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Bigger and more slanted eyes Discover canthoplasty and cantopexy

Do you want bigger and more slanted eyes? Discover canthoplasty and cantopexy

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Do you dream of a more awake, attractive and radiant look? La cantoplasty and cantopexy There are two cosmetic surgery techniques that can help you achieve this. In Aesophy Clinic, we are experts in these techniques and we offer you a personalized and safe treatment to obtain incredible results.

What are Canthoplasty and Canthopexy?

La cantoplasty y cantopexy They are surgical techniques focused on modifying the lateral structure of the eye, in order to achieve a larger appearance and a more slanted appearance. Although both interventions share similar objectives, they differ in their specific methods and results. Canthoplasty is a surgical technique that consists of enlarge the eyelid opening (the space between the upper and lower eyelid) to give the eyes a more almond-shaped and slanted shape. Canthopexy is a surgical technique that consists of elevate the lateral canthus of the eye (the outer corner) to correct eyelid drooping and improve the shape of the eyes.
  • Cantoplasty: This procedure focuses on changing the tension and shape of the outer corner of the eye, visually widening the eye for a more open and attractive look. It is ideal for those looking for a significant change in the shape of their eyes.
  • Cantopexy: Unlike canthoplasty, cantopexy adjusts the position of the eyelid without cutting the lateral tendon. It is a less invasive procedure that offers a more natural look and is perfect for patients who want a subtle lift of the drooping eyelid.

Benefits of Canthoplasty and Canthopexy

The benefits of these procedures go beyond aesthetics; They can also improve self-esteem and personal satisfaction. Some of the benefits include:
  • Bigger, more expressive eyes: The enlargement and readjustment of the eye contour provides a more open and vibrant look.
  • Facial rejuvenation: By modifying the tension of the eyelids, these procedures can offer a younger, more rested appearance.
  • Improved facial symmetry: They correct minor asymmetries around the eyes, balancing facial features.
  • Relatively quick recovery: Both procedures have shorter recovery periods compared to other facial cosmetic surgeries.

How are canthoplasty and cantopexy different?

The main difference between canthoplasty and cantopexy is the objective pursued with each technique:

  • canthoplasty: Enlarge the palpebral opening to give the eyes a more slanted shape.
  • Canthopexy: Elevate the lateral canthus of the eye to correct the drooping of the eyelid.

In some cases, both techniques can be performed at the same time to obtain a more complete result.

Who is a good candidate for canthoplasty or cantopexy?

People who can benefit from canthoplasty or cantopexy are those who have:

  • Small or slanted eyes.
  • droopy eyelids
  • Asymmetry in the shape of the eyes.
  • Excess skin on the eyelids.

How are canthoplasty and cantopexy performed?

Both techniques are performed in the operating room under local or general anesthesia. The duration of the intervention is usually 1 to 2 hours.

  • canthoplasty: A small incision is made in the lateral canthus of the eye and the lateral canthal ligament is released. The ligament is then sutured in a more external position to enlarge the eyelid opening.
  • Canthopexy: A small incision is made in the lateral canthus of the eye and the orbicularis oculi muscle is elevated. The muscle is then sutured to a bony structure of the eyelid to elevate the lateral canthus of the eye.

What care should be taken after canthoplasty or cantopexy?

After the intervention, it is important to follow the plastic surgeon's instructions, which generally include:

  • Use a cold compress on your eyes for the first few days.
  • Apply antibiotic ointment to the eyes.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • Do not wear makeup for the first few days.
  • Perform regular medical follow-up.

At Aesophy Clinic, we offer you a comprehensive canthoplasty and cantopexy treatment that includes:

  • Personalized medical assessment: An experienced plastic surgeon will analyze your case and recommend the best technique to obtain the desired results.
  • Surgery in the operating room with the highest safety standards.
  • Personalized postoperative follow-up: We will accompany you throughout the recovery process and provide you with the necessary support so that you obtain the best results.

