medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Remove piercing hole
intv time
60 min
Remove piercing hole
Remove piercing hole
1 to 2 days.
Remove piercing hole
Remove piercing hole
not required
Remove piercing hole
From: €200

Table of Contents Remove Piercing Hole

En Aesophy Clinic, we specialize in piercing hole removal, offering our patients an aesthetic solution that combines precision, care and advanced technology. We understand that each piercing hole is unique and, therefore, we focus on providing personalized treatment that adapts to the specific needs of each individual.

Our expert team, led by plastic surgeons highly skilled in cosmetic procedures, uses thorough techniques to achieve results that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also promote a quick and efficient recovery.

En Aesophy Clinic, We assure you a welcoming and comfortable environment where your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional experience and ensuring that the process of removing your piercing holes is as comfortable and effective as possible.

Removing the Piercing Hole

In the world of body modification, piercings have become a popular form of self-expression. However, there may come a time when you decide to remove a piercing and close the hole it left. Whether it's because the piercing hasn't healed properly or you simply want to move on from that particular style, closing the piercing hole is a simple and effective solution.

Why close a piercing hole?

Piercings are a popular form of self-expression, but sometimes they need closure. There are several reasons why someone might want to close a piercing hole, including:

  • The piercing is no longer used or wanted. You may have grown tired of the piercing or your circumstances may have changed and you no longer want to wear it.
  • The piercing has become infected or damaged. If the piercing has become infected, it is important to treat the infection as soon as possible. If the piercing has been damaged, it may not heal properly.
  • The piercing is uncomfortable or bothersome. If the piercing is bothering you or causing problems, you may want to close it.

How to close a piercing hole?

The method of closing a piercing hole depends on the location and size of the hole. Generally, piercings are closed in one of the following ways:

  • Removing the piercing. This is the most common way to close a piercing hole. The piercing is removed and the skin is allowed to close on its own. This process may take several weeks or months.
  • Surgery. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to close a piercing hole. This is done if the hole is large or if it does not close on its own.

Surgery to close piercing hole

Surgery to close a piercing hole is a simple procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. The goal of surgery is to remove the skin passage that forms the piercing hole.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, so it is not painful. The incision is made following the natural fold of the skin, so that the scar is minimal. The skin conduit is removed and the ends of the wound are sutured.

The surgery lasts approximately 30 minutes. The patient can go home the same day.

Postoperative care is simple. It is recommended to keep the area clean and dry, and apply an antibiotic ointment. The suture is removed after 10 days.

Complete healing usually takes about 6 weeks. During this time, the scar may be red and swollen. It is important to protect the scar from sunlight and friction.

The price of surgery to close a piercing hole varies depending on the area to be treated and the type of piercing. In general, the cost ranges between 250 and 500 euros. But at all times the price will be determined by an assessment by the surgeon or specialist doctor.

The risks of surgery to close a piercing hole are minimal. The most common are:

  • Infection
  • Bruise

The method to permanently remove an unwanted opening is a precise and effective surgical technique. To begin the procedure, anesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free experience. This quick and simple treatment consists of making a small incision to eliminate the skin channel and suturing the area to close it. Immediately after, the results of treating the piercing hole are visible.

Minor surgery is sometimes considered by those who are dissatisfied with the healing of facial piercings, such as nose, lip, or eyebrow piercings. This process requires local anesthesia and only lasts 10-15 minutes. By skillfully treating the piercing hole and the fistulous tract located in the labial mucosa, this surgical technique ensures satisfactory closure of the opening. Through this simple and effective method, people can say goodbye to their piercing hole and get a smooth and revitalized look.

postoperative care

If you undergo surgery to close a piercing hole, it is important to follow the post-operative care recommended by your doctor. This care may include:

  • Keep the area clean and dry.
  • Apply an antibiotic ointment.
  • Protect the scar from sunlight and friction.

Risks of closing a piercing hole

The risks of closing a piercing hole are minimal. However, complications are possible, such as:

  • Infection
  • Bruise
  • Irregular healing

In rare cases, nerve or blood vessel damage may occur.

