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Fractional Co2 Laser Málaga Aesophy Clinic

CO2 Fractional Laser

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Fractional CO2 Laser Malaga

Table of Contents Fractional CO2 Laser

Welcome to the page of Fractional CO2 Laser from Aesophy Clinic, your destination for rejuvenated and radiant skin. Discover how this advanced technology can transform your skin, giving you surprising results.

El CO2 Fractional Laser It is a revolutionary technique in the field of aesthetic and restorative dermatology. It uses micro-beams of light to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, promoting intense cell renewal and collagen production. This treatment is ideal for combat signs of aging, scars, spots and more.

What is fractional CO2 laser?

El fractional CO2 laser It is a non-surgical aesthetic treatment that uses a carbon dioxide laser to vaporize the skin in a controlled manner. This technique can treat a wide range of skin imperfections, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • age spots
  • Stretch marks
  • Moles and warts

Best Fractional CO2 Laser Clinic Aesophy Clinic

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments

Facial Rejuvenation

Discover how the Fractional CO2 Laser can reduce wrinkles, expression lines and improve the general texture of the skin, giving you a youthful and fresh appearance.

Scar Reduction

Whether acne, surgical or traumatic scars, this laser is an effective solution to significantly smooth and improve the appearance of the skin.

Stain Removal

Say goodbye to sun spots, age spots or hyperpigmentation. With the Fractional CO2 Laser, you can achieve a uniform and clear skin tone.

Stretch Marks Treatment

Renews areas affected by stretch marks, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, key elements to restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Benefits of the Fractional CO2 Laser at Aesophy Clinic

Benefits of the Fractional CO2 Laser at Aesophy Clinic

  • Visible and Lasting Results: Enjoy smoother, firmer and younger skin.
  • Personalized Treatment: Each session is tailored to your specific needs.
  • Advanced technology: State-of-the-art equipment for a safe and comfortable experience.
  • Fast recovery: Return to your daily activities with little downtime.

How does the fractional CO2 laser work?

El fractional CO2 laser It emits a beam of light that is concentrated on the skin. This beam of light vaporizes the skin in a controlled manner, leaving intact areas between the treated areas. These intact areas help the skin to regenerate naturally.

CO2 Laser treatment Aesophy Clinic

Who can undergo fractional CO2 laser treatment?

Fractional CO2 laser is a safe and effective treatment for most people. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before undergoing this treatment, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

How is a fractional CO2 laser treatment performed?

Un fractional CO2 laser treatment It usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. The treatment is performed in an aesthetic clinic under local anesthesia.

During treatment, the doctor will apply the laser to the skin in a fractionated pattern. This means that the laser will only vaporize a portion of the skin with each pulse.

After treatment, the skin may be red and swollen. However, these effects usually disappear within a few days.

What care should I take after a fractional CO2 laser treatment?

After treatment with fractional CO2 laser, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions. These instructions may include:

  • Apply a moisturizer
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Use sunscreen

Advantages of a fractional CO2 laser treatment

The fractional CO2 laser is an effective and safe aesthetic treatment that can help improve the appearance of the skin.. If you are looking for a treatment to remove wrinkles, scars, spots or stretch marks, the fractional CO2 laser may be a good option for you.

Contact our doctors specializing in fractional CO2 laser Malaga

FAQs fractional CO2 laser 

El fractional CO2 laser It is an advanced technology used in dermatological and aesthetic treatments. It's called "fractionated" because instead of emitting a continuous beam of light, it splits the laser into thousands of small microbeams. These microbeams treat only a fraction of the area at a time, allowing for faster healing and reducing the risk of side effects.

It works by emitting beams of light at a specific wavelength (10.600 nm), which is well absorbed by water in the skin tissues. Upon contact with the skin, laser energy instantly heats and vaporizes the cells in the outermost layer, while warming the underlying layers. This process not only removes damaged or aged cells on the surface, but also stimulates natural collagen production in the deepest layers. The result is firmer, smoother and rejuvenated skin.

The treatment with fractional CO2 laser It is commonly used to address issues such as wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, age spots, uneven skin texture, and other signs of aging or sun damage. The precision of the laser allows specific areas to be treated without damaging surrounding tissues, making recovery generally quick and with fewer complications compared to older laser treatments.

However, as with any medical procedure, it is essential to consult a qualified professional to evaluate whether it is the appropriate treatment for each specific case and to fully understand the possible risks and expected results.

