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Why I Lose Hair Exploring the Causes of Alopecia with Aesophy Experts

Why do I lose hair? Exploring the Causes of Alopecia with Aesophy Experts

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Hair loss is a universal concern that affects millions of people around the world. If you are among those who watch with concern as their hair thins or falls out, you are not alone. At Clínica Aesophy, our experts in aesthetic medicine and hair surgery are dedicated to understanding the root causes of alopecia and offering innovative and personalized solutions. Hair loss, or alopecia, is a problem that affects millions of people around the world. Both men and women can be affected by alopecia, and it can have a significant impact on self-esteem and quality of life. At Clínica Aesophy, our hair medicine experts will help you discover the causes of your alopecia and offer you the best personalized solutions to recover your hair.

What are the causes of alopecia?

There are several factors that can contribute to hair loss, including:

Hormonal factors: Androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of alopecia in men and women. It is an inherited condition characterized by the sensitivity of hair follicles to sex hormones.

Stress: Stress can be a triggering or aggravating factor for alopecia. Stress releases cortisol, a hormone that can affect the hair growth cycle.

Diseases: Certain diseases, such as lupus or thyroid, can cause hair loss.

Medication: Some medications, such as antidepressants or anticoagulants, can have alopecia as a side effect.

Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of iron, vitamin D or zinc can contribute to hair loss.

Trauma: Blows to the head can cause hair loss in the affected area.

Aging: Hair becomes thinner and more brittle with age, which can increase the predisposition to alopecia.

Exploring the Causes of Alopecia in women with Aesophy Experts

Understanding Alopecia

Alopecia, or hair loss, can be the result of multiple factors, from genetic to environmental. Exploring the underlying causes is the first step in reversing or managing this condition.

Genetic factors

Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is one of the most common forms and is driven by the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy, menopause, or as a result of conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can cause hair loss. These imbalances can affect the hair growth cycle, leading to a reduction in hair density and volume.

Stress and Diet

Significant physical or emotional stress can trigger a condition known as telogen effluvium, where a large amount of hair enters the resting phase and then falls out. Likewise, a diet poor in essential nutrients can weaken hair and affect its ability to grow.

Medical Conditions

Autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata, where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, can cause patchy hair loss. Other health conditions, including scalp infections and certain skin disorders, can also contribute to alopecia.

How can I know if I have alopecia?

If you are experiencing significant hair loss, it is important that you consult with a hair medicine specialist. The specialist will perform a physical examination and ask about your medical and family history. You may also perform tests to rule out other causes of hair loss.

Treatments and Solutions at Aesophy Clinic

At Clínica Aesophy, we pride ourselves on using a holistic and personalized approach to treating alopecia. Our treatments range from minimally invasive hair restoration therapies to advanced surgical procedures, all designed to meet the individual needs of our patients.

Low Power Laser Therapy

It uses laser light to stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes regeneration of hair follicles.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

A treatment that uses the patient's own plasma to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health.

Hair Transplantation

For more severe cases of alopecia, we offer hair transplant options, such as the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, which allows natural and long-lasting results with minimal recovery time.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic?

Clínica Aesophy stands out for its commitment to excellence in aesthetic medicine and hair surgery. Our team of highly qualified experts uses the most advanced technologies to ensure optimal results. We understand that each case of alopecia is unique, and we strive to provide personalized care that reflects your goals and expectations.


Hair loss doesn't have to be a lonely battle or a foregone conclusion. With the support and experience of Clínica Aesophy, exploring the causes of your alopecia and finding an effective solution is more accessible than ever. We invite you to contact us and find out how we can help you regain not only your hair but also your confidence.

At the Aesophy Clinic, our experts will advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your particular case. We have the most advanced technology and a team of highly qualified professionals to offer you the best results.

Do you want to know more about the causes of alopecia and the treatments available?

Book your free assessment appointment and our experts will help you recover your hair and your self-esteem.

Frequently Asked Questions Anti-Hair Loss Treatments

What treatments does Clínica Aesophy offer for alopecia?

