medicine clinic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
Treatment time
60 min
Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
not required
Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
not required
Peeling azelaic acid Malaga
From: Consult

Table of Contents Azelaic Acid Peel

Azelaic Peeling

Are you looking for an effective solution to improve the appearance of your skin and achieve a radiant complexion? If so, you're in the right place. In this article, I will reveal all the secrets of the azelaic acid peeling, one of the most popular and effective aesthetic treatments today.

Get ready to discover how this procedure can transform your skin and give you the confidence you crave. Read on to learn about the benefits, the application process, and how you can book an appointment to get the results you've always wanted.

What is an azelaic acid peel and how does it work?

Azelaic acid peeling is an aesthetic treatment that uses an acid solution based on azelaic acid to improve skin texture and reduce various skin conditions. This acid is derived from wheat, barley, and other grains, making it a safe and natural skin care option.

Azelaic acid works by gently exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis, removing dead cells and stimulating cell regeneration. In addition, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an excellent option for treating acne and blemishes caused by excess melanin in the skin.

Azelaic acid peeling treatment Málaga Clínica Aesophy

Peeling application process with azelaic acid

Azelaic acid peeling is an aesthetic treatment that is performed in dermatological offices or specialized beauty centers. Although it is advisable to go to a professional to obtain the best results, it is important that you know how the procedure is carried out.

  • initial evaluation: Before performing the azelaic acid peel, the specialist will evaluate your skin to determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment. They will also ask you questions about your medical history and any previous skin conditions you may have.
  • skin preparation: Before peeling, it is essential to prepare the skin properly. This involves cleaning and degreasing the skin to ensure better absorption of the azelaic acid. You may be directed to use specific products at home for a few days prior to treatment to optimize results.
  • Azelaic Acid Application: Once the skin is ready, the specialist will carefully apply an azelaic acid solution to your face. The concentration and exposure time will depend on the specific needs of your skin and the previous evaluation carried out. During application, you may feel a slight burning or stinging sensation, but this is normal and will go away quickly.
  • Exposure and neutralization time: After applying the azelaic acid, you will be asked to wait a certain amount of time while the treatment takes effect. During this time, the azelaic acid will act on your skin, stimulating cell renewal and improving its appearance. The specialist will then neutralize the solution and gently remove it from your skin.
  • Aftercare: After the peeling, it is essential to follow the specialist's instructions for your skin care. This may include the use of moisturizing creams or lotions, sunscreens, and avoiding direct sun exposure for a certain period of time. You may also be advised to avoid using certain products or treatments for a period of time to allow proper skin recovery.

Peeling azelaic acid Malaga

Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid derived from rye, wheat and barley that is part of the group of carboxylic acids. In this group, we find other very useful molecules for skin care, such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), polyhydroxy acids (PHA), aldobionic acids (ABA), retinoic acid, and vitamin C (in this post we tell you everything about this vitamin).

Peeling with Azelaic Acid Why is it so useful in Dermatology? 

Azelaic acid has certain properties that make it a very interesting molecule:

  • Anti-inflammatory: acting at different molecular levels, azelaic acid manages to reduce skin inflammation. For example, it eliminates free radicals, stops inflammatory cascades (which are complex processes that occur within our cells every day) and reduces inflammation caused by sun exposure.
  • antibacterial: Azelaic acid is a broad-spectrum bactericide that works by altering the pH of bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, in general, bacterial resistance does not appear after its use, and it has even been shown to be capable of eliminating bacteria that are already resistant to certain antibiotics.
  • keratolytic: our skin has a superficial layer called the epidermis, made up mainly of keratinocytes (which act like bricks forming a wall) and azelaic acid makes this layer thinner, which helps to unclog pores, for example.
  • Despigmenting: melanogenesis consists of the formation of melanin (pigment that gives color to our skin and to our spots) and an enzyme called tyrosinase participates in this process, whose function is inhibited by azelaic acid.
  • antiseborrheic: this effect is achieved by inhibiting an enzyme called 5-α-reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into another more powerful androgen, dihydrotestosterone.

Azelaic acid Peeling Clinic Málaga Aesophy

What do we treat with the azelaic peeling?

