medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Tension Threads Málaga Aesophy Clinic

Tensioning wires Malaga

Tensioning threads
intv time
1 hour. 30 minutes
Tensioning threads
Tensioning threads
1 Week
Tensioning threads
When the inflammation goes away
Tensioning threads
not required
Tensioning threads
from: €1.200

Table of contents Tensioning Threads

The Tensioning wires They are one of the most innovative and effective techniques for rejuvenate and reshape the face and body without surgery. In Aesophy Clinic, we are experts in this treatment, which offers natural, immediate and long-lasting results, with a quick recovery and no scars.

If you want to know more about tension threads, their types, their benefits, their risks and their prices, keep reading this page.

What are tension threads and how do they work?

The Tensioning wires They are fine, biocompatible threads that are inserted under the skin using a needle or cannula, creating a support network that lifts and tightens the tissue. The Tensioning wires stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for firmness and elasticity of the skin. In this way, it is achieved combat sagging, wrinkles and volume loss, and improve the contour and definition of the treated areas.

The Tensioning wires They can be applied to different parts of the body, such as the face, neck, décolleté, arms, abdomen or buttocks. Depending on the area and the objective, different types of tension threads can be used, which are classified according to material, shape and duration.

Types of tension threads

En Aesophy Clinic, we work with the three most used and safest types of tensioning threads on the market:

  • Polydioxanone (PDO) threads: They are resorbable threads that degrade in about 6 months, but they stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, so their effects can last up to 18 months. They are the most used and the most economical.
  • Polylactic acid (PLA) yarns: They are resorbable threads that degrade in about 12 months, but they also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, so their effects can last up to 24 months. They are stronger and more expensive than PDO ones.
  • Polycaprolactone (PCL) threads: They are resorbable threads that degrade in about 24 months, but they also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, so their effects can last up to 36 months. They are the longest lasting and most expensive of the three types.

In addition, Tensioning wires They can have different shapes, such as smooth, spiculated, tornadoes or cones, which determine the degree of traction and fixation exerted on the tissue. In Aesophy Clinic, we advise you on the type and shape of tension threads most suitable for your case, according to your needs and expectations.


Threads youface sensors

Facial Tensor Threads Treatment Aesophy Málaga Clinic

The tightening threads for the face They are an excellent option for rrejuvenate the face without surgery, since they allow correct flaccidity, wrinkles and volume loss in a natural and discreet way. Face tension threads can be applied in different areas, such as the upper third (forehead, eyebrows, temples), the middle third (cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial folds, dark circles) and the lower third (jaw, chin, neck)..

Face tightening threads offer multiple benefits, such as:

  • Lift and redefine eyebrows, opening the look and softening the wrinkles between the eyebrows and forehead.
  • Enhance and fill in the cheekbones, providing volume and luminosity to the face.
  • Attenuate and fill the nasolabial folds, marionette lines and dark circles, eliminating the tired and sad look of the face.
  • Contour and firm the facial oval, eliminating sagging skin and double chin.

The tightening threads for the face are placed in a single session, which lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the area and the number of threads. The procedure is minimally invasive, does not require general anesthesia or hospitalization, and allows for a quick and scar-free recovery. The results are visible immediately and last for 12, 18 or 24 months, depending on the type of threads used.

Tightening threads for the face: before and after

Here you can see some examples of patients who have undergone facial thread treatment at Clínica Aesophy, and the results obtained:

  • Ana María Jurado: 45-year-old woman who wanted to rejuvenate her face without surgery. She had 20 spiculated PDO threads placed in the middle and lower third of her face, to raise the cheekbones, fill the nasolabial folds and outline her facial oval. The results are seen immediately, with a younger, smoother and more defined face.
  • Jose Luis Sanchez: 50-year-old man who wanted to correct the sagging and wrinkles on his face. 16 conical PLA threads were placed in the upper and lower third of the face, to raise the eyebrows, smooth wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, and firm the neck and jaw. The results are seen progressively, with a firmer, smoother and rejuvenated face.
  • Anabel Lopera: 60-year-old woman who wanted to recover the volume and luminosity of her face. She had 24 twisted PCL threads placed in the middle third of her face, to enhance and fill out the cheekbones, cheeks, dark circles and nasolabial folds. The results are seen long-lasting, with a more voluminous, luminous and natural face.