Using Mederma to treat scars

Piercing scars can often be treated with the use of Mederma. This scar treatment, made with onion skin extract, has shown positive results in reducing the visibility of marks. Applying the product to the affected area twice a day and massaging it can help facilitate healing, with the end result being a less noticeable scar and closure of the piercing.

It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using Mederma for scar treatment. Gently rubbing the product into the area ensures that it spreads evenly and is absorbed with maximum effectiveness. Over time, its constant application can soften and flatten the scar tissue, leading to its eventual closure.

Although Mederma has proven success in treating scars, results may vary from person to person. Some may see considerable improvement, while others may find the effects to be minimal. Therefore, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist to find the most appropriate course of action for each person.

Simple treatment to immediately close a piercing hole

For an effective and quick solution to ending a piercing, there are a few options available. One of them is to remove the jewel, using methods such as unhooking it, unscrewing it or simply sliding it. This will create a blank slate for the next step: closing the piercing.

surgical intervention It is a common method for closure. It involves making an incision with a scalpel or biopsy punch to remove the skin channel, and then applying sutures to close the area. Before the procedure, anesthesia is usually injected to reduce discomfort. This method offers immediate results and is an option for those who want to completely remove the piercing.

The Mederma application It is another treatment that can be used. This scar treatment, based on onion skin extract, has proven effective in reducing the visibility of scars and can be applied to the piercing. This process may take longer than surgery to produce results, however, it is a non-invasive option for those who wish to avoid a mini-operation. With regular use of Mederma, it is possible Preparing the terrain for gradual closure of the piercing, allowing the area to heal and blend with the surrounding skin.

Reasons to close the piercing hole

There are several explanations why people may want to seal a body piercing. Typically, facial piercings, such as those in the nose, lip, or eyebrows, may not have healed properly, causing inflammation, pain, and possible infections. Closing the piercing can help reduce these problems and protect the skin.

Aesthetic concerns are another factor that can lead to closing a piercing. Preferences can change, and a piercing that was previously suitable for a person may no longer fit the look they want. Sealing the hole can help them achieve a more unified look.

Additionally, certain restrictions in the workplace or at events may require closure of piercings. Some dress codes prohibit piercings, and removing them can ensure compliance. Likewise, people may choose to remove their piercings for religious or cultural ceremonies.

Finally, complications or discomfort can lead to closure of the piercing. Piercings that have migrated or caused tissue damage may require closure to reduce pain or problems later. In this case, closing the hole may be a beneficial solution.


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Procedure to close the piercing hole

This mini-surgery is a simple and effective remedy for those who want to get rid of their piercings. During the procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia so that discomfort is minimal, a minor operation is performed to obliterate the opening in the skin and the fistulous tract within the labial mucosa. This process is relatively quick and usually takes between 10 and 15 minutes. After the technique, the piercing hole is carefully expelled, with immediate results. By undergoing this treatment, people can quickly and easily finish their piercings, obtaining the desired result. The duration is fixed.

Book an appointment now and know the price to remove the piercing hole

Removing a piercing hole is a personal decision that can be approached in several ways. Whether you decide to stop wearing earrings completely, use a surgical technique, or opt for simpler treatments, the goal is to effectively close the piercing hole. Additionally, using products like Mederma can help treat any scarring that may occur during the healing process. Ultimately, the reasons for closing a piercing hole may vary from person to person, but the procedure itself can be simple and manageable. Remember that it is essential to consult a professional to guarantee the best result. To save this information for future reference, keep in mind the importance of proper aftercare and maintaining the overall health of your ears.

Frequently Asked Questions Remove Piercing Hole

Is it possible to completely eliminate piercing holes?

Completely removing piercing holes may be possible, but it depends on several factors such as the location of the piercing., the size of the hole, how long it has been open, and the individual characteristics of the person's skin. Here's an overview of what you can expect:

  1. Natural Closure: In some cases, especially with piercings that are small and have not been worn for a long time, the holes can close naturally to some extent. This is most common with ear piercings.

