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and Cosmetic Surgery

Lifting without surgery Malaga Aesophy clinic

Lifting without Surgery

Lifting without Surgery Malaga
Treatment time
30 to 60 minutes
Lifting without Surgery Malaga
Lifting without Surgery Malaga
2 - 5 days
Lifting without Surgery Malaga
Lifting without Surgery Malaga
not required
Lifting without Surgery Malaga
from: Consult

Table of contents Lifting without Surgery

Welcome to the exclusive page of Lifting without Surgery de Aesophy Clinic, where innovation and beauty meet to offer you a facial rejuvenation solution without the need for surgical procedures. Discover how you can get firmer skin, a more defined contour and a rejuvenated appearance with our advanced techniques.

Lifting without Surgery: Transform your Beauty at Aesophy Clinic

What is Lifting without Surgery?

El Lifting without Surgery is a revolutionary technique that offers results comparable to a traditional facelift but without the incisions, general anesthesia and recovery time associated with surgery. Through non-invasive procedures, we work to tighten the skin, reduce sagging, and improve the overall appearance of the face.

Lifting treatments without clinical surgery Aesophy

Treatments Available at Aesophy Clinic

PDO Tensioning Threads

Learn about the PDO Tensioning Threads, a minimally invasive technique that lifts and tightens sagging skin, stimulating collagen production for long-lasting, natural results.

Dermal Fillers

Explore how Dermal Fillers They can restore lost volume, smooth lines and wrinkles, and provide a more defined facial contour without downtime.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

Discover the power of HIFU, a non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound to tighten and lift the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Radiofrequency Microneedling

Find out about the Microneedling with Radiofrequency, a perfect combination that penetrates the deepest layers of the skin for intensive remodeling and rejuvenation.


Benefits of Lifting without Surgery at Clínica Aesophy

  • Natural and Remarkable Results: Enjoy visible rejuvenation without changing your natural expression.
  • No Recovery Time: Return to your daily life immediately after treatment.
  • Safety and Comfort: Safe procedures performed by highly qualified professionals.
  • Full Customization: Each treatment is personalized to fit your unique needs and goals.

How is a facelift performed without surgery?

The type of treatment used will determine the specific procedure. However, in general, non-surgical facelift treatments are performed in an aesthetic clinic under local anesthesia.

What are the results of lifting without surgery?

The results of lifting without surgery may vary depending on the type of treatment used. However, in general, the results are natural and long-lasting.

What is the difference between Facelift and Minilifting?

It is a difference in the extent of the intervention. In incipient cases of facial sagging, that is, patients over 40 or 50 years old, Minilifting is the technique of choice.

The takeoff is conservative and the recovery is very fast. It is done in approximately half of the cases. From the age of 60, facial lifting is usually indicated.

It is not uncommon to have 2 Lifts throughout your life: first a Miniflift and then a standard Lift.

How are the results?

The results are very natural. There are no stigmas of having been operated on. But for this to be the case, 3 points must be taken into account:

  1. The direction of the stretch vectors should be more vertical than horizontal, more up than to the sides.
  2. The incisions, that is to say where you enter to perform the intervention, must be hidden inside and behind the ear so that they are perfectly concealed.
  3. And third, but not least, the face must be analyzed three-dimensionally, to add or remove volume where necessary. For example, it is typical to remove fat from the neck and add in what are called the middle third, malar and suborbicular areas.

Best lifting clinic without surgery Aesophy clinic

Lifting Without Surgery Advantages at Aesophy Clinic

El facelift without surgery It is an effective and safe option to improve the appearance of the skin and face. If you are looking for a non-invasive alternative to cosmetic surgery, a non-surgical facelift may be a good option for you.

En Aesophy Clinic, We offer a wide range of treatments facelift without surgery to satisfy your needs. Our doctors have extensive experience in these types of treatments and can help you choose the right treatment for you.

For more information on non-surgical facelift at Aesophy Clinic, Contact us

plastic surgeons specializing in Facial Lifting in Malaga

Frequently Asked Questions Lifting without Surgery

What exactly is Lifting without Surgery?

Lifting without Surgery is a set of non-invasive aesthetic treatments designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin of the face and neck without the need for surgical interventions. It uses technologies such as tension threads, focused ultrasound, radiofrequency and dermal fillers to achieve lifting results.

What are the most popular treatments for Lifting without Surgery?

  • Tensioning threads: Uses biocompatible threads to lift and tighten the skin.
  • Dermal Fillers: They add volume and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
  • High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): Uses ultrasound waves to tighten and lift the skin.
  • Radiofrequency: Improves skin texture and promotes collagen production

The level of pain or discomfort associated with nonsurgical facelift treatments varies depending on the type of procedure, the individual's pain tolerance, and the anesthesia or sedation techniques used during the treatment. Here's an overview of what you can expect in terms of pain for some of the most common methods:

  1. Ultherapy (Ultherapy): Patients often describe a sensation of intense heat and small pricks as the ultrasonic energy is delivered to the skin. The level of discomfort varies, but doctors may apply a topical anesthetic or administer pain medications to help manage any discomfort during the procedure.

