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Perfect glutes Discover the Brazilian Butt Lift BBL at Clínica Aesophy

Do you want perfect glutes? Discover the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) at Clínica Aesophy

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Do you dream of firm, voluminous and harmoniously shaped buttocks? El Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) It is the ideal solution to help you get the butt of your dreams. In Aesophy Clinic, we are experts in this technique and we offer you a personalized and safe treatment to obtain incredible results. In the constant search for body harmony and self-confidence, the contour and appearance of our buttocks play a fundamental role. The Aesophy Clinic, leader in aesthetic innovations, offers you the definitive solution to achieve that desired silhouette: the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). This procedure, which combines the removal of unwanted fat with butt shaping, has become one of the most popular and effective options for those seeking to improve their figure in a significant and natural way.

What is the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

BBL is a body contouring procedure that improves the shape and size of the buttocks without implants. Using the fat transfer technique, fat is removed from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, back or thighs, using liposuction. This fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks, providing a more rounded, voluptuous and natural appearance. The BBL is a cosmetic surgery technique that consists of increase the volume and improve the shape of the buttocks. It is done by transferring fat from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, to the gluteal region.

What are the advantages of BBL?

  • Natural and long-lasting results: The BBL uses the patient's own fat, which guarantees a natural and long-lasting result.
  • Improves the shape and volume of the buttocks: The BBL allows you to increase the volume of the buttocks and improve their shape, creating a more harmonious silhouette.
  • Safe and effective technique: BBL is a safe and effective technique that is performed in the operating room by an experienced plastic surgeon.
  • Fast recovery: Recovery from BBL is relatively quick, and most patients can return to normal activities within a few days.

Who is a good candidate for the BBL?

The BBL is a good option for people who:

  • They want to increase the volume of their buttocks.
  • They want to improve the shape of their buttocks.
  • They are in good health and have no contraindications for surgery.

How is the BBL performed?

BBL is performed under general anesthesia and usually lasts between 2 and 4 hours. The procedure consists of:
  • Liposuction: Fat is extracted from other areas of the patient's body, such as the abdomen or thighs.
  • Preparation of fat: The extracted fat is processed to purify it and prepare it for injection.
  • Fat injection: The purified fat is injected into the patient's buttocks, following a pre-established plan to create the desired shape.

What care should be taken after BBL?

After BBL, it is important to follow the plastic surgeon's instructions, which generally include:
  • Wear a compression garment for several weeks.
  • Avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks.
  • Perform lymphatic drainage.
  • Do not do intense physical exercise for several weeks.

Benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift

  • Improved Body Proportion: Adjust the size of your buttocks to your body frame, creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing silhouette.
  • Natural Results: By using your own fat, the results feel and look natural.
  • Double Benefit: Reduce unwanted fat in other areas of the body while improving your buttocks.
  • Relatively Quick Recovery: Although specific postoperative care is needed, many patients return to normal activities after a few weeks.

Why choose Aesophy Clinic for your BBL?

Experience and Professionalism: Our plastic surgeons are highly qualified and have vast experience in performing BBL procedures, ensuring optimal, personalized results for each patient. Advanced technology: We use the most advanced techniques and technologies for liposuction and fat transfer, minimizing the risk and maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment. Personalized Attention: We understand that each body is unique. Therefore, we offer a detailed consultation to understand your wishes and needs, designing a treatment plan that meets your expectations. Safety and Comfort: The safety of our patients is our priority. Our facilities are equipped to provide a comfortable and safe experience throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to postoperative follow-up.

Testimonials from Satisfied Patients

Nothing speaks louder than the words of our patients. Many have transformed not only their appearance but also their self-esteem and quality of life after their BBL procedure at Clínica Aesophy. Their stories are a testament to the commitment and excellence with which we approach each treatment.