  2. Skin Type and Healing: Your skin's ability to heal plays an important role. Some people have a faster and more complete healing capacity than others.

  3. Piercing Size: Larger piercings or dilations may be more difficult to close completely due to extensive stretching of the skin.

  4. Non-Surgical Treatments: There are certain treatments, such as scar creams and gels, that can help improve the appearance of piercing holes, but their effectiveness may vary.

  5. Surgical procedures: In cases where the holes are large or do not close on their own, surgery may be an option. A plastic surgeon can remove the scar tissue and stitch the opening, although this may leave a scar.

  6. Professional Consultation: If you are considering closing a piercing hole, it is important to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They can offer you options based on your specific situation and the characteristics of your skin.

In summary, although in some cases it is possible to completely remove piercing holes, especially if they are small and recent, results may vary. For larger or older piercings, it may be more difficult to achieve complete closure without resorting to surgical procedures.

At Clínica Aesophy, if they opt for minor surgery to remove piercing holes, the procedure generally involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: Before the procedure, patients typically have a consultation with a surgeon to evaluate the piercing area and discuss expectations and possible results. During this consultation, details of the procedure, post-operative care are explained, and the patient's concerns are addressed.

  2. Preparation for Surgery: On the day of the procedure, the area around the piercing hole is cleaned and disinfected. Local anesthesia will be applied to numb the area and ensure the patient's comfort during surgery.

  3. Performing the Surgery: The surgeon will make a small incision to remove scar tissue around the piercing hole. Depending on the size and shape of the hole, this may involve cutting around the hole and then suturing the edges of the skin to close the space.

  4. Incision Closure: After scar tissue is removed, the surgeon closes the incision with sutures. These may be sutures that dissolve on their own or require removal after a few days.

  5. Postoperative care: Following surgery, detailed wound care instructions are provided. This may include keeping the area clean and dry, applying ointments or creams as directed, and avoiding certain activities to ensure proper healing.

  6. Tracking: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor healing and, if necessary, remove sutures. Additionally, these appointments are used to evaluate the results and ensure that there are no complications.

This type of minor surgery at Clínica Aesophy is designed to be a relatively quick and safe procedure, with the aim of improving the aesthetic appearance of the area affected by the piercing. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved and results may vary depending on the individual. Therefore, it is important for patients to have realistic expectations and discuss all concerns with the surgeon before the procedure.

At Aesophy Clinic, if they use a minor surgical approach to piercing scar removal with the goal of minimizing the formation of new scars, it is important to understand how this is achieved:

  1. Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques: The use of minimally invasive surgical techniques helps reduce the size of the incision needed and, therefore, the likelihood of a visible scar. This includes the use of precise instruments and methods that limit trauma to surrounding tissues.

  2. Local anesthesia: By performing the procedure under local anesthesia, inflammation and stress on the body is reduced, which can contribute to more efficient and less visible healing.

  3. Careful Removal of Scar Tissue: By removing scar tissue from a piercing precisely and carefully, you create a cleaner, tidier wound that can heal with minimal scarring.

  4. Advanced Suturing Techniques: The use of fine sutures and advanced suturing techniques can improve the alignment of the skin edges, facilitating more aesthetic and less visible healing.

  5. Specific Postoperative Care: Providing patients with detailed instructions on postoperative care, including proper wound cleansing and application of topical products that promote healing, can help minimize scar formation.

  6. Monitoring and evaluation: Follow-up appointments allow you to evaluate healing and, if necessary, implement additional treatments to improve the appearance of the scar.

Although the technique used at the Aesophy Clinic is designed to minimize the appearance of new scars, it is important to remember that healing is an individual process and can vary from person to person. Even with the best techniques, the formation of some scarring, even if minimal, is a normal part of the healing process. Clear communication about expectations and possible outcomes is crucial to ensuring patient satisfaction.