Body Tensor Threads Málaga Aesophy clinic

Tension threads for the body

The tension threads for the body are a effective and safe alternative to reshape and firm the body without surgery, since they allow correct sagging, cellulite and loss of skin tone naturally and discreetly. Body tightening threads can be applied to different areas, such as the arms, abdomen, buttocks, legs or knees.

The tension threads for the body They offer multiple benefits, such as:

  • Tighten and firm the skin of the arms, eliminating sagging and flaccid appearance.
  • Reduce and firm the abdomen, eliminating excess skin and fat, and improving the silhouette.
  • Lift and fill the glutes, providing volume and firmness, and improving contour and projection.
  • Tighten and firm the legs, eliminating cellulite and sagging, and improving shape and tone.
  • Soften and firm your knees, eliminating sagging and wrinkles, and improving appearance.

Body tightening threads are placed in a single session, which lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the area and the number of threads. The procedure is minimally invasive, does not require general anesthesia or hospitalization, and allows for a quick and scar-free recovery. The results are visible immediately and last for 18

Risks and Side Effects

Risks of Tensioning Threads

Although minimal, there are risks of tension threads. Our specialists inform you in detail about these before any procedure.

Side Effects of Tensioning Threads

The Side effects They are usually mild and temporary, including redness or swelling in the treated area.

Recovery and Post-Treatment Care

Recovery of Tension Threads

La recuperación It is generally quick, allowing patients to return to their daily activities in a short time.

How to Take Care of Yourself After Thread Treatment

We offer a detailed guide on how to take care of yourself after treatment to ensure the best results.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Tension Threads

  • natural results
  • Minimally invasive
  • Fast recovery

Disadvantages of Tension Threads

  • temporary results
  • Not suitable for all skin types

Frequently asked questions Tensioning Threads

What are tension threads?

Thread tightening is a minimally invasive aesthetic treatment used to rejuvenate and lift the skin. They consist of the insertion of fine threads, generally made of biocompatible and resorbable materials such as polylactic acid or polydioxanone, under the skin.

Operation and Objectives

  • Reaffirmation and Uprising: Threads are inserted into specific areas to provide a lifting and firming effect. Over time, they stimulate collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and texture.
  • Application Areas: They are commonly used on the face, to lift and tighten sagging skin, but can also be applied to other parts of the body, such as the neck, arms, abdomen and buttocks.

Thread Types

  • Mono Threads: They are simple threads used mainly to rejuvenate the skin.
  • Screw or Spiral Threads: Designed to create greater volume in specific areas.
  • Cog or Barbados threads: They have small beards that grip the skin for a more significant lifting effect.


  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require large incisions.
  • Duration: The treatment usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the area treated.
  • Recovery: Recovery is generally quick, with minimal side effects such as temporary swelling or bruising.

Results and Benefits

  • Immediate and Long Term Effects: Results can be seen immediately after the procedure, improving over time.
  • Duration of Effects: The effects can last several months or even a few years, depending on the type of thread and the individual response of the patient.

The Tensioning wires They offer a less invasive alternative to traditional surgical facelifts, with natural results and less recovery time. It is important that these types of treatments are performed by qualified professionals in specialized clinics to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Lifting threads work through a minimally invasive process that focuses on lifting and rejuvenating the skin. This procedure is performed using fine threads, usually made of biocompatible and resorbable materials, that are inserted under the skin in specific areas. Below we detail how they work:

Insertion Process

  1. Local anesthesia: First, local anesthesia is applied to the areas to be treated to minimize any discomfort.
  2. Thread Insertion: Using fine needles or cannulas, threads are inserted under the skin in a pre-established pattern that adapts to the patient's specific needs.

