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Temporary facelift Malaga
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40 minutes
Temporary facelift Malaga
Temporary facelift Malaga
1 week
Temporary facelift Malaga
Temporary facelift Malaga
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Temporary facelift Malaga
From: €3.500

Table of Contents Temporary Facelift

Would you like to enjoy a more youthful and radiant appearance without having to undergo invasive surgery? If you are looking for an effective solution to rejuvenate your appearance without going under the knife, you are in the right place.

In this article, I will reveal everything you need to know about temporary facelift treatment. Get ready to discover how you can achieve noticeable results and a fresher, more rejuvenated appearance.

What is a temporary facelift?

Temporary facelift, also known as non-surgical facelift or non-invasive facelift, is an aesthetic procedure that uses different techniques to tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck.

Unlike a surgical facelift, this approach requires no incisions or general anesthesia, meaning it has fewer risks and a faster recovery time.

Temporary facelift Malaga

It consists of remodeling the arch of the eyebrow through an incision on each side of the scalp, at the temples, hidden behind the hair. They are incisions between four and seven centimeters through which access is gained, below the forehead muscle, to the eyebrows, tightening the tissues in the area and raising them using sutures.

temporary lifting

The fall of the tail of the eyebrow is a frequent reason for consultation in our center. Over the years, the action of the depressor muscles (orbicularis oculi, corrugator muscles and the procerus muscle mainly) exhausts the lifting capacity of the frontalis muscle and eyebrows fall.

When this descent or fall of the eyebrow is more evident at the level of its external portion or tail, a redundancy of skin is produced that ends up hiding the eyelashes and causing creases at the level of the outer edge of the eye, accentuating the “Crow's feet".

Many patients consult for a blepharoplasty, since they perceive or are more bothered by this skin excess at the level of the eyelashes and are not so aware of the redundancy of skin at the level of the Crow's foot. However, when we perform only one eyebrow tail lift, both characteristics are corrected in a more harmonic way.

In many cases, when the classic upper blepharoplasty technique is combined with the eyebrow lift, the results are maximum but when the cause is camouflaged (drooping of the eyebrow) by means of blepharoplasty alone (direct excision of the skin of the upper eyelid), the results are acceptable but less.

Said more specifically: many blepharoplasties are performed due to a fall in the tail of the eyebrows, so the results are not always the best possible.

In this context, blepharoplasty and tail lift (temporary lift) are two complementary techniques for complete orbital rejuvenation.

Best temporary lifting surgeon Málaga Aesophy clinic

Common temporary lifting techniques

  • Thread lift: Thread lifts are fine, biocompatible threads that are inserted under the skin to lift and tighten facial tissues. These threads stimulate the production of collagen, which contributes to a natural and lasting lifting effect.
  • Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, are used to restore volume, fill in wrinkles, and improve the appearance of the skin. These fillers are applied to specific areas to provide an instant rejuvenating effect.

temporary lifting benefits

Of the three types of lifting that exist, the temporary one is the one that acts more specifically on the lateral areas of the forehead and, therefore, minimizes 'crow's feet'.

In practice, a stretch is performed on the lateral areas of the forehead, raising the tail of the eyebrow and allowing the eyelash to shine again in all its splendor.

To achieve this, the brand of the temporary facelift It is as discreet as in the frontal lifting, since the incision is made at the hairline, although this time in the area of ​​the ears.

Indications for the temporary facelift

The ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are those seeking improvement, rather than absolute perfection, in their appearance.

If you are in good general health, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations, you will be a good candidate.

Rhinoplasty will improve your appearance and self-confidence, but it will not make you look like someone else or be treated differently.

Like any surgery, the operation to correct the shape of the nose has its own testimony. They are functional in nature (violation of nasal breathing) and aesthetic (due to a person's dissatisfaction with what his nose looks like).

In the first case, surgery is recommended, and in the second - the indications for surgical intervention are relatively relative. In any case, each person decides for himself whether he suits his nose and whether he needs rhinoplasty.

