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HIFEM Málaga strengthen and tone muscles Aesophy

HIFEM to strengthen and tone muscles Málaga

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En Aesophy Clinic, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technological advances in the field of body aesthetics, offering our clients in Malaga the revolutionary therapy HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic). This innovative treatment represents a significant leap in the field of muscle toning and body shaping. Ideal for those looking to improve their body contour and strengthen their muscles effectively and safely, therapy HYPHEM It is a non-invasive solution that offers visible and long-lasting results.

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) It is an advanced technology used in aesthetic and aesthetic medicine treatments to strengthen and tone muscles in a non-invasive way. This technique uses high-intensity, focused electromagnetic pulses to stimulate muscle fibers intensely and deeply.

The HIFEM procedure is performed using a specialized device that is placed on the target area, such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, or arms. The equipment emits electromagnetic pulses that penetrate the skin and reach the deep muscle layers.

during treatment HYPHEM, electromagnetic pulses induce supramaximal muscle contractions, that is, muscle contractions much more intense than can be achieved through voluntary exercise. These forced contractions force the muscles to adapt and strengthen, generating positive changes in muscle structure and tone.

Where can this technique be applied?

The HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technique can be applied to different areas of the body where you want to strengthen and tone your muscles. Some of the most common areas where this technique can be applied include:

  1. Abdomen: HIFEM is effective in toning the abdominal muscles, helping to achieve a firmer, more defined appearance.
  2. Buttocks: To increase strength and muscle tone in the buttocks, improving their shape and elevation.
  3. Thighs: HIFEM can be applied to the front (quadriceps) and back (hamstrings) of the thighs to improve endurance and muscle definition.
  4. Arms: To strengthen the muscles of the arms and reduce flaccidity in the area.
  5. Calves: HIFEM can be used to tone and strengthen the calf muscles.
  6. Back: To work the back muscles and improve posture.
  7. Pectorals: To strengthen and define the pectoral muscles in men and women.

What benefits does HIFEM bring?

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) provides a series of benefits for those who seek to strengthen and tone their muscles. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. muscle strengthening: HIFEM induces supramaximal muscle contractions, which means that the muscles are forced to work much more intensely than they could with voluntary exercise. This deep and focused stimulation helps to effectively strengthen muscles.
  2. Muscle toning: The intense contraction of muscle fibers produced by HIFEM contributes to improved muscle tone and definition, helping to improve the appearance and shape of the body.
  3. Increased muscle volume: In addition to strengthening and toning muscles, HIFEM can lead to an increase in muscle volume in the treated areas, especially the buttocks and abdominal muscles.
  4. Non-invasive and painless: HIFEM is a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgery or anesthesia. Patients may feel a sensation of intense muscle contraction during treatment, but it should not be painful.
  5. No Downtime: After a HIFEM session, patients can resume their normal activities without the need for recovery time.
  6. Fast and long-lasting results: HIFEM results are generally visible within a few weeks after treatment and continue to improve for several months as collagen production is stimulated.
  7. Complement to the exercise: HIFEM can be an excellent option to complement an existing exercise routine, since it provides an additional and deep stimulation for the muscles.
  8. Improves Posture: By strengthening the back and core muscles, HIFEM can help improve posture and reduce the risk of related musculoskeletal problems.
  9. Treatment Personalization: Medical professionals can tailor HIFEM treatment based on each patient's specific needs and goals.

How long does each session of this treatment last?

The duration of each HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) session may vary depending on the area treated and the specific protocol used by the medical professional. However, in general, each session usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Treatment time may depend on factors such as the number of areas to be treated, the intensity of the procedure, and the equipment used. In general, the specialist will determine the number of sessions needed and the duration of each one during the initial consultation, based on the individual needs and goals of the patient.

In many cases, a session schedule is recommended for optimal results. For example, in treatments for the abdomen, buttocks or arms, it may be necessary to carry out 4 to 6 sessions, with intervals of approximately 2 to 3 days between each one. In treatments for other areas, such as the back or thighs, more sessions may be required to achieve the desired results.

It is important to follow the recommendations of the medical professional and attend all scheduled sessions to obtain the maximum benefits of the HIFEM treatment. In addition, the specialist will provide instructions on how to maintain and improve the results over time.

