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body tensor threads body flaccidity in forearms, abdomen and neck. Aesophy clinic Malaga

Body tension threads 

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What are body tension threads?

Body lifts, also known as suspension threads or traction threads, are a non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to tighten and lift the skin on the body. These threads are made from biocompatible materials, such as polydioxanone (PDO), which are naturally reabsorbed by the body over time.

The body thread application process involves inserting the threads under the skin using needles or thin cannulas. Once placed, the threads are anchored in the skin and, when tightened, create a lifting and firming effect in the treated areas.

Body tension threads are used for various aesthetic purposes, such as:

  1. Firm and lift sagging skin in areas such as the arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and neck.

  2. Improve the appearance of cellulite and skin texture.

  3. Stimulate collagen production in the treated area, contributing to smoother, more youthful-looking skin over time.

  4. Offer natural results and a rejuvenated appearance without surgery or long recovery time.

It is important to note that the placement of body threads requires skills and experience on the part of a medical professional trained in the procedure. In addition, the results may vary according to the individual characteristics of each patient and may last between 1 and 2 years, depending on the type of threads used and the body's response to treatment.

What are the benefits of applying tension threads?

The application of tension threads offers several advantages and benefits in the field of facial and body aesthetics. Some of the main advantages of this procedure include:

  1. Rejuvenation without surgery: Tensing threads are a non-surgical option for facial and body rejuvenation. It allows to obtain results similar to those of a facelift without having to undergo invasive surgery.

  2. Lifting and firming: Tensor threads provide an immediate lifting and firming effect on the skin, improving sagging and laxity in specific areas such as the face, neck, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

  3. Collagen Stimulation: Tensor threads are made of biocompatible materials that are naturally reabsorbed by the body over time. As they are reabsorbed, they stimulate collagen production in the treated area, contributing to a continuous improvement in skin firmness and texture.

  4. Natural results: Tensor threads provide natural and harmonious results. The lifting and firming of the skin occurs gradually, which avoids a sudden change in facial or body appearance.

  5. Quick procedure with little recovery time: The application of tension threads is an outpatient procedure that is usually carried out in the doctor's office. Recovery is minimal and patients can resume their daily activities in a short time.

  6. Long-lasting effects: Although the threads resorb over time, the results of collagen stimulation can last 1-2 years, depending on the type of threads used and the individual patient's response.

  7. Versatility of application: Tensor threads can be used in various areas of the body, allowing different aesthetic concerns to be treated in a single session.

Advantages of body tightening threads

The application of tension threads offers several advantages and benefits in the field of facial and body aesthetics. Some of the main advantages of this procedure include:

  1. Rejuvenation without surgery: Thread lifts are a non-surgical option for facial and body rejuvenation. It allows you to obtain results similar to those of a facelift without having to undergo invasive surgery.

  2. Lifting and firming: The tightening threads provide an immediate lifting and firming effect on the skin, improving sagging and laxity in specific areas such as the face, neck, arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

  3. Collagen stimulation: The threads are made of biocompatible materials that, over time, are naturally reabsorbed by the body. As they are reabsorbed, they stimulate collagen production in the treated area, contributing to continued improvement in skin firmness and texture.

  4. Natural results: The tightening threads provide natural and harmonious results. Lifting and firming of the skin occurs gradually, preventing a sudden change in facial or body appearance.

  5. Quick procedure with little recovery time: The application of tension threads is an outpatient procedure that is usually performed in the doctor's office. Recovery is minimal and patients can return to their daily activities in a short time.

  6. Lasting effects: Although the threads reabsorb over time, the results of collagen stimulation can last 1 to 2 years, depending on the type of threads used and the patient's individual response.

  7. Application Versatility: Thread tensioners can be used in various areas of the body, allowing different aesthetic concerns to be treated in a single session.

results of threads tbody sensors

The results of the application of tensing threads may vary depending on the type of threads used, the number of threads placed, the technique used and the individual response of the patient. However, in general, patients can expect to see some immediate changes and progressive improvements as the collagen stimulation process progresses.

Immediate results:

After the application of the tensing threads, it is possible that you will observe an immediate improvement in flaccidity and a lift of the skin in the treated areas. This is due to the mechanical action of the threads, which lift and support the skin.

Short-term results:

In the days following the procedure, it is normal to experience slight redness, swelling, or tenderness in the treated area. These side effects usually resolve within a few days.

Medium-term results:

As the threads reabsorb, they stimulate the production of collagen in the treated area. This contributes to a gradual improvement in the firmness and texture of the skin. Medium-term results may begin to be more noticeable approximately 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

Long-term results:

The collagen production stimulated by the tensor threads continues for several months after the treatment. Long-term results can last 1-2 years, depending on the type of threads used and the body's response to the procedure. Over time, you may notice a firmer skin and an improvement in sagging in the treated areas.

It is important to take into account that the results may vary according to the individual characteristics of each patient and that additional sessions may be required to maintain or improve the results obtained.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for T ThreadsBody sensors?

Wondering if you are a good candidate for this procedure? The tightening threads are ideal for people who experience slight to moderate sagging in areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs or buttocks. Additionally, those seeking subtle results without undergoing surgery may find this treatment an excellent option.

Key Considerations and Expectations for threads tbody sensors

It is important to note that although tension threads are effective, they may not be the ideal solution for everyone. The duration of results and potential side effects may vary from person to person. Therefore, a consultation with an experienced professional is crucial to understanding the realistic expectations and specific considerations of each individual.

Ready to Discover Your New Body Lift? with threads tbody sensors

Are you eager to improve the firmness and appearance of your skin? Book a consultation with our experts at [Aesophy Aesthetic Clinic] to find out if body tightening threads are the ideal solution for you.

Act Now and Boost Your Confidence! – Treatment with t threadsBody ensors in Malaga

The firm, toned skin you want is closer than you imagine. Contact us today to book your consultation or to learn more about body tightening threads and how they can transform your body.

Contact our doctors specializing in Thread Tension treatments in Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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