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and Cosmetic Surgery

Laserlipolysis at Aesophy Clinic Sculpt your Body Without Surgery

Laserlipolysis at Aesophy Clinic: Sculpt your Body Without Surgery

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Do you want to eliminate localized fat quickly, safely and without undergoing surgery? La laserlipolysis It is the ideal solution for you. In the Aesophy Clinic, we offer you the most advanced technology in laserlipolysis, with surprising results and a quick and comfortable recovery.

In the constant search for excellence and innovation in the field of aesthetic medicine, Clínica Aesophy is proud to present one of its most revolutionary treatments: laserlipolysis, an advanced technique designed to sculpt the body without the need for invasive surgical procedures.

This body contouring solution offers a safe, effective and minimally invasive alternative for those looking to improve their figure and self-esteem without the downtime and risks associated with traditional surgery.

What is laserlipolysis?

Laserlipolysis, also known as laser liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser energy to liquefy and remove fat from specific areas of the body, while stimulating collagen production to improve skin firmness and texture. This treatment represents a significant advance in body contouring techniques, providing notable results in fat reduction and improved body contour.

Laserlipolysis is an innovative technique that uses laser energy to eliminate fat accumulated in specific areas of the body. Unlike traditional liposuction, laserlipolysis is a procedure minimally invasive which does not require incisions or sutures.

How does laserlipolysis work?

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Local anesthesia is applied to the area to be treated.
  2. A thin cannula is inserted through a small incision in the skin.
  3. The cannula releases laser energy that liquefies the fat.
  4. The liquefied fat is extracted from the body using a suction system.

Advantages of laserlipolysis at Clínica Aesophy

Safety and efficacy

At Clínica Aesophy, safety and customer satisfaction are our priorities. Laserlipolysis is performed under strict safety regulations, using cutting-edge technology and by highly qualified professionals in aesthetic medicine. This approach ensures maximum effectiveness with minimal risks, making it a preferred option for localized fat removal and skin rejuvenation.

Fast recovery

Unlike traditional liposuction, laser lipolysis offers the benefit of faster recovery. Clients can resume normal activities shortly after treatment, making this procedure ideal for those who lead an active lifestyle and cannot afford a long period of inactivity.

Natural and Lasting Results

Advances in the laserlipolysis technique allow our specialists to sculpt the body with precision, achieving results that look and feel natural. Additionally, by stimulating collagen production, clients not only enjoy a significant reduction in fat, but also an improvement in the quality of their skin, with results that can last for years with a healthy lifestyle.

More advantages of laserlipolysis

  • Minimally invasive procedure: It does not require incisions or sutures.
  • Quick and visible results: Fat is permanently removed.
  • Quick and comfortable recovery: It does not require hospitalization and the patient can return to normal life in a few days.
  • Less pain and inflammation: Compared to traditional liposuction.
  • Greater precision: Allows you to sculpt the body with greater precision.
  • More natural results: The skin adapts better to the new body shape.

Who is laser lipolysis ideal for?

Laserlipolysis is ideal for men and women looking for an effective solution to eliminate stubborn fat deposits that do not disappear with diet and exercise. It is especially effective for areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, back, arms and chin. This treatment is an excellent option for those who want significant results without the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

La laserlipolysis It is an ideal treatment for people who want:

  • Eliminate localized fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms or double chin.
  • Sculpt your body and improve your body contour.
  • Avoid the risks and complexity of traditional liposuction.

In which areas can laserlipolysis be performed?

Laserlipolysis can be performed in the following areas:

  • abdominal lipolysis laser treatment
  • Laserlipolysis treatment for thighs
  • laserlipolysis hip treatment
  • Buttocks laserlipolysis treatment
  • laserlipolysis arm treatment
  • Double chin laserlipolysis treatment
  • Back laserlipolysis treatment
  • Flank laserlipolysis treatment
  • Ankle laserlipolysis treatment
  • Laserlipolysis knee treatment

The Treatment Process at Aesophy Clinic

Initial Consultation

Every journey towards body contouring begins with a personalized consultation at Clínica Aesophy. During this session, our specialists will evaluate your aesthetic goals, discuss available treatment options, and determine if laser lipolysis is right for you. This personalized approach ensures that each treatment plan is perfectly aligned with your individual expectations and needs.