Remember that, to determine the duration and the exact number of sessions necessary for your aesthetic goals, it is essential to consult with a specialist in aesthetics or aesthetic medicine who can evaluate your case in a personalized way.

What results does it offer?

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) treatment offers a number of beneficial results for those looking to strengthen and tone their muscles. Some of the main results offered by this procedure are:

  1. Muscle strengthening: HIFEM induces supramaximal muscle contractions, leading to a significant increase in strength in the treated muscles.
  2. Toning and definition: The intense stimulation of the muscle fibers improves the appearance and definition of the muscles, providing a more toned and sculpted appearance.
  3. Elevation and volume increase: In areas such as the buttocks and abdomen, HIFEM can lead to an elevation and increase in muscle volume, which improves the shape and aesthetics of these areas.
  4. Sagging reduction: HIFEM helps reduce muscle flaccidity, especially in areas like the arms and thighs.
  5. Stamina Enhancement: By strengthening muscles, HIFEM can also improve physical stamina and the ability to perform more intense physical activities.
  6. Visible and long-lasting results: The results of the HIFEM treatment are generally visible within a few weeks after the session and continue to improve over several months as collagen production is stimulated. These results can last for several months, and in some cases, can be sustained for longer.
  7. Complement to the exercise: HIFEM can be an excellent option to complement an existing exercise routine, as it provides an additional, deep stimulus to the muscles, which can accelerate and enhance exercise results.
  8. Non-invasive and no downtime: HIFEM is a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgery or anesthesia. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the session, without the need for recovery time.

What is the price of the treatment?

The price of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the geographic location of the clinic, the reputation and experience of the medical professional, the specific area to be treated, and the number of sessions required to obtain optimal results.

In general, the HIFEM treatment can be a little more expensive than some non-invasive aesthetic treatments, due to the advanced technology used and the benefits it offers in terms of muscle strengthening.

It is important to note that the price must be considered in conjunction with the quality and experience of the professional, as well as the reliability of the equipment used. Opting for clinics and medical professionals with experience and reputation in the field can ensure safer and more satisfactory results.

It is essential to schedule a consultation with the medical professional or aesthetic clinic of your choice to obtain a personalized quote according to your needs and aesthetic objectives. During the consultation, the specialist will evaluate your case, explain the recommended treatment plan, and provide you with detailed information about the cost of treatment. It is also advisable to ask about possible promotions or packages that they may offer for HIFEM treatment.

Contact our specialist doctors in HIFEM treatments


What is HIFEM therapy and how does it work?

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) therapy is an advanced technology used in the field of aesthetics and physical medicine for muscle toning and strengthening.. This treatment uses high intensity electromagnetic fields to induce supramaximal muscle contractions, which are more intense than the voluntary contractions that can be achieved through traditional exercise.

Here I explain how it works:

  1. Deep Muscle Stimulation: HIFEM therapy uses a device that emits focused electromagnetic fields to stimulate muscle fibers. This stimulation causes repetitive and rapid muscle contractions, which are intense and deep.

  2. Supramaximal Contractions: The contractions induced by HIFEM therapy are supramaximal, meaning they are more intense than what a person could achieve through conventional physical exercise. These intense contractions work the muscles at a level that is not typically achievable through exercise routines.

  3. Strengthening and Muscle Tone: As a result of these supramaximal contractions, muscles are efficiently strengthened and toned. The therapy is especially effective in areas such as the abdomen and buttocks, although it can be applied to different parts of the body.

  4. Painless and Non-invasive: HIFEM therapy is a non-invasive and generally painless procedure. Patients may feel a sensation of intense muscle work during the session, but without the pain associated with traditional high-intensity exercises.

  5. Results: The results of HIFEM therapy can include an increase in muscle mass and a reduction in the fat layer, thereby improving body definition and contour.

La HIFEM therapy It is a popular option for those looking to improve their muscle tone and body contour without the need for surgery or extended recovery time.

