medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Fractional Radiofrequency Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Fractional Radiofrequency

Fractional radio frequency Malaga
Treatment time
45 minutes
Fractional radio frequency Malaga
Not necessary
Fractional radio frequency Malaga
Fractional radio frequency Malaga
Some weeks
Fractional radio frequency Malaga
Fractional radio frequency Malaga
From: €80

Table of contents Fractional Radiofrequency

Fractional Radiofrequency at Aesophy Clinic: Your Path to Firm and Young Skin

The passage of time can leave its mark on our skin, but that doesn't mean we should accept the signs of aging. At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to helping you maintain firm, rejuvenated and radiant skin. One of the secret weapons in our fight against aging is Fractional Radiofrequency. Join us on this journey to discover how this innovative treatment can transform your skin and restore your confidence.

Fractional radiofrequency in Malaga: rejuvenate your skin without surgery

Fractional radiofrequency is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment that helps firm the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. At Clínica Aesophy, we are specialists in fractional radiofrequency and we offer you the best results.

Do you want to have younger, more radiant skin? The fractional radiofrequency It is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment that can help you achieve this.

La fractional radiofrequency uses radio waves to heat the skin. Heat triggers the production of new collagen and elastin, which helps firm skin, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture.

At Clínica Aesophy, we are specialists in fractional radiofrequency and we offer you the best results. Our treatments are safe and effective, and our professionals are highly qualified.

What is Fractional Radiofrequency?

La Fractional Radiofrequency is an advanced technology that uses radio waves to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. These two proteins are essential for maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin. As we age, collagen and elastin production decreases, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging.

Fractional Radiofrequency works by delivering controlled heat to the deep layers of the skin, causing the contraction of existing collagen and stimulating the production of new collagen fibers. The result is firmer, toned and rejuvenated skin.

Fractional radiofrequency clinic Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Benefits of Fractional Radiofrequency at Aesophy Clinic

Opting for Fractional Radiofrequency at Clínica Aesophy gives you a series of notable benefits for your skin and your self-confidence:

  1. Reduction of Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Fractional Radiofrequency smoothes wrinkles and fine lines, providing a more youthful appearance.

  2. Improved Elasticity: Increases collagen and elastin production, which improves skin elasticity.

  3. Firmness and Tonicity: The skin becomes firmer and more toned, which helps combat sagging.

  4. Improved Texture: Reduces the appearance of enlarged pores and improves skin texture.

  5. Lasting Results: The effects of Fractional Radiofrequency are long-lasting and can continue to improve over time.

  6. Fast recovery: The procedure is non-invasive and most patients can return to their normal activities immediately.

  7. Versatile Treatment: It can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, décolleté and other problem areas.

How Does Fractional Radiofrequency Work at Aesophy Clinic?

The Fractional Radiofrequency process at Clínica Aesophy is safe and effective. Here we explain how it works:

  1. Personalized Consultation: We begin with a personalized consultation in which we discuss your goals and evaluate your skin to determine if Fractional Radiofrequency is right for you.

  2. Treatment Session: During the treatment session, our aesthetic specialist uses a Fractional Radiofrequency device to deliver controlled heat to the deep layers of your skin. The procedure is painless and generally well tolerated.

  3. Recovery: After treatment, you may experience redness and a warm sensation on your skin, but these effects usually disappear within a few hours.

  4. Continuous Results: As time goes by, you will notice continued improvement in the firmness and appearance of your skin. More than one session may be required to achieve the desired results, and our team will provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

Who is Fractional Radiofrequency Suitable for?

Fractional Radiofrequency is suitable for people who want to improve the appearance of their skin and address signs of aging. It is an excellent option for those who want noticeable results without resorting to invasive surgical procedures.

What is the fractional radiofrequency procedure like?

The fractional radiofrequency procedure is simple and comfortable. The treatment is performed in a doctor's office and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

The patient lies on a stretcher and the doctor applies a conductive gel to the area to be treated. Next, the doctor passes the radiofrequency device over the skin.

During treatment, the patient may feel a slight heat on the skin.

What are the results of fractional radiofrequency?

The results of fractional radiofrequency are visible from the first session. However, definitive results are seen 6-8 weeks after treatment.

Fractional radiofrequency can help:

  • Reduce fine wrinkles and expression lines
  • Reduce facial sagging
  • Improve skin texture
  • Treat cellulite
  • Remove stains
  • Improve the appearance of scars

What are the side effects of fractional radiofrequency?

The side effects of fractional radiofrequency are mild and usually disappear within a few days. Among the most common side effects are:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Peeling

Fractional radiofrequency treatment Málaga Clínica Aesophy

Is fractional radiofrequency safe?

Fractional radiofrequency is a safe treatment, but it is important that it is performed by a qualified professional.