The Consultation Process at Aesophy Clinic

At Clínica Aesophy, each aesthetic journey begins with a personalized consultation. Our team of specialists will evaluate your needs and objectives to determine the best course of action. We understand that each patient is unique, and therefore, we offer personalized treatment plans. During your consultation, we will discuss:
  • Your expectations and goals: It is crucial to understand what you want to achieve with the procedure in order to offer you the results you are looking for.
  • medical evaluation: We will review your medical history and perform a physical examination of your eyes and eyelids to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  • Treatment planning: Based on the evaluation, we will design a tailored treatment plan that meets your expectations and improves your appearance in a natural and harmonious way.

Why Choose Aesophy Clinic?

Our clinic is distinguished by:
  • Highly qualified specialists: Our team is made up of cosmetic surgeons with years of experience in canthoplasty and cantopexy.
  • Cutting edge technology: We use the most advanced techniques and equipment to ensure optimal results and minimize recovery time.
  • Priority Support: We understand that each patient has unique needs, which is why we offer personalized treatment plans.
  • Commitment to excellence: Our priority is your safety and satisfaction. We strive to deliver results that not only meet, but exceed your expectations.


If you want a larger, more expressive and rejuvenated look, canthoplasty and cantopexy at Clínica Aesophy may be the solution you are looking for. With our personalized approach and the experience of our team, we are here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals in the safest and most effective way possible. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover how we can transform your look and, with it, your life. Don't wait any longer to get the look you've always wanted. Book your appointment today at Clínica Aesophy and discover how we can help you achieve bigger, more slanted and more radiant eyes.

Canthoplasty and cantopexy Frequently Asked Questions

What is better for me, canthoplasty or cantopexy?

The choice between canthoplasty and cantopexy depends on your aesthetic goals and the specific characteristics of your eyelids and ocular area. Both surgical procedures are designed to improve the appearance of the eyes, but they focus on slightly different goals and have different results. Here I briefly explain what each one is and who it is best for:


  • Objective: Canthoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to change the shape of the eyes, making them appear larger or more almond-shaped. This procedure may include strengthening or repositioning of the lateral canthal tendon (the tendon that helps hold the eyelid in place) and is often performed for cosmetic reasons.
  • Ideal for: People who want a more dramatic change in the shape of their eyes or who have small eyes and want to make them visually larger. It is also suitable for those looking for a more "open" or almond-shaped appearance to their eyes.


  • Objective: Canthopexy focuses on lifting the outer corner of the eye to correct sagging eyelids or to prevent the appearance of sad or tired eyes. This procedure may involve less invasive techniques and focuses on strengthening the position of the eyelid without dramatically changing the shape of the eye.
  • Ideal for: People who have a certain degree of sagging eyelids that they wish to correct or those seeking a more youthful and rested appearance without significantly altering the natural shape of their eyes.

Factors to Consider

  • Expectations: Think about what changes you want to see in your eyes and how you would like them to look after surgery.
  • Actual condition: Evaluate the current condition of your eyelids and ocular region. Is there significant sagging? Do you want to change the shape of your eyes or simply improve their position?
  • Professional Consultation: It is crucial to consult with a plastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist specialized in oculoplastic surgery. The professional will be able to evaluate your specific case, discuss your goals, and recommend the most appropriate procedure based on your needs and the anatomy of your eyes.

The decision between canthoplasty and cantopexy should be made after careful consideration of your aesthetic goals and a professional evaluation. Both procedures have the potential to significantly improve the appearance of your eyes, but it is important to choose the one that best aligns with your expectations and needs.

Recovery time for both canthoplasty and cantopexy procedures can vary depending on the surgical technique used, the extent of the procedure, and the individual response of each patient. However, I can give you a general idea of ​​what to expect in terms of recovery for each:

Recovery of the Cantoplasty

  • Immediately after surgery: You may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the eye area. Medications may be prescribed to manage pain, and cold compresses are recommended to reduce swelling.
  • First week: Most patients see a significant decrease in swelling and bruising. Stitches can be removed at the end of this week or the beginning of next week, depending on the specific technique and healing.
  • Two to four weeks: The swelling and bruising continue to go down. Many patients feel comfortable returning to normal activities and work, although they may still need to hide some bruising with makeup.
  • Six weeks: Most patients see significant improvement and can begin to see final results, although complete healing and complete disappearance of swelling may take a few months.

