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Rhinoplasty Malaga
Treatment time
60 min
Rhinoplasty Malaga
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Rhinoplasty Malaga
Rhinoplasty Malaga
Rhinoplasty Malaga
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Rhinoplasty Malaga
From: €300

Table of contents Rhinomodeling

Have you ever dreamed of enhancing your profile, but the mere thought of surgery makes you wonder? What if I told you that there is a safe, effective and non-invasive solution to achieve it? Do you want to find out what it is? Stay with us, I promise that what you are about to read will change your perspective on aesthetic care.

Rhinoplasty Malaga 

Rhinomodeling is that answer you've been looking for. It is an advanced aesthetic technique that highlights your natural beauty, without the need to go through the operating room. Now, what exactly is rhinoplasty and how can it change your life? In this post, we will reveal everything you need to know. At the end, we will give you a surprise that will make it easier for you to make the decision that will change your life.

What is Rhinomodelation?

It is known as rhinomodeling to rhinoplasty without surgery when aesthetic results are achieved by infiltration with filler materials.

Rhinomodeling is a treatment that shapes the nose through the infiltration of hyaluronic acid without the need to resort to surgery.

In a rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid medium density products are usually used. To reshape small humps or harmonize the nasofrontal and nasolabial angles, the substance is infiltrated into the periosteum, that is, just above the bones or nasal cartilage. Hyaluronic acid also allows the septum to be worked on, giving it a more aesthetic shape.

Aesophy Málaga clinical rhinomodeling

What is rhinoplasty without surgery?

It consists of injecting hyaluronic acid through a careful introduction into specific areas of the nose, thus managing to raise the nasal tip, increase the naso-labial angle, the naso-frontal angle, concealing the prominence of the bones of the nose. Rhinomodeling does not replace rhinoplasty, in fact its results are temporary but it is a much less aggressive and invasive technique.

En Aesophy Excellence Clinic is a reference clinic in rhinomodeling treatments with hyaluronic acid in Malaga thanks to having specialist doctors and extensive experience in facial aesthetic medicine.

What does a rhinoplasty treatment consist of?

The treatment is performed with microinjections of hyaluronic acid in the area of ​​the nose to be treated, to equalize and rectify the nasal profile. 

It uses a type of hyaluronic acid reticulated, of high density, with which great precision is achieved, high durability and fixation consistent with flexibility.

The product is applied precisely according to the needs of the patient and their natural physiology to achieve the most natural results with the maximum security.

With this procedure we managed to correct sunken areas, smooth Angles, modify the angle of the tip of the nose. All this looking to get a nose more harmonious with facial expression with natural results.

Rhinomodeling side effects?

Despite being a safe procedure, it can present some side effects, the most common being: ● Appearance of bruises or lumps in the treated areas.

● Pain and discomfort.

● Irritation, hardness and redness of the skin.

These effects usually disappear over the days and last up to a week afterward.

Duration of rhinoplasty treatment

The duration of the session is between 15 and 20 minutes.

The results are immediate but are optimally appreciated 10 days after its application. The duration of rhinoplasty effects with hyaluronic acid it is between 12 to 18 months.

rhinoplasty treatment with hyaluronic acid

It is a unisex treatment, which offers lasting and natural results to both men and women.

The action of hyaluronic acid on the skin is double. Fills while rejuvenating. The effects of hyaluronic acid achieve immediate results but, at the same time, its long-term results promote the facial rejuvenation natural thanks to the production of collagen and elastin.

What are the benefits of Rhinomodelation?

Among the benefits of this intervention we can highlight:
Rhinomodeling allows us to correct nose imperfections and bring harmony to our face as a whole. The main advantages include:

  1. Modify the shape of your nose with a totally natural result.
  2. No need to go through the operating room. The treatment is done in consultation and the results are seen immediately.
  3. Resorbable and high security facial filler products. Avoid complications.

For what ages is the Rhinomodelation treatment recommended?

This rhinomodeling treatment of the nose can be performed from the age of 20, either to improve the aesthetics of the nose, due to changes related to the passage of time or due to particular deformities or those caused by trauma.

Safety and effectiveness of Rhinomodelation

As with any aesthetic procedure, it is essential to go to an experienced and certified professional. Rhinomodeling is safe when performed by an expert who understands the anatomy of the nose and uses quality products.

Results are immediate and typically last 6-18 months, depending on the type of filler used and your individual body's response. This treatment gives you the flexibility to adjust results over time to maintain a natural, harmonious look.