The procedure

Laserlipolysis is performed in our state-of-the-art facility, using local anesthesia to maximize comfort during treatment. Through small incisions, a fiber optic laser is introduced that melts the fat before its extraction. The entire procedure can take between one and two hours, depending on the areas treated.

Post-Treatment Care

Although recovery from laserlipolysis is quick, it is essential to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided by our specialists. This may include wearing compression garments and attending follow-up sessions to ensure the best possible results.

What is recovery like after laserlipolysis?

Recovery after laserlipolysis is fast and comfortable. Most patients experience mild swelling and pain that can be controlled with medication. In general, the patient can return to normal life within a few days.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic?

Choosing Clínica Aesophy for your laserlipolysis treatment means opting for excellence in aesthetic care. Our team of aesthetic medicine specialists is committed to providing personalized care, using the most advanced and safest techniques available. At Aesophy Clinic, we not only transform your body; We improve your overall well-being, allowing you to live your life with confidence and fulfillment.

At Clínica Aesophy, we have a team of highly qualified doctors and professionals in the laserlipolysis technique. Furthermore, we have the most advanced laser technology of the market to guarantee safe and effective treatment.


Laserlipolysis at Clínica Aesophy represents the cutting edge in body contouring treatments, offering a safe, effective and minimally invasive solution for those seeking to improve their figure. With natural and long-lasting results, a quick recovery and the support of a team of highly qualified specialists, Clínica Aesophy is your ideal ally on the path to achieving your aesthetic goals.

We invite anyone interested in discovering more about laserlipolysis and other innovative treatments to contact us. At Aesophy Clinic, we are here to help you sculpt the version of yourself you have always wanted.

Do you want to know more about laserlipolysis at Clínica Aesophy?

Book your free assessment appointment and our experts will advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your needs.

Frequently asked questions Laserlipolysis

What is laserlipolysis?
La laserlipolysis, Also known as laser liposuction, is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure designed to remove excess body fat and contour the body. Unlike the traditional liposuction, which requires the use of cannulas to physically suction out the fat, laserlipolysis uses laser energy to liquefy fat before extraction. This approach has several advantages, including faster recovery, less trauma to the treated area, and the ability to stimulate the production of collagen, which can result in firmer and more toned skin after the procedure. During the laserlipolysis, a small incision is made through which a thin optical fiber is inserted that emits laser energy directly into the fatty tissue. The laser energy It warms and dissolves fat cells, which are then sucked up or allowed to be eliminated naturally by the body. This method is particularly effective for small, defined areas such as the neck, arms, chin, abdomen and flanks, offering more precise results and a smoother recovery compared to the conventional liposuction. The laserlipolysis not only reduces fat, but also has a tensioning effect on the leather, which is an additional benefit over the traditional liposuction which does not provide this effect significantly. It is important to keep in mind that, although the laserlipolysis can offer significant improvements in fat reduction and body contour, is not a solution for large-scale weight loss nor a substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise.

La laserlipolysis and traditional liposuction are cosmetic procedures designed to remove excess body fat, but they differ in their techniques and results. Here we detail the main differences between both methods:

  1. Technique Used: The laserlipolysis uses laser energy to liquefy fat before extraction, making it easier to remove and reducing trauma to the treated area. On the other hand, the traditional liposuction uses physical cannulas to suction out the fat, which can be more invasive and require a longer recovery.

  2. Recovery: Because the laserlipolysis is less invasive and causes less damage to surrounding tissues, patients typically experience a faster and less painful recovery compared to traditional liposuction.

  3. Side effects: The laserlipolysis has the added benefit of stimulating the production of collagen, which can result in firmer, more toned skin after the procedure. The traditional liposuction, although effective in removing fat, does not have the same significant effect in improving the texture and firmness of the skin.

