medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

hair transplant Aesophy Clinic Better than Türkiye

Thinking about a Hair Transplant in Türkiye? Discover Why Aesophy Málaga Clinic is Your Best Option

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Are you considering a hair transplant in Türkiye? If so, you know that post-operative care is as crucial as the surgery itself to ensure optimal results. This is where Aesophy Malaga Clinic It becomes your indispensable ally. In this article, we will explain why choosing us for your post-transplant care is the best decision.

At Clínica Aesophy we are experts in Hair Transplantation

1. Experts in Post-Hair Transplant Care At Clínica Aesophy Málaga, we specialize in providing exceptional post-operative care for patients who have had a hair transplant. Our team of highly qualified professionals understands the specific needs after a procedure of this type.

2. Personalized Treatments for Optimal Recovery We offer a range of personalized treatments that speed recovery, reduce inflammation and improve scalp health. These treatments are designed to complement and enhance the results of your hair transplant.

3. Advanced Technology and Innovative Techniques We use the most advanced technology and innovative techniques to ensure your scalp receives the best possible care, providing an optimal environment for new hair growth.

4. Comprehensive and Continuous Care Our commitment goes beyond treatments. In Aesophy Malaga Clinic, we provide you with comprehensive and continuous care, ensuring that all your doubts and concerns are addressed throughout the recovery process.

5. Convenient Location and Pleasant Environment Located in the heart of Malaga, our clinic offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for all your post-hair transplant treatments.

Are you thinking about traveling to Turkey to undergo a hair transplant? Do you know that you can achieve the same or better results without leaving Spain?

En Aesophy Malaga Clinic We offer you a quality, safe and personalized treatment to recover your hair and your self-esteem.

Turkey has become the most popular destination for hair tourism, due to its low prices and the wide range of clinics that perform this intervention. However, not everything is as pretty as it seems. Many patients who have traveled to Turkey to get their hair done have suffered complications, unsatisfactory results or even fraud.

Some of the risks of going to Türkiye to get hair are:

  • Lack of health and legal guarantees: many Turkish clinics do not meet the quality and safety standards required in Europe. Furthermore, in case something goes wrong, you will not have any type of legal protection or right to complain.
  • Unqualified personnel: in many cases, hair transplantation is not performed by a specialized doctor, but by a technician or an assistant without adequate training. This can cause errors, infections, scarring, or an unnatural appearance.
  • Uncertain results: Turkish clinics often promise high hair density and quick recovery, but the reality is that the success of the transplant depends on many factors, such as the quality of the donor, the technique used, the design of the frontal line, the postoperative care, etc. Many patients are left with bare areas, poorly placed grafts, or an artificial appearance.
  • Hidden costs: the price of a hair transplant in Turkey may seem very attractive, but it must be taken into account that it does not include the costs of transportation, accommodation, food, medication, check-ups, etc. Furthermore, if the result is not as expected, you will have to bear the cost of a second intervention or corrective treatment.

For all these reasons, we recommend that you choose Clínica Aesophy Málaga for your hair transplant. We are a clinic specialized in aesthetic and hair medicine, with more than 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied patients. We offer you:

  • Health and legal guarantees: our clinic meets all the quality and safety requirements demanded in Spain and the European Union. In addition, we have civil liability insurance and we offer you a written contract with all the conditions of the treatment.
  • Qualified personnel: the hair transplant is performed by Dr. Aesophy, a doctor specializing in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, with extensive training and experience in hair transplantation. In addition, he has a team of professionals who assist him at all times.
  • Natural results: our goal is to achieve a hair transplant that adapts to your characteristics, expectations and needs. To do this, we carry out a prior study of your case, we advise you on the best technique (FUE or FUSS), we design a harmonious frontal line and we perform a hair graft with the maximum density and naturalness possible.
  • Transparent costs: the price of the hair transplant at Clínica Aesophy Málaga is competitive and in line with the service we offer. In addition, we give you a closed budget without surprises, which includes all treatment expenses, from the first consultation to the medical discharge.

Don't hesitate and request your free appointment at Clínica Aesophy Málaga. We are waiting for you with open arms and with the hope of helping you regain your hair and your confidence. You deserve the best!


Choose Aesophy Malaga Clinic for your post-hair transplant care and enjoy a calm and effective recovery, with the confidence of being in the hands of experts. Contact us for more information and to plan your path to successful recovery and exceptional results.

Ready to begin your recovery journey with us? Contact us today and take the first step towards the post-hair transplant care you deserve!

Why choose Spain better than Türkiye for a hair transplant?

