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Abdominoplasty Malaga Aesophy Clinic

Abdominoplasty Malaga

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Table of contents Abdominoplasty

La tummy tuck It is the operation consisting of the removal of excess skin and abdominal fat and the correction of muscle flaccidity. This situation of excess skin and relaxation of the abdominal wall usually occurs in patients who have had weight gain and subsequent loss or in women who have had several pregnancies.

La tummy tuck get a flatter, firmer abdomen and a narrower waist.

Abdominoplasty is a popular surgical procedure used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Also known as a tummy tuck, it may be an option for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and have excess skin and fat on the abdomen, or for women who have had multiple pregnancies and have weakened abdominal muscles.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

This surgical procedure aims to improve the appearance of the abdomen and reduce flaccidity and excess skin and fat in this area.

Here are some benefits of abdominoplasty:

Improves physical appearance: Abdominoplasty can significantly improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. This can increase self-confidence and improve self-esteem.

Reduces abdominal flaccidity: After pregnancy or significant weight loss, the skin and abdominal muscles may become sagging. A tummy tuck can tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin for a firmer, more toned abdomen.

Corrects the diastasis of the abdominal muscles: Diastasis is a condition in which the abdominal muscles separate due to pregnancy or obesity. Abdominoplasty can correct this condition by joining the abdominal muscles to restore strength and functionality.

Improve posture: Abdominoplasty can help improve posture by correcting muscle weakness and reducing stress on the lower back.

Treats excess skin after bariatric surgery: People who have lost a significant amount of weight after bariatric surgery often have excess skin and fat on the abdomen. Abdominoplasty can help treat this condition by removing excess skin and fat and improving the shape of the body.

Best abdominoplasty clinic Malaga Aesophy Clinic

How does abdominoplasty work?

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and requires an incision in the lower abdomen. During surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat and, in some cases, repairs the abdominal muscles. A compression band is then placed on the abdomen to help reduce swelling and speed recovery.

Prior to surgery, the patient will be asked to stop taking certain medications and to stop smoking, both of which can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. You will also be asked to avoid eating or drinking for several hours before surgery.

Who are good candidates for abdominoplasty?

A tummy tuck may be a good option for those who have excess skin and fat on the abdomen and have exhausted other options, such as diet and exercise. It may also be an option for women who have had multiple pregnancies and have weak abdominal muscles.

It is important to note that abdominoplasty is major surgery and has some associated risks, such as the possibility of infection, bleeding, scarring, and anesthetic complications. It is important to discuss the possible risks and benefits with a qualified plastic surgeon before making the decision to undergo this procedure.

post operative abdominoplasty

E process of postoperative Abdominoplasty or
After surgery, in this period, the patient may experience pain, swelling and bruising in the abdomen area. It may also be necessary to wear a compression band for several weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling and support healing.

Most patients can return to work and normal activities after two to three weeks, but it is important to avoid strenuous exercise and activities that put pressure on the abdomen for at least six weeks.

How long do the results of a tummy tuck last?

The results of a tummy tuck are permanent, as long as the patient maintains a healthy weight and follows a healthy, active lifestyle. However, if the patient gains a significant amount of weight after surgery, she may experience skin tightening and loss of muscle tone in the abdomen area.

Abdominoplasty Clinic Best Opinions Malaga Aesophy

abdominoplasty price

The cost of a tummy tuck varies by geographic location, the experience of the surgeon, and the extent of the surgery. It is important to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon to obtain an accurate and detailed estimate. In general, the cost of a tummy tuck is expected to be between $4,000 and $15,000 in the United States.

How to choose a plastic surgeon for abdominoplasty?

It is important to choose a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck. The patient should do their research and find a plastic surgeon who has a good reputation, experience, and training in abdominoplasty. In addition, it is important that the patient feels comfortable with the plastic surgeon and has a good relationship with him.

Are there alternatives to abdominoplasty?

For those who aren't interested in surgery, there are non-surgical alternatives to abdominoplasty, such as liposuction and non-invasive body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting. However, these treatments are not suitable for those who have excess skin on the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty may be an option for those who have excess skin and fat on the abdomen and have exhausted other options.