  4. Treatment Areas: The laserlipolysis It is particularly suitable for small, defined areas, such as the neck, arms, chin, abdomen and flanks, where precision is key. The traditional liposuction It may be more suitable for larger areas or for the removal of larger volumes of fat.

  5. Aesthetic Results: The capacity of the laserlipolysis to tighten the skin in addition to removing fat can offer superior aesthetic results in certain cases, especially in areas where loose skin is a concern. The traditional liposuction may require additional procedures to address skin laxity after fat removal.

Both procedures have their advantages and may be better suited for different types of patients and aesthetic goals. It is important to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine the best approach based on the patient's individual needs and conditions.

The tratment of laserlipolysis It is generally considered less painful compared to traditional liposuction, thanks to its minimally invasive nature and the use of laser energy that liquefies fat before extraction, minimizing trauma to surrounding tissue. However, the pain experience may vary between individuals, depending on each person's pain tolerance, the treatment area, and the extent of the procedure.

During the procedure laserlipolysis, local anesthetics are often used to numb the treatment area, which significantly reduces any discomfort during the procedure. Some patients may experience a sensation of pressure or a slight burning sensation while the laser energy is applied, but these feelings are not usually described as intensely painful.

After treatment, it is common to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area, but these symptoms are usually manageable with prescription or over-the-counter pain medications, as advised by your doctor. Most patients are able to return to their daily activities relatively soon after the procedure, indicating that pain and discomfort are generally minimal and short-lived.

It is important to follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by the medical professional to minimize pain and facilitate a quick and successful recovery. Additionally, having a detailed prior consultation with your doctor will allow you to set realistic expectations about possible pain levels and overall experience during and after the surgery procedure. laserlipolysis.

The duration of the laserlipolysis procedure can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the size and number of areas to be treated, the amount of fat to be removed, and the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, a treatment of laserlipolysis It can last between 1 and 3 hours.

For small, defined areas, such as the chin or arms, the procedure can be relatively quick, being completed in approximately 1 hour. For larger areas or when multiple areas are treated in a single session, the procedure may extend up to 2 or 3 hours.

It is important to note that the laserlipolysis It is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can go home on the same day of treatment, after a brief period of post-procedure observation. Recovery is generally rapid, with many patients returning to their daily activities within a few days, although it is recommended that strenuous physical exertion be avoided for an initial period recommended by the doctor.

To obtain a more accurate estimate of how long the procedure might take in a specific case, it is essential to consult with a qualified medical professional, who can provide detailed information based on analysis of the area or areas to be treated and the patient's aesthetic goals.

Laser lipolysis is a versatile technique that can be applied to various areas of the body to eliminate excess fat and improve body contour. The most commonly treated areas with this procedure include:

  1. Abdomen: To reduce abdominal fat and improve waist contour.
  2. Hips: Helps eliminate fat deposits and better define the silhouette.
  3. Thighs: Both internally and externally, to reduce fat and improve the shape of the legs.
  4. Knees: Targets fat located around the knees for a slimmer appearance.
  5. Arms: Especially in the triceps area, to reduce sagging and fat.
  6. Back: Including the "love handles" and fat around the bra, for a smoother contour.
  7. Dewlap: To reduce submental fat and improve the profile of the neck.
  8. Buttocks: Although less common, it can also be used to slightly reshape and lift this area.

La laserlipolysis It is especially effective in areas with fat resistant to diet and exercise, and may be an option for those seeking a more defined solution and smoother contours. In addition to fat reduction, laser energy stimulates collagen production, which can result in an improvement in skin firmness and texture in the treated area.

It is important to note that the laserlipolysis It is not a solution for widespread weight loss nor a substitute for healthy eating and regular exercise. Ideal candidates are those who are relatively fit but have specific areas of fat they want to reduce. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine if the laserlipolysis is suitable for your specific needs and expectations.

The results of laserlipolysis may begin to be noticeable shortly after the procedure, but the final result is usually more evident after several weeks or months. This is due to several factors related to how the body responds to treatment:

  1. Immediate Fat Reduction: During the procedure, fat is liquefied and then suctioned or allowed to be eliminated naturally by the body, which can result in visible fat reduction soon after the treatment.