Due to its properties, azelaic acid is mainly used in these pathologies:

  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a disease in which inflammatory lesions such as red pimples and blackheads can appear, so azelaic acid is a good treatment option.
  • Acne: in acne the skin flora (the bacteria that inhabit our skin) is altered, grains of pus and painful cysts appear, there is an excess of keratinization (blackheads or comedones) and, in addition, all these lesions can leave spots on the skin as a sequel. fur. That is why azelaic acid is a good option to treat mild-moderate acne, since it acts on all these fronts. Also, as a curiosity, it is widely used in adult women's acne, since these patients tend to have more sensitive skin and azelaic acid is generally much better tolerated than other topical acne treatments.
  • Postinflammatory pigmentation: As we have mentioned, any inflammatory lesion on our skin can leave a more or less dark spot as a sequel, so an alternative depigmenting treatment is azelaic acid.
  • Melasma: As you may have read in our post on melasma, the first line of treatment for these spots are depigmenting creams, and within this group are formulas that contain azelaic acid.

Book an appointment for an azelaic acid peel 

Now that you have all the information about the azelaic acid peel, it is natural that you want to take the next step and book an appointment to experience its benefits on your own skin. To do so, I recommend that you look for a reliable aesthetic center or dermatological clinic with good references. Do your research online, read reviews from other customers, and make sure you choose a place that has trained professionals who are experienced in treating azelaic acid peels.

Once you've selected the right location, contact them to book an appointment. During the consultation, you will be able to discuss your specific concerns and expectations with the specialist, who will be able to assess your skin in person and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Azelaic acid peeling price 

Regarding the price of the treatment, it is important to keep in mind that it may vary depending on the number of sessions, the size of the area and more, contact one of our specialists in azelaic acid peeling treatments. 

Regarding the price of treatment, it is important to note that it may vary depending on the complexity of the case. It is advisable to contact our aesthetic clinic directly to obtain precise information on the cost of azelaic acid peeling.

They will be able to provide you with details on pricing and available financing options, if any.

Specialists in Azelaic Acid Peeling treatments

FAQs Azelaic acid peeling

What is azelaic acid peel?

El peeling with azelaic acid it's a treatment dermatological which uses the properties of azelaic acid for exfoliate and rejuvenate leather. This type of acid, found naturally in some grains, is known for its benefits in treating various skin conditions.

The process of peeling with azelaic acid involves applying a concentrated solution of the acid to the skin, which helps remove the top layers of dead cells and promotes skin regeneration. This treatment is effective in improving texture and tone of the skin, reducing the appearance of spots, scars, and others imperfections.


El azelaic acid peel It is used to treat a variety of conditions and improve the overall appearance of the leather. Its main uses include:

  1. Acne: Azelaic acid is effective in treating acne due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps unblock pores and reduces the formation of acne lesions.

  2. Rosacea: This acid has a calming effect on the skin and may help reduce the redness and inflammation associated with rosacea.

  3. Hyperpigmentation: Azelaic acid peel helps lighten dark spots and uneven pigmentation, improving the evenness of skin tone.

  4. Improvement of skin texture: By exfoliating the top layers of the skin, this treatment helps smooth the skin's surface, improving its texture.

  5. Reduction of enlarged pores: Azelaic acid helps cleanse pores, which can reduce their appearance and prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.

  6. Control of oily: By regulating sebum production, azelaic acid peel can be helpful for people with oily skin or skin prone to acne breakouts.

These benefits make azelaic acid peel a popular option for those looking to improve the health and appearance of their skin.

Azelaic acid peel is generally safe, especially when performed by a qualified dermatology or skin care professional. However, as with any dermatological treatment, there are certain risks and considerations that should be discussed in advance with the specialist. These may include:

  1. skin reactions: Some people may experience redness, peeling, or irritation in the treated area. These reactions are generally temporary and diminish over time.

  2. Sun sensitivity: After a peel, the skin may become more sensitive to sunlight, so it is important to use adequate sun protection to avoid sunburn and additional damage.

  3. Allergies: Although rare, some people may be allergic to azelaic acid. It is crucial to inform the specialist about any history of allergic reactions.

  4. Pre-existing skin conditions: Patients with certain skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, should consult with their doctor before undergoing this treatment.