Fractional radiofrequency is contraindicated in people with:

  • Sensitive skin
  • Active infection in the area to be treated
  • Pregnancy or lactation

Trust Aesophy Clinic for your Fractional Radiofrequency Treatment

At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to providing you with the most advanced and effective aesthetic treatments to rejuvenate your skin and restore your confidence. Our team of aesthetic experts will guide you throughout your transformation journey and customize each treatment to meet your individual needs.

Don't let your aging skin stop you from looking and feeling your best. Discover how Fractional Radiofrequency at Clínica Aesophy can help you achieve firmer, younger skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards radiant, confident skin!

Fractional Radiofrequency Specialists in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Fractional Radiofrequency

What is fractional radiofrequency?

La fractional radiofrequency It is an aesthetic procedure that uses energy from radiofrequency to stimulate the production of collagen on the skin and improve its texture and appearance. It is performed by applying small areas of treatment to the skin, leaving surrounding areas intact for faster recovery.

This fractionated approach allows for noticeable skin results, including reduced wrinkles, improved firmness, and reduced blemishes, all without the long recovery times associated with other, more invasive treatments.

The benefits of fractional radiofrequency are numerous and notable. This advanced technique offers significant improvements in the appearance of the skin, including:

  1. Reduction of Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Fractional radiofrequency helps smooth and diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in more youthful, rejuvenated skin.

  2. Scar Improvement: This procedure can reduce the appearance of scars, including acne scars and other skin blemishes.

  3. Removal of Sun Spots: Fractional radiofrequency can help eliminate or fade sun spots and other types of irregular skin pigmentation.

  4. Skin Firmness: Stimulates the production of collagen, which leads to firmer, smoother and more elastic skin.

  5. Reduction of Sagging: It helps combat sagging skin, especially in areas such as the face and neck, providing a more toned and youthful appearance.

  6. Fast recovery: Due to its fractionated approach, recovery is faster compared to more invasive procedures, allowing patients to return to their daily activities sooner.

  7. Lasting Results: The positive effects of fractional radiofrequency can last a considerable time, providing patients with long-term results.

In summary, fractional radiofrequency offers a variety of benefits that can transform the appearance of the skin and noticeably rejuvenate it, making it an attractive option for those who want to improve their appearance without the need for invasive surgical procedures.

The procedure of fractional radiofrequency is carried out as follows:

  1. Preparation: First, the skin is cleansed and a conductive gel is applied to the area to be treated. This gel helps improve the conduction of radiofrequency energy and ensures that the treatment is effective.

  2. Device Application: A specific radiofrequency device is used by a healthcare professional or a specialized esthetician. This device emits heat in the form of small dots on the surface of the skin. These points are strategically selected to stimulate collagen production in the specific areas to be treated.

  3. Collagen Stimulation: The heat generated by the radiofrequency device penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin cells. This stimulation activates the skin's natural regeneration process.

  4. Fractional Zones: Importantly, fractional radiofrequency leaves surrounding areas intact. This means that only a fraction of the skin is treated, facilitating a faster and more comfortable recovery compared to full-surface treatments.

  5. Duration of the Procedure: The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the size of the area to be treated, but it is generally a quick and efficient procedure that can be performed in an aesthetic clinic in sessions lasting 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the patient's individual needs.

  6. Recovery: After treatment, it is normal to experience redness and a warm sensation on the skin, but these effects usually disappear within a short period of time. Most patients can resume their daily activities almost immediately.

  7. Gradual Results: The results of fractional radiofrequency are not immediate, as they are based on the gradual production of collagen and skin regeneration. Patients often notice improvements in skin texture and appearance over time, with optimal results becoming more evident in the weeks and months following treatment.

In short, fractional radiofrequency is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure that uses radiofrequency heat to stimulate collagen and improve skin quality. Its fractionated approach allows for faster recovery and noticeable results in the appearance of the skin.

Fractional radiofrequency treatment is generally not painful, but may cause a warm sensation on the skin during the procedure. This warm sensation is part of the process and is an indication that the radiofrequency energy is stimulating the deep layers of the skin.

To minimize any discomfort, you can apply a topical anesthetic cream in the area to be treated before the procedure. This cream helps numb the skin and reduces the sensation of heat, making the treatment more comfortable for the patient.

It is important to note that pain tolerance can vary from person to person. Most patients find the sensation of heat completely bearable and do not experience significant pain during fractional radiofrequency. In addition, the duration of the procedure is usually quite short, which also contributes to making it easier to tolerate.

In summary, fractional radiofrequency treatment is typically a comfortable experience for most patients, and the application of a topical numbing cream helps minimize any discomfort.

The length of a fractional radiofrequency session can vary depending on the area treated and the individual needs of the patient. However, generally speaking, a fractional radiofrequency session usually lasts between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

It is important to note that the time needed may be shorter for smaller areas, such as the face, and longer for larger areas, such as the neck or décolleté. The health professional or esthetician will determine the exact duration of the session based on the treatment goals and the specific characteristics of each patient.