To offer you accurate and up-to-date information on the specific alopecia treatments offered by Clínica Aesophy, it would be necessary to conduct an online search or consult directly with the clinic. However, I can provide you with an overview of the types of treatments commonly offered in specialized clinics to address alopecia:

  1. Medication Treatments: They include the use of drugs such as minoxidil (applied topically) and finasteride (taken orally) to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

  2. Hair Transplantation: Methods such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) technique may be offered to relocate hair follicles from dense areas to bald or thinning areas.

  3. Low Power Laser Therapy: Uses laser light to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which can promote hair growth.

  4. Hair Mesotherapy: It involves the injection of vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the scalp to nourish the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

  5. Topical Treatments and Supplements: They may include specialized products to apply to the scalp and oral supplements to improve hair health from within.

Aesophy Clinic, as an institution dedicated to offering advanced aesthetic solutions, may offer some or all of these treatments, tailoring them to each patient's individual needs to effectively address alopecia. For detailed information on the specific treatments available for alopecia in Aesophy Clinic, I recommend you contact the clinic directly or visit their official website.

Determining the right treatment for alopecia depends on several factors, including the type of alopecia, its underlying cause, the degree of hair loss, and your general health. It is crucial to begin with a complete evaluation by a dermatologist or hair treatment specialist. Here I detail a step-by-step process to help you identify the most appropriate treatment for your case:

  1. Consult with a Specialist: The first step is to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist or hair loss specialist. This professional can make an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

  2. Accurate Diagnosis: The specialist may order tests such as blood tests to rule out underlying causes (such as nutritional deficiencies or thyroid problems) and perform a scalp examination. In some cases, a scalp biopsy may be necessary.

  3. Evaluation of the Type of Alopecia: There are several types of alopecia, including androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), alopecia areata, scarring alopecia, among others. Each type requires a different treatment approach.

  4. Consideration of Personal Factors: The specialist will also consider your expectations, lifestyle and general health to determine the most appropriate treatment.

  5. Treatment Options: Based on the diagnosis, the specialist may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments:

    • Pharmaceutical products: Like minoxidil or finasteride, to slow hair loss or stimulate hair growth.
    • Hair Transplantation: For advanced cases of hair loss.
    • Low Power Laser Therapy: To stimulate the scalp.
    • Hair Mesotherapy: To nourish hair follicles.
    • Lifestyle and Nutrition Changes: They are often recommended as a complement to other treatments.
  6. Monitoring and evaluation: It is important to have follow-up appointments with your specialist to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and make adjustments as necessary.

Remember that the choice of treatment should be based on an accurate diagnosis and a detailed discussion with your specialist about the pros and cons of each option. Personalizing treatment according to your specific situation is key to obtaining the best results.

The permanence of the results of alopecia treatments varies significantly depending on the type of treatment and the nature of the hair loss. Here's how some of the most common treatments can influence how long your results last:

  1. Medications (such as Minoxidil and Finasteride): The effects of these treatments are usually temporary. Improvement in hair growth usually requires continued use of the medications. If treatment is stopped, hair loss is likely to resume, and any hair gained or preserved may be lost within several months to a year after stopping treatment.

  2. Hair Transplantation: The results of a hair transplant can be considered permanent in the sense that the transplanted hair follicles are genetically programmed to resist hair loss. However, the surrounding hair may continue to thin or fall out over time, which may require additional treatments to maintain the overall appearance.

  3. Low Power Laser Therapy: Results may be temporary and often require continued use to maintain benefits. Laser therapy can help stimulate hair growth and slow hair loss, but the effects can be reversed if treatment is stopped.

  4. Hair Mesotherapy: Similar to other non-surgical treatments, the results of mesotherapy may be temporary and may require maintenance sessions to preserve the achieved effects.

Importantly, the effectiveness and permanence of results also depend on the underlying cause of alopecia and individual factors, such as the patient's general health and adherence to the treatment plan. Androgenetic alopecia, for example, is a progressive condition, and although treatments can slow hair loss or improve hair growth, they do not cure the underlying condition.

Therefore, managing expectations and a clear understanding of the nature of each treatment are essential. It is crucial to discuss possible long-term results and any need for maintenance treatments with a hair care specialist or dermatologist to ensure satisfaction with the results.