  5. Pregnancy or lactation: Although azelaic acid is considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is advisable to consult a doctor before proceeding with treatment.

It is important to have a prior consultation with a dermatologist or skin professional to evaluate the suitability of the peeling with azelaic acid for your specific case and discuss any potential risks.

Yes, azelaic acid may cause irritation or redness in some people, especially after a peel treatment. These effects are generally mild and temporary. Here are some points to consider:

  1. initial reaction: It is common to experience some irritation or redness immediately after treatment with azelaic acid. This reaction is a normal part of the skin's exfoliation and regeneration process.

  2. Skin sensitivity: People with sensitive skin may be more likely to experience these side effects. It is important to perform a patch test or consult a dermatologist before using products with azelaic acid.

  3. Duration of effects: While for most people, irritation and redness subside within a few days, the duration of these effects may vary depending on individual skin sensitivity and the concentration of acid used.

  4. Post-treatment care: It is essential to follow the professional's instructions on skin care after the peel, including adequate hydration and sun protection, to minimize irritation and redness.

  5. Important notice: If irritation or redness is severe or persists for a long time, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

In summary, although irritation and redness are possible side effects of using azelaic acid, are generally manageable and temporary. It is always advisable to consult with a specialist for personalized advice.

The results of azelaic acid treatment may vary from person to person, but generally, many people begin to see improvements after a few weeks of regular use. However, it is important to take into account the following aspects:

  1. Start time: Although some may notice positive changes in skin texture and appearance in the first few weeks, azelaic acid may take longer to treat conditions such as acne or hyperpigmentation.
  2. Consistency in treatment: For optimal results, it is crucial to be consistent in applying the treatment as directed by a professional.
  3. Number of treatments needed: Depending on the skin condition and specific goals, it may be necessary to perform several azelaic acid peel treatments to achieve the desired results.
  4. individual factors: Age, skin type, the specific condition being treated, and other individual factors can influence how quickly results are seen.
  5. Complementary care: The effectiveness

Treatment may also depend on complementary skin care, including adequate hydration, sun protection, and the use of other recommended dermatological products.

Azelaic acid is generally suitable and well tolerated by most skin types, including sensitive skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it a versatile ingredient for treating various skin conditions. Below are some relevant points:

  1. skin types: Azelaic acid is effective on oily, combination and dry skin. It is particularly useful on acne-prone skin due to its ability to reduce inflammation and acne-causing bacteria.

  2. Sensitive skin: Although suitable for sensitive skin, people with this skin type should start with lower concentrations and gradually increase to assess tolerance.

  3. Skin with specific conditions: In cases of rosacea, hyperpigmentation and acne, azelaic acid has been shown to be beneficial.

  4. Dermatological consultation: Before starting any treatment with azelaic acid, it is essential to consult with a dermatologist. The specialist can evaluate the skin type, existing conditions and the suitability of azelaic acid for each particular case.

  5. patch test: To ensure tolerance, especially on sensitive skin, it is recommended to perform a patch test before using the product more extensively.

In conclusion, the azelaic acid It is a safe and effective option for many skin types, but it is always advisable to seek professional advice before starting any new skin treatment.

Azelaic acid is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it is crucial to consult with a doctor before beginning any treatment. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Safety in pregnancy: Azelaic acid is categorized as Pregnancy Category B by the US FDA, indicating that animal studies have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Even so, the decision to use it should be made in conjunction with a doctor.

  2. Use during lactation: Although azelaic acid is considered safe during breast-feeding, it is important to exercise caution and discuss with a doctor. The professional can provide guidance on how and when to apply the product to minimize any potential risk to the baby.

  3. Additional considerations: In the case of dermatological treatments during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is preferable to opt for safer options and avoid those with greater potential risks.

  4. **Alternatives and precautions

**: Depending on the skin condition, the doctor may suggest safer alternatives or adjust the concentration and application method of azelaic acid.

In short, although the azelaic acid is generally considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is essential to consult with a doctor to ensure that its use is appropriate and safe in these special circumstances. The health and safety of both mother and baby must always be the priority.