Choosing Spain over Turkey for a hair transplant can be a wise decision for several reasons, especially if you live in Europe or nearby regions. Here are some of the key reasons:

  1. Quality of Medical Care: Spain is known for its high quality in medical care, including hair treatments. Medical professionals in Spain are usually highly qualified and are often leaders in the research and application of new techniques in the field of hair transplantation.

  2. Strict Health Regulations: Spain has strict health regulations and quality standards in medical practice. This ensures that treatments are performed under safe conditions, with sterile equipment and in appropriate facilities.

  3. Comfort and Proximity: For residents of Europe, traveling to Spain is more convenient in terms of distance and logistics. This is especially important for follow-up visits or if additional care is required after treatment.

  4. Fewer Language and Cultural Barriers: If you are a Spanish speaker or come from a European country, you may encounter fewer language and cultural barriers in Spain. Communication is key in any medical procedure.

  5. Transparent Costs and Consumer Protection: In Spain, patients can benefit from greater cost transparency and consumer protection laws. This can provide greater certainty regarding expenses and quality of service.

  6. Recovery in a Family Environment: Recovering in a country closer to home can be more comfortable and less stressful. Additionally, having family and friends around can be beneficial during the recovery process.

  7. Follow-up and Postoperative Care: Follow-up is a crucial part of the hair transplant process. Performing the procedure in Spain facilitates follow-up visits and ensures better continuity in postoperative care.

  8. High Quality Medical Tourism: Spain has become a popular destination for medical tourism, combining high-quality treatments with the opportunity to enjoy its rich culture, gastronomy and landscapes.

When making the decision of where to perform a hair transplant, it is important to consider all of these factors, in addition to doing extensive research on the clinic and professionals who will perform the procedure.

La Aesophy Malaga Clinic in Spain offers several advantages compared to performing a hair transplant procedure in Turkey, especially for those patients who reside in Spain or other European countries. These advantages include:

  1. Convenient Location: For patients living in Europe, traveling to Malaga is more accessible in terms of logistics and travel costs. This also facilitates follow-up and post-procedure consultations.

  2. Personalized Attention: Clínica Aesophy Málaga stands out for offering more personalized care adapted to the individual needs of each patient, ensuring high quality service and close follow-up.

  3. Quality of Medical Professionals: At Clínica Aesophy, the procedures are performed by highly qualified and experienced doctors in the field of hair transplantation, thus guaranteeing optimal and safe results.

  4. High Quality and Safety Standards: The clinic meets rigorous quality and health safety standards, ensuring a safe and sterile environment for the procedure.

  5. Lower Language Barrier: For Spanish speakers, receiving treatment in Malaga eliminates language barriers, facilitating better communication with the medical team and a clear understanding of the entire process.

  6. Recovery in a Family Environment: The possibility of recovering in a familiar environment close to home can contribute to a more comfortable and less stressful experience.

  7. Postoperative Follow-up and Continuing Care: Aesophy Clinic offers exhaustive postoperative follow-up, ensuring that any concerns or complications are addressed quickly.

  8. Tourist Experience: Málaga, with its pleasant climate, rich culture and beautiful landscapes, offers an excellent opportunity to combine medical treatment with a pleasant tourist experience.

  9. Transparency in Costs and Procedures: The clinic provides a clear explanation of the costs and details of the procedure, ensuring patients are well informed before making a decision.

  10. Advanced technology: Aesophy Clinic uses cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques in its hair transplant procedures, which is essential to obtain the best results.

Choose Aesophy Malaga Clinic For a hair transplant it means opting for quality care, a more comfortable and personalized experience, and the peace of mind of being in the hands of expert professionals.

At Clínica Aesophy Málaga, they use advanced hair transplant techniques, including the technique FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and IHD technique (Direct Hair Implantation), also known as hair transplant technique without shaving. These techniques represent the latest in hair restoration technology and offer numerous benefits.

Features of the FUE technique:

  1. Minimally Invasive: FUE involves the individual extraction of hair follicles from donor areas, making it minimally invasive.
  2. No Linear Scars: Does not leave large linear scars, allowing short hair to be worn without visible scars.
  3. Fast recovery: Patients usually have a quick recovery period with less pain.
  4. Natural Results: Allows precise placement of follicles for a natural look.
  5. Less Postoperative Pain: Due to its less invasive nature, there is less post-operative pain and discomfort.
  6. High Efficiency: High success rate in the growth of transplanted follicles.