  2. Thermage: Similar to Ultherapy, Thermage can cause sensations of heat and tingling. The intensity of heat is adjusted to maximize patient comfort as much as possible, and cooling measures are used to protect the skin surface.

  3. Tensioning wires: There may be a pulling or discomfort sensation during the insertion of the threads, but it is usually performed under local anesthesia to minimize any pain.

  4. Dermal Fillers and Neuromodulators): Most people experience only mild stinging discomfort during injections. A topical anesthetic or ice may be applied to numb the area before the procedure.

  5. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Laser treatments may cause a tingling sensation or as if small rubber bands are snapping against the skin. Skin cooling and, in some cases, topical anesthesia are often used to improve comfort.

  6. Radio Frequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling): Microneedling may cause an itchy or scratchy sensation. Topical anesthesia is applied before treatment to reduce any discomfort.

  7. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): At first, there may be a pulling and intense cold sensation, but the area usually becomes numb after the first few minutes of treatment.

It is important to discuss any concerns about pain or anxiety with the treating professional. They can explain what comfort measures are available and how the procedure can be customized to make it as comfortable as possible.

Additionally, each person's experience with pain is unique, and what one individual finds painful, another may find only slightly uncomfortable. Clear communication with your doctor will help you set realistic expectations and adequately prepare for the procedure.

The time a non-surgical facelift session takes varies significantly depending on the type of procedure, the size and number of areas to be treated, and the specific complexity of the patient's case. Below is a general estimate of how long you could wait for some of the most popular treatments:

  1. Ultherapy (Ultherapy): A full session can last between 30 and 90 minutes. Treating smaller areas like the neck or around the eyes may take less time.

  2. Thermage: Treatments generally last between 45 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the size of the area to be treated.

  3. Tensioning wires: The duration can vary from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of threads used and the treatment area.

  4. Dermal Fillers and Neuromodulators: The procedures are usually relatively quick, being completed in 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of injections needed.

  5. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): A session can take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area and the type of laser or IPL used.

  6. Radio Frequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling): The treatment usually takes about 20 to 45 minutes, although preparing for the procedure with topical anesthesia may add additional time.

  7. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): Each area-specific treatment session lasts approximately 35 to 60 minutes, and multiple areas can be treated in one visit, increasing the total time.

It is important to remember that these times are approximate and may vary. Additionally, some techniques may require more than one session to achieve the desired results, and this will need to be planned accordingly. Before your procedure, your treating professional will provide you with a more accurate time estimate based on your specific goals and treatment plan.

It is also advisable to ask how long you should wait for recovery and post-treatment care, as this may affect how much time you will need to reserve from your normal activities.

The duration of the effects of a non-surgical facelift varies considerably depending on the type of treatment, the individual's skin condition, their lifestyle, and the body's biological response to the procedure. Below is a general estimate of how long you can expect the effects of some popular treatments to last:

  1. Ultherapy (Ultherapy): Results can last up to 2 years, although some patients opt for annual follow-up treatments to maintain results.

  2. Thermage: The effects can last 1 to 2 years, depending on your skin's response and the natural aging process.

  3. Tensioning wires: Depending on the type of threads used, the effects can last from 1 to 3 years. The threads dissolve over time, but the induced collagen production can prolong the effects.

  4. Dermal Fillers: Duration varies depending on the type of filler used, but generally lasts 6 months to 2 years.

  5. Neuromodulators: The effects typically last 3 to 6 months, after which many patients seek maintenance treatments.

  6. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Results can last for several years, although annual maintenance sessions may be needed to keep skin looking rejuvenated.

  7. Radio Frequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling): Results can last up to 1 year or more, and some patients opt for regular maintenance sessions.

  8. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): The results are generally long-lasting as long as you maintain a stable weight; The eliminated fat cells do not return.

It is important to note that no treatment can completely stop the natural aging process. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle, diet, sun exposure and general skin care will play a significant role in how long the results last. Additionally, many treatments have cumulative results, meaning that multiple sessions can not only enhance the initial effects but also prolong their duration.

A consultation with a qualified professional is essential to obtain an accurate evaluation and personalized recommendations based on your specific goals and skin characteristics. It is also essential to follow all post-treatment care instructions and maintain a healthy skin care regimen to maximize the longevity of results.