The benefits of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) therapy cover several aspects related to muscle toning and fat reduction, among others. Here I detail the key benefits:

  1. Improvement in Muscle Toning:

    • HIFEM therapy induces supramaximal muscle contractions, leading to effective muscle strengthening and toning. This is especially beneficial for areas such as the abdomen and buttocks.
  2. Fat Reduction:

    • By strengthening and toning muscles, you can also see a reduction in fat layer surrounding. This is because intense muscle contractions increase local metabolism and can help burn fat.
  3. Non-invasive and without recovery time:

    • Being a procedure non-invasive, HIFEM therapy requires no cuts, anesthesia or recovery time. This makes it a convenient option for those seeking effective results without the complications of surgery.
  4. Visible and Lasting Results:

    • Users of HIFEM therapy often report visible and long-lasting results in terms of muscle toning and improved body contour.
  5. Safety and Comfort:

    • This therapy is known to be safe and relatively comfortable, with patients able to feel the intensity of the treatment without significant pain.
  6. Suitable for Various Body Types:

    • HIFEM therapy is versatile and can be beneficial for a wide range of body types, ages and physical conditions.
  7. Complement to Physical Exercise:

    • It can be an excellent complement for a physical exercise regimen, helping to achieve muscle toning and definition goals that might be more difficult to achieve with exercise alone.

In short, HIFEM therapy offers an advanced and effective way to improve muscle tone and reduce fat, with the advantage of being a non-invasive and low discomfort treatment.

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) therapy is generally not considered painful, although the sensations experienced during treatment may vary from person to person. Here I detail what you can expect in terms of sensations and comfort:

  1. Sensations During Treatment:
    • During a HIFEM therapy session, you will experience intense muscle contractions. These contractions are the result of electromagnetic stimulation high intensity applied to the muscles.
    • Some patients describe the sensation as a intense exercise experience in the treated area, similar to what you feel during a vigorous workout.
  2. Absence of Acute Pain:
    • Although the contractions are intense, they are not usually painful. You are not expected to feel acute pain or severe discomfort during treatment.
    • Instead of pain, what is perceived is more of a sensation of muscle work.
  3. Post-Treatment Feeling:
    • After a HIFEM therapy session, it is common to feel a sensation similar to muscular fatigue that is experienced after intense physical exercise.
    • Some people may experience mild muscle pain or fatigue in the following days, similar to soreness after a new physical activity.
  4. Individual Tolerance:
    • The perception of the treatment may vary depending on the individual tolerance to exercise and muscular sensations. Some find the treatment completely manageable, while others may feel a greater intensity.
  5. Settings during the session:
    • Professionals can adjust the treatment intensity to ensure patient comfort while achieving the desired results.

In conclusion, the HIFEM therapy It is generally well tolerated and is not associated with significant pain. Most patients are able to continue their normal daily activities immediately after treatment without noticeable discomfort.

The length of a HIFEM therapy session and the number of sessions needed to obtain optimal results can vary depending on several factors, including the specific treatment goals, the area of ​​the body treated, and the patient's individual response. Below I provide general details:

  1. Duration of Each Session:

    • Standard Time: A typical session of HIFEM therapy usually lasts around 30 minutes.
    • Treatment Areas: The duration may vary slightly depending on the specific area of ​​the body being treated.
  2. Number of Recommended Sessions:

    • Standard Frequency: Generally, it is recommended a initial course of approximately 4 to 6 sessions to achieve optimal results.
    • Interval between sessions: These sessions are usually spaced throughout 2 to 3 days between each one, allowing the muscles to recover properly.
  3. Results and Maintenance:

    • Results Visibility: Some patients may begin to notice improvements after the first few sessions, but the most significant results are usually seen a few weeks after completing the treatment cycle.
    • Maintenance Sessions: To maintain results, periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended. The frequency of these sessions varies depending on the person and can be discussed with the professional performing the treatment.
  4. Personalization of Treatment:

    • Adaptation to Individual Needs: It is important to note that the treatment plan can be customized to each individual's specific needs and goals.

It is advisable to consult with a qualified professional who can evaluate your specific needs and provide a personalized treatment plan. They will be able to offer you a more precise guide on the duration and number of sessions of HIFEM therapy necessary to achieve your aesthetic goals.

