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Maxillofacial Surgery

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Transform your Identity with Facial Feminization at Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at Aesophy Clinic: Transform your Life with Renowned Experts

Are you looking for solutions to facial problems that affect your health and well-being? At Clínica Aesophy, our team of experts in maxillofacial surgery offers you comprehensive care, combining medical experience with the latest technology to provide optimal and personalized results. In Aesophy Clinic, leader in the field of maxillofacial Surgery, our team facial surgery experts is dedicated to transforming lives. With personalized treatments, we approach each case with the precision and care you deserve, ensuring results that not only improve your appearance, but also elevate your quality of life. Discover how our experience and cutting-edge technology can guide you to the best version of yourself.

Our services

We offer a wide range of maxillofacial surgery services to address everything from aesthetic needs to complex facial reconstructions:
  • Jaw Correction: Ideal for patients with misalignments that affect function and aesthetics.
  • Orthognathic surgery: Combines aesthetics and functionality to improve facial appearance.
  • Facial Reconstructive Surgery: We reconstruct areas affected by accidents, diseases or congenital defects, restoring functionality and aesthetics.

Why choose Aesophy Clinic?

Choosing us means choosing experts in maxillofacial surgery What do they use state-of-the-art technology in an environment of personalized attention. Our commitment is to offer you transformative results, supporting you every step of the way to recovery and self-confidence.

Patient Testimonials

Our patients speak for us. The stories of life transformation after our treatments are the best guarantee of the quality care that we provide. From functional improvements to aesthetic changes, each testimonial is a reflection of our dedication.

Consultation and Treatment Process

The initial consultation until post-operative follow-up, we accompany you at every stage of the process. Our approach is to create a personalized treatment plan that responds to your specific needs, ensuring a safe and satisfactory experience.

Contact and Consultation

You are one step away from starting your transformation. Schedule a consultation with us and discover how experts in maxillofacial surgery from Clínica Aesophy can help you achieve your goals. Get in touch via phone, email or complete our online form for more information.

Do you want to know more about maxillofacial surgery treatments at Clínica Aesophy?

Request a free information appointment at Clínica Aesophy and our experts will advise you in a personalized way, making a complete diagnosis of your case and designing a tailored treatment for you.

Contact our expert surgeons in Maxillofacial Surgery in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Maxillofacial Surgery

What is Maxillofacial Surgery?

Maxillofacial surgery, formally known as oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMF), is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, surgery and treatments related to a wide range of diseases, injuries and aesthetic aspects of the mouth, teeth, jaws. , the face, head and neck. It includes procedures ranging from complex tooth extractions to reconstructive surgeries of the jaw and face. Maxillofacial surgeons are highly trained to treat a variety of conditions that may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Congenital malformations: such as cleft lip and palate.
  2. facial injuries: repair facial bone fractures and facial soft tissue damage.
  3. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders: problems affecting the jaw joint.
  4. Oral pathologies: jaw tumors and cysts, as well as the treatment of head and neck cancers.
  5. Reconstructive and aesthetic facial surgery: procedures to correct facial deformities, improve facial aesthetics, or reconstruct areas affected by trauma or disease.
  6. Bone grafts and dental implantology: preparation of the bone for dental implants and placement of these to replace lost teeth.
  7. Orthognathic surgery: surgical correction of deformities of the facial and mandibular bones to improve the bite and facial aesthetics.

Surgeons practicing this specialty have completed advanced studies and training in dental medicine and often general medicine, followed by a specialized residency. This field requires in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy, surgical experience, and a detailed understanding of dental, medical, and surgical areas to offer comprehensive and specialized treatments that meet both functional and aesthetic needs.

Maxillofacial surgery addresses a wide range of problems affecting the mouth, teeth, jaws, face and neck. 

1. Complex Dental Problems

  • Extractions of impacted teeth: like wisdom teeth that have not erupted properly.
  • Dental implants: to replace missing teeth, providing a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing solution.

2. TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorders

  • Treatment of joint problems that can cause pain, difficulty chewing, and noises when moving the jaw.

3. Facial Injuries

  • Fracture repair: in the bones of the face, including the jaws, cheekbones, nose and orbits.
  • Reconstruction: after injuries from accidents or violence, restoring facial function and appearance.

4. Facial and Jaw Deformities

  • Orthognathic surgery: to correct irregularities in the facial and mandibular bones, improving the bite and facial aesthetics.
  • Correction of congenital malformations: such as cleft lip and palate, improving function and appearance.

5. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologies

  • Removal of cysts and tumors: in the mouth and jaw, including benign and malignant.
  • Treatment of infections: that affect the mouth, teeth and jaw bones.

6. Facial Reconstruction

  • Reconstructive surgery: after removal of tumors or to correct post-traumatic defects.
  • Aesthetic procedures: such as rhinoplasties, facelifts and blepharoplasties to improve appearance.

7. Occlusion and Bite Problems

  • Treatments to correct problems related to poor alignment of the teeth and jaws, affecting chewing and aesthetics.

Maxillofacial surgery combines advanced surgical skills with dental knowledge to offer comprehensive solutions to complex problems, significantly improving patients' quality of life. This specialty is crucial in treating conditions ranging from aesthetic needs to serious functional problems, ensuring results that not only improve function but also patient confidence and well-being.

Determining whether you need maxillofacial surgery involves evaluating a series of symptoms, conditions, and personal expectations. 

1. Persistent Mouth or Jaw Problems

If you experience constant pain, difficulty chewing, opening or closing your mouth, or have problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), you may benefit from a maxillofacial evaluation.

2. Impacted Teeth or Complex Dental Problems

The need to remove impacted teeth, such as wisdom teeth, or facing dental complications that go beyond standard treatments are indicative that you may need maxillofacial surgery.

3. Facial Trauma or Injuries

Accidents resulting in facial fractures, facial soft tissue injuries, or facial reconstruction needs suggest the intervention of a maxillofacial surgeon.

4. Facial or Jaw Deformities

If you have congenital deformities, such as a cleft lip or palate, or acquired deformities that affect your appearance and functionality, maxillofacial surgery can offer significant corrections.

5. Occlusion or Improper Bite Problems

Difficulties resulting from poor alignment of the teeth or jaws, which cannot be corrected with orthodontics alone, may require surgical intervention.

6. Need for Dental Implants

Tooth loss and the need for dental implants to restore chewing and aesthetic function are situations that a maxillofacial surgeon can address.

7. Growths or Lesions in the Mouth

The presence of cysts, tumors, or suspicious oral lesions, whether benign or malignant, requires evaluation and possible surgical intervention.

8. Consultation with Specialists

If your general dentist, orthodontist, or other specialist has referred you to a maxillofacial surgeon, it is a clear indication that your condition may require more specialized evaluation.

How to proceed

If you identify with any of these points, the next step is to consult an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. These specialists will perform a detailed evaluation of your case, which may include physical examinations, x-rays, and analysis of your medical and dental history, to determine the best treatment plan. Remember, early intervention can prevent future complications and significantly improve your quality of life.

The recovery process after maxillofacial surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed, the complexity of the surgery, and the patient's overall health. However, there are general guidelines and tips that can help optimize the recovery process. 

1. Follow Postoperative Instructions

  • It is crucial to follow the specific instructions given by your maxillofacial surgeon. This may include incision care, pain management, and dietary recommendations.

2. Pain management

  • Pain medications may be prescribed. It is important to take them as directed to keep pain under control and facilitate recovery.

3. Bland diet

  • Initially, a soft diet is recommended to avoid pressure or damage to the operated area. Foods like soups, purees, and smoothies are great options.

4. Oral hygiene

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene is vital to prevent infections. Rinsing with saline solutions or special antiseptics may be advised.