Recovery of the Cantopexy

  • Immediately after surgery: As with canthoplasty, you will experience swelling and bruising. The pain is usually mild and can be controlled with medication.
  • First week: A noticeable reduction in swelling and bruising is expected. The points can be removed towards the end of this week or the following week, depending on the case.
  • Two to four weeks: Gradual return to daily activities is allowed, and most visible signs of surgery should have significantly decreased.
  • Six weeks to three months: This is considered the period to begin to see final results, although complete recovery may vary from individual to individual. Residual swelling may persist for a few months in less common cases.

General considerations

  • Postoperative Follow-up: It is important to attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper recovery and expected progress.
  • Personal care: Follow your surgeon's recommendations on eye care, including the use of eye drops if prescribed, and avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Patience: Complete recovery and stabilization of results may take several months, during which the tissues adjust and swelling completely subsides.

Each person is unique, and the recovery process may vary. Therefore, it is crucial to follow your surgeon's specific instructions and communicate openly about any concerns or questions you may have during the recovery period.

The results of canthoplasty and canthopexy are designed to be long-lasting, but it is important to understand how factors such as aging, lifestyle, and genetics can influence the permanence of these results.

Canthoplasty Results

  • Durability: The changes made during a canthoplasty, which often include strengthening or repositioning the lateral canthal tendon to change the shape of the eye, are considered permanent. However, the tissues in the operated area will still be subject to the natural aging process, which could affect long-term appearance.
  • Considerations: Although the results are generally permanent, the skin and tissues around the eyes will continue to age, which can lead to changes in appearance over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your skin from the sun can help prolong results.

Canthopexy Results

  • Durability: Canthopexy, aimed at lifting the outer corner of the eye and improving the appearance of drooping eyelids, also offers long-lasting results. This procedure may help prevent or delay the need for future interventions due to sagging eyelids associated with aging.
  • Considerations: As with canthoplasty, the effects of aging and lifestyle can influence the durability of the results. Postoperative care and a healthy lifestyle are important to maintain the desired appearance.

Factors Affecting Durability

  • Aging: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and firmness, which can affect the long-term results of any cosmetic procedure, including canthoplasty and canthopexy.
  • Skin care: Sun exposure, smoking, and dehydration can accelerate the skin aging process, affecting the durability of the results.
  • Genetics: Genetic predisposition also plays a role in how we age and how the results of these procedures are maintained over time.


While canthoplasty and cantopexy offer results that are considered permanent, natural aging and other factors can influence the appearance of your eyes in the long term. It is important to have realistic expectations and understand that some care and possibly touch-ups in the future may be necessary to maintain the desired results. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgery specialist can provide a deeper understanding of what you can expect specifically in your case.

Both canthoplasty and cantopexy are surgical procedures that, although generally safe when performed by qualified surgeons, carry certain risks and possible complications, like any surgical intervention. It is crucial to select an experienced surgeon and openly discuss these risks before deciding on surgery. Here I describe some of the risks associated with each procedure:

Risks of Canthoplasty

  • Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the surgical site.
  • Asymmetry: There is a risk of asymmetrical results, where one eye may appear different to the other.
  • Changes in Sensation: There may be temporary or permanent changes in sensation around the eyes or on the eyelids.
  • Problems with Healing: Some patients may experience poor healing, which may require additional treatment.
  • Alterations in eyelid function: In rare cases, there may be difficulty closing the eyes completely, which can lead to dry eyes and other problems.
  • Dissatisfaction with Aesthetic Results: Some patients may be dissatisfied with the appearance of their eyes after surgery.

Risks of Canthopexy

  • Infection and Hematoma: As with canthoplasty, there is a risk of infection and blood pooling under the skin (hematoma).
  • Asymmetry in Results: Postoperative asymmetry can also occur with canthopexy, possibly requiring additional corrections.
  • Changes in Sensitivity: There could be an alteration in the sensation of the eyelids or surrounding areas.
  • Healing Problems: Including visible scars or hypertrophic (excessive) scarring.
  • Functional Problems: Difficulty closing your eyes completely, which could result in dryness and ocular discomfort.
  • Aesthetic Dissatisfaction: There is a risk that the results will not meet the patient's expectations.