Yes, the CO2 Fractional Laser It is generally safe when performed by qualified professionals in an appropriate clinical setting, such as Aesophy Clinic. The safety and effectiveness of this treatment are supported by numerous studies and its widespread use in dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

Modern equipment CO2 Fractional Laser They allow doctors to have precise control over the intensity and depth of treatment, minimizing associated risks and maximizing positive results. Additionally, safety protocols are applied and a detailed evaluation is performed on each patient to ensure that the treatment is appropriate and safe for her skin type and condition.

It is important to follow all pre- and post-treatment instructions provided by specialists and communicate any concerns or prior medical conditions to ensure the best experience and safe results with the treatment. CO2 Fractional Laser.

The treatment with fractional CO2 laser It may cause some degree of discomfort or pain, but the intensity varies depending on each person's individual sensitivity, the treatment area, and the depth and power of the laser used. It is generally described as a feeling of intense heat, itching or as if little elastic bands were snapping against the skin.

To minimize pain and discomfort, professionals often apply a topical anesthetic cream in the area to be treated before the procedure. This step helps numb the skin and makes the treatment more tolerable. Additionally, during the procedure, ventilation systems can be used. cooling that blow cold air onto the skin to reduce heat and discomfort.

After treatment, it is normal to experience a sensation similar to Sun burn, with redness and heat in the treated area. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours to days, depending on the intensity of treatment.

It is important to discuss pain concerns and pain management options with the doctor or specialist before treatment. They can provide more detailed information about what to expect and how to prepare to minimize discomfort. Additionally, carefully follow the post-treatment instructions can help ensure a more comfortable and faster recovery.

The length of each fractional CO2 laser treatment session can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as the treatment area, the specific condition being addressed, and the equipment settings. Generally speaking, a session can last anywhere from a few minutes to about an hour.

  1. Small Area: For small areas, such as isolated scars or specific wrinkles, the treatment can be quite quick and could be completed in as little as 10 to 15 minutes.

  2. Full Face: For more extensive treatments, such as a full facial rejuvenation, the session can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

  3. Laser Settings: Additionally, specific laser settings, such as intensity and depth of penetration, can also influence the length of the session. More intense treatments may require more time.

Before the procedure, a topical anesthetic cream is usually applied and must wait for it to take effect, which can add additional time (usually around 30 to 60 minutes) before the laser treatment itself begins.

It is important to note that although the treatment itself may be relatively quick, the entire process, including preparation and immediate recovery time after treatment, should be considered when planning the total time spent in each session.

To obtain a more accurate estimate of how long each session will last in your particular case, it is best to consult directly with the professional who will perform the treatment, as they will be able to provide information based on your specific situation and the goals of the treatment.

The number of treatment sessions with fractional CO2 laser needed to see results can vary considerably depending on the specific condition being treated, the severity of the skin problems, the individual's aesthetic goals, and the individual response to treatment. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Skin Condition and Severity: Some conditions, such as fine lines or mild age spots, may show noticeable improvements after just one session. However, deeper or more severe problems, such as deep acne scars or deep wrinkles, will generally require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

  2. Treatment Objectives: Personal expectations and objectives will also influence the number of sessions. Someone looking for a modest improvement may be satisfied with fewer sessions, while someone looking for a more dramatic transformation may need more treatments.

  3. Laser Type and Settings: Different equipment and treatment settings can influence the number of sessions needed. More intense lasers may provide faster results but with a longer recovery time, while milder treatments may require more sessions but with less recovery time after each one.

  4. Individual Response: Each person responds to treatment differently. Some people may experience faster collagen regeneration and more noticeable results sooner, while others may need more time and additional sessions to see changes.

Generally speaking, many people start to see improvements after the first session, but Generally between 3 and 5 sessions are recommended to obtain significant results. These sessions are usually spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to allow for skin healing and regeneration.

It is essential to have a consultation with a qualified professional before beginning treatment. They can evaluate your skin, discuss your goals, and provide a more accurate estimate of the number of sessions needed to achieve your desired results. Additionally, follow-up after each session is crucial to evaluate results and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

Recovery time after treatment with fractional CO2 laser It varies depending on the intensity of the treatment, the sensitivity of the patient's skin, and the area treated, but generally follows a similar timeline. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Immediately After Treatment: The skin is usually red and swollen, and may feel like a severe sunburn. There may also be some spot bleeding and a burning sensation.

  2. First 1-3 Days: For the first few days, the treated skin will feel rough and will be crunchy. Redness and swelling will continue, and there may be some peeling or crusting. It is crucial not to remove any scabs to avoid scarring.