After a HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) therapy session, one of its main benefits is that there is no significant recovery time. This means that patients can return to their normal daily activities immediately after treatment. However, there are some points to consider regarding recovery and side effects:

  1. Post-Treatment Sensations:

    • After a session, it is common to experience a sensation similar to muscular fatigue what you feel after an intense workout.
    • Some patients may notice mild muscle pain or soreness for a couple of days after treatment.
  2. No Downtime:

    • No special downtime or recovery is required, so patients can continue with their normal routines, including work and exercise, immediately after the session.
  3. Minor Side Effects:

    • Although rare, some patients may experience slight redness o swelling in the treated area, but these effects are temporary and usually disappear quickly.
  4. No Post-Treatment Restrictions:

    • There are no specific restrictions after a HIFEM session. However, it is recommended to maintain adequate hydration and follow a healthy lifestyle to optimize results.
  5. Overall Feel:

    • Despite the intensity of the treatment, most patients find the experience manageable and they do not report significant discomfort after the session.

It is important to follow the recommendations of the professional performing the treatment, especially if specific post-treatment care instructions are provided. Additionally, if you have any particular concerns or medical conditions, it is advisable to discuss them with your professional before undergoing HIFEM therapy.

The results of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) therapy may vary from person to person, but there is generally a typical time frame for the onset and progression of treatment effects. Here I give you a general idea of ​​what to expect in terms of displaying results:

  1. Start of Results:

    • The first changes may begin to be noticed after the first weeks of the treatment.
    • However, it is important to remember that the results may be subtle at first and will gradually build up with each session.
  2. Most Notable Results:

    • The most significant results are usually observed approximately 2 to 4 weeks after completing the full cycle of treatment, which generally consists of 4 to 6 sessions.
    • This is because the body needs time to respond to intense muscle contractions and for muscle tissue to develop and strengthen.
  3. Continuous Progression:

    • After completing the treatment course, results may continue to improve for several weeks.
    • HIFEM therapy not only helps in muscle toning but can also contribute to fat reduction in the treated area, which may take a little longer to be visible.
  4. Individual Factors:

    • The speed and magnitude of results can be affected by individual factors, such as the individual's body type, metabolism, lifestyle, and overall physical condition.
  5. Maintenance:

    • To maintain and improve the results obtained, some professionals may recommend periodic maintenance sessions.

In summary, although the results of the HIFEM therapy They may begin to be visible relatively soon after starting treatment, the most notable and lasting effects are usually observed a few weeks after completing the recommended cycle of sessions. It is essential to have realistic expectations and understand that results may vary from person to person.

Ideal candidates for HIFEM therapy are those seeking to improve their muscle tone and body contour through a non-invasive method. Below are the specific criteria that typically determine who can benefit most from this treatment:

  1. People Seeking Muscle Toning:

    • Individuals who want to improve the definition and tone of their muscles, especially in areas such as the abdomen and buttocks.
  2. Good General Health:

    • Ideal candidates are those in good physical health, without medical conditions that contraindicate the use of electromagnetic fields.
  3. Realistic Expectations:

    • People with realistic expectations about the results of the treatment. HIFEM therapy can provide significant improvements, but is not a substitute for a diet and exercise regimen.
  4. Relatively Stable Weight:

    • Those who are close to you ideal weight or have a relatively stable weight may see the best results, as HIFEM therapy is more effective for muscle toning than significant weight loss.
  5. Without Implanted Medical Devices:

    • People without implanted electronic devices (such as pacemakers or insulin pumps), as electromagnetic fields can interfere with these devices.
  6. Not During Pregnancy:

    • The therapy is not recommended for pregnant women.
  7. Patients who do not wish or cannot undergo surgery:

    • Individuals looking for a non-surgical alternative to improve their body tone and shape.
  8. Patients with Active Life:

    • Those who already lead a healthy, active lifestyle but want to improve specific areas that are difficult to tone with exercise alone.

It is important to note that a consultation with a qualified professional is essential to determine if the HIFEM therapy is right for you. During this consultation, your goals, medical conditions, and expectations will be discussed to ensure the therapy is safe and effective.