Preparation for temporary facelift intervention

  • A preoperative examination, according to age and personal characteristics, will include blood tests, ECG, Rx, according to the anesthesiologist's criteria.
  • Avoid alcohol and very heavy meals three days before surgery.
  • Avoid any weight loss, including taking diuretics.
  • Do not take medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid or Vitamin E. Consult with the surgeon about any medication that you take regularly.
  • Do not smoke or expose yourself to the sun for two weeks prior to the intervention, as tobacco and the sun interfere very negatively with wound healing.

After the Temporary Lift intervention

  • The first hours should rest and apply cold.
  • The most appropriate hygiene and medication standards will be prescribed according to their characteristics.
  • The removal of the stitches (7-8 days) and the cures are carried out at Clínica Vega.
  • You should try to eat a healthy and light diet.
  • Although it is not very painful, it is normal for the first few days to have a “padded” sensation on the face, which will gradually disappear.
  • You must avoid tobacco for two weeks afterward and the sun until indicated by the surgeon (3 months).
  • You must remain in relative rest for at least 2 weeks.
  • At Clínica Vega we will prescribe the most appropriate aftercare for your case: lymphatic drainage, Indiba®, etc.
  • It is very important to keep in mind that the postoperative period has different stages that you have to go through.

Is the temporary facelift right for you?

Temporary facelift is an excellent option for many people who want to rejuvenate their appearance without undergoing invasive surgery. However, each case is unique, and it is important to receive a personalized evaluation to determine if this treatment is the most suitable for you.

A facial aesthetic specialist will help you understand if you are a good candidate for a temporary lift and will recommend alternatives if they consider that another approach may provide better results.

Book appointment for temporary facelift in Malaga

Now that you have all the information about temporary lifting, you are closer to achieving a rejuvenated and natural appearance. This treatment offers a non-surgical alternative to improve the signs of aging and regain confidence in your appearance.

If you are ready to experience the benefits of temporary lifting, we invite you to schedule a consultation with a facial aesthetic specialist. They will assess your individual needs and guide you through the process, providing you with a safe and satisfying experience.

Temporary Facelift Price

Don't wait any longer to enjoy a rejuvenated and radiant appearance. Click the link below to book your consultation and discover how a temporary facelift can transform your look.

«Click here to book your consultation and take the first step towards temporary and natural rejuvenation. Don't miss the opportunity to show off your best version and revitalize your face today!

Temporary Lifting FAQ

What is a temporary facelift?

Un temporary facelift, also know as "mini facelift»Or«eyebrow lift«, is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the upper part of the face, including the front, Eyebrows and the region of eyes. This procedure seeks to correct the loss of the eyebrows and reduce the Wrinkles in the front and around the eyes to achieve a younger and revitalized look.

Unlike a full face lift, which covers the entire face, the temporary facelift focuses specifically on the area of ​​the front and Eyebrows. The main objective is to raise the droopy eyebrows and eliminate or soften the Wrinkles and lines in the front and frown.

The procedure of temporary facelift involves the realization of strategic incisions in the temple area or behind the ears, allowing the surgeon to access the underlying muscles and tissues. The tissues are then adjusted, excess skin is removed and the Eyebrows to a more rejuvenated position. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and usually requires less recovery time compared to a full face lift.

It is important to note that, although it is called «temporary facelift«It is still a surgical procedure and the results are longer lasting compared to non-surgical treatments. However, it is not permanent and, over time, the effects of aging can reappear. The choice between a temporary facelift and other facial rejuvenation procedures will depend on the individual needs and goals of each patient.

A temporary facelift, also known as a "minilift" or "brow lift," is a surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate the upper part of the face, including the forehead, eyebrows, and eye region. Unlike a full facelift that addresses the entire face, a temporary facelift specifically focuses on the upper area.

The temporary facelift procedure generally includes the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia: The patient receives local anesthesia or sedation to ensure comfort during the procedure.

  2. incisions: The surgeon makes strategic incisions at the hairline or behind the ears, allowing access to underlying tissues.

  3. Fabric Adjustment: The underlying tissues and muscles are adjusted to correct drooping eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Excess skin is removed if necessary.