In any case, fractional radiofrequency is known to be a relatively quick and efficient procedure, allowing patients to return to their daily activities promptly after treatment.

For optimal results with fractional radiofrequency, multiple sessions are generally recommended. The number of sessions required may vary depending on the individual needs of the patient and the goal of the treatment. However, as a general reference, they are usually recommended between 3 and 5 sessions.

These sessions are usually spaced at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks to allow the skin to recover properly between each treatment and to allow results to develop gradually. The choice of the number of sessions and the interval between them will depend on factors such as skin type, the area to be treated and the severity of the aesthetic concerns.

It is important to note that the results of fractional radiofrequency are not immediate and can continue to improve over time as the skin produces more collagen and regenerates. Therefore, it is essential to follow the treatment plan recommended by the healthcare professional or esthetician to achieve the best possible results.

The results of fractional radiofrequency are usually visible gradually over time. It is true that some initial results, such as improved skin texture and reduced sagging, may be noticeable after the first session. However, to appreciate the final and most significant results, it is necessary to complete all the recommended sessions and allow the skin to regenerate completely.

In general, the final results of fractional radiofrequency may be more evident a few weeks or even months after completing the treatment plan, as collagen stimulation and skin regeneration continue to progress over time. Patience is key to seeing optimal and long-lasting results from this aesthetic procedure.

It should be noted that the exact duration to see final results may vary depending on the individual and their specific treatment goals. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations of the health professional or esthetician and maintain adequate follow-up to evaluate progress and results.

The duration of the effect of fractional radiofrequency may vary depending on several factors, including the individual skin aging process and post-treatment care.. In general, the results of fractional radiofrequency tend to last in a range of several months to about a year.

To prolong results and maintain skin quality, it is important to follow a proper skin care and sun protection regimen. Regular use of sunscreens and skin care products recommended by a healthcare professional or esthetician can help preserve the benefits of the treatment.

It is important to remember that fractional radiofrequency does not stop the skin aging process completely, so over time, additional maintenance treatments may be required to maintain the desired results. The specific duration of results may vary from person to person, and it is important to discuss expectations and maintenance plan with a healthcare professional or aesthetic specialist.

After a fractional radiofrequency treatment, you may experience a short recovery period. Common side effects during this period may include:

  1. Redness: The treated skin may be red, similar to a mild sunburn. This redness is a normal reaction and usually subsides within a few days.

  2. Peeling: Some people may experience slight peeling or peeling of the treated skin, which is part of the skin regeneration process.

  3. Swelling: In some cases, there may be slight temporary edema or swelling in the treated area, but this tends to be mild and disappears quickly.

  4. Warmth sensation: After treatment, your skin may feel warm or tender, but this sensation is usually temporary.

Despite these side effects, most people can return to their normal activities within a few days after fractional radiofrequency treatment. It is important to follow the aftercare recommendations provided by your healthcare professional or esthetician, which may include the use of specific skin creams or products, as well as appropriate sun protection.

In summary, although there may be a short recovery period with mild side effects, fractional radiofrequency is known to have a relatively quick recovery time compared to other, more invasive cosmetic procedures.

Fractional radiofrequency is generally a safe procedure when performed by an experienced and certified professional in an appropriate medical or aesthetic setting. There have been numerous clinical studies supporting its safety and effectiveness in improving the appearance of the skin.

It is important to note that safety measures are applied during the procedure to minimize any potential risk. These measures may include application of conductive gel to protect the skin, careful selection of radiofrequency intensity according to the patient's individual needs, and constant monitoring during treatment.

However, as with any medical or cosmetic procedure, there are certain risks and potential side effects, although they are generally mild and temporary. These may include redness, swelling, peeling, and skin sensitivity. Most patients tolerate these side effects without problems.

It is essential that anyone interested in fractional radiofrequency consult a qualified and experienced healthcare professional or aesthetic specialist for an individualized evaluation and to discuss any concerns or questions about the safety of the procedure. Additionally, following the aftercare recommendations and guidelines provided by the professional is essential to ensure optimal recovery and satisfactory results.

To find it best aesthetic clinic that offers beauty treatments fractional radiofrequency near you, we recommend you consider the Aesophy Clinic.

This renowned clinic is distinguished by its excellence in aesthetic procedures and has a team of highly experienced professionals.

En Aesophy Clinic, are dedicated to providing personalized services and high-quality care to ensure you the best results. Do not hesitate to contact Clínica Aesophy to obtain detailed information about their fractional radiofrequency services and start your path to more rejuvenated and healthy skin. Your beauty and well-being are in good hands at Clínica Aesophy.

Book Appointment Fractional Radiofrequencyn Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Fractional Radiofrequency Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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