  3. Day 3-7: The skin will begin to peel, revealing a new layer of smoother, younger skin underneath. Most of the swelling should begin to go down. You may still feel some redness and tenderness in the treated area.

  4. Week 1-2: For most people, the skin will have healed substantially at this point, although some redness, similar to a mild sunburn, may persist. Most people feel comfortable enough to return to their normal activities and wear light makeup to hide any remaining redness.

  5. After 2 Weeks: The redness should continue to decrease, and the results of the treatment will begin to become more evident. However, internal healing and collagen remodeling will continue for several months after treatment.

It is important to note that this is a general time frame and the recovery experience may vary from person to person. Some factors can speed up or slow down the healing process, including each individual's skin's ability to regenerate, proper aftercare, and avoidance of sun exposure.

After treatment, the skin care provider will provide specific instructions on how to care for the skin while it heals, which may include using healing ointments, avoiding the sun and using sun protection, and possibly avoiding certain activities or products that may irritate the skin.

It is crucial to follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. Additionally, maintaining open communication with the professional who performed the treatment is essential to address any concerns or questions that may arise during the recovery period.

The treatment with fractional CO2 laser It is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional, but as with any medical procedure, it can have possible side effects. Some of the most common include:

  1. Redness and Swelling: Almost everyone will experience some degree of redness and swelling immediately after treatment, similar to a severe sunburn. This usually resolves in a few days to a week.

  2. Peeling and Scabs: As the skin heals, it may peel and scab over. It is essential not to remove the scab prematurely to avoid scarring.

  3. Pigmentation Changes: Some people may experience temporary darkening (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation) of the treated skin. These effects are usually temporary but may be more persistent in some individuals.

  4. Infection: Although rare due to the sterilizing nature of the laser, there is a risk of infection if the treated skin is not properly cared for during the healing process.

  5. Acne or Milia Rashes: Some people may experience acne breakouts or small white bumps (milia) as the skin heals. These usually resolve with proper skin care and cleansing.

  6. scars: Although rare, especially with modern fractional lasers, there is a small risk of scarring, particularly if scabs are removed prematurely or if infection occurs.

  7. Sun Sensitivity: Treated skin will be more sensitive to the sun for several months after treatment, increasing the risk of sunburn and skin damage. It is essential to use high sun protection and avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible during this time.

It is crucial to discuss all possible side effects and how to manage them with the professional performing the treatment before proceeding. Additionally, carefully following post-treatment care instructions is vital to minimize risks and ensure proper recovery.

Any unusual or prolonged side effects should be discussed with a doctor or dermatologist. In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary to resolve these effects.

The results of treatment with fractional CO2 laser They can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated. However, here's a general timeline of what you can expect:

  1. Immediately After Treatment: Right after the treatment, you will not see aesthetic results due to swelling and redness. In fact, the skin may appear worse due to the immediate response to the heat of the laser.

  2. First week: As the skin begins to heal and the peeling and scabbing disappears, you may begin to notice some changes. The skin underneath may appear smoother and more even in tone.

  3. From 2 to 4 weeks: During this period, as the swelling completely subsides, you will see more noticeable results. Skin may appear firmer, with improved texture and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and blemishes.

  4. From 1 to 3 Months: Results will continue to improve as the skin produces more collagen. This natural regeneration process can take several months, during which the skin may appear tighter, smoother and more youthful.

  5. 3 to 6 Months and More: For many, optimal results are seen several months after treatment as the skin continues to regenerate and collagen remodels the skin structure. For those who undergo multiple sessions, each additional treatment can continue to improve results.

It is important to note that these are approximate time frames and each person's experience may vary. Some factors that can influence how quickly and effectively your results include age, skin type, lifestyle, treatment intensity, and how your skin is cared for after the procedure.

A detailed consultation with a qualified professional before beginning treatment will give you a better idea of ​​what to expect in your specific case. Additionally, carefully following aftercare instructions and having follow-up appointments can help ensure the best possible results from fractional CO2 laser treatment.

The fractional CO2 laser is a powerful tool for skin rejuvenation and can be effective on many skin types, but is not necessarily suitable for everyone. The appropriateness of treatment depends on several factors, including skin type, skin tone, the specific condition being treated, and the presence of certain skin conditions. Here are the details:

  1. Light Skin Types: Individuals with lighter skin types (types I, II, and III on the Fitzpatrick scale, which classifies skin based on how it reacts to the sun) are generally the best candidates for fractional CO2 laser treatment. This is because they have a lower risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) or hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) after treatment.