Mechanism of action

  • Lifting Effect: Once placed, the threads create a tension or pulling effect that lifts and stretches the skin, providing a firmer and more youthful appearance.
  • Collagen Stimulation: The threads stimulate the natural production of collagen in the treated area. Collagen is an essential protein for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Types of Threads and Their Functions

  • Smooth Threads or Monofilament: These threads promote collagen regeneration and are mainly used for general skin rejuvenation.
  • Spiral or Screw Threads: Ideal for areas that require additional volume, helping to improve skin texture and volume.
  • Threads with Cones or Barbados: These threads have small bumps or barbs that engage the subdermal tissues, providing a more significant lift.

Results and Effectiveness

  • Immediate results: The lifting effect is visible immediately after the procedure.
  • Long Term Improvements: Over time, increased collagen production improves the quality of the skin, making it look firmer and more rejuvenated.
  • Duration of Results: Results can last several months or even a few years, depending on the type of thread used and the patient's individual response.

Security and Recovery

  • Minimally Invasive: Being a minimally invasive procedure, it presents less risks and recovery time compared to more invasive surgeries.
  • Fast recovery: Patients can usually return to normal activities shortly after treatment, although they may experience some temporary swelling or bruising.

It is crucial that these treatments are performed by qualified professionals in specialized clinics to ensure the correct application of the threads and minimize risks.

The tightening threads are versatile and can be used to treat various areas of the body and face, offering rejuvenating and lifting results. The most commonly treated areas include:

In the face

  1. Eyebrows: Lifting the eyebrows to reduce the appearance of drooping eyelids.
  2. Cheekbones and Cheeks: Lifting and defining cheekbones and cheeks for a more youthful appearance.
  3. Jaw and Neck Line: Improvement of jaw contour and reduction of sagging in the neck line.
  4. Nasolabials and Puppets: Reduction in the depth of nasolabial lines (smile lines) and marionette lines (lines that go from the corner of the mouth downwards).
  5. Front: Softening of expression lines on the forehead.

In the body

  1. Arms: Lifting sagging skin on the lower arms.
  2. Abdomen: Tightening the skin of the abdomen to reduce sagging.
  3. Thighs and Knees: Lifting of the skin on the inner thighs and around the knees.
  4. Buttocks: Elevation and improvement of the contour of the buttocks.
  5. Breasts: Slight lift in the chest area for a firmer appearance.

Other areas

  • Neck: Reduction of sagging and improvement of neck contour.
  • Submental Area (under the chin): Improvement in definition and reduction of sagging under the chin.


  • Individualized Evaluation: An individualized evaluation by a specialist is important to determine the suitability of treatment in each area, depending on the specific characteristics of the skin and the needs of the patient.
  • Combination with Other Treatments: Thread lifts are often combined with other aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers or neuromodulators for optimal results.

The versatility of the tightening threads makes them suitable for a wide range of rejuvenation and lifting needs, allowing various areas of the body and face to be effectively treated. As always, it is crucial to perform these procedures in specialized centers and with experienced professionals to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

The thread placement procedure is generally considered low pain, especially in comparison to more invasive cosmetic surgeries. However, the perception of pain can vary from person to person. Here are some key points about the level of pain and sensations during the procedure:

Local anesthesia

  • Anesthesia Application: Before inserting the threads, local anesthesia is applied to the areas to be treated. This helps minimize any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

During the Procedure

  • Mild Sensations: Patients may feel pressure or tightness while the threads are inserted, but the pain is usually minimal due to the anesthesia.
  • Quick Procedure: Since thread insertion is relatively quick (usually lasting between 30 minutes and an hour), any discomfort is short-lived.


  • Mild Posterior Discomfort: After the procedure, some patients experience mild pain, swelling or bruising in the treated areas. These reactions are normal and usually disappear within a few days.
  • Pain management: Post-procedure discomfort is easily managed with over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and home care measures.

Individual Factors

  • Pain Tolerance: The experience of pain is subjective and may vary depending on individual pain tolerance and sensitivity of the treated area.
  • Professional Technique: The experience and skill of the professional performing the procedure can also influence the level of perceived pain.


Although the thread tightening procedure may cause some discomfort, it is generally not considered painful, especially with the proper application of local anesthesia. It is important to discuss any concerns about pain with the practitioner before the procedure to have a clear understanding of what to expect and how to manage any discomfort afterwards.