It is important to speak with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss the potential risks and benefits of surgery and to obtain an accurate quote. In addition, it is important to follow a healthy and active lifestyle to maintain long-term results. If you are interested in abdominoplasty, do not hesitate to contact us, we have the guidance of a qualified and experienced health professional waiting for you.

Request your Appointment with the best Abdominoplasty surgeons in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a "tummy tuck," is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the abdomen. This procedure is popular among people who have experienced significant changes in their abdomen due to weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. Here are the key aspects of a tummy tuck:

Objectives of Abdominoplasty

  1. Remove Excess Skin: Remove excess sagging skin from the abdomen.
  2. Tense the Abdominal Muscles: Corrects and strengthens abdominal wall muscles that may have separated or weakened, a condition known as diastasis recti.
  3. Improve Body Contour: Seeks to create a flatter and more toned abdominal profile.

Types of Abdominoplasty

  • Complete Abdominoplasty: Addresses the entire abdomen and generally involves moving the navel.
  • Mini-Abdominoplasty: It focuses on the lower part of the abdomen and is less extensive than the complete one.
  • Extended Abdominoplasty: Includes lateral areas and sometimes the lower back.


  1. Anesthesia: It is performed under general anesthesia.
  2. Incision: A horizontal incision is made just above the pubis, which may extend from one side of the abdomen to the other, depending on the extent of the procedure.
  3. Removal of Excess Skin and Fat: Excessive skin and fat are removed.
  4. Muscle Repair: The abdominal muscles are tightened and sutured if necessary.
  5. Navel Repositioning: In a complete abdominoplasty, the belly button is relocated to fit the new contour.
  6. Incision Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures.


  • Recovery time: It generally takes several weeks to recover. Normal activities can be gradually resumed as directed by the surgeon.
  • Postoperative care: Includes the use of an abdominal binder, incision care, and possibly temporary drains to remove excess fluid.

Ideal Candidates

  • General health: People in good general health.
  • Stable Weight Loss: Ideally, patients who have achieved and maintained a stable weight.
  • Non-smoking: Smoking can complicate both the surgery and the healing process.


  • Realistic Expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations about the results.
  • Scars: The surgery will leave scars, although they are usually located where they can be covered by underwear.
  • Not a Substitute for Weight Loss: Abdominoplasty is not a substitute for healthy weight loss or regular exercise.

The decision to undergo a tummy tuck should be made after careful consideration and discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon. This procedure can offer significant results in terms of appearance and self-confidence for the right people.

The ideal candidates for an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, they generally include:

  1. Individuals with loose abdominal skin: This usually occurs after a significant weight change or after pregnancy.

  2. People with excess abdominal fat: A tummy tuck is often sought when diet and exercise fail to eliminate accumulated fat in the abdominal area.

  3. Post-pregnancy women: Abdominoplasty is popular among women who have had changes in their body after pregnancy, especially if they have diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles separate.

  4. Those in good general health: It is important to be in good health and not have medical conditions that could complicate surgery or recovery.

  5. Non smoking: Smoking can negatively affect the healing process, which is why surgeons often recommend quitting smoking before undergoing a tummy tuck.

  6. Individuals with realistic expectations: It is important to understand what a tummy tuck can and cannot do. It is not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy lifestyle.

  7. People willing to maintain a stable weight: Ideally, candidates should be willing to maintain their weight after surgery to preserve results.

It is crucial to have a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck and to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.

Recovery after a tummy tuck is an important process and requires time and specific care. Here I detail the common stages and recommendations during this period:

Initial Stages (1-2 Weeks)

  1. Rest and care: Immediately after surgery, it is crucial to rest and avoid exertion.
  2. pain and discomfort: Analgesics will be prescribed to manage pain. It is normal to feel discomfort and swelling.
  3. Drains and bandages: You may have drains to remove fluids and bandages over the operated area.
  4. Limited movement: It is recommended to walk a little to promote circulation, but avoiding sudden movements or lifting heavy objects.
  5. incision care: Following the surgeon's instructions for the care of the incision and drains.

Recovery Medium (2-6 Weeks)

  1. Pain reduction: Pain and swelling should begin to decrease.
  2. Removal of drains and sutures: Appointments will be scheduled to remove drains and check sutures.
  3. Use of a compression girdle: It is common to use a girdle to support the abdominal area and reduce swelling.
  4. Gradual increase in activities: Daily activity can be gradually increased, but still avoiding excessive efforts.

