medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Indiba Facial Malaga
treatment time
15 minutes
Indiba Facial Malaga
Not necessary
Indiba Facial Malaga
2 to 3 days
Indiba Facial Malaga
15 days
Indiba Facial Malaga
not required
Indiba Facial Malaga
From: €50

Table of contents Indiba Facial

What is Indiba Facial?

Indiba Facial: the treatment that rejuvenates your skin from the inside

Indiba Facial It is an aesthetic medical treatment that uses monopolar radiofrequency to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This treatment is an excellent option for those people who want to rejuvenate their skin naturally and without surgery.

At Clínica Aesophy we are specialists in the Indiba Facial treatment. We have a team of qualified and experienced professionals, who use the most advanced techniques to achieve optimal results. In addition, we offer a personalized service, adapted to the needs and preferences of each patient.

How is the Indiba Facial treatment performed?

The Indiba Facial treatment is performed in the aesthetic doctor's office. The procedure is simple and quick, and does not require hospitalization. The aesthetic doctor will place electrodes on the skin of the face and neck. Next, monopolar radiofrequency will be applied, which will heat the deep layers of the skin. This heat stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps firm the skin and reduce wrinkles.

How long does the Indiba Facial treatment last?

The Indiba Facial treatment usually lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. The number of sessions necessary will depend on the condition of the patient's skin. In general, between 6 and 10 sessions are recommended, carried out once a week.

What are the benefits of the Indiba Facial treatment?

The benefits of the Indiba Facial treatment are numerous, including:

  • skin rejuvenation
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin firmness
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Reduction of sagging
  • Improved skin tone
  • Improved skin luminosity

How much does the Indiba Facial treatment cost?

The price of the Indiba Facial treatment varies depending on the number of sessions necessary. At Clínica Aesophy we offer a personalized budget, adapted to the needs of each patient.

Aesophy Clinic Best Clinic for your Indiba Facial Treatment

If you are thinking about rejuvenating your skin naturally and without surgery, do not hesitate to contact us. At Clínica Aesophy we will advise you on the treatment that best suits your needs and we will help you achieve the result you want.

Indiba Facial is an effective and safe aesthetic medical treatment that can help you rejuvenate your skin naturally and without surgery. At Clínica Aesophy we are specialists in this treatment and offer a personalized and high-quality service. If you are thinking about undergoing this treatment, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact doctors specializing in facial Indiba treatments

Frequently Asked Questions Indiba Facial

What is the Indiba Facial Treatment?

The Indiba Facial treatment is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure that uses radiofrequency technology to improve the health and appearance of the skin. The Indiba brand developed a specific system known as "Proionic System", which uses a controlled radio frequency to stimulate the skin's internal biological processes. Here I detail what it is and how it works:

Technology and Operation:

  1. Proionic Radio Frequency: Radio frequency is a form of electromagnetic energy. Indiba's Proionic system uses a specific frequency that interacts with ions (charged particles) within cells, stimulating natural biological processes.

  2. Controlled Heat: The device emits gentle but effective heat that penetrates the layers of the skin, stimulating circulation, increasing available oxygen and promoting cell regeneration.

  3. Cell Stimulation: The applied energy helps accelerate cellular metabolism, resulting in increased production of collagen and elastin, key components to keep skin firm and elastic.

Benefits of the Indiba Facial Treatment:

  • Rejuvenation: Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin firmness and texture.
  • Improved circulation: Increased blood flow leads to better oxygenation and nutrition of skin cells.
  • Elasticity and toning: The stimulation of collagen and elastin contributes to more elastic and toned skin.
  • Brighter and healthier skin: Improved circulation and cell regeneration can result in more radiant, healthier skin.

Treatment Process:

  1. initial consultation: Evaluation by a qualified professional to discuss your expectations and determine if the treatment is right for you.
  2. Treatment session: The procedure is generally relaxing and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. No recovery time is required, and you can return to your daily activities immediately afterward.
  3. follow-up sessions: Depending on your specific goals, multiple sessions may be recommended.