Rhinomodeling Treatment Málaga Aesophy clinic

rhinomodeling malaga reviews

Here are some of the comments from our rhinomodelation patients in Malaga

"Before rhinoplasty, I was always dissatisfied with the appearance of my nose. But I was afraid of having surgery. When I found out about rhinoplasty, I decided to give it a try and I am more than happy with the results. My nose now looks more symmetrical and balanced. My confidence has increased tremendously and I couldn't be happier with the results! – Laura S.«

«I am amazed with the rhinoplasty. The procedure was quick and virtually painless. My nose looks incredibly natural and fits the proportions of my face perfectly. Best of all, I was able to go back to work the same day. I highly recommend it! – Charles M.«

“After years of feeling self-conscious about the shape of my nose, rhinoplasty provided me with a solution without the stress or recovery from surgery. The medical team was incredibly professional and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process. I am absolutely delighted with the results and only wish I had done it sooner. – Andrea P.«

Before and after Rhinomodelation

No special preparation is required for rhinoplasty. However, it is advisable to avoid medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bruising, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and other herbal supplements, for at least a week before the procedure.

On the day of treatment, make sure your skin is clean and free of makeup. The procedure itself usually takes less than an hour, and you can return to your daily routine immediately afterward.

Post Rhinomodelation, there may be some swelling and bruising after the procedure, but these usually subside within a few days. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after the procedure to minimize swelling.

Rhinomodeling price in Malaga

At this point, you must be thinking, “Sounds great, but how much is it going to cost me?” It's a valid question, and the answer varies depending on the specialist and the amount of filler needed to achieve your cosmetic goals. Although generally, rhinoplasty is significantly more affordable than traditional nose surgery.

The best doctors specialized in rhinoplasty treatments in Malaga

Frequently asked questions Rhinomodeling

What is rhinomodeling?

Rhinomodeling, also known as non-surgical nasal reshaping, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at changing the shape of the nose without the need for surgery. This treatment has become increasingly popular as a less invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty. Below I explain some key details:

  1. Procedure: Rhinosculpture typically involves the use of injectable dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, to alter and improve the shape of the nose. These fillers are applied to specific areas to correct irregularities, such as a nasal hump, uneven nasal bridge, or the tip of the nose.

  2. Advantages: One of the main advantages of rhinoplasty is that it does not require surgery, which means there are no cuts, scars or a long recovery period. The procedure is usually quick, often being completed in less than an hour, and the results are immediate.

  3. temporary results: Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty results are temporary, as the dermal fillers are eventually absorbed by the body. The duration of effects varies from patient to patient, but generally lasts between 6 to 18 months.

  4. Risks and limitations: Although it is less invasive, rhinomodeling is not without risks. Possible side effects include bruising, swelling, asymmetry, and in rare cases, complications with blood flow in the nose. Additionally, there are limitations to the changes that can be achieved compared to traditional surgery. For example, you cannot reduce the size of a large nose.

  5. Consultation with specialists: It is crucial that this procedure be performed by a qualified professional, such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, who has experience in rhinoplasty and knows facial anatomy in detail.

In summary, rhinomodeling is an option for those seeking an aesthetic improvement in the nose without undergoing a surgical procedure, although it is important to take into account its limitations and possible risks.

A good candidate for rhinomodeling, or non-surgical nasal reshaping, is someone who wants to improve the aesthetics of their nose without undergoing invasive surgery. However, not all people are ideal candidates for this procedure. Here I detail some characteristics that usually define a good candidate:

  1. Realistic Goals: The best candidates are those who have realistic expectations about what rhinoplasty can achieve. Since it is a non-surgical procedure, it can improve the appearance of the nose but has limitations compared to a surgical rhinoplasty.

  2. Mild to Moderate Aesthetic Problems: Rhinomodeling is best suited for people who want to make minor adjustments, such as smoothing a small nasal hump, elevating the tip of the nose, or correcting slight asymmetries. It is not suitable for significant structural changes.

  3. Good General Health: As with any cosmetic procedure, candidates should be in good general health and have no medical conditions that could complicate treatment or healing.

  4. Skin Not Excessively Thick: Individuals with very thick nasal skin may not see as defined results, as thick skin can hide some of the changes made by dermal fillers.