The duration of the effects of tightening threads varies depending on several factors, including the type of threads used, the area treated, and the individual characteristics of the patient. Generally, you can expect the following:

Types of Threads and Their Durability

  1. Absorbable Threads: Most of the threads used are absorbable, made of materials such as polylactic acid or polydioxanone. These threads dissolve naturally in the body after a while.

    • Duration: The effects of absorbable threads usually last between 6 months and 2 years. Durability depends on how quickly the body absorbs these materials.
  2. Non-absorbable Threads: Some treatments may use non-absorbable threads, although these are less common.

    • Duration: These may provide longer-lasting effects, but also come with a higher risk of complications and are not as commonly recommended.

Factors Affecting Duration

  • Individual Body Response: Each person reacts differently to treatment. Metabolism rate, skin quality, and lifestyle habits (such as smoking or sun exposure) can influence how long results last.
  • Treated Area: Some areas of the body may retain the effects of thread tightening longer than others. For example, areas with less movement may show longer lasting results.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Following post-procedure care recommendations, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and maintaining a good skin care routine, can help prolong results.
  • Type of Treatment Performed: The technique used and the number of threads applied can also impact the duration of the effects.

Maintenance and Follow-up Treatments

  • Repeated Treatments: Many patients opt for follow-up treatments after the initial effects begin to subside. These treatments can help maintain the skin's firmness and youthful appearance.
  • Combination with Other Treatments: Thread lifts are often combined with other aesthetic procedures, such as dermal fillers or neuromodulators, to optimize and prolong results.

In summary, although the duration of the effects of tightening threads varies, they can typically be expected to last from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the type of threads used and other individual factors. It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss with a qualified professional to better understand how this treatment may work in your specific case.

Recovery time after a thread tightening procedure is generally quick, especially compared to more invasive cosmetic surgeries. Below are the key aspects of the recovery period:

Immediately after the procedure

  • Light Activity Allowed: Most patients can return to light activities almost immediately.
  • Possible Sensations: There may be a feeling of tightness, slight swelling or bruising in the treated areas, but these discomforts are usually manageable and temporary.

First days

  • Rapid Reduction of Discomfort: Any swelling or bruising tends to decrease significantly in the first few days after the procedure.
  • Specific Care: It is advisable to avoid strenuous activities, intense sun exposure and high temperatures (such as saunas or hot baths) during the first days.

First week

  • Return to Normal Routine: Most patients can return to their normal routine, including work and some physical activities, within a week.
  • Medical monitoring: It is common to have a follow-up appointment with the professional to evaluate recovery and progress.

Next weeks

  • Continuous Improvement: Results will continue to improve as inflammation subsides and the body produces more collagen in response to the threads.
  • Continuing Care: It is recommended to follow the professional's specific instructions for skin care and sun protection.

Factors That Can Affect Recovery

  • Type of Threads Used: Some thread types or techniques may require a slightly longer recovery time.
  • Individual Response: The speed of recovery may vary from patient to patient, depending on their general health, age and individual response to treatment.

General considerations

  • Avoid Pressure on the Face: For facial treatments, it is recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach and limit excessive facial movement for the first few days.
  • Follow-up Consultations: It is important to attend all follow-up appointments recommended by the professional.

In summary, the recovery time for thread tension is relatively short, with many patients returning to most of their normal activities within a week. However, it is crucial to follow the specific recommendations of the professional performing the procedure to ensure optimal recovery and effective results.

A good candidate for thread lifts is typically a person looking to improve the firmness and contour of their skin, but does not require or wish to undergo more invasive cosmetic surgery. Here are the general characteristics of good candidates:

Age and Skin Condition

  • Age: Ideal candidates are usually between 30 and 60 years old, although this can vary.
  • Skin Quality: Better results are seen in people with slight to moderate sagging skin. Threads are less effective on very sagging or thick skin.

Expectations and Objectives

  • Realistic Expectations: It is crucial to have realistic expectations about the results of treatment.
  • Aesthetic Goals: Ideal for those seeking a subtle lift and rejuvenation, rather than drastic changes.