Recovery time after minor surgical piercing hole removal can vary depending on several factors.and hole size and location, type of procedure performed and individual patient healing characteristics. Here is a general guide:

  1. Immediately after Surgery: Right after the procedure, patients may experience some swelling and redness in the treated area. These symptoms are normal and usually decrease in the first few days.

  2. First days: During the first few days after surgery, it is important to follow the postoperative care instructions provided by the clinic, such as keeping the area clean and dry and applying any recommended medications or creams.

  3. First week: Most patients can resume normal daily activities within a week, as long as these activities do not put excessive stress on the surgery area. Swelling and redness should begin to decrease significantly during this time.

  4. Two to Four Weeks: In this period, most of the obvious signs of surgery will have disappeared. However, it is crucial to continue caring for the area and avoid activities that may interfere with the healing process.

  5. Complete Healing: Complete healing may take several months. During this time, the scar may continue to mature and change in appearance. It is important to have follow-up appointments as recommended by your surgeon to monitor healing progress.

  6. Long Term Care: Even after healing, taking care of the skin in the surgery area is important. This includes protecting the skin from the sun and possibly applying scar creams or gels as recommended by the surgeon.

It is crucial to remember that each person is unique and may experience variations in recovery times. By following the recommendations of professionals and attending to your body's specific needs, you can help ensure a faster and more effective recovery.

The level of pain or discomfort associated with the piercing hole removal procedure may vary from person to person. However, measures are generally taken to minimize pain during and after the procedure:

  1. Local anesthesia: During the procedure, local anesthesia is usually applied to the area around the piercing hole. This numbs the region, so you should not feel pain during surgery.

  2. Sensation During the Procedure: While anesthesia is in effect, you may feel some pressure or movement, but no sharp pain.

  3. After the Procedure: Once the anesthesia begins to wear off, it is normal to experience some pain or discomfort in the treated area. The level of pain can vary, but is generally manageable with doctor-recommended or prescribed pain medications.

  4. Postoperative care: Following postoperative care instructions, such as applying ice to reduce swelling and taking pain medications as directed, can help manage any discomfort after the procedure.

  5. Duration of Discomfort: Most pain or discomfort is usually temporary, decreasing significantly in the days following the procedure.

  6. Individual Variation: It is important to keep in mind that pain perception varies between individuals. Some people may experience only mild discomfort, while others may feel more pain.

If you have specific concerns about pain or pain management for your procedure, it is advisable to discuss them with your doctor before the day of surgery. They can give you a better idea of ​​what to expect and advise you on the best ways to handle any discomfort.

Repiercing the same location after removing a previous piercing is a matter that depends on several factors and should be carefully evaluated. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Complete Healing: It is important that the area from the previous piercing removal has healed completely before considering a new piercing. This may take several months, as internal healing may take longer than superficial healing.

  2. Skin condition: Scar tissue may be harder and less elastic than normal skin. This can affect how easily the new piercing can be done and how it will heal.

  3. Consult with a Professional: Before deciding to repierce, it is advisable to consult with a piercing professional or dermatologist. They can evaluate the condition of the skin and scar tissue and advise you if it is safe to perform a new piercing in the same area.

  4. Possible Change of Location: In some cases, it may be advisable to slightly modify the location of the new piercing to avoid scar tissue and facilitate healing.

  5. Care of the New Piercing: If you decide to proceed with a new piercing, it is crucial to strictly follow recommended care practices to ensure good healing and minimize the risk of complications.

  6. Risk of Complications: Please note that repiercing an area that has undergone piercing removal surgery may have a higher risk of complications such as infection or problematic scarring.

In summary, although it is possible to re-pierce the same location after removing a previous piercing, it is a decision that should be made with caution and after a professional evaluation. The health and safety of your skin should be the top priority.

The results of piercing hole removal are generally permanent, especially when it comes to surgical procedures to close or eliminate these holes. Here are the key points to consider:

  1. Hole Closure: When a surgical procedure is performed to remove a piercing hole, the scar tissue is typically removed and the opening is closed with sutures. Once the area has healed completely, the result is usually permanent.