  5. Do not seek size reduction: Rhinomodeling cannot make a big nose look smaller. Actually, by adding volume, you can slightly increase the size of your nose.

  6. Patients Preferring a Non-Permanent Solution: Since the results of rhinoplasty are not permanent, it is ideal for those looking for a temporary solution or for those who want to test out what a modification might look like before considering surgical rhinoplasty.

  7. Patients Without History of Complicated Nasal Surgeries: Those who have not had previous complicated nasal surgeries are usually better candidates, since the nasal anatomy has not been significantly altered.

  8. Patients with Time to Recovery: Although recovery is generally quick, it is important to allow time for the healing process and for treatment of any possible side effects, such as bruising or swelling.

It is essential that anyone considering rhinoplasty consult with a qualified professional in aesthetic medicine or plastic surgery to evaluate their suitability for the procedure and discuss the possible results and risks.

The duration of the effects of rhinoplasty varies depending on several factors, but in general, the results usually last between 6 and 18 months. This time range can be influenced by:

  1. Type of Fillings Used: Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are commonly used in rhinomodeling. These fillers are gradually absorbed by the body over time. Some types of hyaluronic acid have greater durability than others.

  2. Patient Metabolism: Individual metabolism plays a big role in how quickly the body breaks down fillers. People with a faster metabolism may find that the effects of the treatment last less.

  3. Amount of Filler Injected: The amount of product used can also affect how long the results last. Less amount can be absorbed more quickly, while a larger amount can prolong the effects.

  4. Professional Technique: The technique and experience of the professional who performs rhinomodeling can influence the effectiveness and durability of the procedure.

  5. Patient Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors, such as sun exposure, smoking, and level of physical activity, can affect the longevity of results.

  6. Post-treatment care: Following the specialist's recommendations after treatment, such as avoiding intense sun exposure and wearing heavy glasses for a time, can help prolong the effects.

It is important to remember that, although rhinoplasty offers an aesthetic improvement, the results are not permanent. Patients can opt for periodic maintenance treatments to maintain the desired results. A consultation with a qualified professional can provide a better estimate of how long the effects can be expected to last specifically for each individual.

Rhinoplasty, although a non-surgical procedure and generally considered safe, carries certain risks and potential side effects, like any medical-aesthetic procedure. Some of these risks and side effects include:

  1. Bruises and Swelling: It is common to experience mild bruising and swelling at the injection site, which usually subsides within a few days.
  2. Redness and Sensitivity: Redness and tenderness may appear around the treated area, which is usually temporary.
  3. Asymmetry: There may be cases of asymmetrical results, where one side of the nose may appear different from the other. This may be due to the injection technique or uneven distribution of the filler.
  4. Allergic reactions: Although rare, some people may have allergic reactions to the fillers used.
  5. Infections: There is a small risk of infection at the injection site, although this is rare when the procedure is performed under sterile conditions.
  6. Tissue Necrosis: In very rare cases, if the filler blocks a blood vessel or is injected into a vessel, it can cause tissue necrosis (tissue death), which is a serious complication.
  7. Changes in Sensation: Some patients may experience temporary changes in sensation or tenderness in the treated area.
  8. Temporary Result: Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, the effects of rhinoplasty are temporary, meaning that maintenance procedures will be necessary to maintain the results.
  9. Dissatisfaction with Results: There is always the risk that the results do not meet the patient's expectations.

It is important that anyone considering undergoing rhinoplasty consult with a qualified and experienced professional. A specialist will be able to adequately assess the risks based on the individual characteristics and general health of the patient, and can also provide a clear view of what can reasonably be expected from the procedure. Additionally, following the professional's post-treatment care instructions helps minimize risks and ensure optimal recovery.

Rhinoplasty, being a non-surgical procedure that involves injections, is usually less painful than a surgical rhinoplasty, but the experience of pain or discomfort may vary from person to person. Here I explain some aspects related to the level of pain in rhinomodeling:

  1. Sensation During the Procedure: During rhinoplasty, patients may feel pressure or slight discomfort at the time of injection. However, the pain level is usually low and manageable for most people.

  2. Topical or Local Anesthesia: Topical or local anesthesia is often used to minimize discomfort. Numbing cream is applied to the area to be treated before the procedure, which helps numb the region and significantly reduces any painful sensations during the injections.

  3. Fillings with Anesthetic: Some dermal fillers contain lidocaine, an anesthetic, which helps reduce pain during and after the injection.

