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Tuberous Breasts

The tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts, are breasts that are tube-shaped instead of rounded and that have a lot of separation between the two breasts. In addition, the areolas are usually large and there is a lack of development in the lower part. There are various degrees of malformation.

If you are considering tuberous breast surgery in Malaga, it is important that you understand the details of the procedure, the possible benefits, and the associated risks. In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about tuberous breast surgery to help you make an informed decision.

What are Tuberous Breasts?

Tuberous breasts are a congenital malformation in which the breast does not develop properly. Tuberous breasts are characterized by having a cone shape with a narrow base, a raised inframammary fold, and a large nipple and areola.

Tuberous breasts can affect a woman's self-esteem and self-confidence, and can affect her ability to breastfeed. Tuberous breast surgery may be an option to improve the appearance and function of the breasts.

Tuberous breasts causes

Tuberous breasts, also known as tuberous breasts, are a condition in which the breasts have an abnormal shape, which can be pointed, narrow, or asymmetrical. Although it is not known exactly what causes this condition, it is believed that several factors may be involved, such as:

Genetics: It is believed that genetics may play a role in causing tuberous breasts. There may be a genetic predisposition that causes a malformation in the development of the breasts.

Hormones: Hormones can also be a factor in the cause of tuberous breasts. It has been suggested that a lack of estrogen during puberty may prevent the breasts from developing properly.

abnormal development: Tuberous breasts are thought to be caused by abnormal development of the milk ducts and breast tissue during puberty.

trauma or injury: It has been suggested that tuberous breasts may be caused by injury or trauma to the breast area during puberty, which may affect normal breast development.

It is important to note that although tuberous breasts can be a cosmetic concern, this condition does not pose a health risk. However, if you are concerned about the appearance of your breasts and are considering surgery to correct the condition, it is important to speak with one of our experienced plastic surgeons to discuss your options and determine if surgery is right for you.

Types of Tuberous Breast Surgery

There are different types of tuberous breast surgery that may be recommended by your plastic surgeon, depending on your specific needs and goals. Some of the more common types of tuberous breast surgery include:

  • breast lift: a procedure in which the breast tissues are rearranged to lift and shape the breasts.
  • Breast augmentation– A procedure in which breast implants are inserted to increase the size and fullness of the breasts.
  • areola reduction: A procedure in which the size of the areola is reduced to better fit the breasts.
  • Reconstruction of the inframammary fold: A procedure in which the inframammary crease, which is the line below the breast, is reconstructed to create a more natural appearance of the breasts.

It is important that you speak with your plastic surgeon to determine which type of tuberous breast surgery is right for your needs and goals.

Tuberous Breast Surgery

Tuberous breast surgery is a surgical procedure used to correct the shape and size of the tuberous breasts. Tuberous breast surgery procedures may include a combination of breast augmentation, areola reduction, breast lift, and inframammary fold reconstruction.

At Aesophy Clinic, we have highly trained and experienced plastic surgeons in tuberous breast surgery. We will work with you to determine which procedure is best for your specific needs and provide you with excellent pre- and post-operative care.

Benefits of Tuberous Breast Surgery

Tuberous breast surgery can offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Improvement of the appearance of the breasts
  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Ability to breastfeed after surgery
  • Reduction of physical discomfort associated with tuberous sinuses

Risks associated with tuberous breast surgery

Like any surgical procedure, tuberous breast surgery carries certain risks and complications, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Changes in sensation of the nipple and areola
  • breast asymmetry
  • Dissatisfaction with the results of surgery

It is important to speak with your plastic surgeon to discuss the potential risks and complications associated with tuberous breast surgery.

Postoperative care for tuberous breast surgery

After tuberous breast surgery, it is important to follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations to ensure proper recovery and satisfactory results. Postoperative care may include wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous physical activity, taking pain medication, and following a wound care plan.

It is important to note that recovery from tuberous breast surgery can take several weeks, and you may need to take time off work and avoid strenuous physical activity during this period.

tuberous breast operation price

The price of tuberous breast surgery in Malaga can vary depending on several factors, such as the experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon, the location of the clinic, and the complexity of the procedure.

At the Aesophy clinic, we offer a free evaluation to determine the best procedure for you and to provide you with a personalized and detailed estimate that includes all costs associated with tuberous breast surgery.

It is important to note that the price of tuberous breast surgery may include surgeon's fees, anesthesia, pre-operative tests, medical supplies, and post-operative care.

In general, the price of tuberous breast surgery in Malaga can range between 4.000 and 7.000 euros. However, it is important that you speak with your plastic surgeon to obtain a personalized and detailed estimate for your specific case.

At the clinic Aesophy, we are committed to offering high quality procedures at competitive prices. If you are interested in tuberous breast surgery in Malaga, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation and obtain more information about prices and available procedures.

Schedule your Tuberous Breast Surgery

Tuberous breast surgery may be an option to improve the appearance and function of tuberous breasts, and increase self-esteem and self-confidence. In the aesophy clinic, we have highly trained and experienced plastic surgeons in tuberous breast surgery and offer excellent pre- and postoperative care for our patients.

If you are considering tuberous breast surgery, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists. We are committed to providing the best results and the best care to each of our patients.

Contact us today to begin your journey to improved appearance and function of your breasts!

Tuberous breasts
intv time
2 to 3 hours
Tuberous breasts
Tuberous breasts
1 week
1 week
Tuberous breasts
Tuberous breasts
not required
Tuberous breasts
From: €4.550

The characteristics of tuberous breasts are:

  • Tapered instead of rounded
  • Too much separation between both breasts
  • Lack of growth or development of the lower and inner part of the breast
  • Large and dilated areolas
  • Asymmetry between both breasts

The cause of tuberous breasts It is due to the existence of a genetic alteration of the tissue that covers the mammary gland, which presents an abnormal rigidity, preventing the chest from developing harmoniously during adolescence.

La tuberous breast surgery It is performed to correct a malformation in the breasts that causes them to have a tube-like shape instead of a rounded shape.

The surgical technique used varies according to the case to give the bust volume and a rounded shape, placing the areola and the nipple in the proper position. Generally, if it is a slight anomaly, it can be corrected with the implantation of a prosthesis, without the need to proceed to any complete glandular remodeling, as in the case of serious malformations. In these cases, the diameter of the areola would be reduced and incisions would be required around it and/or around the base of the breast to achieve distention of the rigid area of ​​the chest and redistribution of the gland.

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