  • Security: It is considered a safe treatment with few side effects. However, it should always be performed by a trained and experienced professional.
  • Customization: The treatment can be adapted to the specific needs of your skin, age and aesthetic goals.
  • Complementary: It is often combined with other aesthetic treatments to improve results.

Before undergoing treatment Indiba Facial, It is crucial to consult with a dermatologist or skin care specialist to discuss your needs and expectations and to make sure it is the right treatment for you.

The Indiba Facial treatment works using special radiofrequency technology to stimulate natural biological processes in the skin. This non-invasive method seeks to improve the health and appearance of the skin through controlled and precise heating. Here is the detail of how it works:

1. Proionic Radio Frequency Technology:

  • Radiofrequency: Indiba uses a specific frequency of radiofrequency to treat the skin. This energy penetrates the layers of the skin, generating gentle heat.
  • Proionic System: It is a technology patented by Indiba that works at a frequency that optimizes ionic activity within cells, helping to restore their electrical balance and stimulating natural cellular processes.

2. Controlled Warming:

  • Thermal effect: The heat generated by radiofrequency increases the temperature of tissues, leading to various biological effects. It is not excessive heat, but controlled and focused.
  • Increased circulation: Heat improves blood circulation in the treated area, which means a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

3. Cellular Stimulation and Regeneration:

  • Collagen production: Heat stimulates fibroblasts, which are cells responsible for collagen production. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Elastina: Similar to collagen, elastin is also stimulated, which helps improve skin elasticity.
  • Cell regeneration: Cellular repair and regeneration is promoted, which can help improve the texture and overall quality of the skin.

4. Results:

  • Rejuvenation: Users typically notice firmer, toned, and rejuvenated skin with continued use.
  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines: By improving collagen and elastin production, skin can appear smoother.
  • Improvement in skin texture and tone: Skin may appear more radiant and even.

5. Safety and Comfort:

  • Non invasive: It is a non-invasive treatment, meaning there are no cuts or injections.
  • Relaxing: Many find the treatment relaxing, similar to a warm massage.
  • Little to no downtime: You can resume your daily activities immediately after treatment.

It is important to note that although Indiba Facial is suitable for many, it is not for everyone. You should consult with a qualified professional to discuss your specific needs, pre-existing medical conditions, and expectations before deciding on this treatment. A specialist can also provide you with a more detailed explanation of how Indiba may work for your particular case and the number of sessions you may need to see optimal results.

The Indiba treatment is generally considered painless and, in fact, many find the process relaxing and enjoyable. Here are some points to consider about comfort and sensations during treatment:

Sensations During Treatment:

  • gentle heat: Users usually feel a soft, pleasant heat while the radiofrequency is applied. This heat is part of the cellular stimulation process and should not be uncomfortable.
  • Relaxation: Many people describe the treatment as relaxing, similar to a warm massage. It is common for patients to feel relaxed and comfortable during and after the session.

Factors Affecting Sensation:

  • Pain threshold: Pain perception varies from person to person. What may be totally comfortable for one may be slightly uncomfortable for another. However, most people do not experience pain with Indiba.
  • Device settings: Indiba devices have controllable settings, meaning the intensity of the treatment can be tailored to your comfort level.
  • Operator technique: The experience and skill of the professional performing the treatment can also affect how you feel. Experienced operators will know how to maximize the comfort and effects of the treatment.

Post-Treatment Considerations:

  • Little to no downtime: You should not feel pain after the treatment. At most, there may be slight redness or warmth in the treated area, but this usually disappears quickly.
  • Return to daily activities: You can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment, indicating minimal or no level of discomfort associated with the process.

Communication with your Specialist:

  • Prior consultation: If you have concerns about pain or discomfort, discuss them with your practitioner before beginning treatment. They can give you a clearer idea of ​​what to expect and how sensations are managed during the procedure.
  • during treatment: If at any time during the treatment you feel discomfort, it is important to communicate this to the professional who performs it. They can adjust the machine or technique to make it more comfortable.

In summary, Indiba treatment is considered safe and comfortable for most people. If you have a particular concern about pain or tenderness, it is best to discuss it with a qualified professional who can provide you with detailed, personalized information based on your specific situation and needs.