Late Stage (6 Weeks and Up)

  1. Return to normal activities: Generally, you can return to most routine activities, including some exercises.
  2. Healing monitoring: Follow-up appointments are important to monitor healing.
  3. Final results: The swelling continues to decrease and the final results begin to be more visible.

General Tips

  • Follow the surgeon's instructions: Each person is unique and your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions based on your specific case.
  • Healthy diet and hydration: Good nutrition and staying hydrated are key to efficient recovery.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol: These can negatively affect the healing process.
  • Patience and realistic expectations: Complete recovery may take several months.

It is essential to maintain open communication with your surgeon throughout the recovery process and follow all recommendations to ensure the best possible results.

Abdominoplasty, like any major surgery, carries certain risks and possible complications. It is important to be informed about these risks before deciding to undergo surgery. Risks associated with abdominoplasty include:

  1. Bleeding and Bruising: Internal bleeding or bruising may occur.

  2. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection in the surgical wound, which may require treatment with antibiotics or, in severe cases, additional intervention.

  3. seroma: Accumulation of fluid under the skin, which sometimes needs to be drained.

  4. healing problems: Scars may be more visible than expected, or thick, raised scars (keloids) may develop.

  5. Changes in skin sensitivity: There may be a temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the abdominal area.

  6. Asymmetry or unsatisfactory results: Aesthetic results may not be as expected, with possible irregularities or asymmetry.

  7. complications with anesthesia: As with any surgery that requires anesthesia, there are risks associated with reacting to anesthesia.

  8. Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism): Surgery increases the risk of blood clots forming in the veins, which can be dangerous if they travel to the lungs.

  9. Skin necrosis: In rare cases, there may be death of skin tissue, which may require additional treatment.

  10. Prolonged pain: Some patients experience pain or discomfort for a longer period than usual after surgery.

It is crucial to choose a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon, openly discuss your expectations and concerns, and follow all pre- and post-operative instructions to minimize these risks. Additionally, a complete medical evaluation before surgery can help identify and mitigate potential complications.

The duration of the effects of a tummy tuck can vary significantly from person to person, but with proper care, the results can be long-lasting, even permanent. However, there are several factors that can influence the durability of the results:

  1. Lifestyle and weight maintenance: Maintaining a stable weight is crucial. Significant weight gain or loss after surgery can negatively affect the results, causing the skin and abdominal tissues to stretch again.

  2. Aging: Over time, it is natural for the skin to lose some of its elasticity due to aging, which may slightly affect the results of your tummy tuck.

  3. Quality of postoperative care: Following your surgeon's instructions after surgery, such as avoiding excessive strain and wearing the recommended compression garment, can help ensure a better and longer recovery.

  4. Health habits: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, helps preserve the results of surgery.

  5. Pregnancy after surgery: A pregnancy after a tummy tuck can alter the results, as the abdomen is stretched again to accommodate the growth of the baby.

  6. Quality of surgery: The skill and experience of the surgeon play an important role in the quality and durability of the results.

In general, the more care you put into maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a stable weight, and as long as significant events such as pregnancy or extreme weight fluctuations do not occur, the effects of a tummy tuck can last for many years. It is important to have regular consultations with your surgeon to monitor results and receive advice on how to maintain them.

Abdominoplasty can eliminate or reduce stretch marks to some extent, depending on their location and extent. Stretch marks are scars on the skin that occur when the skin stretches rapidly, such as during pregnancy or significant weight changes. Here I explain how abdominoplasty affects stretch marks:

  1. Location of Stretch Marks: Abdominoplasty primarily removes skin from the lower abdominal area, from the navel to the pubis. Therefore, stretch marks found in this area can be eliminated if that skin is removed during the procedure.
  2. Stretch Marks Above the Navel: Stretch marks located above the belly button are generally not removed with standard abdominoplasty. However, they may be flattened and their appearance may improve slightly due to stretching of the skin.
  3. Type of Abdominoplasty: There are different types of abdominoplasty, and the extent of stretch mark removal will depend on the type of procedure performed. For example, an extended tummy tuck or fleur-de-lis can affect a larger area of ​​skin, including some areas with stretch marks above the belly button.
  4. It is not a Treatment for Stretch Marks: It is important to remember that abdominoplasty is a procedure designed to tighten and reshape the abdominal contour, not specifically to eliminate stretch marks. Removal of stretch marks is rather a beneficial side effect in some cases.
  5. Medical Consultation: If removing stretch marks is one of your main concerns, it is crucial to discuss it with your plastic surgeon. He or she can explain to you which stretch marks could be removed or improved in your particular case and what results you can reasonably expect.