A typical azelaic acid peel session usually lasts between 15 and 30 minutes., although this time may vary depending on several factors:

  1. Treated Area: Session time may depend on the size of the skin area being treated. For example, a facial treatment may be faster than one that includes larger areas of the body.

  2. Acid Concentration: The concentration of azelaic acid used influences the duration of the procedure. Deeper peels with higher concentrations may require more time for application and treatment.

  3. Skin Sensitivity: In some cases, especially for people with sensitive skin, the professional may opt for a more gradual approach, which could affect the length of the session.

  4. Treatment Process: The session includes not only the application of azelaic acid, but also the preparation of the skin before the peel and the immediate post-treatment care.

It is important to remember that each treatment is personalized according to the specific needs and characteristics of the patient's skin. Therefore, the dermatologist or skin care professional will provide a more accurate estimate of how long the session will last based on the specific treatment planned.

After an azelaic acid peel treatment, it is crucial to follow a proper post-treatment care regimen to ensure the best results and minimize any potential irritation. General recommendations include:

  1. Avoid the direct exposure to the sun: After a peel, the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight, which can increase the risk of sunburn and skin damage. Direct sun exposure should be avoided as much as possible.

  2. Use of Sunscreen: It is essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (covering both UVA and UVB rays) with a high sun protection factor (SPF). This should be done daily, even on cloudy days, to protect the treated skin.

  3. Keep Skin Hydrated: Hydration is key to skin recovery. It is recommended to use a mild, non-irritating moisturizer to keep the skin well hydrated and aid in the healing process.

  4. Avoid Aggressive Products: During the recovery period, you should avoid using products with harsh or exfoliating ingredients, such as retinoids, salicylic acid, or products with alcohol, as they can irritate newly treated skin.

  5. Gentle Skin Care: You must be delicate with the treated skin. This includes cleansing the skin with a gentle cleanser and avoiding rubbing or exfoliating the treated area.

  6. Follow the Specialist's Instructions: It is important to follow all instructions provided by the professional who performed the treatment, as they may have specific recommendations based on the type of skin and the nature of the treatment performed.

By following these post-treatment care tips, you can help your skin recover properly and maximize the benefits of the treatment. peeling with azelaic acid.

The frequency with which an azelaic acid peel can be performed depends on several factors, including the individual skin needs, the condition being treated, and the dermatologist's recommendations. Generally, the following is considered:

  1. Usual Interval: In many cases, azelaic acid peels can be performed every 4 to 6 weeks. This interval allows the skin to fully recover between sessions and for the effects of the treatment to fully manifest.

  2. Skin Type and Condition: Optimal frequency may vary depending on skin type and specific condition.

ica being treated. For example, in the treatment of acne or hyperpigmentation, the dermatologist could adjust the frequency of the peel to obtain the best results without overloading the skin.

  1. Individual Skin Response: Each person reacts differently to peeling treatments. Some skin types may tolerate more frequent sessions, while others may require more recovery time between treatments.

  2. Treatment Objectives: Frequency can also be adjusted based on desired goals and how the skin is responding to the treatment.

  3. Dermatologist Recommendations: It is

It is essential to follow the recommendations of a dermatologist or qualified skin professional. They can provide personalized guidance based on a detailed assessment of your skin and its needs.

  1. Continuous assessment: The frequency of the peel can be adjusted over time depending on the response of the skin and the evolution of the treated condition. It is important to follow up regularly with your dermatologist to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and make adjustments as necessary.

In summary, while the general frequency of a peeling with azelaic acid may be every 4 to 6 weeks, specific treatment planning should be personalized and guided by a professional, taking into account the individual skin response and treatment goals.

If you are looking for the best clinic for peeling treatment with azelaic acidlook no further than Aesophy Clinic. Our team of aesthetic doctors who are experts in aesthetic dermatology is committed to providing you with exceptional and safe results.

En Aesophy Clinic, we fuse cutting-edge technology with a personalized approach to address your specific skincare needs. Trust us to get treatment peeling with azelaic acid high quality that will help you achieve radiant and healthy skin. Contact us today and discover why we are the preferred choice of so many patients!

Book Appointment Specialized Clinic Azelaic Acid Peeling in Malaga

Clinic Nº1 Azelaic acid peeling Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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