The time it takes for the results of a non-surgical facelift to appear varies depending on the type of procedure and the individual response of each person. Below is a general estimate of when you can expect to see results for some popular treatments:

  1. Ultherapy (Ultherapy): Some patients may notice immediate improvement, but the most significant results usually appear gradually over 2-3 months as the body produces new collagen.

  2. Thermage: Results may begin to be visible within weeks of treatment, with continued improvements over the next 2-6 months.

  3. Tensioning wires: The effects are often immediate after insertion of the threads. However, the final, more natural results will be seen after several weeks, as swelling decreases and collagen production is stimulated.

  4. Dermal Fillers: Results are usually immediate, although there may be some swelling or bruising at first. The final effects are usually visible once any swelling or bruising has subsided, usually within a week.

  5. Neuromodulators: Results usually begin to appear within 3-7 days after treatment, with maximum effects visible after 10-14 days.

  6. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Results may begin to be noticeable after a week, but generally become more evident after several weeks to months, as the skin heals and regenerates.

  7. Radio Frequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling): There may be immediate improvement, but optimal results usually appear within 1-3 months after treatment, as the skin produces new collagen and elastin.

  8. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): Results begin to be visible after 3 weeks, but the most dramatic results are usually evident after 2 months. The body continues to eliminate fat cells for 4-6 months after treatment.

It is important to remember that these are general deadlines and individual experience may vary. Factors such as age, skin type, lifestyle, and post-treatment care will also influence the speed and effectiveness of the results. Additionally, some treatments may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. A consultation with a qualified professional will give you a better idea of ​​what to expect in your specific case and how you can maximize the results of your treatment.

Recovery time after a non-surgical facelift varies depending on the type of treatment performed, but is generally much shorter and less intense than traditional surgical procedures. Below are recovery times for some of the most popular treatments:

  1. Ultherapy (Ultherapy): There is no significant downtime. You may experience redness, swelling, or tenderness for a few hours or days after treatment, but these effects are generally mild.

  2. Thermage: Most people can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. There may be some redness or mild swelling, but this usually goes away quickly.

  3. Tensioning wires: There may be some swelling, bruising, and tenderness for a few days after the procedure. Most people can return to normal activities after this period, although it is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for 1-2 weeks.

  4. Dermal Fillers: Recovery time is minimal. You may experience swelling, bruising, or tenderness in the treated area, but these effects are usually mild and resolve within a few days.

  5. Neuromodulators: There is no real downtime; You can resume your daily activities immediately. There may be some redness or swelling at the injection sites, but this usually goes away within a few hours.

  6. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Depending on the intensity of the treatment, you may experience redness, swelling, and peeling for a few days to a week. You may need to avoid direct sun exposure and certain activities until the skin has completely healed.

  7. Radio Frequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling): You may have redness, swelling, and tenderness for a few days after treatment. Most people can return to normal activities after a day or two, although the skin may feel sensitive.

  8. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting): There is no downtime required; You can return to your daily activities immediately. There may be some swelling, bruising, or tenderness in the treated area, but these effects are generally mild.

It is important to follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by your professional to ensure a quick and effective recovery. Additionally, although most of these treatments have little to no downtime, side effects and recovery can vary from person to person. Discuss your concerns and expectations with your treating professional to get a better idea of ​​what to expect in your specific case.

Determine if the facelift without surgery is right for you involves considering several factors, including your aesthetic goals, your skin condition and type, your medical history, and your realistic expectations about results. Here are some points to consider when making this decision:

  1. Aesthetic Objectives: Evaluate what you want to achieve with the treatment. Non-surgical facelifts are excellent for addressing mild to moderate skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, and some volume loss. If you have more severe problems or are looking for more dramatic changes, you may need to consider alternatives.

  2. Skin Condition and Type: Some treatments may not be suitable for darker skin types or certain skin conditions. It is essential to have a professional evaluate your skin to determine the safest and most effective treatment for you.

  3. Age and Skin Health: Age is not necessarily a barrier to non-surgical lifting, but results may vary depending on the elasticity and condition of your skin. People with good skin elasticity tend to respond better.

  4. Medical history: Certain medical conditions or medications may affect your ability to undergo certain procedures or to heal properly after treatment.

  5. Realistic Expectations: Although non-surgical facelifts can produce noticeable improvements, the results will generally not be as dramatic as those of a surgical facelift. It is important to have realistic expectations about what these treatments can and cannot achieve.

  6. Time and Financial Commitment: Consider whether you are willing to commit to the necessary follow-up treatments and whether you are prepared for the financial investment involved, as some treatments may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

The first step in determining if a non-surgical lift is right for you is to consult with a dermatologist or qualified skin professional. They can evaluate your skin, discuss your goals and concerns, and recommend the best course of action based on your unique situation. It is also essential to do your research and choose a professional with experience and strong credentials to ensure the best possible results and minimize risks.