General considerations

  • Recovery: Recovery time and temporary side effects, such as swelling and bruising, should be considered when planning these procedures.
  • Long Term Results: It is important to keep in mind that the effects of aging can alter the results obtained over time.
  • Need for Additional Procedures: In some cases, additional procedures may be necessary to correct or adjust the results.

It is essential to have a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgery specialist to discuss these risks and how they apply to your particular situation. An experienced surgeon will evaluate your overall health, your expectations, and the structure of your eyelids to determine the best procedure option for you, minimizing risks and maximizing positive results.

Yes, it is common and often beneficial to combine canthoplasty or cantopexy with other aesthetic procedures to achieve a more complete and harmonious improvement of facial appearance. Combining procedures can help reduce overall recovery time and costs, compared to performing the procedures separately at different times. Here are some procedures that are usually combined with canthoplasty and cantopexy:

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  • Objective: Remove excess skin, fat and tissue from the upper and lower eyelids to rejuvenate the area around the eyes.
  • Combination: Blepharoplasty can be combined with canthoplasty or canthopexy to improve the appearance of the eyes, correcting sagging eyelids and improving the shape of the eye simultaneously.

Facial Lifting

  • Objective: Improve visible signs of aging on the face and neck, including sagging, deep wrinkles, and loss of muscle tone.
  • Combination: A facelift can complement the results of canthoplasty or cantopexy by providing more widespread rejuvenation of the face.


  • Objective: Reshape the nose to improve its appearance or function.
  • Combination: Modifying the shape of the nose can balance facial proportions and complement the improvements in the ocular region achieved with canthoplasty or cantopexy.

Injections of Dermal Fillers or Neuromodulators

  • Objective: Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, or add volume to areas such as the cheeks, lips, and under the eyes.
  • Combination: These non-surgical treatments can be used to further refine and improve the results of surgical procedures, offering a younger, more rested appearance.

Facial Liposuction

  • Objective: Remove excess fat from specific areas of the face to improve contours.
  • Combination: It can be especially useful in combination with canthoplasty or cantopexy if there is fat accumulation in the eyelid or cheek area, offering a more defined and contoured result.

Important considerations

  • Medical Evaluation: A thorough evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon is vital to determine your suitability for multiple procedures, based on your general health, expectations, and specific needs.
  • Careful Planning: Combining procedures requires careful planning to ensure that the results are harmonious and meet your aesthetic goals.
  • Recovery: Although combining procedures can be efficient, it can also involve a longer or more complex recovery time, which should be considered when planning surgery.

Discussing your goals and expectations with an experienced plastic surgeon will allow you to better understand the options available and how combining procedures can benefit you to achieve a comprehensive facial aesthetic improvement.

Maintaining the results of a canthoplasty or cantopexy in the long term involves taking proper care of your skin and your general health. Although these procedures are designed to offer long-lasting results, their quality can be affected by factors such as aging, lifestyle, and skin care. Here are some recommendations to help you preserve the results:


  • Use of Sunscreen: Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) to your face daily, even on cloudy days, to protect your skin from damage caused by UVA and UVB rays.
  • Avoid the direct exposure to the sun: Limit your exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours (between 10 am and 4 pm). Wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses for extra protection.

Skin care

  • Skin Care Routine: Maintain a skin care routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and anti-aging products, such as those containing retinol, antioxidants (vitamin C, E), and hyaluronic acid.
  • Hydration: Drinking enough water throughout the day helps keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Healthy life style

  • Balance diet: Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats to nourish your skin from the inside.
  • No Smoking: Avoiding tobacco is crucial, as smoking accelerates the skin aging process and can compromise healing and skin quality.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can dehydrate your skin and negatively affect its appearance.

Stress Control

  • Stress management: Practices such as yoga, meditation and regular exercise can help reduce stress, which can have a negative impact on the health of your skin.

Follow-up Reviews

  • Regular Visits to the Specialist: Schedule regular checkups with your surgeon or dermatologist to evaluate the health of your skin and discuss any concerns you may have about maintaining your results.