  2. Post-Treatment Inflammation: Initially, the treated area may experience swelling and bruising, which is a normal part of the healing process. As these side effects decrease, the results become more apparent.

  3. Gradual Fat Elimination: After the laserlipolysis, the body continues to eliminate the fat cells affected by the laser over a period of time. This process can take several weeks to months.

  4. Collagen Production: Laser energy stimulates collagen production, which helps improve the firmness and texture of the skin in the treated area. This skin tightening effect develops gradually and may continue to improve several months after the procedure.

In general terms, The results may begin to be visible from the first weeks after the treatment, but the final results are usually best appreciated between 3 and 6 months after the procedure., once the body has had enough time to eliminate the treated fat cells and for collagen production to have had a tangible effect on the skin.

It is crucial to follow the medical professional's recommendations regarding post-treatment care and maintain a healthy lifestyle to optimize and maintain the results obtained with the treatment. laserlipolysis.

Recovery after laserlipolysis is generally quick and with less discomfort compared to traditional liposuction, thanks to its minimally invasive nature and the use of laser energy that minimizes tissue trauma. Exact recovery time may vary depending on several factors, including the size of the treated area, the amount of fat removed, and the patient's individual healing characteristics. However, here is a general guide on what to expect:

  1. Immediately after the procedure: Patients are usually able to go home the same day as the laserlipolysis. It is common to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas.

  2. First week: During the first few days, the use of compression garments may be recommended to help reduce inflammation and support the healing process. Many patients find that they can return to their normal daily activities within a few days, although it is advised to avoid strenuous exercise and activities that may stress the treated areas.

  3. 2 to 4 weeks: Swelling and bruising continue to decrease. Patients may begin to see improvements in body contour, although the final result will not yet be visible as the body continues to shed fat cells and adjust to the change.

  4. From 1 to 3 months: This is the period when many patients notice a noticeable difference in their body contours. Collagen production stimulated by laser energy can begin to have a visible effect, improving skin firmness and texture.

  5. 6 months and older: The final results should be more evident, with a significant reduction in the treated areas of fat and an improvement in the overall appearance of the skin. For some patients, results may continue to improve for up to 12 months.

It is important to carefully follow the recovery instructions provided by your doctor, including the use of compression garments, pain management, and skin care, to ensure optimal recovery and the best possible results. Each person is unique, and the recovery process will vary, so it is essential to maintain open communication with your medical professional throughout the healing process.

Laserlipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure that generally produces very few and small scars, thanks to the fact that the incisions made are tiny. These incisions are necessary to introduce the optical fiber that emits laser energy into the fatty tissue, but they are small enough that, in most cases, they heal so that they are practically imperceptible.

The size and visibility of scars after surgery laserlipolysis They can vary from person to person, depending on several factors, such as the individual's ability to heal, post-procedure care, and the specific technique used by the doctor. However, medical professionals who perform these types of procedures are usually very aware of the importance of minimizing any marks and therefore make the incisions in discreet locations that can be easily hidden by clothing or in the natural folds of the skin. fur.

To ensure the best healing possible, it is important to follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by your medical professional. This may include using special healing creams or gels, avoiding sun exposure on the treated areas, and maintaining good hygiene around the incisions while they heal.

While the laserlipolysis It is known to be a procedure that minimizes scarring, for those particularly concerned about this aspect, it is essential to discuss expectations and concerns with the doctor before the procedure. This allows the practitioner to provide a realistic assessment of expected results and recommend the best approach to achieve aesthetic goals with minimal impact in terms of healing.

The results of laserlipolysis can be permanent in terms of the elimination of the treated fat cells; These cells do not regenerate or regrow once they are removed. However, it is important to understand that the permanence of the results also depends largely on the patient's lifestyle after the procedure.