A typical Indiba Facial session generally lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, but the exact time may vary depending on several factors:

  1. treatment area: If you are receiving treatment on a specific area of ​​the face, such as around the eyes or mouth, the session may be shorter. A full facial will generally take longer.

  2. Specific objectives: Depending on your specific goals and the condition of your skin, the specialist may decide to extend the duration of the treatment to achieve the best results.

  3. Type of treatment: Indiba can offer different types of treatments, from more superficial procedures to those that require deeper tissue work. Deeper treatments may take longer.

  4. initial consultation: The first session may include an additional consultation to discuss your expectations and evaluate your skin, which could extend the length of the appointment.

In general, it is recommended to plan around an hour for your Indiba Facial treatment, although some sessions may be shorter or longer. It is advisable to consult with the professional who will perform your treatment to obtain a more accurate estimate based on your individual needs and the scope of the planned treatment.

The number of Indiba Facial sessions you will need depends on several individual factors, including your aesthetic goals, the initial condition of your skin, and how your body responds to the treatment. Here are some points to consider:

  1. aesthetic goals: If you are looking for a significant improvement in skin firmness, wrinkle reduction, or recovery of damaged skin, you may need multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

  2. skin condition: Age, skin type, and specific skin problems will influence the number of treatments needed. More mature or damaged skin may need more sessions than younger or less damaged skin.

  3. Individual response to treatment: Each person responds differently to treatment. Some may see significant improvements after just a few sessions, while others may need more time and additional treatments to see results.

  4. Maintenance: After reaching your initial goals, you may want occasional maintenance sessions to maintain results. These sessions may be less frequent, for example every few months.

In general, many clinics recommend between 6 and 12 sessions to see optimal results, followed by periodic maintenance treatments. However, the ideal treatment plan should be personalized for you. It is important to discuss your expectations and goals with a qualified professional, who can evaluate your skin and recommend an appropriate treatment regimen. Additionally, the professional can adjust the treatment plan depending on how your skin responds to the initial sessions.

The Indiba Facial treatment, using radiofrequency technology, offers a variety of benefits to improve the health and appearance of the skin. Here are some of the most notable benefits:
  1. Skin Rejuvenation: Indiba helps revitalize the skin, giving it a younger and fresher appearance. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen and elastin production.
  2. Improved Firmness and Elasticity: By promoting the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two key components for skin structure, Indiba can improve firmness and elasticity, resulting in more toned and smooth skin.
  3. Improves blood circulation: The heat generated by radiofrequency improves blood circulation in the treated area, which can increase the oxygen and nutrients available to skin cells, promoting healthier, more radiant skin.
  4. Reduction of Inflammation and Toxins: Treatment can help reduce inflammation and facilitate lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins from the skin.
  5. Skin Hydration: By improving cellular function and circulation, skin can better maintain its natural hydration, leading to a more hydrated and healthier appearance.
  6. Personalized Treatment: Indiba can be adjusted and customized to treat various specific skin areas and concerns, making it versatile and effective for a wide range of needs.
  7. Relaxing Process: Many find the Indiba treatment relaxing, similar to a warm massage, making it a pleasurable experience in addition to its aesthetic benefits.
  8. Little or No Downtime: You can return to your daily activities immediately after an Indiba session, making it convenient even for those with busy lifestyles.
  9. Safe for All Skin Types: Indiba is suitable for almost all skin types and ages, expanding its accessibility and usefulness.
  10. Progressive and Lasting Results: With regular sessions and maintenance, results can improve over time and be long-lasting, especially when combined with a good skin care regimen and a healthy lifestyle.
It is important to remember that results may vary depending on the person, their skin type, age and other factors. To better understand how you can benefit from Indiba Facial treatment, consult with a qualified professional who can provide you with a personalized evaluation and recommend the best course of action based on your specific needs.

A good candidate for Indiba treatment generally includes individuals seeking to improve the appearance and health of their skin without undergoing invasive surgical procedures. Here are some characteristics and considerations to determine if you might be a good candidate:

1. Interested in Non-Invasive Rejuvenation:

  • People who want to reduce visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, non-invasively.

2. Seeking Improvement in Skin Texture and Tone:

  • Individuals who want to improve the texture and tone of their skin, making it look smoother, firmer and more radiant.

