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Facial Mesotherapy Aesophy Clinic

Facial mesotherapy: improve the appearance of the skin

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Facial mesotherapy is one of the most popular treatments to improve skin space. It is cheaper compared to other treatments, its results can be seen in a very short time and it is a very minimally invasive procedure. If you are looking for where to do a facial mesotherapy in Spain, one of the main alternatives is the Aesophic Clinic, with the best specialists and equipment, is one of the safest and most reliable places to perform beauty treatments.

A facial mesotherapy is one of the best options if you are looking to have smoother, softer and more hydrated skin. Below you can learn a little more about this beneficial beauty treatment.

What is facial mesotherapy?

Also known as vitamin treatment or vitamin injections, facial mesotherapy is a treatment performed using microinjections of vitamins and other active ingredients. The main objective of which is to improve skin quality and prevent and reverse skin aging.

In this procedure, microinjections are used to introduce different combinations of active ingredients into the superficial layers of the skin. Of the many components that are usually used in this treatment, hyaluronic acid is one of the most common.

By infiltrating these hyaluronic acid cocktails with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, or peptides, among other substances, it is possible almost immediately for the skin to acquire a hydrated, luminous appearance and become much smoother. The results are very fast and are usually seen from the first session.

How is a facial mesotherapy performed?

Facial mesotherapy is an aesthetic medical procedure that is very easy to do, which is done in consultation. Both its implementation and subsequent care are very simple. It even allows patients to return to their daily lives immediately after finishing the consultation. Since it is performed with very fine needles, it does not cause discomfort and is not invasive at all. In any case, most specialists usually do it with a little topical anesthetic cream. Thus, the patient can simply relax while the treatment is being carried out without feeling anything.

facial mesotherapy risks

Regarding the adverse effects of facial mesotherapy, this turns out to be one of the safest aesthetic procedures. However, there is always a slight chance of adverse reactions. Some that could occur are:

  • Bruising at the places where the injections were given.
  • Burning sensation on the treated skin.
  • Mild or moderate pain in the area where the treatment was applied.
  • Skin reactions.
  • Irregularities in the tissues, forming a kind of "holes" in the skin where the facial mesotherapy was performed.

When are the results of a facial mesotherapy seen?

One of the great successes of this treatment is the speed with which the results can begin to be seen. In most cases, patients who undergo mesotherapy can begin to see results just after the first session. Well, the skin will quickly begin to look in better condition, more hydrated and with a better tone. However, it is important to keep in mind that each patient's dermis is different, so the speed at which the signs of freshness, shine and elasticity will appear are different. Even so, the results are guaranteed and these will begin to be seen as the treatment progresses.


Facial mesotherapy is one of the least invasive aesthetic treatments that exist, therefore, as previously mentioned, recovery is very fast. Therefore, a patient who undergoes this treatment can return to his normal life as soon as the session is over. Even so, in order to guarantee good results, patients are always recommended to take the following measures.

  • On the day the treatment is performed, it is advisable not to do physical exercise, strenuous activities or go to swimming pools or saunas.
  • The use of makeup in the area that was treated should be avoided, at least until at least 4 hours have passed since the treatment was performed.
  • Throughout the week after the sessions it is recommended to use SPF 50+ sunscreen if you will oppose the weather.
  • To reduce the appearance of bruising, it is recommended to use a cream that contains arnica or vitamin K.

Benefits of facial mesotherapy

This treatment is especially indicated to prevent or counteract skin aging. It can be used by both men and women, its main benefits being the following:

  • Helps revitalize skin from the inside out.
  • It can restore luminosity to the face
  • It is very effective in activating the production of collagen and elastina skin.
  • Eliminates wrinkles and expression lines very effectively.
  • Helps maintain the firmness and structure of the skin.

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