  4. Eyebrow Lift: The eyebrows are raised to a more youthful position and fixed in place.

  5. Incision Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical adhesives.

  6. Recovery: The patient recovers in an observation area and can return home the same day of the procedure.

The goal of a temporary lift is to achieve a more rejuvenated appearance in the forehead and eyebrow area by correcting sagging skin and drooping eyebrows. This procedure is less invasive than a full facelift and usually requires less recovery time.

It is important to keep in mind that the results of temporary lifting are not permanent and, over time, the effects of aging can reappear. The choice of this procedure will depend on the individual needs and goals of each patient, and should be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.

La temporary facelift surgery, also known as «mini facelift»Or«eyebrow lift«, can vary in duration depending on several factors, including the technique used, the extent of the procedure and the experience of the surgeon. In general, this type of surgery is usually faster than a full face lift due to its specific focus on the area of front and Eyebrows.

On average, temporary facelift surgery usually takes about 1 to 2 hours to be completed. It is important to note that this is only an estimate and the exact time may be shorter or longer depending on each patient's individual circumstances and the extent of correction required.

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia or sedation, allowing the patient to be comfortable during surgery. After the operation, the patient recovers in an observation area before returning home the same day as the procedure.

It is essential to discuss the specific details of the temporary lift surgery, including the estimated duration, with the plastic surgeon during the preoperative consultation. Each case is unique, and the surgeon will be able to provide a more accurate estimate based on the patient's individual needs.

Recovery after a temporary facelift varies depending on the patient and the extent of the procedure, but generally follows a similar pattern. Here is a general estimate of recovery time after a temporary facelift:

  1. Immediately after the procedure:

    • The patient may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area.
    • Ice can be gently applied to the surgery area to reduce swelling.
    • The patient can return home the same day of the procedure.
  2. First days after the procedure:

    • It is recommended to rest and avoid strenuous activities.
    • Medications for pain and inflammation may be prescribed as needed.
    • Stitches, if used, will be removed at a follow-up appointment.
  3. First weeks after the procedure:

    • Most swelling and bruising will decrease significantly in the first few weeks.
    • It is important to avoid sun exposure and protect the skin from UV rays.
    • Light makeup can be used to hide any residual redness.
  4. First months after the procedure:

    • Most patients can return to normal activities after a few weeks.
    • The patient may need to avoid vigorous activities or strenuous exercise for about a month.
    • The results of the temporary lift will begin to become more evident as the swelling completely subsides.

It is important to keep in mind that recovery may vary depending on the patient and the surgical technique used. Some patients may experience a faster recovery than others. Additionally, it is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the plastic surgeon to ensure a safe recovery and obtain the best results.

During the preoperative consultation, the surgeon will provide specific guidance on recovery and guidelines to follow after the temporary facelift.

Un temporary facelift, also know as "mini facelift»Or«eyebrow lift«, offers several aesthetic benefits that can improve facial appearance and provide a younger and revitalized appearance. Some of the key benefits of a temporary facelift include:

  1. Eyebrow Lift: Corrects drooping eyebrows, which can make eyes appear more open and alert. This can give a more youthful and fresh appearance.

  2. Reduction of Forehead Wrinkles: Smoothes and reduces wrinkles and lines on the forehead and between the eyebrows, resulting in a smoother, less aged appearance.

  3. Natural Results: A temporary lift focuses on the forehead and eyebrow area, allowing for more natural and less dramatic results compared to a full face lift.

  4. Minor Invasion: It is a less invasive procedure compared to a full facelift, which means faster recovery and fewer visible scars.

  5. Less Recovery Time: Most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks, making recovery time shorter compared to more extensive surgeries.

  6. Self-esteem improvement: The positive results of temporary facelift can increase the patient's confidence and self-esteem as they feel more satisfied with their appearance.

  7. Personalized Treatment: The plastic surgeon can adapt the procedure to the specific needs and goals of each patient, allowing for individualized correction.

  8. Duration of Results: Although temporary facelift results are not permanent, they can last for several years, providing long-term rejuvenation.

