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Facial Massages Malaga Aesophy clinic

Facial Massage Malaga

Facial Massage Malaga
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Table of contents Facial Massage

Aesophy Clinic: Leader in Facial Massage Treatments.

Aesophy Clinic: Experts in Facial Massages and Rejuvenation

Do you want to show off young, radiant and blemish-free skin?

At Clínica Aesophy we have a wide range of facial massage treatments that will help you achieve the results you want.

Facial massages are an excellent way to take care of your skin and delay the signs of aging. These treatments combine massage techniques with other technologies, such as radiofrequency, microcurrents or microdermabrasion, to offer more effective results.

Below, we present some of the facial massage treatments that we offer at Clínica Aesophy:

At Aesophy Clinic, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of facial massage treatments that combine advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. Discover our menu of exclusive treatments:

Facial Massage Treatments Aesophy Málaga Clinic

1. Anti-Aging Facial Massage

Experience renewed youth with our Anti-Aging Facial Massage. This treatment uses specialized techniques to stimulate the skin, reduce fine lines and revitalize your appearance.

2. Facial Massage with Radiofrequency

Our Facial Massage with Radiofrequency combines relaxing massage with thermal energy to stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer skin and defined facial contours.

3. Facial Massage with Microcurrents

Ideal for toning and rejuvenating, our Facial Massage with Microcurrents uses gentle currents to stimulate facial muscles, offering an instant lifting effect.

4. Ultrasonic Facial Massage

El Ultrasonic Facial Massage at Clínica Aesophy uses sound waves to promote cell regeneration and improve the absorption of skin care products.

5. Facial Massage with LED (Light Therapy)

Innovative and effective, our LED Facial Massage uses different wavelengths of light to treat a variety of skin problems, from aging to acne.

6. Non-Surgical Face Lift

For those seeking results without surgery, our Non-Surgical Face Lift offers a non-invasive solution to lift and rejuvenate skin.

7. Cryotherapy Facial Massage

Discover the refreshing power of Facial Cryotherapy at Aesophy Clinic. This treatment uses controlled cold to revitalize, tone and improve skin circulation.

8. Chemical Peeling with Facial Massage

Combine deep exfoliation with a relaxing massage in our treatment Chemical Peeling with Facial Massage, perfect for renewing and softening the skin.

9. Post-Surgical Facial Lymphatic Massage

Specially designed for after surgical procedures, our Facial Lymphatic Massage reduces swelling and speeds recovery.

10. Facial Massage with Dermaplaning

It includes a gentle exfoliation with dermaplaning followed by a soothing massage, ideal for luminous and soft skin.

11. Facial Massage with Personalized Nutrients

Customized to your needs, this massage incorporates specific nutrients and vitamins to maximize benefits and beautify your skin.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are committed to your well-being and beauty. Each treatment is a unique experience, designed to offer you the best in facial care. Contact us today to book your appointment and embark on a journey of facial rejuvenation.

If you're looking for treatment to rejuvenate your skin and improve its appearance, facial massages They are an excellent option. In Aesophy Clinic We have the best professionals and the most advanced techniques to offer you the results you want.

Frequently Asked Questions Facial Massage

What is a facial massage and what are its benefits?

A facial massage is a therapeutic technique that involves gentle and systematic stimulation of the muscles and skin of the face. It is performed using the hands and sometimes special tools to provide a gentle and relaxing massage to the face. Facial massages are a popular part of many skin care treatments and can be performed at a spa, dermatology clinic, or at home with the proper technique.

Benefits of Facial Massage:

  1. Improved blood circulation: Facial massage can increase blood circulation in the facial area, which improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells. This can contribute to a brighter, healthier appearance.

  2. Lymphatic stimulation: It helps promote lymphatic drainage and reduce fluid retention, which can reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes.

  3. Relaxation of facial muscles: It can relieve tension in facial muscles, helping to smooth fine lines and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

  4. Improves absorption of skin care products: By improving circulation and opening pores, a facial massage can help skin care products penetrate deeper and be more effective.

  5. Skin rejuvenation: Mechanical stimulation of the skin can help promote cell renewal and collagen production, contributing to firmer, more youthful skin.

  6. Relaxing effects and stress reduction: Facial massage provides a relaxing effect that not only benefits the skin but also general well-being, helping to reduce stress and promote a feeling of peace.

  7. Improves skin tone and texture: Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage can help give your skin a more even tone and smoother texture.

