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and Cosmetic Surgery

Discover the Revolutionary Tesslift Transform Your Beauty at Aesophy Clinic

Discover the Revolutionary Tesslift: Transform Your Beauty at Aesophy Clinic

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Do you want to rejuvenate your face without undergoing surgery? Tesslift, the innovative technique ofifting with tension meshes, offers you an effective and less invasive solution to combat the signs of aging. In Aesophy Clinic, experts in facial aesthetic medicine, we invite you to discover this revolutionary treatment that will allow you to have firmer and more radiant skin. In the dynamic world of aesthetic medicine, the desire for facial rejuvenation without the downtime and complications of traditional surgeries has led to the development of innovative facelift techniques. Among these, the Tesslift It stands out as an avant-garde solution for those seeking immediate and long-lasting results without undergoing surgery. Aesophy Clinic, leader in advanced aesthetic treatments in Malaga, is proud to offer the Tesslift, a procedure of lifting with tension meshes which redefines facial contour, providing a rejuvenated and natural appearance.

What is Tesslift?

El Tesslift is a minimally invasive procedure that uses biocompatible mesh to tighten and lift the skin, offering an effective alternative to traditional face lifts. Unlike other treatments, Tesslift provides structural support to facial tissue, stimulating collagen production and achieving a long-lasting rejuvenating effect. Tesslift is a non-surgical facelift technique that uses a tension mesh of resorbable material to lift and tighten the facial skin. This mesh is strategically placed under the skin through small incisions, providing an immediate and long-lasting tightening effect.

Benefits of the Tesslift

  • Natural Rejuvenation: Visible results immediately after the procedure, with continued improvement in the following months.
  • Minimal Invasion: No surgery required, meaning shorter recovery times and fewer associated risks.
  • Collagen Stimulation: Promotes natural collagen production, improving skin quality in the long term.
  • Durability: Results that can last for years, offering a long-lasting solution to facial aging.
What are the advantages of Tesslift?
  • Minimally invasive procedure: It does not require major surgery, which means less pain, less recovery time and fewer risks.
  • Immediate and long-lasting results: The tension mesh provides an immediate visible lifting effect, which lasts for up to two years.
  • Custom solution: The technique is adapted to the specific needs of each patient, allowing different areas of the face to be addressed.
  • Greater security: The mesh material is biocompatible and resorbable, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or complications.
  • Fast recovery: The outpatient procedure allows the patient to return to their daily activities in a short time.

What areas of the face can be treated with Tesslift?

Tesslift can be used to treat the following areas:

  • Cheekbones: Lifts and redefines the cheekbones, improving the definition of the face.
  • Eyebrows: Lifts drooping eyebrows, opening your gaze and rejuvenating your expression.
  • Jaw line: Defines the contour of the face, eliminating sagging and improving the double chin.
  • Wrinkles and expression lines: Reduces marionette lines, crow's feet and nasolabial fold wrinkles.

Are you a candidate for Tesslift?

If you show signs of facial aging such as sagging, wrinkles or loss of volume, Tesslift It could be an excellent option for you. During a personalized consultation at Aesophy Clinic, our medical team will evaluate your particular case and will tell you if this treatment is suitable for you.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic for Your Tesslift?

Aesophy Clinic is distinguished by its personalized approach and its commitment to excellence in aesthetic medicine. Our specialists, leaders in the field of facial aesthetics, are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that harmonize with the unique characteristics of each patient. In Aesophy Clinic, our team of highly qualified professionals and with extensive experience in facial aesthetic medicine, offers you a personalized and top quality service. We have the most advanced technology and the best products to guarantee optimal and safe results.

Experience and Expertise

Our team of cosmetic surgeons has extensive experience in advanced lifting techniques, including the innovative Tesslift. Using cutting-edge technology and meticulous techniques, we ensure that each patient achieves their aesthetic goals with the highest standards of safety and care.

Personalized Consultation

We understand that each face is unique. That's why we offer personalized consultations to discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your suitability for Tesslift, and design a tailored treatment plan that reflects your wants and needs.

Exceptional Post-Treatment Care

Our commitment to your well-being does not end after the procedure. Aesophy Clinic provides comprehensive follow-up to ensure optimal recovery and complete satisfaction with Tesslift results.

Testimonials from Satisfied Patients

Discover the success stories of patients who have transformed their appearance and regained their confidence thanks to Tesslift en Aesophy Clinic. Your personal experiences are a testament to the positive impact of our advanced aesthetic treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tesslift

To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions that address common concerns about the Tesslift, from preparation to the recovery process and expected results.

Schedule Your Consultation at Aesophy Clinic

If you are considering the Tesslift like a solution to rejuvenate your face, we invite you to contact us and schedule a consultation at Aesophy Clinic. Discover how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and enjoy a rejuvenated and natural appearance. If you would like more information about this innovative treatment, contact Aesophy Clinic and request a free consultation. Our medical team will advise you and answer all your questions.

Book Appointment Contact Facial Lifting Treatment without Surgery with Tesslift 

Clinic Nº1 Facial Rejuvenation Treatment with Tesslift

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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