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cheek filler

Do you want defined and highlighted cheekbones that enhance your natural beauty? Do not look any further! You are about to discover the amazing secret to achieving perfect cheekbones and elegantly contouring your face. In this article, as an expert in aesthetic treatments, I will guide you through everything you need to know about cheek filler treatments. From the benefits of highlighting the cheekbones to the different types of fillers and the results you can expect, here you will find all the information you need to achieve a more attractive and balanced facial appearance. Get ready to discover how well-defined cheekbones can enhance your beauty and boost your confidence.

Cheek Filler

Cheek filler is an aesthetic procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the bone structure of the face by adding volume and definition in the cheekbone area.

Benefits of Filling Cheekbones

Some of the benefits of cheek fillers include:

A. Improvement of facial contour: highlight your cheekbones for a more balanced look
Well-defined cheekbones can help improve facial contours and provide a more balanced appearance. By filling in and highlighting the cheekbones, a lifting effect can be created in the mid-face, helping to balance facial features and improve overall proportion. This can result in a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

B. Facial rejuvenation: restore the volume lost due to aging
With aging, it is common for the cheekbones to lose volume and become flatter. This can make the face look tired and dull. Cheek fillers can help combat this problem by restoring lost volume and restoring a fresher, more youthful appearance to the face. By augmenting the cheekbones, wrinkles and folds around this area can be smoothed out, contributing to a more rejuvenated appearance.

C. Youthful and attractive appearance: create a harmonious facial structure
Well-defined cheekbones are a trait associated with beauty and youth. By highlighting them, a more attractive and youthful appearance can be achieved. High, pronounced cheekbones can help create a more attractive facial structure by enhancing facial features, such as the eyes and lips. This can improve facial symmetry and draw attention to the most desirable areas of the face.

D. Increased confidence: feel safe and empowered with your appearance
Well-defined cheekbones can have a significant impact on personal confidence. By improving facial appearance and highlighting the cheekbones, many people experience a boost in their self-esteem and confidence. Feeling confident / or with your appearance can have a positive effect on all aspects of your life, from social interactions to the professional field.

What substance is better to fill cheekbones?

There are several options for fillers to improve the appearance of the cheekbones. The choice of the best substance depends on the needs and goals of each person, as well as the doctor's recommendations.

Some of the most commonly used fillers for cheekbones include:

  1. Hyaluronic acid: is a temporary dermal filler that can enhance the volume and shape of the cheekbones. Results can last from 6 to 18 months, depending on the product used and the person.

  2. Calcium hydroxyapatite: is a dermal filler used to increase the volume and firmness of the cheekbones. Results can last 12 to 18 months.

  3. Polylactic acid: It is a filling substance that stimulates the production of natural collagen in the body to improve the volume and firmness of the cheekbones. Results can last 1-2 years.

  4. Patient's own fat: It is a surgical option in which the patient's own fat is used as filler for the cheekbones. The results can be permanent, but the procedure is more invasive than non-surgical options.

How do I know if I need cheek fillers?

La need for cheek filler it can vary from person to person and will depend on individual facial structure, age, changes in weight, lifestyle, and other factors. However, there are some signs that may indicate the need for cheek fillers, such as:

  1. Loss of volume in the cheekbones: With aging, volume is lost in the bony and soft tissues of the face, which can make the cheekbones appear less prominent. If you have noticed a decrease in the volume of your cheekbones and a flatter or sunken appearance, it may be an indication of the need for cheek fillers.

  2. Asymmetric cheekbones: If one of your cheekbones is larger or more prominent than the other, it may be necessary to fill in the smaller cheekbone to achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

  3. Sunken dark circles: Sunken dark circles can make the cheekbones appear less prominent and may indicate the need for fillers in that area.

  4. Desire for aesthetic improvement: If you simply want to enhance the appearance of your cheekbones for a more youthful or defined look, you may be a good candidate for cheek fillers.

How long does cheek filler last?

The duration of the cheek filler can vary depending on the substance used and the individual characteristics of each person. In general, cheek fillers can last anywhere from a few months to several years.

Hyaluronic acid is a temporary dermal filler that can last anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Calcium hydroxyapatite can last 12-18 months while polylactic acid can last 1-2 years. The patient's own fat, which is used as surgical filler, can provide permanent results, but the amount of fat that is retained can vary.

It is important to take into account that the duration of the cheek filler can also depend on the individual metabolism of each person, as well as the degree of physical activity and exposure to the sun that they have. In addition, the quality of the product used and the technique of the physician applying it may affect the duration of the results.

What to expect during and after treatment cheek filler

A. Initial consultation and personalization of the treatment Before carrying out the cheekbone filler, an initial consultation will be carried out with the aesthetic professional. During this consultation, your cheekbones will be assessed and your goals and expectations will be discussed. Your professional will explain the procedure in detail, provide personalized recommendations, and help you make informed decisions about the right type of filler and amount to achieve your desired results.

B. Cheek Filler Procedure and aftercare The cheek filler procedure is performed in the aesthetic professional's clinic. Prior to treatment, a topical or local anesthetic may be applied to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. The filler will then be carefully injected into the cheekbones, following the instructions agreed upon during the initial consultation.

During the procedure, you may experience some discomfort or tenderness in the treated area, but most patients find it tolerable. After treatment, it is common to experience some swelling, redness, or tenderness in the cheekbones, which usually subsides within a few days. Your practitioner will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and wearing heavy makeup for a certain amount of time.

C. Results and duration of treatment The results of cheek fillers are visible immediately, but it is important to note that initial swelling can affect the final appearance. As the puffiness subsides, you'll be able to fully appreciate the results, including more defined and highlighted cheekbones.

The duration of the results varies according to the type of filler used and the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, hyaluronic acid fillers last between 6 and 18 months, while calcium hydroxyapatite can last up to two years or more. To maintain long-term results, periodic touch-ups may be required, following professional recommendations.

Now you have all the necessary information about cheek filler treatments. From the use of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to the initial consultation and aftercare, you've learned how this procedure can help you safely and effectively highlight your cheekbones and improve facial contour.

Book appointment for cheek filler treatment

Don't settle for cheekbones that don't reflect your inner beauty. Book an appointment with our aesthetic treatment experts and discover how we can help you achieve perfectly contoured and highlighted cheekbones. Our team of qualified professionals will assess your facial features, discuss your goals, and offer you a personalized treatment plan for natural, satisfying results.

Do not wait any longer to show off defined and highlighted cheekbones. Book your appointment today and discover how cheek filler treatments can transform your appearance and boost your confidence. Click here to book your appointment and take the first step towards perfect cheekbones and a more balanced facial contour. Don't let anything stop you from showing off your best version. We are waiting for you with the best treatments and personalized attention in our aesthetic center!

Malaga cheek filler price 

Are you ready to highlight your cheekbones and improve your facial contour? Book your appointment right now and discover how our aesthetic treatment experts can help you achieve perfect cheekbones and a more balanced look. Click here to book your appointment and take the first step towards a more attractive and confident facial appearance. Don't wait any longer to show off your best version. We are waiting for you with open arms in our aesthetic treatment center!

contact our doctors specialized in cheek fillers

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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