  8. Anti-aging benefits: With regular use, facial massages can offer anti-aging benefits by keeping the skin more supple and slowing the development of wrinkles.

Although facial massages offer many benefits, it is important that they are performed by someone knowledgeable in the technique, especially if you have skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, or any skin inflammation. It's always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or professional esthetician before starting a new skin care routine, especially if you have specific skin concerns or conditions.

How often you should receive a facial massage can vary depending on several factors, including your specific skin care goals, your skin type, your skin care routine, and your budget. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. For General Maintenance and Relaxation:

    • A monthly facial massage is enough for most people looking to maintain healthy skin and enjoy the relaxing benefits. This aligns well with the typical frequency of facial cleansing.
  2. For Specific Skin Care Goals:

    • If you're using facial massages to address specific concerns such as skin firmness, wrinkle reduction, or improved circulation, you may benefit from more frequent sessions, such as once a week or every two weeks, especially in the beginning.
  3. Type of skin:

    • People with sensitive skin or conditions such as rosacea may need to space out their sessions more to avoid irritation or inflammation.
  4. Medical or Dermatological Conditions:

    • If you have any medical or dermatological condition, consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any facial massage regimen to determine appropriate frequency.
  5. Budget and Time:

    • Consider how much time and money you are willing to invest in regular facial massages. While facial massages can be very beneficial, they should fit within your means.

Additional Tips:

  • Complement with Home Care: In between professional massages, you can maintain results by practicing gentle facial massage techniques at home.

  • Listen to Your Skin: Observe how your skin responds to massages. If you notice redness, irritation or any adverse reaction, adjust the frequency accordingly.

  • Consultation with Professionals: An esthetician or dermatologist can offer you personalized advice based on an assessment of your skin and needs.

In general, the frequency of facial massages should be a personal decision that balances the benefits with your lifestyle and skin needs. As with any skin care treatment, the most important thing is to follow an approach that promotes long-term health and well-being.

Aesthetic clinics typically offer a variety of facial massages, each designed with specific techniques to address different skin care needs and goals. Here are some common types of facial massages you might encounter:

  1. Classic or European Facial Massage:

    • It focuses on relaxing techniques to improve circulation, promote relaxation and assist in cleansing and nourishing the skin. It includes gentle, circular movements, as well as light pinching and kneading.
  2. Facial Lymphatic Drainage:

    • A gentle technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and help eliminate toxins and reduce fluid retention. It is excellent for reducing swelling and improving the appearance of the skin.
  3. Facial Massage with Hot Stones:

    • Use soft, hot stones to relax facial muscles and improve circulation. This type of massage can also help reduce tension and promote a feeling of well-being.
  4. Facial Reflexology:

    • Based on the idea that certain points on the face are connected to other areas of the body, this massage uses pressure techniques on specific points to improve overall health and well-being.
  5. Japanese Lifting Massage (Kobido):

    • An ancient technique that combines fast and slow rhythms to reduce skin aging, improve circulation and stimulate facial muscles, offering a natural "lifting" effect.
  6. Facial Acupressure:

    • Targets specific pressure points on the face to release tension, promote relaxation, and improve energy flow in the body.
  7. Ayurvedic Facial Massage:

    • It incorporates Ayurvedic principles and essential oils to balance doshas (body types) and promote skin health and longevity.
  8. Facial Massage with Rollers or Gua Sha:

    • Use tools like jade or quartz rollers, or a Gua Sha stone to improve circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and relieve muscle tension.

Each of these massages offers unique benefits and can be recommended based on your specific skin care needs, your personal preferences, and any skin conditions you may have. It's always a good idea to discuss your options with a qualified esthetician or massage therapist who can evaluate your skin and recommend the best treatment for you.

The duration of a facial massage session may vary depending on the type of massage, the treatment objectives and the clinic. that offers the service. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Quick or Express Facial Massages:

    • These can last around 15 to 30 minutes and are generally shorter, more focused versions of standard facial massages. They are ideal for those who have a tight schedule.
  2. Standard Facial Massages:

    • A typical session usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. During this time, various techniques can be used to cleanse, exfoliate and massage the skin, providing both aesthetic and relaxing benefits.
  3. Extended or Luxury Facial Massages:

    • These treatments can last between 60 and 90 minutes or even longer. They often include extras such as specialized masks, steam treatments, extractions if necessary, and sometimes additional techniques for specific areas such as the eyes or lips.
  4. Facial Massages with Special Treatments:

    • If special treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, LED light therapies, or acupressure are added, the session may be longer.