Preparing for your BBL

Before your procedure, it is crucial to follow the recommendations of our specialists to ensure the best possible result. This includes maintaining a stable weight, not smoking, and eating a balanced diet. During your consultation, we will discuss all the steps necessary to prepare for the procedure and what you can expect during recovery. At Aesophy Clinic, we offer you a comprehensive BBL treatment that includes:
  • Personalized medical assessment: An experienced plastic surgeon will analyze your case and recommend the best treatment to obtain the desired results.
  • Surgery in the operating room with the highest safety standards.
  • Personalized postoperative follow-up: We will accompany you throughout the recovery process and provide you with the necessary support so that you obtain the best results.
Don't wait any longer to get the glutes you've always wanted. Book your appointment today at Clínica Aesophy and discover how we can help you achieve the butt of your dreams. Keywords: Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), perfect buttocks, buttock augmentation, Aesophy Clinic, Malaga, aesthetic surgery, natural results, quick recovery, BBL candidates, BBL procedure, BBL postoperative care.


If you are considering improving the appearance of your buttocks and are looking for a safe, natural and effective solution, the Brazilian Butt Lift at Clínica Aesophy could be the perfect option for you. With our personalized approach, experience and dedication to patient safety and satisfaction, we will help you.
  • Book your appointment today and find out how we can help you achieve the butt of your dreams.
  • Visit our website to learn more about the BBL.
  • Follow us on social networks to stay up to date with our latest news.

Frequently Asked Questions Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

What exactly is the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed with the goal of increasing and improving the shape and contour of the buttocks. This procedure has become very popular in recent years due to the growing demand for a more rounded and slimmer butt. Here I will explain in detail what the BBL consists of:

  1. Liposuction: The procedure begins with liposuction, in which fat is removed from specific donor areas of the patient's body. These areas typically include the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and thighs. Liposuction is performed to harvest fat that will later be used to augment the buttocks.

  2. Fat Processing: The fat removed during liposuction is processed and purified. This involves separating fat cells from other fluids and tissues to obtain pure fat that can be used for buttock augmentation.

  3. Fat Injection in the Buttocks: Once processed, the purified fat is carefully injected into the patient's buttocks. Plastic surgeons use precise techniques to distribute fat evenly and create the desired shape. This process usually involves multiple injections into different areas of the buttocks to achieve a smooth, natural contour.

  4. Modeling and Contouring: During the fat injection process, the surgeon shapes and contours the buttocks to achieve the desired shape. This may include creating a butt lift and improving projection.

  5. Recovery and Postoperative Care: After the procedure, the patient undergoes a recovery period. Specific instructions are provided regarding post-operative care, including avoiding sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for a specific period of time. This allows the grafted fat to settle properly and have a higher survival rate.

It is important to note that BBL is a surgical procedure that must be performed by an experienced and certified plastic surgeon. It is also crucial that the patient have realistic expectations about the results and understand the risks associated with the surgery.

The Brazilian Butt Lift offers the added benefit of using the patient's own fat instead of implants, which can provide a more natural look and feel. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, such as infection, bleeding, or complications related to liposuction.

The duration of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the amount of fat to be grafted, and the technique used by the plastic surgeon. However, on average, the BBL usually takes between 2 to 4 hours.

Here is an approximate breakdown of how long each stage of the procedure may take:

  1. Liposuction: This is the first part of the procedure and usually takes 1 to 2 hours. The exact time will depend on the amount of fat to be removed and the areas of the body to be treated. Liposuction involves harvesting fat from donor areas, such as the abdomen, flanks, lower back, or thighs.

  2. Fat Processing: Fat processing and purification generally takes 30 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, the extracted fat is purified to separate the fat cells from other fluids and tissues.

  3. Fat Injection in the Buttocks: Injecting the processed fat into the buttocks may take an additional 1 to 2 hours, depending on the amount of fat to be injected and the complexity of the buttock shaping and contouring.

  4. Incision Closure: After the fat injection, the liposuction incisions are closed, which may take a few additional minutes.

In total, consider that the entire BBL procedure generally lasts around 2 to 4 hours, although it may be shorter or longer depending on individual circumstances. It is important to remember that, in addition to the time in the operating room, you will have a recovery period before returning to your normal activities.