In summary, while abdominoplasty can remove some stretch marks located in the lower abdomen, it is not a specific treatment for stretch marks and will not remove stretch marks located outside the skin removal zone.

Yes, it is possible to combine a tummy tuck with other surgeries, and this is quite common in plastic surgery practice. Combining procedures can have several advantages, such as a single recovery and improved aesthetic results. Some of the most common combinations include:

  1. Lipoabdominoplasty: Combining liposuction with abdominoplasty is very popular. Liposuction is used to remove fat deposits from specific areas, while abdominoplasty focuses on removing excess skin and tightening abdominal muscles.

  2. Mommy Makeover: This is a term for a combination of procedures that usually includes a tummy tuck, a breast augmentation or lift, and sometimes liposuction. It is designed to restore the shape and appearance of the body after pregnancy and childbirth.

  3. Body Contour Surgery: After massive weight loss, patients often opt for body contouring surgery which may include a tummy tuck along with other surgeries such as an arm lift, thigh lift, or a butt lift surgery.

  4. Hernioplasty: In some cases, if an umbilical or other type of hernia exists, it can be repaired during abdominoplasty.

  5. Facial Rejuvenation Procedures: Although less common, some patients choose to combine facial procedures such as a facelift or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) with a tummy tuck.

It is important to keep in mind that combining surgeries increases the time under anesthesia and may increase the risk of complications. Therefore, careful evaluation by a board-certified plastic surgeon and, in some cases, consultation with other medical specialists is essential to ensure that you are a good candidate for multiple procedures.

Additionally, recovery may be more complicated or prolonged when procedures are combined. Your surgeon should explain the risks, benefits, and recovery process for the specific combination of procedures you are considering.

After a tummy tuck, you can expect certain types of scars, the extent and appearance of which will depend on the surgical technique used and your own healing process. Here I describe the common types of scars associated with different abdominoplasty techniques:

  1. Horizontal Scar: It is the most common and is located just above the pubis. The length of this scar varies depending on the amount of skin that has been removed, and can extend from a few centimeters to almost hip to hip.

  2. Scar around the Navel: In a complete abdominoplasty, where the skin and tissues around the belly button are reshaped, there may be a small scar around the new belly button. This scar is designed to be as little visible as possible.

  3. Vertical Scar: In some cases, especially in patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, a vertical scar extending from the navel toward the horizontal scar may be necessary. This is most common in extended abdominoplasty or the fleur-de-lis technique.

  4. Fleur-de-Lis Shaped Scar: This technique, which resembles the fleur-de-lis shape, involves both a horizontal and a vertical scar. It is an option for patients with significant excess skin in the horizontal and vertical direction.

  5. Mini-Abdominoplasty Scar: In a mini-abdominoplasty, which is less extensive, the scar tends to be shorter and is also located above the pubis.

It is important to note that healing varies from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as genetics, postoperative care, and the patient's lifestyle (for example, smoking can worsen healing). The scars are usually more noticeable in the first few months, but over time, they tend to flatten and lighten, although they never disappear completely.

Your plastic surgeon will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your scars to minimize their appearance, which may include massage, special creams or gels, and, in some cases, laser treatments or injections to improve healing.

The final results of an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, may take some time to be fully visible, as the body needs time to heal and adapt to the changes. The exact time varies from person to person, but here's a general idea of ​​what you can expect:

  1. Initial Recovery: The first weeks after surgery are crucial for recovery. During this time, it is common to experience swelling and bruising. Most people can return to work and light daily activities within 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the nature of their work and their general health.