The exact duration of your facial massage will depend on the specific services you select and the recommendations of your esthetician or therapist. When booking your appointment, ask about the details of the treatment so you have a clear idea of ​​what to expect.

It is important to remember that, regardless of the time the massage lasts, you should feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the session. A good practice is to set aside a little extra time before and after your appointment so you don't feel rushed and can fully enjoy the experience.

Facial massage is generally suitable and beneficial for most skin types, but its approach and technique may vary depending on the specific needs and sensitivities of each individual.. Here I explain how different skin types can be affected and what to consider:

  1. Normal Skin:

    • People with normal skin tend to respond well to most types of facial massages. They can enjoy a variety of techniques without many restrictions.
  2. Oily skin:

    • Facial massage can be beneficial for oily skin, especially if used to improve circulation and promote skin balance. However, care must be taken not to overstimulate the sebaceous glands.
  3. Dry Skin:

    • Facial massages that include hydration and nutrition of the skin can be very beneficial for dry skin, helping to improve its texture and appearance.
  4. Mixed skin:

    • Combination skin can benefit from a personalized facial massage that addresses both oily and dry areas, balancing the skin.
  5. Sensitive skin:

    • People with sensitive skin should proceed with caution. Gentle facial massages can be beneficial, but it is crucial to avoid aggressive techniques or products that may cause irritation or redness. Always report any sensitivities or allergies to your esthetician.
  6. Skin with Acne:

    • If you have active acne or acne-prone skin, it's important to be cautious. While a gentle facial massage can help improve circulation and promote healing, handling areas with active breakouts can worsen acne or spread bacteria. It is best to consult a dermatologist before receiving a facial massage.
  7. Mature Skin:

    • Mature skin can benefit significantly from facial massages, especially those designed to stimulate circulation and promote firmness. Massages that focus on anti-aging techniques can help improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Regardless of skin type, it is always advisable to consult with a qualified professional before a facial massage, especially if you have specific skin concerns or conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or severe acne. A good esthetician or therapist can customize the massage and the products used to suit your needs and ensure that your experience is both beneficial and safe.

If you have skin conditions such as acne or rosacea, you can still receive a facial massage, but it is essential to take extra precautions and tailor the treatment to your specific needs.


  1. Gentle and Cautious: If you have mild to moderate acne, a gentle facial massage may be beneficial, especially if it focuses on improving circulation and promoting relaxation. However, any vigorous manipulation or excessive pressure on active breakouts should be avoided as it can irritate the skin and worsen acne.
  2. Avoid Unprofessional Extractions: While extractions are common in many facial treatments, they should be performed with extreme care and only by a professional trained in acne-prone skin to avoid additional scarring or infection.
  3. Specific Products: Make sure to use products formulated for acne-prone skin that do not clog pores or contain irritating ingredients.


  1. Gentle Techniques: Choose gentle massage techniques that do not irritate or exacerbate rosacea. Harsh treatments, products with irritating ingredients and excessive heat should be avoided.
  2. Avoid Triggers: Know and communicate your rosacea triggers to your therapist so they can adjust treatment accordingly. Some common triggers include certain chemicals, fragrances, and heat.
  3. Focus on Calm and Relief: Opt for treatments that focus on calming the skin and reducing inflammation.

In general:

  • Consult with a Professional: Always consult a dermatologist before receiving a facial massage if you have active acne, rosacea, or any other significant skin condition. They can advise you on the most appropriate and safe treatments.
  • Key Communication: Be sure to communicate your condition and concerns to your esthetician or facial therapist before treatment. A good professional will be willing to adapt the massage and the products used to care for your skin effectively.
  • Post-Treatment Monitoring: See how your skin responds after the facial massage. If you experience irritation, excessive redness or any other adverse reaction, let your esthetician and dermatologist know.

Getting a facial massage with skin conditions like acne or rosacea is possible, but the key is customization and caution. Choosing the right professional and treatment can help you enjoy the benefits of a facial massage without putting your skin's health at risk.

Facial massages are generally safe and provide numerous benefits, but, as with any skin care treatment, some side effects may arise, especially if you have sensitive skin or a specific skin condition. Here are the possible side effects after a facial massage:

  1. Redness and Irritation: It is common to experience slight redness after a facial massage due to increased blood circulation in the area. However, if the massage has been too vigorous or irritating products have been used, this redness may be more pronounced.