It is crucial to discuss the length of the procedure and specific details with your plastic surgeon during the initial consultation. Each case is unique, and the surgeon will provide you with a more accurate estimate based on your personal needs and goals. Additionally, the surgeon will give you detailed instructions on post-operative care and recovery after BBL.

The level of pain experienced during a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure can vary from person to person and is influenced by several factors, including individual pain tolerance, the amount of fat grafted, and the technique used by the surgeon. However, in general, BBL is described as a procedure that causes discomfort or uncomfortable sensations rather than severe pain.

Below are some aspects related to pain in a BBL:

  1. Local Anesthesia and Sedation: During BBL, local anesthesia and, in some cases, sedation are used to keep the patient comfortable and pain-free during liposuction and fat injection. This means that you will be in a state of semi-sedation or conscious sedation during the procedure, which reduces the perception of pain.

  2. Discomfort and Sensations of Pressure: You may experience discomfort, sensations of pressure or tingling during liposuction and fat injection. These sensations are normal and are usually more uncomfortable than painful. The surgeon and surgical team will be attentive to ensure your comfort and minimize any discomfort.

  3. Postoperative Pain Medication: After the procedure, it is common to experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort at the liposuction and fat injection sites. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain medications and provide guidelines for their use. These medications will help control discomfort during the recovery phase.

  4. Recovery and Postoperative Care: How you handle recovery and follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions can also influence your comfort level. It is important to avoid sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for a specific period of time to allow the grafted fat to settle properly.

In summary, BBL is not considered extremely painful, but it is common to experience discomfort and uncomfortable sensations during and after the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will take measures to minimize pain and ensure your well-being. Be sure to discuss your pain concerns with your surgeon during your initial consultation so you can be prepared and comfortable before undergoing BBL.

Recovery after a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) varies depending on the patient and their ability to heal, but on average, certain milestones can be expected during the recovery process. Here is a general guide to how long it takes to recover from BBL:

  1. First Days (0-7 days):

    • During the first few days after BBL, it is common to experience swelling, tenderness, and discomfort in the areas where liposuction and fat injection were performed.
    • There may be significant swelling in the buttocks, as well as in the donor areas where liposuction was performed.
    • You will be provided with a compression garment that you will need to wear consistently for at least the first 2-4 weeks to help reduce swelling and shape your buttocks.
    • It is recommended to avoid sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for at least 2-3 weeks to allow the grafted fat to settle properly.
  2. Weeks 2-6:

    • During this period, swelling and tenderness will gradually decrease.
    • You can expect progressive recovery and feel more comfortable over time.
    • You will continue to wear the compression garment as directed by your surgeon.
  3. Months 2-3:

    • Most patients are able to return to most of their normal activities after 2-3 months.
    • As the swelling subsides, you will begin to see the final results of the BBL, although the fat grafted may change slightly over time.
    • You will be given specific instructions about when you can resume exercise and more intense activities.
  4. Final Results (6-12 months):

    • The final results of the BBL will be seen after 6-12 months as the grafted fat stabilizes and settles completely.
    • At this stage, you can enjoy your new contours and improved buttock appearance.

It is important to follow your plastic surgeon's post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a safe and optimal recovery. This includes wearing the compression garment, taking prescribed medication, and avoiding sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for the recommended amount of time. It is also essential to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure that everything is progressing appropriately.

Remember that recovery can vary by individual, and some people may recover faster than others. Always communicate any concerns or questions about your recovery to your plastic surgeon for proper guidance.

The final results of a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) will usually be seen after a period of time that can vary by patient, but in most cases, final results can be expected approximately 6 to 12 months after the procedure. Here's why it takes this long to see final results:

  1. Settlement of the Grafted Fat: After BBL, the fat that has been grafted into the buttocks needs time to settle and establish itself in its new location. During the first weeks and months, some of the grafted fat may be reabsorbed by the body. This is normal and expected to occur to some extent. The fat settling process is gradual.