3. Desiring to Increase Elasticity and Firmness:

  • Those seeking to improve the firmness and elasticity of their skin, through the stimulation of collagen and elastin production.

4. Maintenance or Prevention:

  • People of all ages interested in preventive treatments to maintain healthy and youthful skin.
  • Individuals who have already undergone cosmetic procedures and are looking to maintain or prolong the results.

5. Skin Recovery:

  • People with skin affected by factors such as stress, pollution, smoking or prolonged exposure to the sun who want to revitalize their appearance.

6. Specific Skin Conditions:

  • Some with specific skin conditions such as mild scarring, acne or inflammation may benefit from Indiba treatments, as long as they are evaluated and approved by a professional.

7. No Significant Contraindications:

  • Individuals who do not have significant contraindications such as pacemakers, metal implants in the treatment area, serious skin diseases, cancer, or are pregnant.

8. Realistic Expectations:

  • People with realistic expectations about the results of treatment. Indiba can offer significant improvements, but not miraculous results.

It is vital to have a consultation with a qualified professional before deciding on Indiba treatment. The professional will evaluate your skin, discuss your goals and expectations, and review your medical history to determine if the treatment is right for you. Additionally, he or she will explain what you can expect from the procedure and how to prepare for it.

The Indiba facial treatment is known for being non-invasive and having little to no recovery time. Most people can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. Here are some details about what you can expect post-treatment:

Immediately after treatment:

  • slight redness: You may experience slight redness or warmth in the treated area due to increased blood circulation, but this usually disappears within a few hours.
  • Feeling of relaxation: Many report a feeling of relaxation and well-being after a treatment due to the massaging effect of the device.

Post-treatment recommendations:

  • Hydration: Keep your skin well hydrated by applying a suitable moisturizer.
  • Solar protection: Use a high-quality sunscreen to protect treated skin from sun exposure, especially if you will be outdoors.
  • Avoid extreme heat: It is recommended to avoid saunas, hot baths or exposure to intense sun immediately after treatment to avoid irritation.

What to avoid:

  • Strenuous activities: Although most can continue with their normal activities, it may be wise to avoid strenuous exercise right after your session to minimize swelling or redness.
  • Additional facial treatments: Wait a day or two before undergoing other facial treatments to give your skin time to rest and recover.


  • Long term results: Although there is no downtime necessary, Indiba treatment results often improve with additional sessions. Your specialist can recommend a course of treatment based on your specific needs.

If you experience any unusual or prolonged side effects after treatment, it is important to consult with your specialist. However, such incidences are rare due to the non-invasive nature of Indiba treatment. As always, be sure to follow the specific post-treatment care instructions provided by your specialist for the best results and a hassle-free recovery.

Indiba facial treatment is generally considered safe with minimal and rare side effects when performed by a qualified professional. However, as with any aesthetic treatment, there may be some risks and potential side effects. Here are the most common ones:

1. Redness and Swelling:

  • slight redness: It is common to experience temporary redness in the treated area due to the increased blood circulation caused by the heat. It usually goes away within a few hours.
  • Mild swelling: Some people may notice slight swelling, especially if they have sensitive skin. This is also usually temporary.

2. Heat and Burning Sensation:

  • Heat during treatment: You will feel heat in the treated area during the session, which is normal and necessary for the effectiveness of the treatment. However, if the heat becomes uncomfortable, it is important to inform the professional immediately.
  • Mild burning sensation: Rarely, some may experience a burning sensation or excessive heat after treatment, but this should subside quickly.

3. Sensitivity:

  • Increased sensitivity: The treated area may be temporarily more sensitive to touch, heat or cold.

4. Bruises:

  • Bruises: Although rare, some people with particularly sensitive skin or bleeding disorders may experience bruising.

Special Considerations:

  • Contraindications: People with certain medical conditions (such as pacemakers or metal implants in the treatment area, pregnancy, active cancer, or certain skin diseases) should not receive Indiba treatment.
  • Allergic reactions: While allergic reactions are extremely rare, it is always important to discuss any known allergies or sensitivities with the practitioner prior to treatment.

