6. Stable Weight: It is ideal for candidates to have a relatively stable body weight, as significant weight fluctuations can affect the results of the surgery.

  7. Understanding the Procedure: Good candidates should have a clear understanding of the procedure, including what the surgery entails, postoperative care, and potential risks and complications.

  8. Personal motivation: The decision to undergo mentoplasty must be personal, without external pressure.

It is essential that anyone considering mentoplasty consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will assess the candidate's suitability for surgery, discuss available options, and help set realistic expectations about the results. Additionally, a psychological evaluation may be beneficial to ensure that the patient is making the decision for the right reasons and is in a healthy mental state to cope with the surgery and recovery.

La mentoplasty It is a surgery performed to improve the appearance and proportion of the chin. There are several types of mentoplasty, each designed to address specific patient needs. Below are the most common types of mentoplasty surgery:

  1. Augmentation Mentoplasty: This is the most common form of mentoplasty and is used to increase the size and projection of the chin. It is performed by placing a solid silicone implant or bone tissue grafts in the chin area. This procedure can improve facial harmony and provide a more balanced facial profile.

  2. Reduction Mentoplasty: Reduction mentoplasty is performed to reduce the size of the chin. It may be necessary when the chin is too prominent or protrudes excessively. In this procedure, a portion of the chin bone is removed and the area is reshaped to achieve a more proportional appearance.

  3. Advance Mentoplasty: Advancement mentoplasty is used to correct a receding or receding chin. In this procedure, the portion of the jaw bone that supports the chin is moved forward, improving the projection and appearance of the chin.

  4. Recoil Mentoplasty: Setback mentoplasty is performed to correct a protruding or protruding chin. In this case, a portion of the jaw bone can be removed to recede the chin for a more balanced appearance.

  5. Lateral Trimming Mentoplasty: This procedure is used to reduce the width of the chin, especially in cases where the chin is too wide at the ends. Incisions may be made on the sides of the chin and excess tissue is removed to achieve a narrower shape.

  6. Reconstruction Mentoplasty: This mentoplasty is performed in cases of chin deformities or injuries that require reconstruction. It may involve the use of bone grafts or implants to restore the form and function of the chin.

It is important to note that the choice of the type of mentoplasty will depend on the needs and aesthetic objectives of the patient, as well as the evaluation and recommendation of the plastic surgeon. Each type of mentoplasty has its own considerations and risks, so it is essential to discuss options with a qualified healthcare professional before making a decision.

The chin implants They are an aesthetic solution designed to improve the appearance and proportions of the chin. These implants involve the placement of a device made of a biocompatible material in the chin region with the purpose of increasing its projection and, in this way, improving the facial profile.

En Aesophy Clinic, we offer a notable advantage with our custom chin implants:

  1. 3D customization: Unlike generic implants available in other clinics, our chin implants are 3D personalized. This means that they adapt exactly to your facial structure, according to your aesthetic wishes and the results you want to achieve.

  2. Permanence: Unlike temporary facial fillers that eventually resorb, our chin implants are permanent and give you long-lasting results.

  3. Reversibility: Although they are permanent, our chin implants are reversible. If at any time you wish to remove them, this can be done in just a few minutes in a consultation.

  4. Stability: These implants attach firmly to the facial bone, eliminating the possibility of unwanted displacement or movement.

  5. Safety: Face Clinic chin implants are made of titanium, a highly biocompatible and safe material for use in surgical procedures.

  6. Expertly Performed Surgery: Our clinic has pioneering surgeons with extensive experience in the technique of personalized chin implants. You can trust expert hands to achieve satisfactory results.

Chin implant surgery is an effective option for those who wish to improve the appearance of their chin and facial profile. At Face Clinic, we are committed to providing safe, personalized procedures to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. If you are considering this surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs and learn more about how our custom chin implants can benefit you.

Chin implants are a surgical solution used to address a variety of aesthetic issues and provide significant improvements in facial appearance. Some of the problems that can be successfully resolved by having chin implants placed include:

  1. Small or receding chin: Chin implants are commonly used to increase chin projection and size in people with small or receding chins. This can improve facial harmony and provide a more balanced facial profile.

  2. Unbalanced Facial Profile: When the chin is out of proportion to the rest of the face, it can lead to an unbalanced facial profile. Chin implants can correct this asymmetry and create a more harmonious facial appearance.

  3. Improved Chin Definition: Chin implants can define and sculpt the chin area, providing a more angular and attractive appearance.

  4. Correction of Deformities or Injuries: In cases of congenital deformities or injuries to the chin area, custom chin implants can be used to reconstruct and restore normal form and function.

  5. Double Chin Reduction: In some cases, chin implants can help reduce the appearance of a double chin or sagging neck by improving the definition of the jaw and chin.

  6. Self-esteem improvement: Correcting problems related to the chin can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem and self-confidence as it can provide a more desirable facial appearance.

It is important to note that chin implants are a versatile solution that can be adapted to the specific aesthetic needs and goals of each patient. Before undergoing chin implant surgery, a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to evaluate your individual situation and determine if this option is right for you.