5. Rest and Limited Physical Activity

  • Rest is essential for a successful recovery. Avoid intense physical activities and sports that could compromise the affected area.

6. Hot and Cold Compresses

  • Applying cold compresses can help reduce swelling and bruising during the first few days. Afterwards, warm compresses can help reduce inflammation.

7. Medical monitoring

  • Attending all follow-up appointments is crucial to monitoring the healing process and addressing any complications early.

8. Warning Signs

  • Watch for signs of infection such as increased pain, swelling, redness, or discharge in the operated area, and fever. If these symptoms appear, contact your surgeon immediately.

9. Patience and Realistic Expectations

  • Complete recovery can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the surgery. Having patience and realistic expectations is essential.

10. Emotional Support

  • Seeking emotional support from friends, family, or support groups can be beneficial in managing the psychological aspects of recovery.

Each patient is unique, and therefore, the recovery process may vary. However, following these guidelines and maintaining open communication with your medical team can help you achieve a faster and more effective recovery.

The perception of pain associated with maxillofacial surgery can vary significantly from patient to patient, depending on the nature and complexity of the procedure, as well as individual pain tolerance. However, it is important to note that modern pain management and anesthetic techniques have advanced considerably, making most maxillofacial procedures much less painful than many patients anticipate. 

Before the surgery

  • Preoperative Evaluation: Maxillofacial surgeons perform a thorough evaluation to plan the procedure in a way that minimizes pain and discomfort.
  • Anesthesia: Depending on the procedure, local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia may be used to ensure that the patient does not feel pain during surgery.

During Surgery

  • The application of modern anesthetic techniques ensures that the patient is comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. In cases of general anesthesia, the patient will be asleep and will not feel anything.

After surgery

  • Postoperative Pain Management: After surgery, it is common to experience some discomfort and pain as the anesthesia wears off. However, this pain is effectively managed with medications prescribed by the surgeon, which may include pain relievers and, in some cases, anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Postoperative Care Instructions: Following postoperative care instructions, such as applying ice to reduce swelling and avoiding activities that may aggravate the operated area, also contributes to effective pain management.

Pain Management Strategies

  • Appropriate Medication: Taking medications as directed can control pain effectively.
  • Repose: Getting adequate rest and avoiding physical exertion helps in the healing process and reduces pain.
  • Home Care: Following home care recommendations, such as maintaining a soft diet and using mouthwashes if indicated, can facilitate a more comfortable recovery.

Communication with the Medical Team

  • It is crucial to communicate openly with the maxillofacial surgeon about pain expectations and discuss pain management options before and after the procedure. If postoperative pain is not adequately managed with prescribed medications, the doctor should be informed to adjust treatment.

In summary, although it is normal to have some concern about the pain associated with maxillofacial surgery, current pain management and postoperative care techniques make these procedures much more tolerable. The key to a more comfortable post-operative experience lies in good communication with the healthcare team and carefully following recovery instructions.

find the best clinic for maxillofacial surgery near you It can be a challenge, but if you are looking for excellence, personalized attention and cutting-edge technology, Aesophy Clinic It stands out as your ideal option.

Conveniently located to serve patients in the region, Aesophy Clinic es recognized for its team of renowned maxillofacial surgeonse, committed to delivering transformative results and exceptional care.

We pride ourselves on using the most advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure safe, effective procedures with the best possible results.

Whether you need a facial reconstructive surgery, jaw correction or any other maxillofacial procedure, en Aesophy Clinic You will find a unique combination of expertise, innovation and a compassionate approach. Our goal is to not only improve your appearance, but also your quality of life, offering you an experience that exceeds your expectations.

Visit Aesophy Clinic, where excellence in maxillofacial surgery is closer than you think.

Book Appointment Contact Maxillofacial Surgery Málaga

Clinic No. 1 Maxillofacial Surgery

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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