The permanence of the results of alopecia treatments varies significantly depending on the type of treatment and the nature of the hair loss. Here's how some of the most common treatments can influence how long your results last:

  1. Medications (such as Minoxidil and Finasteride): The effects of these treatments are usually temporary. Improvement in hair growth usually requires continued use of the medications. If treatment is stopped, hair loss is likely to resume, and any hair gained or preserved may be lost within several months to a year after stopping treatment.

  2. Hair Transplantation: The results of a hair transplant can be considered permanent in the sense that the transplanted hair follicles are genetically programmed to resist hair loss. However, the surrounding hair may continue to thin or fall out over time, which may require additional treatments to maintain the overall appearance.

  3. Low Power Laser Therapy: Results may be temporary and often require continued use to maintain benefits. Laser therapy can help stimulate hair growth and slow hair loss, but the effects can be reversed if treatment is stopped.

  4. Hair Mesotherapy: Similar to other non-surgical treatments, the results of mesotherapy may be temporary and may require maintenance sessions to preserve the achieved effects.

Importantly, the effectiveness and permanence of results also depend on the underlying cause of alopecia and individual factors, such as the patient's general health and adherence to the treatment plan. Androgenetic alopecia, for example, is a progressive condition, and although treatments can slow hair loss or improve hair growth, they do not cure the underlying condition.

Therefore, managing expectations and a clear understanding of the nature of each treatment are essential. It is crucial to discuss possible long-term results and any need for maintenance treatments with a hair care specialist or dermatologist to ensure satisfaction with the results.

The time required to see results from alopecia treatments varies considerably depending on the type of treatment, the underlying cause of hair loss, and individual patient factors. Below is a general summary of the estimated time to start seeing results for some of the most common treatments:

  1. Medications (Minoxidil and Finasteride):

    • Minoxidil: Users can start seeing results after 4 to 6 months of continuous use. It is important to apply it regularly as directed for best results.
    • Finasteride: Results may take around 3 to 6 months to be noticed, with the most significant impact usually seen after using it continuously for a year.
    • Hair Transplantation:

      • After a hair transplant, the transplanted hair usually falls out in the first weeks, a process known as "loss shock." New growth begins to be visible around 3 to 4 months after the procedure, with final results noticeable after 9 to 12 months.
  2. Low Power Laser Therapy:

    • Patients may begin to see a reduction in hair loss and a boost in new hair growth after 2 to 4 months of regular treatment.
  3. Hair Mesotherapy:

    • Results may vary, but some patients notice improvements in hair loss and hair texture after 1 to 3 months of treatment, with more significant results becoming evident after continued treatments.

It is crucial to note that patience is essential when it comes to alopecia treatments, as hair grows slowly and it may take time for changes to become visibly noticeable. Furthermore, the success of any treatment depends on strictly following the regimen recommended by the specialist and, in some cases, combining treatments to achieve the best results.

To have a more accurate understanding of what to expect in your particular case, it is important to discuss your expectations and follow the recommendations of a dermatologist or hair loss specialist.

Alopecia treatments can have a variety of side effects, depending on the type of treatment. Here are some common side effects associated with the most commonly used treatments:

  1. Medications (Minoxidil and Finasteride):

    • Minoxidil: May cause scalp irritation, itching, dryness, and in rare cases, unwanted hair growth on the face or hands.
    • Finasteride: Side effects may include decreased sexual desire, difficulty getting an erection, decreased amount of semen, and in very rare cases, gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men).
  2. Hair Transplantation:

    • It may include swelling, bruising, and pain in the treated areas. There is a risk of infection and scarring. Additionally, there may be a feeling of temporary numbness in the treated areas.
  3. Low Power Laser Therapy:

    • It generally has few side effects, but some patients may experience mild scalp irritation.
  4. Hair Mesotherapy:

    • Side effects may include pain at the injection site, bruising, tenderness, and rarely, infection.

It is important to note that the severity and occurrence of these side effects may vary from person to person. Many of these effects are temporary and may decrease as the body gets used to the treatment. However, any concerning or persistent side effects should be discussed with a doctor.