  2. Decreased Swelling: Although significant swelling usually subsides in the first few weeks, minor swelling may persist for several months. As this swelling subsides, you will begin to see more of the final result.

  3. Healing of Scars: Abdominoplasty scars will improve and soften over time, but this process can take up to a year or more. The exact appearance of scars varies depending on the surgical technique used, your skin type, and how your body heals.

  4. Final results: Generally, you can expect to see the final results of a tummy tuck around 6 months to 1 year after surgery. For some, it may take a little longer for the body to fully adjust and the scars to mature.

It is important to follow all post-operative instructions from your surgeon and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure a proper and safe recovery. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise (once cleared by your doctor), is crucial to maintaining the long-term results of abdominoplasty.

After a tummy tuck, it is crucial to carefully follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions to ensure a safe and effective recovery. Here are some general post-operative care tips:

  1. Adequate Rest: Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities, especially during the first weeks after surgery. This helps speed up the healing process.

  2. Use of Compression Girdle or Bandage: Your surgeon will likely recommend wearing a compression girdle or bandage around your abdomen. This helps reduce swelling and support the abdomen while it heals.

  3. Incision Care: Keep incisions clean and dry. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and when you can start showering.

  4. Pain management: There may be some pain and discomfort after surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication if necessary. Follow the instructions for use carefully.

  5. Avoid Lifting Weights and Straining: Avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exertion for several weeks after surgery, as directed by your doctor.

  6. Sleeping Position: It may be advisable to sleep in a slightly inclined position (with the upper body elevated) and with the knees bent to reduce tension in the abdominal area.

  7. Light Walks: Walking gently and regularly is recommended to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots.

  8. Healthy Diet and Hydration: Maintain a balanced diet and drink enough water to promote healing and maintain good hydration.

  9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Smoking and drinking alcohol can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

  10. Medical monitoring: Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and receive additional instructions.

  11. Scar Care: Follow your doctor's instructions on scar care to minimize their appearance in the long term.

Remember that these are general tips and specific instructions for your recovery may vary. Always follow your surgeon's recommendations and do not hesitate to ask him or her about any questions or concerns you may have during your recovery process.

If you are looking for the best clinic for abdominoplasty surgery near you, it is important to consider several factors, such as the reputation of the clinic, the opinions of patients and the experience of surgeons. An outstanding option in this field is the Aesophy Clinic.

Aesophy Clinic: The Choice for Your Abdominoplasty

  1. Recognized as the Abdominoplasty Surgery Clinic with the Best Reviews

    En Aesophy Clinic, we pride ourselves on having some of the best opinions in the field of abdominoplasty. Our patients highly value the quality of service, personalized attention and exceptional results we offer.

  2. Team of the Best Plastic Surgeons for Abdominoplasty in Malaga

    We have a team of best plastic surgeons specialized in abdominoplasty. Our experts have years of experience and are highly qualified, thus guaranteeing the best results for our patients.

  3. Advanced Technology and Innovative Techniques

    En Aesophy Clinic, we use cutting-edge technology and innovative surgical techniques to ensure safe and effective procedures, minimizing recovery time and improving abdominoplasty results.

  4. Personalized Attention and Comprehensive Care

    We understand that each patient is unique. Therefore, we offer personalized care and tailored treatment plans to meet the individual needs and expectations in each abdominoplasty case.

  5. Security and Trust

    The safety of our patients is our priority. In Aesophy Clinic, we follow strict safety and quality protocols to ensure that each abdominoplasty procedure is performed to the highest standards.

  6. Natural and Lasting Results

    We strive to deliver results that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also natural and long-lasting, so our patients enjoy greater confidence and well-being.

  7. Exhaustive Preoperative Consultations

    Before any abdominoplasty procedure, we conduct detailed consultations to understand our patients' expectations and goals, ensuring that the treatment plan is perfectly aligned with their wishes.

  8. Postoperative Care and Follow-up

    Care does not end after surgery. In Aesophy Clinic, we provide exhaustive postoperative follow-up to ensure optimal recovery and total patient satisfaction.

For more information about the Aesophy Clinic and our abdominoplasty services, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with maximum safety and professionalism.

Book Appointment Abdominoplasty Specialist Doctors Málaga

Clinic No. 1 Abdominoplasty Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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