Ideal candidates for HIFEM therapy are those seeking to improve their muscle tone and body contour through a non-invasive method. Below are the specific criteria that typically determine who can benefit most from this treatment:

  1. People Seeking Muscle Toning:

    • Individuals who want to improve the definition and tone of their muscles, especially in areas such as the abdomen and buttocks.
  2. Good General Health:

    • Ideal candidates are those in good physical health, without medical conditions that contraindicate the use of electromagnetic fields.
  3. Realistic Expectations:

    • People with realistic expectations about the results of the treatment. HIFEM therapy can provide significant improvements, but is not a substitute for a diet and exercise regimen.
  4. Relatively Stable Weight:

    • Those who are close to you ideal weight or have a relatively stable weight may see the best results, as HIFEM therapy is more effective for muscle toning than significant weight loss.
  5. Without Implanted Medical Devices:

    • People without implanted electronic devices (such as pacemakers or insulin pumps), as electromagnetic fields can interfere with these devices.
  6. Not During Pregnancy:

    • The therapy is not recommended for pregnant women.
  7. Patients who do not wish or cannot undergo surgery:

    • Individuals looking for a non-surgical alternative to improve their body tone and shape.
  8. Patients with Active Life:

    • Those who already lead a healthy, active lifestyle but want to improve specific areas that are difficult to tone with exercise alone.

It is important to note that a consultation with a qualified professional is essential to determine if the HIFEM therapy is right for you. During this consultation, your goals, medical conditions, and expectations will be discussed to ensure the therapy is safe and effective.

Yes, HIFEM therapy treatments can be combined with other aesthetic procedures, and are often done to achieve comprehensive and improved results in body contouring and overall aesthetics. However, there are important safety and planning considerations that must be taken into account:

  1. Compatibility with Other Treatments:

    • HIFEM therapy can be effectively combined with treatments such as laser lipolysis, cryolipolysis, and other procedures non-invasive fat reduction.
    • It is also possible to combine it with skin rejuvenation treatments, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion, to improve skin quality while working on muscle toning.
  2. Sequence and Planning:

    • It is crucial to properly plan the sequence of treatments. In some cases, it may be more beneficial to perform HIFEM therapy before or after other procedures, depending on the specific goals and the specialist's recommendations.
    • A professional can advise the best treatment program to ensure each procedure is performed safely and effectively.
  3. Intervals between Treatments:

    • It may be necessary to leave a time interval between different treatments to allow the body to recover and respond appropriately to each therapy.
  4. Professional Evaluation:

    • Before combining treatments, it is important to perform a full evaluation by a qualified professional. This evaluation should consider your general health, medical history, and aesthetic goals.
  5. Avoid Treatment Overload:

    • It is important to avoid overloading the body with multiple intensive treatments in a short period of time, which could increase the risk of side effects or complications.
  6. Individual Considerations:

    • Since each person responds differently to aesthetic treatments, what works for one person may not be ideal for another. Personalization of treatment is key.

In summary, while the HIFEM therapy It can be an effective complement to other aesthetic procedures, the combination of treatments must be done under the supervision of a professional. This ensures not only the effectiveness of the treatments but also the safety and well-being of the patient.

At Clínica Aesophy, we offer HIFEM therapy treatments at competitive prices, especially when combined with other procedures such as body radiofrequency, shock waves, LPG and pressotherapy. Here I detail how these factors can influence the price and the advantages of opting for combined packages:

  1. Combined Packages and Bonuses:

    • By opting for packages that combine HYPHEM with treatments like body radio frequency, shock waves, FUEL o pressingtherapy, you can benefit from a more attractive total cost than by contracting each treatment separately.
  2. Benefits of Combined Treatments:

    • To combine HYPHEM With other treatments you can maximize results, as each procedure addresses different aspects of body contouring and toning.
    • For example, while the HIFEM therapy focuses on muscle toning, body radio frequency and FUEL can improve skin texture and pressingtherapy can help with circulation and fluid retention.
  3. Personalization of Treatment:

    • En Aesophy Clinic, each treatment plan is customized to the client's individual needs and goals, which can influence the final cost.
  4. Professional Consultations:

    • We offer consultations to discuss your goals and develop a personalized treatment plan. Detailed cost information will be provided during this consultation.
  5. Quality and Experience:

    • Although combined packages and vouchers offer a better price, we do not compromise on quality. In Aesophy Clinic, we use cutting-edge technology and our team is highly qualified.
  6. Payment Flexibility:

    • We provide flexible payment options to make our treatments accessible and manageable for our clients.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are committed to providing high-quality treatments at fair prices, ensuring our clients receive the best value and effective results. We encourage you to schedule a consultation to explore the treatment options and packages available that best suit your needs.

Book an Appointment with the HIFEM Treatment Body Aesthetic Medical Center in Malaga

Clinic Nº1 HIFEM Treatments Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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