  2. Dark Skin Types: People with darker skin types (types IV, V, and VI on the Fitzpatrick scale) are at higher risk of pigmentary side effects, such as hyperpigmentation. Although not completely excluded as candidates, treatment should be performed with careful setup and possibly preliminary testing on a small area to assess skin response.

  3. Skin Conditions: Those with certain skin conditions, such as active psoriasis, infections, certain types of acne, or very sensitive skin, may not be good candidates for the fractional CO2 laser. Additionally, people who tend to form keloid scars or have a history of abnormal scarring may need to consider other treatments.

  4. Medical history: People with a history of cold sores or shingles in the area being treated may need preventative antiviral medication to reduce the risk of treatment-induced outbreaks.

It is crucial to have an in-depth consultation with a qualified dermatologist or skin professional before deciding on fractional CO2 laser treatment. They will need to evaluate your skin type, specific concerns, medical history, and expectations to determine if this treatment is right for you and how it can be customized to minimize risks and maximize results. In some cases, they can recommend safer and more effective alternatives for your specific skin type and conditions.

Properly preparing for a fractional CO2 laser treatment can help improve results and minimize the risk of side effects. Here are some general guidelines, although you should always follow specific instructions provided by your skin care professional:

  1. Initial Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified professional to assess your suitability for treatment, discuss your expectations, and understand the procedure, potential side effects, and recovery time.

  2. Avoid the Sun: Avoid sun exposure and do not use tanning beds for at least 4 to 6 weeks before treatment. Tanned skin has a higher risk of side effects, such as hyperpigmentation.

  3. Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) daily in the weeks before treatment to protect your skin.

  4. Medications and Supplements: Tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking, as some may increase the risk of bleeding or affect healing. They may recommend that you avoid certain medications such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or supplements such as omega-3, vitamin E, and others that can increase bleeding.

  5. Previous Treatments: Avoid other cosmetic procedures on the area to be treated, such as chemical peels or filler injections, for a specific time before laser treatment.

  6. Skin care: Avoid skin care products containing retinoids, glycolic acid, and other exfoliating or irritating ingredients in the week before treatment.

  7. Preventive Medication: If you have a history of cold sores or shingles in the area to be treated, inform your doctor. You may be prescribed a preventative antiviral medication to reduce the risk of a treatment-induced outbreak.

  8. Treatment Day: Arrive with clean skin, without makeup, lotions, perfumes or similar products. Wear comfortable clothing and consider wearing a hat or clothing that covers the treated area when you leave the clinic.

  9. Plan Recovery Time: Make sure you have enough time after the treatment to rest and recover, as your skin will be sensitive and you will need to avoid sun exposure.

Remember that these are general guidelines. It is essential to follow all specific instructions provided by your doctor or skin care professional to ensure the best possible result and minimize risks.

find the best clinic to receive treatment with Fractional CO2 Laser It is crucial to ensure safety, effectiveness and satisfaction with the results. Aesophy Clinic It stands out as one of the top options for several reasons:

Professional experience

Aesophy Clinic It has a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in laser treatments. The experience and knowledge of our specialists ensure a safe and personalized procedure for each patient.

Advanced technology

We use equipment CO2 Fractional Laser of the latest generation, allowing for more precise, safe and effective treatments. Advanced technology also contributes to faster recovery and more satisfactory results.

Personalized Evaluation

We understand that each skin is unique. Therefore, in Aesophy Clinic, we offer a personalized evaluation to understand your specific needs and ensure that the CO2 Fractional Laser be the most appropriate treatment for you.

Customer service

Patient satisfaction and care are our priorities. From the initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up, we offer exceptional customer service, ensuring you feel informed, comfortable and cared for every step of the process.

Proven Results

Our patient testimonials and visible results speak for themselves. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and the positive impact we have on the lives of our patients.

Safe and Comfortable Environment

Safety is our top priority. Aesophy Clinic complies with all health safety regulations to ensure that your experience is not only effective but also safe.

Accessibility and Location

Located in a convenient location, Aesophy Clinic is easily accessible to those seeking treatment for CO2 Fractional Laser high quality.

Informative Consultation

We offer informative consultations to answer all your questions and ensure you feel confident and prepared for your treatment.

Choose Aesophy Clinic for your treatment CO2 Fractional Laser It means opting for quality, safety and personalized attention. Contact us to learn more and schedule your consultation. Transform your skin with experts you can trust.

Book Appointment Best clinic treatments fractional CO2 laser Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Fractional CO2 Laser Liposuction

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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