  2. Acne Breakouts: Although less common, some people may experience breakouts after a facial massage, especially if they have acne-prone skin. This may be due to stimulation of the sebaceous glands or a reaction to certain products.

  3. Sun Sensitivity: Some facial treatments, especially those that include exfoliation, can leave your skin more vulnerable to sun damage. It is important to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen after treatment.

  4. Inflammation or Swelling: Especially in cases of intense facial massages or lymphatic drainage, you may experience slight inflammation or swelling that usually subsides within a few hours.

  5. Allergies or Reactions to Products: If you have known skin allergies, always report them before treatment. Even without known allergies, some products can cause reactions in sensitive skin.

  6. Flaking or Dryness: Particularly with massages that include some type of chemical or mechanical exfoliation, you may experience peeling or dryness as part of the skin renewal process.

How to Minimize Side Effects:

  • Communicate with your Therapist: Report any sensitivities, allergies or skin conditions before the massage.
  • Qualified Professionals: Make sure your facial massage is performed by a qualified esthetician or therapist who understands the needs of different skin types.
  • Post-Massage Care: Follow the post-treatment care instructions provided, which may include moisturizing, sun protection, and avoiding certain products for a time.
  • Observe your Skin: Pay attention to how your skin reacts after treatment and report any concerns to your esthetician or dermatologist.

In general, the side effects of a facial massage are generally minimal and temporary. However, by being informed and taking precautions, you can fully enjoy the benefits of your facial massage with peace of mind.

Yes. You can wear makeup after a facial massage. However, it is important to keep a few guidelines in mind to ensure your skin is ready for makeup after treatment:

  1. Gentle cleaning: After your facial massage, make sure your face is clean and free of any excess oil or products used during the massage. You can do this with a gentle cleanser or micellar water.

  2. Hydration: Apply a light moisturizer to replenish skin moisture. This will provide a soft base for your makeup and help it adhere evenly.

  3. Sunscreen: If your facial massage was during the day, make sure to apply protector solar before applying makeup. This will protect your skin from damage caused by sun exposure.

  4. Light makeup: Choose light makeup y non-comedogenic (which does not clog pores) to avoid any pore clogging or skin irritation.

  5. Avoid sensitive areas: If the facial massage included specific treatments on sensitive areas such as the eyes or lips, be careful when applying makeup to those areas and use gentle, appropriate products.

  6. Listen to your skin: If you experience irritation, redness or any adverse reaction after facial massage, you may want to postpone applying makeup.

To maintain the results of your facial massage and enjoy radiant, healthy skin in the long term, it is important to follow a proper care routine. Here are some tips that can help you:

  1. Constant hydration: Drink enough water to keep your skin well hydrated from the inside out. Proper hydration is essential for healthy skin.

  2. Skin care at home: Follow an at-home skin care routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, toning, and moisturizing. Use products appropriate for your skin type and be sure to follow the recommendations of your esthetician or dermatologist.

  3. Daily sun protection: Apply sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days. Sun protection is essential to prevent premature aging and protect your skin from damage caused by the sun.

  4. Avoid touching your face: Avoid touching your face with dirty hands and do not touch your skin unnecessarily to prevent the spread of bacteria and avoid clogging of pores.

  5. Healthy nutrition: Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, as this can contribute to healthier skin. Foods rich in omega-3, fresh fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial.

  6. adequate rest: Get enough sleep, as adequate sleep allows your skin to regenerate and repair overnight.

  7. regular maintenance: Schedule maintenance facial massages according to your therapist's recommendations. This may vary depending on your skin type and individual needs.

  8. Avoid stress: Stress can have a negative impact on your skin, so try practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga, to maintain a calm state of mind.

  9. Limit alcohol and tobacco: Alcohol and tobacco can negatively affect the health of your skin. Reducing or eliminating your consumption can help keep your skin in better condition.

  10. Consult a professional: If you have specific concerns about your skin or need additional guidance, consult a professional dermatologist or esthetician. They can provide you with personalized recommendations.

Remember that maintaining healthy skin is a long-term commitment, and consistency in your daily care is key to preserving the results of your facial massage and achieving beautiful, radiant skin.

Contact Book appointment Facial Massage Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Facial Massage Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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