5. Unexpected results:

  • Dissatisfaction with results: Some people may not get the expected or desired results. It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss possible results with the professional before treatment.

Prevention and Management:

  • Qualified professional: Make sure your treatment is performed by an experienced and qualified professional.
  • Communication: Inform the professional of any uncomfortable sensations during the treatment.
  • Following instructions: Follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by your specialist.

Although side effects are generally minimal and temporary, it is crucial to have a detailed consultation with a professional before undergoing an Indiba treatment to discuss any potential risks and ensure the treatment is right for you.

Maintaining the results of Indiba treatment in the long term involves a combination of aftercare, healthy lifestyle habits and possibly maintenance sessions. Here are some recommendations:

1. Maintenance Sessions:

  • Regular: Depending on your goals and how your skin responds, you may need periodic maintenance sessions to maintain results. Your specialist can recommend an appropriate schedule.
  • Adjust according to skin response: The frequency of maintenance sessions can be adjusted based on how your skin responds and maintains the initial results.

2. Daily Skin Care:

  • Hydration: Use appropriate moisturizing products to keep your skin well nourished and supple.
  • Gentle cleaning: Cleanse your skin with gentle products that do not strip the skin's natural oils.
  • Solar protection: Apply sunscreen daily to protect your skin from UV damage, which can accelerate aging.

3. Healthy life style:

  • Balance diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids can promote healthy skin from the inside.
  • Hydration: Drinking enough water throughout the day helps keep your skin hydrated.
  • Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can deteriorate the quality of the skin and reverse the benefits of your treatments.

4. Stress management:

  • Relaxation techniques: Stress can affect skin health, so incorporate practices like meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises into your daily routine.

5. Quality Dream:

  • adequate rest: Sleeping well is essential for skin regeneration. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

6. regular exercise:

  • Physical activity: Exercise increases circulation and helps nourish skin cells. Additionally, it can improve the elimination of toxins through sweat.

7. Follow the Specialist's Instructions:

  • Post-treatment instructions: Follow all the recommendations provided by your specialist after each Indiba session.
  • follow-up inquiries: Keep all follow-up appointments so your specialist can monitor your progress and adjust treatment if necessary.

8. Avoid Risk Factors:

  • Excessive sun exposure: Limit sun exposure, especially without protection, to prevent sun damage.
  • Extremely hot or cold environments: Protect your skin from extreme weather conditions.

Maintaining the results of Indiba treatment is a long-term commitment to your well-being and skin care. With the right strategies and support from professionals, you can enjoy healthy, rejuvenated skin for a long time.

If you are looking for best clinic for Indiba Facial treatment near you, Aesophy Clinic stands out as a leading option in the provision of advanced aesthetic services, including the renowned Indiba treatment. Here we explain why the Aesophy Clinic could be the best choice:

  1. Qualified Specialists: The Aesophy Clinic has a team of highly trained and experienced professionals in Indiba radiofrequency treatments, ensuring that you will receive superior quality care.
  2. Advanced technology: Equipped with the latest Indiba technology, the Aesophy Clinic offers personalized and effective treatments, adapted to the needs and aesthetic objectives of each client.
  3. Proven Results: With a track record of satisfied customers, the clinic prides itself on its ability to deliver visible, long-lasting results, making it a trusted choice for your facial care.
  4. Personalized Attention: Understanding that each skin is unique, Aesophy Clinic provides a detailed consultation to create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your specific expectations and goals.
  5. Cozy atmosphere: Enjoy a comfortable and relaxing environment while you receive your treatment, ensuring a pleasant experience with each visit.
  6. Accessibility and Convenience: Conveniently located near you, Aesophy Clinic offers flexible hours and accessible facilities to ensure your treatment fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.
  7. Commitment to Excellence: The Aesophy Clinic is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and care, ensuring that your experience is exceptional in every aspect.

When choosing the Aesophy Clinic for your treatment Indiba Facial, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of experts dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and improving the health of your skin. For the best results and an exceptional skincare experience, consider visiting Aesophy Clinic for your next Indiba facial treatment.

Contact Book appointment Indiba Facial Málaga

Clinic Nº1 Indiba Facial Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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