Non-surgical facelifts generally have fewer risks and side effects compared to surgical procedures, but as with any medical or cosmetic treatment, they can have some potential side effects. These vary depending on the type of treatment, but here is a general list of possible side effects that could occur:

  1. Redness and Swelling: Almost all procedures can cause some degree of redness or swelling in the treated area, which usually disappears within a few days.

  2. Bruises: Especially with treatments that involve injections or needles, such as dermal fillers, thread lifts, and microneedling.

  3. Sensitivity: The skin may feel tender or sore to the touch after treatment, similar to a sunburn.

  4. Peeling and Scabs: Particularly with laser treatments and some types of chemical peels, the skin may peel or scab over as it heals.

  5. Pigmentation Changes: Some people may experience temporary darkening (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation) of the treated skin, especially if they do not follow sun protection recommendations.

  6. Infection: Although rare due to the non-invasive nature of these treatments, there is a small risk of infection, especially if the skin is not properly cared for after treatment.

  7. Allergic reaction: It is possible to have an allergic reaction to topical anesthetics or to the materials used in fillers or threads.

  8. Skin Texture Irregularities: There may be cases of lumps, waves or irregularities, especially with dermal fillers or poor injection techniques.

  9. Prolonged or Unusual Pain: Although treatments are generally of little discomfort, some patients may experience prolonged pain.

It is crucial to discuss all possible side effects and how to manage them with the professional performing the treatment before proceeding. Additionally, carefully following post-treatment care instructions is vital to minimize risks and ensure proper recovery. Any unusual or prolonged side effects should be discussed with a doctor or dermatologist. In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary to resolve these effects.

Maintain the results of a facelift without surgery It requires a combination of proper aftercare, a healthy lifestyle, and a consistent skincare regimen. Here are some key strategies to help you maintain long-term results:

  1. Rigorous Sun Protection: Sun exposure can accelerate skin aging and undo some of the benefits of treatment. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) every day, even when it's cloudy, and reapply it every two hours if you're outdoors.

  2. Regular Skin Care: Maintain a skin care routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and anti-aging products, such as those containing retinoids, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

  3. Healthy life style: A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can promote healthy skin. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as both can accelerate skin aging.

  4. Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for skin health. Drink enough water throughout the day.

  5. Stress management: Chronic stress can affect your skin and accelerate aging. Find ways to manage stress through activities such as exercise, meditation, therapy, or relaxing hobbies.

  6. Maintenance Sessions: Consider maintenance sessions as recommended by your professional. Some treatments may require periodic sessions to maintain results.

  7. Avoid Negative Factors: Avoid tanning and excessive tanning, and don't smoke, as these can contribute to premature skin aging.

  8. Regularly Consult Professionals: Keep regular appointments with your dermatologist or skin care professional to evaluate the condition of your skin and make adjustments to your treatment or routine as necessary.

By following these steps and maintaining an open dialogue with the professionals overseeing your care, you can help prolong the effects of your facelift without surgery and maintain a youthful and healthy appearance for longer.

En Aesophy Clinic, we pride ourselves on being leaders in non-surgical lifting treatments, providing our patients with exceptional results with the highest level of care. Our commitment to excellence distinguishes us as the best option for those seeking to rejuvenate their appearance effectively and safely.

Advanced technology: We use the most advanced and proven technologies, such as Ultherapy, Thermage, Dermal Fillers and RF Microneedling, ensuring precise and personalized treatments for each patient.

Expert Professionals: Our team is made up of highly qualified dermatologists and medical aesthetic specialists with extensive experience in non-surgical lifting procedures. Our experience guarantees not only the quality of results, but also patient safety and satisfaction.

Custom Approach: At Aesophy, each treatment is as unique as the patient. We conduct detailed evaluations to understand your specific needs and aesthetic goals, creating a personalized treatment plan that ensures the best possible results.

Comprehensive Patient Care: Your comfort and satisfaction are our priority. From the initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up, we provide a welcoming environment and attentive care to ensure a positive and satisfying experience at every step.

Proven Results: Our patients are our best letter of recommendation. With a long list of testimonials and success stories, you can trust Clínica Aesophy to obtain natural and long-lasting results that will exceed your expectations.

Commitment to Excellence: At Clínica Aesophy, we are committed to continuous improvement, keeping up to date with the latest innovations in aesthetic treatments to offer only the best to our patients.

Visit us today: Discover how Aesophy Clinic can help you achieve your beauty and rejuvenation goals. Contact us for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards a younger, more radiant appearance.

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  • Aesophy Best Lifting Clinic without surgery in Spain: Higher quality than in Turkey at a competitive price.

Clinic No. 1 Lifting without Surgery Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

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