  2. Tissue Healing: Healing is the body's natural process to repair damaged tissue. Once the tissue has healed after surgery, it is not common for the hole to reopen on its own.

  3. Postoperative care: Properly following postoperative care is crucial to ensure that the results are the best possible. Adequate and complete healing is essential to guarantee the permanence of the results.

  4. Possible Skin Changes: Although the piercing hole itself should not be reopened, the skin can experience changes over time due to aging, weight changes, or environmental factors. This can affect the appearance of the area where the piercing was.

  5. Risk of Scars: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of scar formation. However, these scars are usually less noticeable than the original piercing hole and may improve over time.

  6. Consultation with Specialists: It is important to have regular consultations with the specialist after the procedure to monitor healing and address any concerns that may arise.

In summary, removing piercing holes through surgical procedures usually offers permanent results, but as with any medical procedure, results may vary depending on the individual and their healing process.

The results of piercing hole removal are generally permanent, especially when it comes to surgical procedures to close or eliminate these holes. Here are the key points to consider:

  1. Hole Closure: When a surgical procedure is performed to remove a piercing hole, the scar tissue is typically removed and the opening is closed with sutures. Once the area has healed completely, the result is usually permanent.

  2. Tissue Healing: Healing is the body's natural process to repair damaged tissue. Once the tissue has healed after surgery, it is not common for the hole to reopen on its own.

  3. Postoperative care: Properly following postoperative care is crucial to ensure that the results are the best possible. Adequate and complete healing is essential to guarantee the permanence of the results.

  4. Possible Skin Changes: Although the piercing hole itself should not be reopened, the skin can experience changes over time due to aging, weight changes, or environmental factors. This can affect the appearance of the area where the piercing was.

  5. Risk of Scars: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of scar formation. However, these scars are usually less noticeable than the original piercing hole and may improve over time.

  6. Consultation with Specialists: It is important to have regular consultations with the specialist after the procedure to monitor healing and address any concerns that may arise.

In summary, removing piercing holes through surgical procedures usually offers permanent results, but as with any medical procedure, results may vary depending on the individual and their healing process.

En Aesophy Clinic, we understand that each patient has unique needs, and therefore, the cost of piercing hole removal It is customized according to each case. Our prices reflect not only the high quality of the services and experience of our specialists, but also the individualized attention and advanced techniques what do we use.

The final cost will depend on factors such as complexity of the procedure, location and size of the piercing hole, as well as the postoperative care necessary. To offer an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs, we invite you to a initial consultation where we will evaluate your case in detail and discuss the options available.

En Aesophy Clinic, we are committed to providing transparency in our prices and to ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Whether you need to take time off from work or school after a procedure to remove piercing holes will depend on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, your ability to heal, and the type of activities you do at work or school. Here I offer you some general guidelines:

  1. Type of Procedure: Simpler procedures may require less recovery time. If it's minor surgery, you may need less time off.

  2. Nature of your Work or School Activities: If your work or school activities are physically demanding or require a lot of movement, you may need more rest time. On the other hand, if your job is primarily sedentary, you might be able to return sooner.

  3. Doctor's Recommendations: Follow your doctor's specific recommendations. They will provide you with guidance based on the procedure performed and your individual situation.

  4. Postoperative Symptoms: Depending on how you feel after the procedure (for example, if you experience pain, swelling or discomfort), it may be advisable to take a few days off to recover comfortably.

  5. Postoperative care: If the procedure requires special post-operative care, such as changing bandages or applying medications, this may also influence your decision.

Generally, for minor procedures, many patients can return to their usual activities within a few days. However, it is important to listen to your body and not rush a return to your normal activities, especially if you feel pain or discomfort. Health and proper recovery should always be your priority.

Book Appointment Specialized Clinic Remove Piercing Hole in Malaga

Piercing Hole Elimination Clinic in Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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