  4. Professional Technique: The technique and experience of the professional who performs rhinomodeling also play an important role in minimizing pain. An experienced specialist can ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible.

  5. Individual Sensitivity: Pain sensitivity varies among individuals. Some people may find the procedure almost painless, while others may experience more discomfort.

  6. After the Procedure: After rhinoplasty, there may be slight tenderness, swelling or bruising in the treated area, but this is usually mild and temporary.

In general, rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure with a low level of pain. However, it is important to discuss any concerns about pain or anxiety with your professional before the procedure so that additional steps can be taken to ensure your comfort.

The rhinoplasty procedure is relatively quick and recovery time is minimal, making it an attractive option for many patients seeking cosmetic improvements to the nose without the downtime associated with surgery. Below, I detail these aspects:

Procedure Duration

  1. Treatment Time: Rhinomodeling generally takes between 15 and 30 minutes. The exact time may vary depending on the complexity of the specific adjustments to be made.
  2. Initial Consultation: Before the procedure, there will be an initial consultation with the specialist, where the goals will be discussed and the treatment will be planned. This consultation may take additional time.

Recovery time

  1. Immediate Recovery: One of the benefits of rhinoplasty is that there is no significant recovery time. Most patients are able to resume normal activities almost immediately after the procedure.
  2. Post-Procedure Care: Although there is no long recovery time, certain precautions may be recommended during the first 24 to 48 hours after treatment, such as avoiding strenuous exercise, exposure to extreme heat (saunas, hot baths), and wearing heavy glasses that can put pressure on the nose.
  3. Minor Side Effects: It is common to experience some swelling, redness, or bruising in the treated area, but these effects are generally mild and resolve within a few days.
  4. Visible Results: Treatment results are usually visible immediately, although the final appearance may be better appreciated once any swelling or bruising has subsided.
  5. Evaluation of results: Some specialists may recommend a follow-up visit to evaluate the results once any initial swelling has subsided.
In short, rhinoplasty is a quick procedure with minimal recovery time, making it convenient for people with busy lifestyles or those who want to avoid the downtime of surgical procedures. It is important to follow the specialist's specific recommendations to ensure optimal recovery and satisfactory results.
Rhinomodeling cannot completely replace a surgical rhinoplasty, as both procedures have different objectives and results. However, rhinoplasty can be an alternative or complement to rhinoplasty in certain circumstances. Here I explain the key differences and when it can be a viable option:

Surgical Rhinoplasty

  • Structural Changes: Rhinoplasty can make significant and permanent changes to the structure of the nose, including reducing the size, changing the shape of the bridge or tip, and correcting deviations or breathing problems.
  • Invasive Procedure: It is a surgery that requires general anesthesia or sedation and is performed in an operating room.
  • Recovery time: Requires a longer recovery period, with visible bruising and swelling, and potentially a nasal bandage or splints for several weeks.
  • Permanent Results: Offers permanent changes in the appearance of the nose.


  • Aesthetic and Temporary Changes: Ideal for minor cosmetic adjustments, such as smoothing a small nasal hump, lifting the tip, or improving symmetry. You cannot reduce the size of your nose.
  • Non-Surgical Procedure: It uses injections of dermal fillers, is less invasive and does not require general anesthesia.
  • Fast recovery: Minimal downtime with some minor bruising or swelling that goes away quickly.
  • Temporary Results: The effects last between 6 and 18 months, and treatments must be repeated to maintain results.

Considerations for Election

  • Patient Expectations: The choice depends on the patient's expectations and objectives. If significant and permanent changes are sought, rhinoplasty is the right option. For minor adjustments without surgery, rhinoplasty may be an alternative.
  • Aversion to Surgery: Patients who prefer to avoid surgery due to concerns about anesthesia, recovery time, or surgical risks may opt for rhinoplasty.
  • Aesthetic Changes Test: Some patients choose rhinoplasty as a “trial” to see what the changes might look like before committing to permanent surgery.
In summary, although rhinoplasty cannot completely replace a surgical rhinoplasty, it is a valuable option for those seeking minor, temporary cosmetic improvements without the commitment or risks associated with surgery. The decision should be based on a careful evaluation of aesthetic goals, willingness to undergo a surgical procedure, and consultation with a qualified professional.