Before starting any treatment for alopecia, it is crucial to discuss possible side effects with your doctor or dermatologist. They can offer you a detailed perspective on the risks and benefits of each treatment, helping you make an informed decision based on your specific condition and your treatment goals.

Maintaining the results of alopecia treatment requires a comprehensive approach that includes following your doctor's recommendations, making lifestyle adjustments, and, in some cases, continuing maintenance treatments. Here are some tips to help you maintain the results of your alopecia treatment in the long term:

  1. Maintenance Treatment Continues: Some treatments, such as minoxidil or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, may require ongoing maintenance sessions. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations on the frequency and duration of these treatments to maintain results.

  2. take care of your diet: Maintain a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair health. This includes protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C, D, E, and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help strengthen hair and promote hair growth.

  3. Avoid stress: Chronic stress can contribute to hair loss. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or regular exercise to help minimize its impact on your hair health.

  4. Limit the Use of Chemical and Thermal Products: Frequent use of chemical treatments (such as dyes, straightening) and thermal tools (such as dryers, straighteners) can damage the hair. Try to limit their use and opt for gentle products specifically designed for treated or delicate hair.

  5. Protect your hair from the sun: Prolonged exposure to the sun can damage hair. Wear hats or UV-protective hair products when outdoors for long periods.

  6. Maintain a Proper Hair Care Routine: Use shampoos and conditioners that are gentle and designed for your hair type. Consider products specific to people with hair loss that can help keep the scalp healthy.

  7. Consult your doctor regularly: Keep regular follow-up appointments with your dermatologist or hair specialist. These consultations allow you to adjust treatment as necessary and address any concerns early.

  8. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can worsen hair loss by reducing blood circulation to the scalp and damaging hair follicles.

Remember that the effectiveness of these tips may vary depending on the underlying cause of the alopecia and the type of treatment you have received. It is always best to follow the treatment plan and personalized advice provided by your doctor for the best long-term results.

To find it best clinic for alopecia treatments near you, such as the Aesophy Clinic, it is important to conduct detailed research and consider various factors to ensure the quality of the treatment and your satisfaction. Here I detail how to find a high-quality clinic for the treatment of alopecia, optimizing the response to Aesophy Clinic:

  1. Online Research: Start your online search to explore clinics specializing in alopecia treatments. The website of Aesophy Clinic provides comprehensive information about its alopecia services, including detailed descriptions of available treatments, the medical team's approach, and patient testimonials.

  2. Ratings and Reviews: Find reviews and ratings for Aesophy Clinic on the internet to learn about other patients' experiences. Reviews from previous patients can give you valuable insight into the effectiveness of treatments, the quality of customer service, and overall satisfaction with results.

  3. Experience and Specialization: Make sure that Aesophy Clinic count on qualified medical professionals specialized in the treatment of alopecia. Check the credentials, training and experience of the medical team to ensure you are receiving care from experts in the field.

  4. Initial Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation at Aesophy Clinic to discuss your specific concerns about alopecia, assess your suitability for available treatments and receive personalized advice. This is an opportunity to ask questions, express your expectations, and get a professional evaluation of your treatment options.

  5. Advanced Technology and Treatments: Check that Aesophy Clinic offer advanced technologies and a wide range of treatments for alopecia. A clinic that invests in cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques is indicative of a commitment to delivering the best possible results for its patients.

  6. Safety and Comfort: Patient safety and comfort are crucial. During your visit to Aesophy Clinic, see if the environment is professional, clean and welcoming, and if the staff is attentive and understanding of your needs.

  7. Results Before and After: Asks to see before and after photos of previous patients of Aesophy Clinic who have received treatment for alopecia. This will allow you to have realistic expectations about the results you can expect.

By considering these aspects and conducting careful research, you will be well equipped to choose the best clinic for your alopecia treatment needs, ensuring you receive the most effective and personalized care possible, such as that offered Aesophy Clinic.

Book Appointment Contact Anti-Hair Loss Treatments in Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Treatments Against Alopecia Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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