It is important to note that specific benefits may vary depending on the patient and the surgical technique used. During a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, individual goals and expectations, as well as the potential benefits of the temporary lift in a particular case, can be discussed.

The good candidates for temporary facelift, also know as "mini facelift»Or«eyebrow lift«, are people who have certain characteristics and specific objectives that make this procedure suitable for them. Ideal candidates typically include:

  1. People with Drooping Eyebrows: Those who experience mild to moderate drooping of the eyebrows, which can cause an aged or tired appearance.
  2. Healthy Adults: Individuals in good general health and who have no significant medical contraindications to surgery.
  3. Realistic Expectations: People who have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure and understand that the temporary facelift provides improvements, but not drastic changes.
  4. Non-smoking: Non-smokers or those willing to quit smoking before and after surgery, as smoking can negatively affect healing.
  5. Women and men: Both women and men can be candidates for a temporary facelift.
  6. Desire for Facial Rejuvenation: People who want a more youthful and fresh appearance in the forehead and eyebrow area.
  7. Commitment to Postoperative Care: Candidates must be willing to follow post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure proper recovery.

It is important to note that each case is unique, and suitability for a temporary facelift should be evaluated on an individual basis during a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will perform a complete evaluation and discuss the patient's expectations and goals to determine if the procedure is appropriate.

It is essential that candidates select an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure the safety and success of the procedure.

Yes, as with any surgical procedure, temporary facelift surgery carries certain risks and possible complications. It is important that patients are informed about these risks before undergoing surgery. Some of the risks associated with temporary facelift surgery include:

  1. Infection: There is a risk of infection at the incision site. Surgeons take precautions to minimize this risk, such as using sterile techniques during surgery.

  2. Hematoma and bleeding: Blood pooling (hematoma) may occur in the treated area, which may require drainage. Additionally, bleeding may occur during or after surgery.

  3. Scars: Although surgeons strive to make minimal, discreet incisions, there is a possibility of visible scarring.

  4. Asymmetry: Facial asymmetry may occur if adequate correction is not performed during surgery.

  5. Skin Necrosis: In rare cases, death of skin tissue may occur due to reduced blood flow.

  6. Nerve Injuries: There may be temporary nerve injuries causing numbness or weakness in the treated area. These effects are usually temporary, but in rare cases they can be permanent.

  7. Unsatisfactory Results: Although surgery is designed to improve appearance, the results may not completely meet the patient's expectations.

  8. Adverse Reactions to Anesthesia: Some patients may experience adverse reactions to the anesthesia used during surgery.

  9. Inability to Close Eyes Completely: In rare cases, there may be difficulty closing the eyes completely after surgery.

Importantly, these risks are relatively low, and most patients experience an uncomplicated recovery. Choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is essential to minimize risks and ensure a safe procedure.

Before undergoing surgery, patients should discuss risks and concerns in detail with their surgeon, follow all preoperative and postoperative instructions, and schedule appropriate follow-up for a successful recovery.

The definitive results of a temporary facelift usually begin to be visible once the swelling and bruising completely subside, which usually occurs in the first few weeks after surgery. However, it is important to understand that recovery and the evolution of results may vary depending on the patient.

Below is a general timeline of when you can expect to see final results:

  1. Week 1-2: During this stage, it is common to experience significant swelling and bruising in the treated area. Most patients will not yet see definitive results at this point, as inflammation can affect the appearance.

  2. Week 3-4: Swelling and bruising tend to decrease significantly in this period. Patients may begin to notice an improvement in appearance, but the final results have not yet been fully achieved.

  3. Month 2-3: As the inflammation continues to reduce, the results become more evident. Most patients will notice a lifting of the eyebrows, a reduction in forehead wrinkles, and a more youthful appearance during this period.

  4. Months 4-6: Most patients will experience the definitive results of the temporary lift at this point. The skin will have adapted to its new position, and any residual swelling will have completely disappeared.