  2. Resolution of Inflammation and Swelling: During the first few weeks after BBL, it is common to experience inflammation and swelling in the buttocks and donor areas where liposuction was performed. This inflammation and swelling can partially hide the final results. As inflammation and swelling decrease, the results become more evident.

  3. Body Recovery: The body's recovery process is gradual. During the first few months, subtle changes may be experienced as the skin adapts to the new shape and any irregularities resolve. The results will continue to improve as time goes by.

  4. Postoperative Care and Follow-up: It is important to follow your plastic surgeon's postoperative instructions, including wearing the compression garment and avoiding sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for the recommended period. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon are also essential to make sure everything is progressing properly.

  5. Genetics and Individual Factors: The speed at which you see final results can also be influenced by your genetics and your ability to heal. Some people may experience faster results than others.

In summary, although you will see an immediate improvement in the shape and contour of your buttocks after BBL, the final results will require time to fully develop. Patience is key, and it is important not to rush to judge the results during the first few weeks. Your plastic surgeon will provide guidance on appropriate follow-up and explain when you can expect to see the final results of your BBL.

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and complications. It is important that anyone considering undergoing a BBL is informed about these risks. Here are some of the risks associated with the BBL:

  1. Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision sites or in the areas where liposuction was performed. Surgeons take steps to reduce this risk, such as using sterile techniques and administering antibiotics as needed.

  2. Anesthesia Complications: The anesthesia used during BBL carries its own risks. This may include adverse reactions to anesthesia, although these are rare. Qualified plastic surgeons are trained to safely administer anesthesia.

  3. Excessive Bleeding: There may be a risk of excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. Surgeons monitor bleeding during surgery and can take steps to minimize it.

  4. Respiratory Complications: In some cases, the injected fat can enter the blood vessels and travel to the lungs, known as a fat embolism. This is a serious and life-threatening complication, but it is extremely rare.

  5. Skin Irregularities: After BBL, irregularities may form on the skin, such as lumps or depressions. These may require additional correction.

  6. Fat Necrosis: Grafted fat may not survive completely at all injection sites, which may result in areas of fat necrosis or fat loss. This can affect the final results.

  7. Abnormal healing: There may be scarring at the liposuction sites. The appearance of scars depends largely on genetics and the way the body heals.

  8. Fat Reabsorption: Some of the grafted fat may be reabsorbed by the body, which may affect the duration of results.

  9. Unsatisfactory Results: Despite careful planning and execution, results may not be completely satisfactory for all patients. The shape and size of the buttocks may vary.

  10. Asymmetry: There may be slight asymmetry in the buttocks after the procedure.

  11. Allergic reactions: In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the materials used in surgery may occur.

Importantly, choosing a certified and experienced plastic surgeon is essential to minimize these risks and ensure a safe and successful procedure. Your surgeon should provide you with detailed information about the risks and safety measures that will be taken before surgery.

Before making a decision, you should discuss your concerns and expectations with your plastic surgeon and follow all post-operative instructions to optimize recovery and results.

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is not considered a permanent procedure in the sense that the results can change over time due to various factors. Below are some important aspects about the duration and evolution of BBL results:

  1. Duration of Results: The results of BBL are semi-permanent in the sense that they can last for several years. However, they are not permanent for life. The duration of results varies depending on the patient and her lifestyle. On average, results are expected to last 2 to 5 years or even longer.

  2. Fat Settlement Process: After BBL, the grafted fat needs time to settle and establish itself in its new location. During the first few months, some of the fat may be reabsorbed by the body, which can affect the fullness of the buttocks. As time passes, the grafted fat that survives tends to remain more stable.

  3. Changes in Body Weight: Significant changes in body weight can affect BBL results. Gaining or losing weight significantly can influence the shape and size of your buttocks. Maintaining a stable weight can help maintain results for longer.

  4. Aging and Body Changes: Over time, the body experiences natural changes related to aging, loss of skin elasticity and redistribution of fat. These changes can influence the appearance of the buttocks over time.