General health

  • Good Physical Health: A good candidate should be in good general health, with no medical conditions that could complicate the procedure or recovery.
  • Non-smoking: Smoking can affect the healing and quality of the skin, so non-smokers tend to have better results.

Areas of interest

  • Specific Areas: Candidates may want to treat specific areas prone to sagging, such as the jaw, neck, cheeks, or eyebrows.


  • Medical Conditions: People with certain medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders, active infections in the area to be treated, or allergies to thread materials, may not be suitable candidates.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation: Pregnant or breast-feeding women are generally not candidates for this procedure.

Commitment to Post-Procedure Care

  • Willingness to Follow Instructions: It is important that patients are willing to follow post-procedure care instructions to maximize results and minimize risks.

A consultation with a qualified professional is essential to determine suitability for tension threads. The specialist will evaluate the individual skin characteristics, general health and aesthetic goals of the patient to decide if this treatment is the most suitable option.

Although thread lifts are generally safe and have a low risk profile, especially compared to more invasive surgical procedures, there are certain risks and potential side effects that patients should consider. These include:

Common Side Effects

  1. Swelling and Bruising: It is common to experience some swelling and bruising in the treated areas, especially in the first few days after the procedure.
  2. Redness: There may be temporary redness at the thread insertion site.
  3. Sensation of Tightness or Discomfort: Patients often feel a feeling of tightness or discomfort in the treated areas, which usually subsides in the days following treatment.

Minor Risks

  1. Infection: As with any procedure involving insertion through the skin, there is a risk of infection, although it is low.
  2. Asymmetry: There may be temporary asymmetry or irregularities in the skin due to thread placement or individual response to treatment.
  3. Palpability or Visibility of the Threads: In some cases, the threads may be palpable or slightly visible under the skin, especially if the skin is very thin.

Less Common Risks

  1. Allergic reaction: Although rare, some patients may have allergic reactions to the thread material.
  2. Nerve or Muscle Damage: There is a minimal risk of damage to the surrounding nerves or muscles, but this is rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified professional.
  3. Thread Migration or Extrusion: In rare cases, the threads may migrate from their original position or protrude through the skin.

Important considerations

  • Professional Selection: It is crucial to choose a qualified and experienced wire tension professional to minimize risks.
  • Prior Consultation: A detailed consultation before the procedure is essential to discuss the patient's health, expectations and possible risks.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Following post-procedure care instructions helps reduce the risk of complications and maximize results.


While the risks associated with thread lifts are relatively low, it is important that patients are fully informed about them and have realistic expectations before undergoing the procedure. Open and honest communication with the professional performing the treatment is key to ensuring a successful and safe result.

If you are looking for a high-quality aesthetic clinic for tension thread treatments, especially focused on aesthetic procedures of the breast, Aesophy Clinic It is an exceptional choice. Recognized as one of the aesthetic clinics with breast tension threads with best opinions, Clínica Aesophy stands out for its innovative approach and outstanding results.

The clinic has a team of aesthetic doctors specialized in tension threads, led by some of the best professionals in the field. These experts combine their vast experience and advanced knowledge to offer personalized treatments that adapt to the needs and expectations of each patient.

In the Aesophy Clinic, treatment with tightening threads is not only a technique to improve the aesthetics of the breast, but also focuses on rejuvenation and improving the quality of the skin, providing natural and harmonious results. The best aesthetic doctors in tension threads The clinic uses the safest materials and advanced techniques to ensure patient satisfaction and well-being.

When choosing the Aesophy Clinic For your thread treatment, you can expect not only exceptional service, but also personalized care and attention every step of the way. From the initial consultation to the post-treatment follow-up, the clinic is committed to offering a safe, comfortable and satisfactory experience.

If you would like more information or would like to schedule a consultation at Aesophy Clinic, recognized for its breast tightening thread treatments and for having best aesthetic doctor in tension threads, Do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the utmost confidence and care.

Contact Book appointment Tensor Threads Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Tensor Threads Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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