It is important to note that results may vary depending on the patient, the surgical technique used, and individual recovery capacity. Some patients may notice results more quickly than others. Additionally, the results are long-lasting but not permanent, as the aging process continues over time.

To maintain long-term results, it is important to follow care recommendations and schedule follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon. During follow-up appointments, the surgeon will evaluate recovery progress and provide guidance on ongoing skin care.

To maintain the results of a temporary facelift over time and prolong the benefits of the procedure, certain care and skin care practices can be followed. Here are some recommendations to maintain results effectively:

  1. Sunscreen: The sun can accelerate skin aging and cause damage. It is essential to protect your skin from the sun by using broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoiding prolonged sun exposure. Wearing hats and sunglasses is also helpful.

  2. Skin care: Maintaining a proper skin care routine can help keep your skin healthy. This may include cleansing, moisturizing, and using products recommended by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

  3. Avoid Tobacco: Smoking can damage the skin and accelerate the aging process. If you smoke, consider quitting to maintain healthier skin and long-lasting results.

  4. Avoid stress: Chronic stress can negatively affect the skin. Practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can help keep your skin in better condition.

  5. Hydration and Nutrition: Staying well hydrated and eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants can help keep your skin in optimal condition.

  6. Dermal Fillers: Some patients choose to complement their temporary lift with dermal fillers to maintain a rejuvenated appearance. These products can help smooth wrinkles and fine lines.

  7. Follow-up Consultations: Scheduling regular follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon is important to evaluate progress and make adjustments if necessary.

  8. Maintenance Surgery: As temporary facelift results diminish over time, some patients may choose to perform additional facial rejuvenation procedures to maintain a fresh, youthful appearance.

It is essential to discuss aftercare options with your plastic surgeon during follow-up appointments. Each patient is unique, and the aftercare plan can be customized to meet individual needs and effectively maintain results.

The level of discomfort during surgery temporary facelift It may vary depending on the individual sensitivity and pain tolerance of each patient. However, in general, temporary facelift surgery is performed under local anesthesia or sedation, which helps minimize pain during the procedure. Additionally, the plastic surgeon may administer additional local anesthesia to the surgery area to ensure that the patient is comfortable and pain-free.

Despite anesthesia, some patients may experience sensations of pressure, tightness, or discomfort during surgery. These sensations are usually tolerable and temporary.

After surgery, it is common to experience some degree of discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. However, most patients find that the pain is manageable and can be controlled with medications prescribed by the surgeon for pain relief.

It is important to follow the plastic surgeon's instructions regarding taking medications and aftercare to ensure comfort and proper recovery. In many cases, discomfort decreases significantly in the first days and weeks after surgery, and most patients are able to return to normal activities within a short time.

It is essential to discuss any concerns about pain and discomfort with the plastic surgeon during the preoperative consultation to better understand what to expect and how pain will be managed during and after the procedure.

If you are looking for the best option for a temporary facelift, You are in the right place. In the Aesophy Clinic, We are a cosmetic surgery clinic specialized in temporary facelift.

We have the best temporary facelift surgeons which prides itself on delivering exceptional, natural results.

Our clinic is dedicated to providing our patients with a first-class experience, with a focus on safety and patient satisfaction. If you want to rejuvenate your appearance and get long-lasting results, look no further.

Schedule a consultation with us and discover how a temporary facelift in the Aesophy Clinic It can make you feel refreshed and confident. We are here to help you achieve the look you want.

Contact Best temporary facelift plastic surgeons in Malaga

Our way of understanding cosmetic surgery begins with the patient's health and ends with the best aesthetic and clinical results, thinking in the long term.

With the guarantee of quality and medical rigor of Aesphy Excellence Clinic, one of the best clinics in our country, where the best team of plastic surgeons has been with more than 20 years working exclusively.

We always look for the most advanced treatments that ensure the best results and the least invasive techniques that result in a faster functional recovery and a more comfortable treatment for the patient.


Book Appointment Specialized Clinic Temporary Lifelifting Malaga

Aesthetic Surgery Clinic No. 1 Temporary Lifting Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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Temporary lifting specialists in Malaga

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