  5. Postoperative care: Compliance with postoperative instructions, such as wearing the compression garment and avoiding sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for the recommended period, may influence the duration of the results.

  6. Genetics: Each individual's genetics can also influence the duration of BBL results.

It is important for patients to understand that BBL results are not permanent for life and that maintenance will be required if they wish to maintain their improved appearance. Some patients opt for touch-ups or additional procedures in the future to maintain their desired results.

To maximize the duration of your results, it is essential to follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations and lead a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. If you are considering a BBL, be sure to discuss your expectations and concerns about the longevity of your results with your plastic surgeon during your initial consultation.

After a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), it is important to follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations about when and how you can sit. The main reason for limiting the time you can sit or lie directly on your buttocks is to allow the grafted fat to settle properly in its new location and have a higher survival rate. Here are some general guidelines for when and how you can sit after a BBL:

  1. Immediate Period After BBL (2-3 weeks):

    • In the first 2-3 weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sitting directly on the buttocks as much as possible.
    • During this period, it is common for patients to use special pillows or cushions to relieve pressure on the buttocks when sitting. These cushions help distribute weight more evenly.
  2. Supported Sitting Position (3-8 weeks):

    • After the first 2-3 weeks, your plastic surgeon will provide you with guidance on when and how you can sit more normally.
    • You may be allowed to sit with a special cushion that prevents direct pressure on your buttocks for an additional time (usually 3 to 8 weeks).
  3. Continuous Recovery (8 weeks and up):

    • As recovery progresses, you will be allowed to sit and lie down more normally, as directed by your surgeon.
    • It is important to continue using the special cushion for the recommended amount of time even when you are allowed to sit normally.
  4. Follow the Surgeon's Instructions:

    • Each surgeon may have specific guidelines for when and how you can sit after BBL. It is essential to follow these instructions exactly to ensure a safe recovery and optimal results.

Importantly, sitting restrictions are implemented to protect the grafted fat and optimize results. Failure to follow these guidelines may increase the risk that the fat will not survive and be reabsorbed.

Before undergoing BBL, you should discuss recovery guidelines and limited sitting time in detail with your plastic surgeon. You should also follow all post-operative recommendations to ensure a successful recovery and long-lasting results.

Determining whether you are a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) involves considering several factors, and it is important that these are evaluated by a qualified plastic surgeon during a consultation. However, here are some general criteria that may indicate whether you might be a good candidate for the BBL:

  1. Good General Health: You must be in good general health to undergo surgery. Your surgeon will evaluate your medical history and perform a physical examination to ensure there are no medical conditions that could increase surgical risks.

  2. Realistic Expectations: You should have realistic expectations about the results of the BBL. BBL can improve the shape and contour of your buttocks, but it cannot drastically transform your body. A plastic surgeon will explain what results you can expect.

  3. Enough Fat for Liposuction: BBL involves liposuction of fat from donor areas, such as the abdomen, flanks, lower back, or thighs. You should have enough fat in these areas so that it can be collected and used for buttock augmentation.

  4. Elastic Skin: The skin on the buttocks must be elastic enough to accommodate the grafted fat. If you have extremely lax or sagging skin, BBL may not be the best option and another procedure may be more suitable.

  5. Stable Weight: It is recommended that your weight is stable before undergoing BBL. Significant changes in body weight may affect the results.

  6. No Smoking: Smoking can increase surgical risks and affect the healing of incisions. Surgeons often recommend quitting smoking before the procedure.

  7. Compliance with Postoperative Instructions: You must be willing to follow all postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon, including the use of the compression garment and sitting restrictions.

  8. Consultation with a Qualified Plastic Surgeon: An evaluation by a plastic surgeon is essential to determine if you are a good candidate for BBL. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your goals, evaluate your anatomy, and provide you with personalized recommendations.

Remember that each person is unique, and the decision to undergo a BBL should be based on an individualized evaluation by an experienced plastic surgeon. If you are considering a BBL, I recommend scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, concerns, and obtain a complete evaluation of your suitability for the procedure.

Contact Book appointment Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Malaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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