The postoperative period and recovery after chin implant surgery are essential to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications. Here is a general guide of what to expect during the recovery period:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: It is normal to experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort in the chin area after surgery. Your surgeon may prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medications to help manage discomfort.

  2. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after chin implant surgery. They may be more noticeable in the first few days and then gradually decrease over time. Applying cold compresses can help reduce swelling.

  3. Food and Diet: You may need to eat a soft diet for the first few days after surgery, as chewing may be uncomfortable. As you recover, you can return to a normal diet.

  4. Physical activity: It is important to avoid vigorous exercise and strenuous activities for the first few weeks after surgery. Your surgeon will give you specific guidelines about when it is safe to resume normal physical activity.

  5. Wound Care: You should care for the incisions in the chin area according to your surgeon's instructions. Keep the area clean and follow any instructions about using antibiotic dressings or creams.

  6. Avoid Pressure on the Chin: Avoid putting direct pressure on your chin or sleeping on your stomach for at least the first few weeks after surgery.

  7. Medical control: Schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon as recommended. These appointments are essential to monitor your recovery progress and make sure everything is healing properly.

  8. Return to Normal Routine: Most people can return to work and normal activities after about a week, but this can vary depending on the extent of surgery and individual recovery.

  9. Final results: The final results of chin implant surgery may take several months to fully manifest as swelling subsides and tissues heal. Be patient and follow your surgeon's recommendations.

  10. Complications: If you experience fever, a significant increase in pain, excessive redness, drainage from your incisions, or any unusual symptoms, contact your surgeon immediately. These could be signs of complications and should be evaluated promptly.

Remember that recovery may vary depending on each patient and the technique used in the surgery. Follow your surgeon's instructions closely and communicate any concerns or questions you have during the recovery process. Proper adherence to postoperative care guidelines is essential to achieving the desired results and successful recovery.

Choosing a suitable surgeon for mentoplasty is a crucial step in ensuring successful and safe results. If you are considering this procedure at a clinic like Aesophy, here are several key aspects to keep in mind to make an informed decision:

  1. Certification and Specialization: Make sure the surgeon is certified by a recognized plastic surgery board. Surgeons who specialize in facial procedures or maxillofacial surgery may have more experience in mentoplasties.

  2. Experience and Skill: Look for a surgeon with a solid track record in mentoplasties. Check how many procedures of this type he has performed and his skill level.

  3. Before and After Photographs: Ask to see before and after photos of previous patients. This will give you a clear idea of ​​the surgeon's style and results.

  4. Patient Opinions: Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients. These can offer valuable information about your experiences with the surgeon and the clinic.

  5. Initial Consultation: During an initial consultation, evaluate how the surgeon responds to your questions and concerns. A good surgeon should provide detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery, and expected results.

  6. Clinic Facilities: Consider the quality of the facilities and equipment at the clinic. Make sure the clinic like Aesophy has the most advanced technology and follows hygiene and safety standards.

  7. Communication and Comfort: It is important to feel comfortable and have good communication with your surgeon. Choose someone with whom you feel safe and who shows empathy and understanding towards your needs and expectations.

  8. Safety and Postoperative Protocols: Find out about safety protocols during surgery and the type of postoperative care the clinic offers.

  9. Cost and Payment Options: Although cost should not be the only factor, it is important to consider payment options and whether they fit your budget.

  10. Additional Queries: Don't hesitate to consult with several surgeons before making a decision. This will give you a broader perspective and help you choose the best one for your needs.

Remember that choosing a surgeon for a mentoplasty should not only be based on their technical skill, but also on the confidence and comfort they inspire in you. A clinic like Aesophy, which is dedicated to offering specialized services in aesthetic procedures, should be able to provide you with all the information necessary to make an informed and safe decision.

Aesophy Clinic: Your Destination for the Best Mentoplasty Surgery Clinic Near You

Discover la best mentoplasty surgery clinic near you en Aesophy Clinic. We specialize in the aesthetic transformation of the chin, offering personalized mentoplasty procedures to improve your facial profile and enhance your natural beauty.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic for your Mentoplasty Surgery?

  • Mentoplasty Specialists: Our plastic surgeons are experts in chin reshaping, using advanced techniques to achieve natural and harmonious results.
  • cutting-edge technology: We have state-of-the-art technology to plan and execute your surgery with maximum precision.
  • Personalized Attention: At Clínica Aesophy, we understand that each face is unique. We offer you a detailed consultation to understand your goals and design a tailored surgical plan.

Testimonials from Satisfied Patients Read the stories of those who have already experienced the difference with mentoplasty surgery in Aesophy Clinic. Your testimonials are proof of our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction.

Consult with Our Experts Take the first step towards the change you want. Contact us to schedule a consultation and find out how mentoplasty It can enhance your facial profile and improve your confidence.

Book Appointment Contact Mentoplasty Surgery Málaga

Aesthetic Surgery Clinic No. 1 Mentoplasty

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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