Characteristics of the DHI technique:

  1. No need to shave: Ideal for those who prefer not to shave their hair, as it allows you to work on the area without having to cut the existing hair.
  2. Improved Accuracy: It uses a special instrument, the "DHI Implanter", which allows greater precision in the placement of the follicles.
  3. Dense and Natural Results: Facilitates the implantation of follicles in specific areas, achieving density and a natural appearance.
  4. Fast recovery: As with FUE, patients experience a rapid recovery.
  5. Less Trauma to the Donor Area: Minimizes trauma to the area where the follicles are extracted.

At Clínica Aesophy Málaga, the choice between FUE and DHI is made based on the needs and expectations of the patient, as well as the characteristics of their hair and scalp. The team of specialists provides a detailed consultation to determine the best approach and ensure optimal, natural results in each hair transplant procedure.


After a hair transplant, it is crucial to follow a post-operative care regimen to ensure the health of the scalp and the effectiveness of the transplant. En Aesophy Malaga Clinic, the importance of this quality post-treatment care is emphasized, ensuring the best possible results for patients. Here are some of the essential care:

  1. Avoid Touch and Friction: During the first days, it is important to avoid touching or scratching the transplanted area so as not to damage the grafted follicles.

  2. Thorough Cleaning: Specific instructions will be provided on how to wash your hair and scalp gently and safely.

  3. Medication and Specific Care: Follow medical instructions carefully regarding antibiotics, pain relievers, and other prescribed medications or lotions.

  4. Avoid Sun Exposure and Intense Physical Activities: It is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun and refrain from intense physical activities during the first weeks.

  5. Postoperative Follow-up: Aesophy Clinic offers comprehensive post-operative follow-up to monitor progress and address any concerns.

  6. Use of Special Pillows: It may be advisable to use special pillows for sleeping, in order to avoid direct pressure on the transplanted area.

  7. Nutrition and Healthy Living Habits: Maintain a balanced diet and avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption, as they can affect the healing process.

En Aesophy Malaga Clinic, post-hair transplant care not only focuses on immediate recovery, but also on ensuring the durability and quality of the results. The medical team provides personalized care and detailed advice for each patient, guaranteeing a smooth and effective recovery process in Spain.

Seeing the definitive results of a hair transplant usually takes time, since the hair growth process follows a natural cycle. In general terms, the following deadlines can be expected:

  1. First 2-3 Months: During the first weeks after the transplant, it is common for the transplanted hairs to fall out. This is part of the natural process and should not be a cause for concern.

  2. New Hair Growth: From the third month, you will begin to notice the growth of new hair. These hairs will initially be fine and then gain thickness and strength over time.

  3. 6 Months: After six months, a more noticeable change is observed in the density and appearance of the hair. Although progress is visible, it is not yet the final result.

  4. 12 Months: After one year, significant results can be seen. For many patients, this is the point at which they can see much of the final result.

  5. 18-24 Months: It is considered that the definitive result of the hair graft is achieved between 18 and 24 months. By then, the transplanted hair will have reached its fullness, density and natural appearance.

It is important to remember that these timelines may vary slightly from person to person due to individual differences in hair growth rate and response to the transplant.. Maintaining regular communication with the medical team and following their post-operative instructions will help achieve the best possible results.

To highlight the advantages of opting for a hair transplant in Spain compared to Turkey, focusing on the Aesophy Clinic in Malaga, the following aspects can be highlighted:

  1. Treatment Quality: Emphasize the high quality of treatment in Spain, with personalized attention and advanced techniques.

  2. Postoperative Care and Follow-up: Highlight the superior post-operative care and detailed follow-up offered by the clinic, which may be more difficult to obtain abroad.

  3. Communication and Understanding: Highlight the ease of communication and understanding when receiving treatment in your own country, avoiding language barriers.

  4. Logistics Facilities: Mention the convenience of not having to travel abroad for treatment, which saves time and reduces the stress associated with travel.

  5. Guarantee and Security: Emphasize the guarantees and security offered by Spanish legislation regarding medical procedures.

  6. Staff Experience: Underline the experience and qualification of the medical team in the clinic, ensuring a safe and effective procedure.

In short, though prices may be similar, The quality of the treatment, comfort, safety and close monitoring are key aspects that can influence the decision to choose a hair transplant treatment in Spain, specifically at Clínica Aesophy in Malaga.

Aesophy Clinic in Malaga: Excellence in Hair Transplants in Spain

Discover why Aesophy Clinic in Malaga is your main choice for hair transplants top quality in Spain.

Compared to the options in Turkey, our clinic stands out for its focus on advanced hair restoration techniques, led by a team of hair transplant experts. Our services hair graft are characterized by personalized attention, overcoming language barriers and offering a comfortable and safe experience.

With Clínica Aesophy, you opt for peace of mind, quality and excellence in hair care.

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