Complementary Treatments

  • Non-Invasive Treatments: Consider non-invasive complementary treatments, such as laser therapies, microdermabrasion, or dermal fillers, to keep skin firm and youthful. These treatments can help prolong the results of your canthoplasty or cantopexy.

Remember that personal care is key to maintaining the results of any aesthetic procedure. Taking a proactive approach to your health and well-being can make a big difference in how you age and the durability of your surgery results.

Canthoplasty and canthopexy are cosmetic procedures designed primarily to improve the appearance of the eyes and periorbital region, not to alter visual function. In most cases, these procedures should not change the way you see. However, there are some aspects related to postoperative recovery and adaptation that can temporarily influence your visual perception:

Temporary Postoperative Effects

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the eyes may cause a heavy feeling in the eyelids or slight obstruction of the peripheral visual field. These effects are temporary and usually decrease as the area heals.
  • Eye Dryness: Some patients may experience dry eyes after surgery, which may temporarily affect visual comfort. This symptom is usually managed with lubricating eye drops recommended by the surgeon.
  • Adaptation to Aesthetic Changes: In some cases, changes in eyelid tension or modification of eyelid aperture may require an adaptation period. This does not affect visual function, but rather the perception of your visual field or the sensation of how your eyes feel when you open and close.

Long Term Considerations

  • Visual Function: Canthoplasty and canthopexy, when performed correctly by an experienced surgeon, are not intended to alter visual function. Its objective is to improve the aesthetics of the area around the eyes and correct problems such as sagging eyelids or improve the shape of the eye.
  • Possible complications: Although rare, as with any surgical procedure, there are possible complications that could influence the sensation or function of the eyes, such as infection, healing problems, or asymmetries. Carefully following postoperative instructions and attending all follow-up appointments can help minimize these risks.

In summary, canthoplasty and cantopexy are designed to improve the appearance of the eyes without negatively affecting vision. Any change in visual perception is usually temporary and related to recovery. If you have specific concerns about how these procedures might affect you, it is crucial to discuss them with your surgeon before surgery. A qualified surgeon will be able to explain in detail what to expect and how these procedures can be tailored to your aesthetic needs and goals without compromising your visual health.

Canthoplasty and canthopexy are cosmetic procedures designed primarily to improve the appearance of the eyes and periorbital region, not to alter visual function. In most cases, these procedures should not change the way you see. However, there are some aspects related to postoperative recovery and adaptation that can temporarily influence your visual perception:

Temporary Postoperative Effects

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the eyes may cause a heavy feeling in the eyelids or slight obstruction of the peripheral visual field. These effects are temporary and usually decrease as the area heals.
  • Eye Dryness: Some patients may experience dry eyes after surgery, which may temporarily affect visual comfort. This symptom is usually managed with lubricating eye drops recommended by the surgeon.
  • Adaptation to Aesthetic Changes: In some cases, changes in eyelid tension or modification of eyelid aperture may require an adaptation period. This does not affect visual function, but rather the perception of your visual field or the sensation of how your eyes feel when you open and close.

Long Term Considerations

  • Visual Function: Canthoplasty and canthopexy, when performed correctly by an experienced surgeon, are not intended to alter visual function. Its objective is to improve the aesthetics of the area around the eyes and correct problems such as sagging eyelids or improve the shape of the eye.
  • Possible complications: Although rare, as with any surgical procedure, there are possible complications that could influence the sensation or function of the eyes, such as infection, healing problems, or asymmetries. Carefully following postoperative instructions and attending all follow-up appointments can help minimize these risks.

In summary, canthoplasty and cantopexy are designed to improve the appearance of the eyes without negatively affecting vision. Any change in visual perception is usually temporary and related to recovery. If you have specific concerns about how these procedures might affect you, it is crucial to discuss them with your surgeon before surgery. A qualified surgeon will be able to explain in detail what to expect and how these procedures can be tailored to your aesthetic needs and goals without compromising your visual health.

Contact Book appointment for canthoplasty and cantopexy Málaga

Clinic Nº1 canthoplasty and cantopexy Málaga Armengual de la Mota, 1 Málaga, Spain Hours (Monday to Friday): 10.00 – 14.00 / 16.30 – 20.30

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