Choosing a qualified and experienced professional is crucial to ensuring successful and safe results in a rhinoplasty procedure. Here I detail several important factors to consider when selecting a professional for this treatment:

  1. Qualifications and Experience: Make sure the professional has the right qualifications. Ideally, this should be a dermatologist, a plastic surgeon, or a medical professional specializing in facial aesthetic procedures. Specific experience in rhinomodeling is essential.

  2. Reputation and Opinions: Investigate the reputation of the professional and the clinic. Reading reviews and testimonials from other patients can provide insight into their experiences and results.

  3. Initial Consultation: During an initial consultation, evaluate how the professional addresses your questions and concerns. A good professional should listen to your aesthetic goals, discuss realistic options, and clearly explain the procedure, including risks and benefits.

  4. Before and After Portfolio: Ask to see examples of previous work, specifically before and after photos of patients who have undergone rhinoplasty. This will give you a clear idea of ​​the skill and results you can expect.

  5. Clear Communication: Choose someone who makes you feel comfortable and who communicates clearly. They should be able to explain all stages of the procedure and answer all your questions satisfactorily.

  6. Custom Approach: Every nose is unique, and the professional should be able to offer a personalized approach that takes into account your specific facial structure and aesthetic goals.

  7. Facilities and Equipment: Consider the quality of the clinical facilities where the procedure will be performed. They must be clean, safe and well equipped.

  8. Security and Emergency Protocols: Make sure the professional has clear protocols to handle any complications or emergencies that may arise during the procedure.

  9. Post-Treatment Care: Find out about the type of follow-up and post-treatment care they offer. A good professional should be available to monitor your recovery and address any post-procedure concerns.

  10. Cost and Transparency: While cost is a factor to consider, it should not be the only criterion. A professional offering suspiciously low prices could be a red flag. Look for transparency in the pricing structure and avoid those who are unclear about total costs.

Choosing a qualified and experienced professional is a crucial step in your rhinoplasty journey, and taking the time to do thorough research can make a big difference in your results and overall experience.

The rhinosculpting procedure, which generally involves the use of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, has an important feature: it is reversible to a certain extent. This is due to the temporary and adjustable nature of the fillers used. Here I explain how:

  1. Temporary Nature of Fillings: Hyaluronic acid fillers are gradually absorbed by the body over time. This means that the effects of rhinoplasty are not permanent and will fade naturally after several months, usually between 6 and 18 months.

  2. Direct Reversibility: If the results of rhinoplasty are not satisfactory or if there is a complication, there is the possibility of reversing the effects of hyaluronic acid more quickly. This can be achieved by injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which quickly breaks down hyaluronic acid.

  3. Adjustments and Corrections: In some cases, if minor adjustments are required after the initial rhinoplasty, corrections can be made through additional injections or by using hyaluronidase to modify the results.

  4. Security Considerations: Although the ability to reverse the effects of treatment can offer an additional layer of safety and peace of mind, it is important to remember that any medical procedure, including hyaluronidase injection, should be performed by a qualified and experienced professional.

  5. Informed Decisions: If you are considering rhinoplasty, it is important to discuss your expectations, concerns, and reversibility options with the specialist before the procedure.

In summary, rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid fillers offers a level of flexibility and reversibility, making it an attractive option for those seeking aesthetic improvements without committing to the permanent changes of a surgical rhinoplasty. However, as with any medical procedure, it is crucial to choose a qualified professional to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

When it comes to finding the best rhinomodeling clinic near you, Aesophy Clinic It stands out as a leading option in the region. With a team of highly qualified experts dedicated to excellence in facial aesthetic procedures, Aesophy Clinic offers a personalized and sophisticated approach to rhinomodeling. Using the most advanced techniques and the highest quality dermal fillers, we strive to achieve natural, harmonious results that reflect your personal aesthetic goals.

Our reputation as the best clinic for rhinomodeling is based on the consistent satisfaction of our patients and our unmatched standards of care and professionalism.

En Aesophy Clinic, you will not only benefit from cutting-edge aesthetic treatment, but you will also receive comprehensive and personalized care in a welcoming and safe environment. For those looking to enhance their natural beauty with subtle but impactful results, Aesophy Clinic It is the undisputed choice in rhinomodeling.

Book Appointment Specialized Rhinomodeling Clinic in Malaga

Clinic No. 1 Rhinomodeling Treatments Malaga

Armengual de la Mota, 1
Malaga, Spain
Hours (Monday to Friday):
10.00 - 14.00 / 16.30 - 20.30

Best Rated Rhinomodeling Clinic Málaga

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