During the laserlipolysis, the fat cells in the treated areas are liquefied and then eliminated from the body. If the patient maintains a stable weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, the results of the improved contour are likely to be maintained in the long term. However, if significant weight gain occurs after the procedure, the remaining fat cells in the body may expand, which could alter the results obtained.

Therefore, although the removal of fat cells is permanent in the treated areas, the key to maintaining results over time is to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding significant weight fluctuations.

It is crucial to have realistic expectations about the procedure and understand that the laserlipolysis It is not a solution for weight loss nor does it prevent future weight gain. Instead, it should be seen as a technique to improve body contour and reduce localized fat deposits that are difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone.

Laser lipolysis, like any medical procedure, carries certain risks and possible side effects. Although it is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional, it is important to be informed about these risks to make an informed decision. The most common side effects include:

  1. Swelling and Bruising: It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising in the treated areas after the procedure. These symptoms are usually temporary and decrease in the weeks after treatment.

  2. Pain or Discomfort: There may be some pain or discomfort at the treatment site, which is usually managed with prescription or over-the-counter pain medications.

  3. Burning sensation: Some patients report a temporary burning sensation in the treated area during or immediately after the procedure.

  4. Changes in Skin Sensitivity: There may be temporary changes in skin sensitivity, such as numbness or itching in the treated areas.

  5. Skin Irregularities: In rare cases, irregularities may appear on the surface of the skin, such as depressions or lumps, especially if the procedure is not done correctly.

  6. Burns or Skin Damage: Although rare, there is a risk of burns or skin damage due to the heat generated by the laser, if not handled properly.

  7. Infection: As with any procedure involving incisions, there is a risk of infection, although this risk is low with proper sterilization practices.

  8. Seroma or Hematoma: The accumulation of fluid (seroma) or blood (hematoma) under the skin in the treated area is a potential risk, but these cases are relatively rare.

It is crucial to choose a qualified medical professional with experience in laserlipolysis to minimize these risks. Before the procedure, your doctor should evaluate your general health, discuss your expectations, and thoroughly explain possible side effects and risks to make sure the treatment is right for you. Additionally, carefully following post-treatment instructions is essential for successful recovery and to minimize the possibility of adverse effects.

To find the best laserlipolysis clinic near you, such as the Aesophy Clinic in Malaga, it is essential to consider several factors that ensure the quality of the treatment and your satisfaction with the results. Here we leave you some tips optimized specifically for searching for cancer treatments. laserlipolysis of high quality, like those offered Aesophy Clinic:

  1. Online Research: Start your online search to find clinics specializing in laserlipolysis In Malaga. The website of Aesophy Clinic offers detailed information about its laser lipolysis treatments, including the technology used, the treatment process, and patient testimonials.

  2. Ratings and Reviews: Check online reviews and ratings for the Aesophy Clinic to learn about other patients' experiences. Reviews can offer valuable insight into service quality, treatment results, and customer satisfaction.

  3. Experience and Qualification: Make sure the clinic has qualified and experienced medical professionals in laserlipolysis. Aesophy Clinic stands out for its team of specialists with extensive experience in advanced aesthetic procedures.

  4. Initial Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation at Aesophy Clinic to discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your suitability for treatment of laserlipolysis and receive personalized advice. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns you may have.

  5. Advanced technology: Verifies that the clinic uses the latest generation laser technology to laserlipolysis, which is indicative of high quality services. Aesophy Clinic prides itself on employing the most advanced technologies to ensure effective and safe results.

  6. Safety and Hygiene: The clinic must follow strict safety and hygiene standards to guarantee the well-being of its patients. During your visit to Aesophy Clinic, see if the environment is professional, clean and well maintained.

  7. Results Before and After: Asks to see before and after photos of previous patients of laserlipolysis en Aesophy Clinic. This will give you a clear idea of ​​the results you can expect.

By considering these factors, you will be well equipped to choose the best clinic for your laserlipolysis in Malaga, ensuring that you receive the high-quality care you deserve, like that offered Aesophy Clinic.

Book Appointment Contact Best Laserlipolysis Treatments Málaga

Clinic No. 1 Laserlipolysis

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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